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How the fuck do I even get this exact (EXACT) body type? It pisses me off that I'm 153lbs, 5 ft 9 and no matter what I do I just cannot make any progress beyond just generic skinnyfat.

I try to bulk, I feel like I'm getting fat
I try to cut, I feel like all I'm doing is ruining my face by killing off it's fat (I was 136lbs at one point and looked like a fucking skeleton, not like pic related)
I try to maintenance, NOTHING FUCKING HAPPENS

I would bet my kid's life you try each of those things for a month, get frustrated at the lack of result, proceed to do the exact opposite thing for a month, repeat.
stop eating plants
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eternal spinning wheels mode
>not disciplined enough to cut properly
>too afraid of getting fat to start bulking
>constantly wavering between half assed attempts at both
>look like shit forever
usually 2-3 months. It's hard to stay motivated when NOTHING SEEMS TO DO ANYTHING.

This is my main problem I have NO idea what the hell is working. This isn't like being 200lbs overweight and watching fat drop on a scale. A scale gives you direct feedback on "good job fatfuck you are losing weight!" by watching the number drop.

a cut a bulk a maintenance gives me fucking nothing to work to stay motivated. I would do the thing for 5,6,10 months, 1-2 years IF I KNEW IT WAS WORKING
How long have you been at it?
On carnivore you gain significant amounts of muscle while also getting shredded, your bodyfat disappearing, all without even needing to exercise
i have exact body, maybe bit leaner.
>half assed gymcelling over years, mostly off and sitting in front of pc. would get 1 month of gym membership and quit
>do half assed bodyweight exercises here and there but quit in couple weeks
>6 months of bridge ironworker crew
>same as above for good while
>get back to work for couple months, then switch to warehouse where i actually lifted 30kg on regular
>4 months of steelwork again
i never stuck to gym for more than month, had basement dwelling sesh inbetween my jobs for 4-6 months. yet i built it pretty passively. you will 100% get that body in 6-8 months if u actually try at gym
btw i only had 7 months of gym membership over years.
>same as above for good while
by this i means sitting on my ass
Why is the male body so unstimulating? It's so boxy and plain. I can't understand why women are turned on by it.
post body
>Is fat
>Wants to lose fat
>Refuses to lose fat
so why is it when I went to 136 I still looked like shit then? I'm 153 now. NOTHING FUCKING WORKS.
u have to gain weight first while working out to build some muscle. prob to like 170lbs

then you can lose 30 lbs and look like that

without god tier genetics you cant gain muscle without gaining fat. and if you just lose fat you got nothing to reveal so you just pretty much look the same. unless you got to like 100lbs and were auschiwtz mode
>u have to gain weight first while working out to build some muscle. prob to like 170lbs
you are asking to go from 153 to 170 with the intent to build muscle.

Simple question. How do I know it is effectively working? how do I know if the mix of what I'm eating, the workouts I'm doing, the rest I'm getting all combining together and actually giving results. I never see shit difference in the mirror so I assume it's just not working, lose motivation, and give up and go cut or do something else.

I need actual tangible growth progress to keep me motivated, HOW do i know it's working?? it's not stepping on a scale and seeing a number go down, this doesn't apply here. Fatsos have it easy they just measure progress by a number going down, this is not the same, how the hell can I know that things are progressing?
You either have extremely horrible genetics or your workout program is complete ass.

How long have you been working out and what is your routine?
Its a begginer lifter body and can be achieve in 6 months or less of lifting
Do something like aktins diet
Pretty much all meat, no carbs, little greens

You talked about your diet but also what routine and how long have you been lifting?
>I feel
>I feel
Bulking includes fat gain. Cutting includes lean tissue loss. Skinnyfats stay skinnyfats because they can't wrap their minds around this. You "feel" this and you "feel" that and that's enough for you to not commit to any path.
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personal experience, fuck dieting and do a serious 4-5 month bulk first, once you have some muscle they eat fat for breakfast, lunch and dinner
whatever you do, stick to it for a year. reassess then.
You sound like a 13yo girl. You need to either stop being a retard, or kys.
Cut fat, lift while doing so. Disregard your "feelings", keep going till you can see abs.
I'm kinda turned on by it as a dude not gay tho
Beautiful tummy :3
You like boy tummy, dont you?
Kek. You saw the /lgbt/ thread.
>I am sexually attracted to men
>I'm not gay though
Faggots like you should hang
so what do you do then, committing to a year of something isn't that simple unless it's the right something
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>Faggots like you should hang
bless you UwU
you need to get even thinner, simple as
bet BF is probably still around 20% at that weight

Found your problem.
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>iam skinny fat
>I try to bulk
>how do I become lean
It was working but you don't give a fuck. You skinnyfats look for any reason to quit.
this guy is roiding. i know he doesnt have a freak roided out body, but he's still a roid tranny.
look at the nipples, and the redness of the skin
Is this what you are looking for? I'm not at the level of your pic yet but I can tell you what I did so far
nice tummy :3
Don't be gay.
The boykisser meme is so retarded.
nice but you know whats wrong here anon... anyways gib routine
There is no secret routine. Pick around 20 lifts that you like that cover every muscle group and crush them in terms of progression. 18 hard sets performed per workout, four days a week, results in 72 hard sets per week. This is a reasonable starting point. You can evolve your volume slightly up or down based on needs, in-gym performance, current work capacity, recovery, and life demands.

