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>rip previous thread

>programming advice?
post s/b/d@bw+height

>The official pastebin (includes books and videos on various things like recovery, stretching, programs, band usage, etc)
>registered dots offenders list

previous thread:>>75105834
I hope to someday have that much bounce there
To use squat shoes or not? I see some elite powerlifters use them, others not . Is this related to quad vs posterior chain dominant? Or simply just preference?
If you have to ask, you're too weak for it to matter
sub 500 dots? stop posting
her boyfriend is black btw
Above 40 BMI? Stop eating.
Yes, my squat is weak and my worst lift (463 squat vs 600 sumo pull). I've tried wide, narrow, heels, no heels. Sometimes wide feels stronger, sometimes narrow heels does haha
Weird thing is that legit some days my high bar is Stronger than my low bar. Idk, I guess I should just stick to one squat technique even if it isn't the right one? I'll just keep using the heels them, the extra quad stimulus can't do Much harm, right?
You're taking advice from some 3pl8 squatter that just insulted you. Why?
Your squat isn't weak. Your sumo is inflated due to no ROM. The fact you think your sumo pull is some legitimate lift against which to compare other lifts is seriously retarded.
'Kay, try 250kg conventional ( I have long arms anyways).
Meh, I'm willing to hear y'all's opinions, even if its from sub2pl8 squatters like shaman, sub 400dots lifters, or trolling anons. It doesn't hurt hearing their 'opinion' anyways.
If you have issues hitting depth on your comp squat in flats / ankle mobility issues, use oly shoes. If you don't, you're probably better off doing comp squat with flats.
Can someone dear god please tell me who this chick is
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230 zercher dl. Failed to get past the horizontal back angle on 255 just before this.
Why do dyels always think that cutting ROM short somehow makes you able to lift like 50% more?
been at this 2 months and did 5x5 120lbs squat and 5x5 140 deadlift and I can kinda feel my knees all the time still after 4-5 days.

Is it possible my joints are behind for some reason or did I do something wrong? Do I remove weight or stop completely? Havent had pain but they felt a bit inflamed after that day
pls be female (girl)
im a 125lbs 5'6" boi
Love to see homogamous couples. None of that race-mixing degeneracy. Good for them.
Something so cute about girls' long hair and how it goes sometimes.
Why the FUCK Shane Hunt peaked in 2022?
Literally his best meet was in 2022 (1015kg total), He has gone downhill since. Am I missing something? Aside from Rumble which despite high standards and a stiff bar, he totaled 955. Still seems weird that he totalled 1015kg in 2022 at 3kg bw lighter. Did he get injured or something? Seems to be making a comeback like I said, thoughever. But no progress in 2 years? Idk…
I haven't progressed in 6 years, it do be like that sometimes.
I've never trained zerchers deadlift but that looks dangerous as fuck
nta but what if I like the +1.5" the weightlifting shoes give me because it makes me 6'0"?
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Soft lockout, no lift

I can definitely squat 2.5pl8 thank you very much, belt's in the mail. I'll be at 4pl8 by next crimbus.

If your high bar is stronger than low bar, definitely a sign you're quad dominant. A lot more knee extension in high bar vs. shartmornings.

Drive with your legs, I did a 1pl8 zercher dl today to get the weight off the ground for setting up zercher squats and it was a good experience.
>worst lift
Thats obviously your bench
>elbows start to hurt
>do SSB
>knees start to hurt
>do zerchers with shit form aka starting it with a good morning type rotation of hips around static bar
>nothing hurts, quads are swollen
Ok ppl who think atg squats are good for quads are retards. Half squats are where it's at.
>do zerchers
>pinch nerves and arms go numb
Theres no winning with squats just stop doing them.
Maybe grow some meat on your forearms and biceps!!! Idiot!!!
Is there any other point of this memelift but snapping your shit ?
You will remember my words once you start doing them for reps
I did them for rm and then 4x12. But I'll probably go for 10x5 because it's hard for me to go hard on squats for high reps.
Ok but with like 4pl8s for reps
It's true. If you can't accept it as true you're a ROMhacker who has deluded himself..
>clearly something like 420 on the bar
gym shartman dumb enough to thing this is real post
But for real though, I did my best to get good at squats for years, they never felt right, and they snapped my elbows in the end.
And I was always strong and was able to deadlift a ton but I could never pistol squat for example.
Bunch of squat skipping sissies in here lately
Just stop squatting you will be happier
New hobby time.
Try to get a burlap Rock Collecting Bag, they are more durable.

