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How does one get out of a negative and unhealthy habit cycle?

I spend all my free time eating, gaming, and fapping without consciousness like some animal, only gain self-awareness after midnight when I'm too tired to do anything.
I know that tomorrow in the morning I will have forgotten this moment of clarity and just spend another day with destructive stuff.
just accept that you're a loser and will be for the rest of your life. you'll be happier.
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my melody panties and a Metallica t shirt
Find your “soother” to maintain bad habits / numb yourself to how shit your situation really is, and raw dog it and build up genuine concrete discipline.

my little gay story that relates what I’m saying to me, it will be different for everyone else i just wanted to give an example
i.e relative died unexpectedly who I was extremely close to, I got depressed and started vaping (cringe I know). I gained 50 lbs since last October when they passed. I realized after consciously deciding to quit nicotine that every time I felt sad, I’d want to hit the vape. It was my way to emotionally soothe myself. After quitting the nicotine longer I realized how disgusting my room had gotten, and how numb I became. But in quitting nicotine I overcame some of my problems I realized I was “avoiding” and had to rawdog genuinely feeling human emotions and letting it out, but it’s a necessary step imo. You get discipline by overcoming challenges infront for you. everything else is temporary. (Since July I’m down 15 lbs again, so +35 still from when I was /fit/)

Everyone had problems in their life, find what you’re using to run from yours / cope / ruin your discipline and confront it
sorry for bad grammar, i’m not ESL i just took a melatonin and didnt proofread before submitting
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I've been dealing with this for decades. You have to catch yourself when you are fucking up, limit the damages when you catch yourself, and don't chain fuck ups together.

I journal (half assed) and write at length about my desire to quit my vices (cigs, weed, videogames, porn). It does kind of stick and facilitates the whole limit damage, resist a few temptations, cave and start over but slightly better.

You also need something else to do. If you are sitting bored in front of your computer you are going to fall back into vice.
Can’t say I know either, but I very well could have written this post myself, it’s exactly how I describe it, down to the animal brain, small moments of clarity, and waking up tomorrow oblivious. I get it, it’s impossible to stay rational and resistant 16 hours a day, most people autopilot for 80-90% of their day, but when your autopilot’s been hacked by McDonald’s and League and Pornhub, you can’t trust it anymore. Only thing that seems to help me is to focus more on replacement than resistance, it’s very different to say “I’m not going to do this” to yourself repeatedly as temptation rises versus doing something else and putting your focus into that. Go eat a cup of almonds when you really want a burger and go distract yourself for 20 minutes, you’ll find that the hunger subsided enough to make a better decision more viable. As for porn and games, there’s really nothing for it other than doing something else that you can obsess over in time. It’s hard to pick up a real hobby when you’re so entrenched in slop but I think there is literally no other answer or solution, you just have to force yourself to do something enough that you pass the barrier of entry and know “how” to put time into something foreign. Once you do it even a handful of times some parts of it will start to become autopilotable, like basic guitar chords, case-statements in programming, or sketching. Don’t spend too much time on tutorials or books, what you crave is the interactivity and having something to do, so just commit to ignoring the autopilot for even like a month and you can correct it’s course, eventually being able to use it comfortably again but with the improvements you’ve made on your life.

This guy’s also right, for most people this shit is supposed to numb yourself, give a little reprieve to life and all, but life has to be experienced. You gotta get excited, you gotta accept the highs and lows.

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