For me, I had to do a 20lb cut before bulking became a reasonable idea. Because of that, many months were spent spinning my wheels with my lifts not increasing at all. But I don't regret that time because it had to be done, and I still used that time to learn what lifts I prefer and how to do them properly. Maybe you will wanna do the reverse order, but you have to accept that you will look like shit for a few months. Once that first bulk/cut cycle is done you will stop hating what you see in the mirror as much. After that I can't say much, because I'm only starting my first proper bulk.
I will add: at 5'9 153lbs I absolutely recommend you bulk.
Don't have such a soft and kissble tummy then UwU
Shaving my chest was a big mistake.
uh huh, and what about your backne lmao
nta, but it happens.
not if you exfoliate your back with soap and a brush on a stick.............

yah dirty bastards
It's to prevent gays and women from getting too close to me
exfoliate deez nutz
Well you see anon, when you stop eating goyslop with onions and sneed oils and eat bsed foods instead, you body's skeletal structure reconfigures itself to whatever mental image you have of the body that you want. Your shoulder bones snap, crack then reform themselves wider and ypur hips thin out as your testosterone makes you more alpha. You get taller and whiter too btw
I am neither gay, nor a woman and I want to be inside you ;)

what now?
Trip back on MWAHnon
If you are Kirkland Natural Peanut Butter (creamy), you can go inside me.
Would you devour me anon?
You are lying to yourself about how much effort you put in. I know this, we all know this, because we all do it and recognise it.
Post your body so we (I) can direct you a bit. You probably need to eat a slight surplus and train harder. How long and how often do you train for? What is your diet and sleep like? What's your routine? What sort of face do you do when you're on your last few reps?
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would you hold me still and sink your teeth into me anon?
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NTA but may I share my routine anyways and maybe get an advice?
I only have a bench, a barbell, an ez bar, 2 dumbbells, pullup bar and ~100kg of weights for everything. Will buy more when necessary.
Started working out last month. Before that I did pushups and pullups for a month. Was a 114kg(~250ish lbs) fat fuck, currently 78-79(172-174lbs). 177cm tall(5'10")
Day1: chest and biceps
>bench press 3x10, adding 2.5kg after every set
>incline bench 3x10
>chest flyes 3x10
>ez bar curls 3x10
>concentration curls 3x10
>hammer curls 3x10
day 2: back and triceps
>pullups 3xFailure
>deadlift 3x10
>barbell rows 3x10
>close grip bench press 3x10
>ez bar skullcrushers 3x10
>ez bar overhead extensions 3x10
day3: shoulders and legs
>OHP 3x10
>behind neck press 3x10
>arnold press 2x10, third with a bit lighter weight for 15 or more till failure, no more than 20
>don't have squat rack, can't maneuver more than 70-80kg without a risk of kms or get even more tired at least
>lunges 3x10
>bulgarian split squats 3x10
day4: arms
>barbell curls
>concentration curls
>hammer curls
>close grip bench
>single arm dumbbell exrensions
day 5: rest
then I start again

does this suck? too little rest? how can i devirsy the exercises i do with the equipment i currently have? can't get any machines, they're too huge for the space I have at home and expensive as shit
will get a squat rack these days
Have you tried lifting progressively heavier weights at low reps?
Post that cute lil butt of yours.
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kys faggot
Looks like a baby salamander
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how about a fluffy kitty instead? :3
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The hard way, uh
Please tell me you're at least supersetting all that junk volume and not spending 2 hours gymcelling almost every day.
>deadlifts 3x10
>6 different curls
Jfc why

You don't need to diversify, you're a new lifter. Just focus on the big lifts and train with intensity. 45 min workouts 3 or 4 days a week.

Power clean 5x3 (you don't have enough weight to deadlift)
OHP 3x5
Pullups 3xF
Rows / some accessory curls since you love them so much

Bench 3x5
Lunges or split squats 3x8 (since you don't have a squat rack)
Dips 3xF or some tri exercise if you've got nowhere to dip

Do that with intensity 3 or 4 days a week and you'll see the better gains with half the work. You can superset eg OHP with pullups to save time. But you prob won't listen so I dunno why I wasted my time typing this.
I would definitely die on day one of prison. Possibly over a candy bar or something. It's not even about the gravity of the aggression. It's a matter of principle.
Post body I will tell you what to do. My initial instinct is that you’re more fat than skinny fat. You gained 20lbs in 2 months? That’s all fat bro. If you lean bulked up from that 135 you would be able to see your muscles getting bigger.