This general is full of fat fucks and ROMhacking ontological, self-deluding faggots. A rare, rare subpopulation of this general is somehow both.
anybody take ZMA here? did your dreams suddenly get really gay when you started taking it? does it wear off?
This tbqf and I say this as a 175 lb lanklet. Saw on Reddit and openpowerlifting.com it’s mostly women and manlets. Participation trophies if you will.
Can you "bulk" on clen? Im wondering if i can eat at slight surplus or at least maintanance and still lose fat when on clen?
I have excreted Norman khan
any program recommendations for bench and squat twice a week? just hit 1/2/3/4 so im still at very beginner level
Republican or Democrat?
>tfw 1 cm off 6' with oly shoes
Think anyone will notice?
4 day Texas Method or Smolov.
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Baby learns to leg drive, take 2
>samespic’in this hard
europoopean :(
>give tranny attention
>it starts posting 10 lifts a day
Remember what you did. I'll never forgive you.
better than no lifts at all (3.4 and gym charmin)
>complaining about liftposting
go post in a hair loss thread instead faggot
>unironically defending trannies
Is anon mad about his mom, or that I'm choosing to suppress my test and keep lifting anyways because I enjoy it?
I understand the estrogen you're supplementing your body with is destroying your ability to utilize logic, so this one is for free. It's not about your degeneracy. It's about people's reactions to your degeneracy indicating a degradation of social norms, and is reflective of pure faggotry in this general.
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Wiped his ass and discarded it in one of these.
is that what they're supposed to look like or are you doing them wrong?
It’s the same writing style lol. You wouldn’t have replied if it weren’t true, you’d just brush it off
lowbar sharts are just pissing me off constantly, I can't figure out how to keep tightness with a wider stance, it seems random. I try keeping knees out but then I kind of just drop without any bounce or tension and my knees have a little weird feeling. Should I be instantly thinking about bending over and "armpits to knees" as I squat or should I be thinking about trying to keep as upright as I can (with the bar over mid foot obviously)?
Stop trying to cheat. Squat high bar.
He off the henny and the perc rn bro
Im in my 30s and way too scared to squat fuck powerliftig
Some of the strongest people are in their 30s. Time to quit being a bitch
Everyone on my gym is going into the testosterone testing meme. All the fatter guys (who are still strong as fuck) are reporting abysmal numbers, with one guy dangerously close to double digits.
I guess the whole "fat is a gains goblin" thing is true?
The second strongest guy in my gym is in his 50s.
No shit.
Bodyweight 173 lbs (78 kg)
Bench 5 singles, 245 lbs (111 kg)
OHP 5x3, 137 lbs (62 kg)
Dips 5x10, 173+35 lbs (94kg)
French Press 5x10-12, 80 lbs (36 kg)
Got like 4 hours of sleep on Sunday.
Why do you mention your bodyweight each time you post?
Dunno how I should feel about OHP. It's pretty humbling and shows that most of my bench progress is from my pecs getting bigger/stronger while my tris/delts aren't getting much stronger.
Should I be doing OHP instead of tricep isolations as a way of overloading my tris or should I instead stick to doing dumbbell shoulder press for volume.
Why don't you?
Yeah anon
This very new thing is destroying the fabric of society and definitely isn't thousands of years old or overshadowed by significantly more pressing matters like wealth inequality, homelessness, healthcare...
You wanna post lifts? Or perhaps talk about lifting?
Requesting a form check, if you will.
I am underweight compared to most trips here and I’m 6’1.
I think try pulling your elbows forward. It looks like your upper back isn't braced and the bar drifts out in front of you as a result
>talk about lifting
He said it's not about your degeneracy. At least your reasoning is xx
>Bench 5 singles, 245 lbs (111 kg)
First set was @8. What should I open with when I test my bench in 4 weeks?
Anon, I...
Not until 2033 at the possible soonest
omfg what a retard in the vid, his lower back will be unusable in his 50s+
Did you froze your sperm before transitioning do that they could inseminate your wife and get her pregnant so you both can have kids 'cause you chopped off your balls?
Cue driving your back into the bar

Like your first attempt? Generally @7.5-8 is where you want to be.