You ask what your motivation should be - are your lifts going up? Those numbers increasing and you getting stronger is the motivation. If you pack on 20lbs and your lifts aren’t significantly increasing you’re bulking way too hard.

But post body and we will tell you what to do
If your weights are increasing then it's working.
Do you train till failure?
>Find your Tdee
Get a fitness tracker watch or something
>Eat 200cal above that
>Do cardio
>Lift heavy, high reps 3x12 minimum
>Increase the weight every time you hit 12 reps
>Weigh yourself weekly
Before you eat, after you pee/poop
>Aim for .5-1lb gain per week
You know it's working if you are able to lift heavier each week or every two weeks. The number on the scale should be increasing.

Do this until March. Yes, every day until March 1st, 2025. Then it will be time to cut.

Foods to eat:
>1g of protein per pound of bodyweight
Chicken, Turkey, Beef, Pork, Fish, Milk
>Good carbs
Fiber, vegetables, rice

>Unhealthy fats
Fried food, donuts, etc.
Candy, cookies, ice cream, etc
Empty calories, inhibits muscle synthesis, hangovers make training harder
I was thinking maybe I do too much unnecessary things.
Thank you anon, I'll try this.
okay one more question, how do I do this?
day 1 - A
day 2 - B
day 3 - rest
day 4 - A again
day 5 - B again
rest for one or two days?
Just cut. It's easier to get it back
Dawg this was posted on /lgbt/ yesterday and I jacked off to it and he was e whoring

Whatever works. As a new lifter your body will recover fast, and it's a very tight efficient workout, so yeah you can do ABxABx so you're hitting everything twice a week. But it doesn't matter that much, AxBx with cardio on offdays is good too.
Just be consistent, patient, and always train with intensity. Get in there, go hard, don't sit around in between sets forever. You'll get better results than the dyels aimlessly wandering around machines for three hours every day.
last 5 years of my life lol
Fuck off. When you were bulking, you "feel" you were gaining fat. When you were cutting, you "feel" like you were too skelly. I told you that this would happen but you won't commit to a plan of action. Idiots like you never do.
not that anon but yes, please tell us. In as much detail as possible I am in the same loop as OP
Thank you man.
Can I add skullcrushers and a bicep curl somewhere? I feel like my arms are tiny and if I do pure SS they'll fall even further behind and it depresses me
>but you won't commit to a plan of action. Idiots like you never do.
Because nothing fucking works, I commit if I know it's working. Fat loss is a fucking joke, you can see a number go down and it means it's working. Keep doing it. When you're skinnyfat you have no fucking idea what to do and how to measure progress anymore
Just eat well and exercise. Your diet is probably shit. And what is bulking anyway? Never heard of it. Never been fat. Very muscular. Mainly eat pork these days, grass fed beef started making me sick. Even prior though, my weight stays the same. You're probably like most modern people, being poisoned in ten billion different ways in everyday life.
That's a typical young man's 1-2 year lifting physique. You're fine, stay consistent. Lower your rep range and do low volume to failure if you want more solid muscle. It looks like soft sacroplasmic bloat from high rep bodybuilder bullshit.

I was about those same stats, tried every force-feeding diet but nothing worked except GOMAD. Even just half a gallon gave steady results. The extra calories you're taking in have to be protein it seems, or at least something your body sees value in or is getting so much of it can't ignore it. I swear just eating more food you end up just shitting it out partially digested, making all that work for nothing. Drinking your calories you suffer less and can take in so much that you retain more.
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I explained it here: >>75124613
Any more detail than that would be lying because I haven't been consistent at all. My programming has been all over the place, sleep has been shit up until three weeks ago and anyone with less brainfog than me can make double the progress I've made in half the time. You can do better than me
>When you're skinnyfat you have no fucking idea what to do and how to measure progress anymore

Reps and weight, if you can increase either after every week you are getting stronger. Just eat and lift faggot its that simple.
You're a fucking moron and not worth the time anymore. Keep spinning those wheels.
Retard just stick to it and stop zig-zagging like a faggot. BULK TAKES MONTHS. LIKE HALF A YEAR AT LEAST. Cut is MONTHS.

But really you ptobably eat too little protein and train like a pussy
Very nice.
its not hard at all, omad and do push ups.
Why even bother at that height
Same issue.

I'm 5'9 (lul), started out lean at 135 then pretty much just went between cutting and bulking for two years. I did not progress. Ultimately I ended up just being 145 @12%.

Resolving it by bulking for a year and just keeping at it. Currently 175 @20% body fat. The only thing I got from the past two years is great form. Added 50 lbs to my squat and added 2 inches to my calves lol.

OP. Just bulk for a year and lift heavy bro. The only metric you need is how high your SBD lifts go.
gay tummy sex

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