His low back is completely neutral, I'm not getting the issue
I think my form is good. It's pretty much the only way to do a heavy zercher dl.
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Borderline crippled anon back with another ego lift . Isley still here? He hated me posting these.
>Accidentally high box
>Loose single ply suit
>Shitty wraps
>light reverse bands
1,125lbs top I think. 18 reds, 2 blues, and I think this transformer bar is 45lbs. One day I'll have monolift access but till then this is how I'm building my squat.
>insert some reason why this won't work
Tyler Butcher set the new ATWR in single ply and does shit loads of Hatfield squats and plenty of other high and top level lifters use these as a builder as well.
>What does it weigh at the bottom
Idk but I've done 1003 with no band to just the box and the blue bumper and this was significantly harder
>Whats ur max real squat
Like 135 of course. Definitely less than (You)
Lmao wtf is that like 600kg?
Careful with setting the handles so high on the rack, don't want to dislocate your shoulder (yes it does happen)
>he squats my bodyweight so I can give (((unsolicited))) advice
Ok i finally get it i finally see the truth. When you flex your lats they go forward so when you bench press and your elbows are pushing into your lats flexing them right as you're about to press lets you catapult your arms. I finally understand what they meant by using your lats during bench press
cmon thats more like blobby and franks weight combined
Give your body time to rest between sets and between work/lifting days
Eat enough
Sleep enough
You will get there
510kg I think
I believe it. I feel weird using low spots though, I have to be as close to vertical torso as possible and this helps me not fold forward. Low handles I feel inclined to lean more and that's a huge no no for my spine now :(
I suck ass at lifting, people can advise me if they want lol.
Dont listen to this dyel 8A4D8
>How dare you try to be helpful, I'm just gonna shit post about you being fat instead
Start with empty bar and work you way up. That way you will learn proper form.
help yourself to some fork put downs
Ah yes, quality posts ONLY in my /plg/. Not shit posts allowed.
You know the max was good when the drop off sets barely move.
We're either gonna adopt or use someone else's
My bloodline is cursed and should be allowed to end
Rampant autism and a rare bleeding disorder caused likely by inbreeding a few centuries back
personal life of gays
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Pretty Lifting "Girlies"
Based self awareness. Now do the one where you don't go anywhere near children.
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>How dare you try to be helpful
Thx I just coomed to her OF
Based projection. Now do the one where you post lifts
Pretty little girls
How does it work that whenever i do rows i feel my entire upper back burning but when i do pulldowns i dont feel jack shit?
Portly Languid Piggies
Increase your bench and it'll eventually go up :)
It literally wont
140 close grip larsen press with pause
65kg ohp
What was your bench press starting point when you first did 65 kg ohp?
Like 90-100 wide grip with no pause
How bad is your ohp form then? Have a video? Or you're just not trying hard enough.
Bench feeling good lads.
Thanks I'll open with 245 lbs. It was about @7.5-8 on the first set.
I'm doing it just as a gym PR testing not an actual meet.
By training it and by doing lots of tricep and deltoid volume
I am training ohp every upper day same as bench, i dont have a single ohp video because the weight is so pathetic
>My bloodline is cursed and should be allowed to end
bitch ass attitude
you don't KNOW what your son will be, you owe him a chance.
he's terrible? you owe the world to unleash him upon it.

simple as.
Something is definitely wrong with my shoulder and nothing is working to fix it
There's like 400k kids in the foster system that need support
Or someone else's not cursed sperm can have a good shot, too
Foster kids are generally retarded but if you use a sperm doner, prepare for a chad son who’s kind of weird and a dick.
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Hey guys remember when this happened.
Never forget.
135x5 for 3 sets 140x4 for one set. Road to 170 Push press

FS fives at 170, 175, 175, 180, 185. Next week would like to do 2 sets at 185 and 3 sets of five at 190
>kills a poojeet
>kills simon
>kills the sharedrive
>kills pets
is nothing safe?
Pls be kgs
>don't want to burden child
>still force him to deal with having a freak father that all his classmates will bully him for
So close to being self-aware.
suicide by adopted child
Nothing wrong with splitting a gym session into morning and night right? I’m just so gassed after heavy compounds that it works best for me to lift heavy in the morning then do bodybuilder fluff in the afternoons
Which is it, anon? You just REE'd that society being more accepting of me is the problem, so won't my kid exist in an even more accepting time?
Where lifting tho?
Unrelated but I have incline treadmill ahead of me as I continue to cut weight
231lbs -> 220lbs at the start of the 4th week
I do that sometimes when I have to during work calls. Figure it's better than not doing it at all.
you think your day time gym bro and night time bro aren't going to find out? slippery slope
at least use two different gyms and sets of clothes
? They're still not white though. Why would you care if non-whites fuck other non-whites? That has nothing to do with you. Or are you a ching chang chong or something, trying to LARP like you're white? You're not. You're scum.
>implying almost anyone here should have kids
excuse me SAAAR. but we only wear dress shirts, jeans and thong sandals to lift
Not my problem.
Sure if you have nothing better to do in your life. Im sure oly lifters train like that as well.
>Why would you care if non-whites fuck other non-whites
so long as they don't reproduce
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So the funny thing about children is that they don't conform to social standards like that. No matter the ""utopia"" your child WILL be heavily bullied and it will all be because of you. To not give them a traumatizing childhood the only option is simply not having children.
To be this innocent again. I need to see her asshole while she spreads her cheeks open.
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>t. knower
He squatted more than your total, and yet you want to give him advice? What the actual fuck is your problem?
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Wake up anon, its time for webm spam!
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Nta, but racemixing is no bueno.
>tlaw is the only one not obese
Excellent work anon, now go set a bench pr.
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don't you know that the posters in this thread is about knowledge and experience? it does not matter who is the strongest, fat or twinkmode
Lol you're retarded, a word of warning is not the same thing as saying that he needs to fix his form.
You're here for my entertainment piggy. Don't you ever forget it either. Next time, wait at least three minutes before seething. Reply if mad.
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Pretty happy with how everything went all things considered. I know i couldve done better but in the context of everyone elses performances i still wouldve got 3rd overall
Well, at least the estrogen has made you start to think like a woman. When your kid is suicidal because ze's getting bullied because of YOU, remember this interaction. Maybe you two can kill yourselves together in shame.
Only two people in this general are not obese, and I'm one of them. :^)
who's the other?
no, your made up character doesn't count
im only looking at her tits
I'm sorry you were bullied because you mom was ugly anon
That shit must hurt
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>hiding in plain sight
spot em got em
Children don't really pay attention to that. They do however notice and single out the kid with a father who tries to dress as a woman. If you don't want your child to suffer the hate and prejudice you're getting, then don't have children. If you don't care, then you have no heart.
doesn't this hurt the crook in your arm?
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>I am not 5'7
>I am not 70kg
>I am not Indian
>Repeating this myth does not make it true
I literally look like a taller version of my biological mother, and the hormones are still cooking
Me and any future kids will be fine
If I did 3x5x100kg, what am I doing for 3x2? 110kg?
Forgot to mention, it's bench.
Never benched above 2pl8 so unracking +10kg for a double is scary.
Why do you guys come on /plg/? For me it's the shit posts, trans panic, and pearl clutching.
>Hey, do you think you're strong? Watch me put on my squat suit (I might need some help), squat shoes, belt, wraps, squat hat, and squat headphones. Then, I'll perform SSB high-box squat singles at 24 inches. I'll also loop these monster bands around the top to help lift it. Are you getting scared yet?
Look, I don't care about how you dress and I've never even made a post complaining about you, but when you involve children I have to speak out. Nobody, and I mean nobody, confuses you for a woman. Even the people that treat you like one. Hormones don't change your frame. Your child's classmates will bully him for this without doubt. Please at least take the prejudice they'll experience into account before you force that life upon them.
>my kid comes home from pre-k
>what did you do today
>made mother's day gifts
>oh, can't wait to see
>yea, but rafael was sad today
>zoe asked him which mom he was going to give his gift to
Directed by: 60 year old out of touch boomer
it happend four months ago
>my frame
Lmao anon
This general has called me kleinfelters for YEARS
I do have some cosmetic stuff to deal with surgically, but my frame ain't one of em. I have a an biacromial breadth below average for a cisgender woman, and my mom's literal chola hips.
Take your own prejudice and move along, or god forbid, post a fucking lift lol
for me, it's the step dad rape and assault of my brother while I do nothing about it
Oh I forgot anons making shit up. That's also a great reason.
.. do you genuinely believe you are passing and that people don't immediately identify you as male when they see you from behind?
The only people who misgender me IRL are my in-laws who have always hated me
I literally work with women and haven't even had an issue in the locker room. Turns our reality and the opinions of randos on 4chan are wildly separate
shaman was right again
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Yes, he does. Everything else is transphobic bigotry. Once he received a tiny bit of validation, he started spamming the general with his retarded "lifts" (excuses to dance and do god knows what else). You can even see him samefagging. And, on cue, his biggest support is Robert, the other self-admitted homosexual who sucks cocks and went on dates with, can you guess it? Trannies. Robert, the fat fuck defending the tranny has literally dated trannies. Which, going full circle:
You get what you fucking deserve. Maybe you saw it as a joke. Who knows. What I know is that creature didn't. Then again it's entirely possible Robert, with his multiple identity disorder was anonflooding the tranny with compliments. Either way the end result is the same. This general is fucking pathetic, and is reaching new lows.
>Reply under a minute
"You replied too fast!!!!

>Reply over a minute

There is no pleasing you
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For all the ego lifters and newbies out there:
>if you aren’t injured
>if you aren’t old
>if you aren’t lifting insanely heavy shit that the human body is not designed to lift such as a 400lb+ bench or 600lb+ squat
Stop using all the knee braces, wrist wraps, belts, etc. it’s weak faggot shit. If you can’t get the weight into the starting position on your own or need to be a gear queer to lift it then it’s too heavy for you and your joints/tendons/small muscle groups are too weak for that weight. You’ll get stronger without being a cheating bitch AND will avoid tons of injuries
NTA but I've worked part time with kids at ages 6-12 as a teacher's assistant (read: tard wrangler) and they will pick out on everything
>why is the teacher is taller than you?
I'm 5'11" and that teacher was 6'5"+
>why are you so strong?
the boys want to hang off your arms and do pull-ups with you etc., the girls want to get lifted up into the air and also start using you as a climbing implement
>long hair? that's for girls

these are current year gen alpha kids and I am a very plain looking guy, you think they aren't going to pick out and make a deal about the FtM dad/mom?
>Doesn't deny writing
>it's the step dad rape and assault of my brother while I do nothing about it
The delusion of insane people sure are funny.
This post is wrong. No I will not elaborate. I just know you're dyel.

I obviously didn't write it, retard.
>part time with kids at ages 6-12 as a teacher's assistant
No offense bro but I’m not going to be taking any life lessons from a daycare worker.
You may reply but only if you are angry.
>I literally work with women and haven't even had an issue in the locker room
You mean the biological sex programmed to be pro social, passive, accommodating two-faced bitches who will talk about you behind your back? Those are the ones not "clocking" you to your face? Stellar observation, retard.

Men identify you as the male you are. The only men attracted to you are self-admitted faggots like bobby. Kids will also identify you as a male, and since kids have no filter you better believe they'll bully your kid for having a father who acts like a woman.
Next person below this line is angry:
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Whatever helps you cope gear queer. I laugh at you faggots needing someone to help get your 20lb dumbells in starting position for shoulder press while I get my 100lb ones in position by myself.
grabbing a double reply if angry
I bench your total, retard
You've spent an awful lot of time obsessing over me and not posting lifts
Please tell me you're at least stronger than I am
Otherwise this goes from sad to pathetic
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this thread is absolutely terrible

except for these lift-posting kings

streaming log from rack in a bit, hitting 270-300 or so, over and over until I can reliably do TWO reps in comp and WIN next time
Fuck. Got me
fugg I wasn't malding and red faced enough, 96 beat me to it
Next time you come equipped or not at all.
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>Please tell me you're at least stronger than I am
Obviously. With what remaining gray matter you have left in your brain, determine the minimum body mass I would require to be weaker than you, then evaluate the height and whether such values are realistic. Hint: they're not.
Okay, but like I said, that's people being polite. You understand that people who support trans rights will not call out a trans person when they're not passing, right? They can see that you want to identify as female and show respect by staying quiet. I did the same thing in this thread up until you started wanting to involve children. I think you should be whoever you want to be, but you also need to stay realistic. And yes, a lot of the women in the locker room do feel VERY uncomfortable when you're there even when they don't say anything.

There is a reason why people online all call you out for it. It's not because they have some special kind of nose to sniff it out. You can make a thread and have dozens of outer /fit/ posters show you that they know. Or maybe ask /lgbt/ whether you pass?
You sound like gym shaman
Where's your lifts anon?
>He doesn't know
Lmao. And don't ever confuse me for that weakling again.
You can theorize about your lifts all day
Surely it can't be that challenging for your exceedingly big brain to work ffmpeg for one little webm, right anon?
Now I know how to hurt you, tranny
Someone post lifts or something.
>asking 4chan literally anything about appearance
>asking /lgbt/ literally anything
Anon, you might need meds
Webm in-progress from rows today
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it's time
but filming is stupid
Also live but I doubt anyone will join me. Just some bench work today since I'm still wrecked from comp
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>Lmao. And don't ever confuse me for that weakling again.
I'm seriously considering paying Matt Vena a decent chunk of cash to make me a custom 12 week program
Update your memes.
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daddle doo pig
>I am not 5'7
>I am not 70kg
>I am not Indian
Repeating this myth does not make it true.
Feel free to post wrist or if you are angry, simply RIA.
Stop fucking calling me Indian.
Imitation is the sincerest form of flattery the mediocrity can pay to greatness
Your concessions, copes and copying have been collected above.
heres an instant reply.
>no timestamp
>no vid
>no bod
confirmed indian
You're right, why ask people who can speak honestly when you can rely on the reactions of people irl that would never tell a trans person that they're not passing?
my experience proves that I am infact not Indian
>4chan as a healthy measurement of human interaction
>the birthplace of incels and q-anon
go back to /pol/, they won't even ask you to post lifts there
Yeah he tried this last time and you can tell this is actually what cut him.
>except for these lift-posting kings
it's subtle
>4chan is for unhealthy people
>I browse 4chan
>I'm totally a normie despite being trans
>I'm not unhealthy like you transphobic bigots
>Anyway post lifts so I can jerk my femdick
I'm in that screencap xD
You're also free to post it on Reddit or any transforum, really. You just need to ask people who can speak honestly. Why would your coworker just randomly tell you that you look like a man and sour your relationship? Why would they hurt your feelings when they support trans rights? It's such a weird argument to use. People know that you are transgender and it baffles me that you didn't know; you seemed to be somewhat self-aware at least.
3.4 ended when I reached a 3.5x deadlift.
>Self aware
You can't seriously be this naive. He wants a kid, and will teach the kid at a young age how normal and okay it is to be trans.
him getting outed as indian was the beginning of the end
don't forget, he has a thing for authentic thailand ladyboys
this makes blobert seethe as he doesn't have the money to get one himself, thus a rivalry was born
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Leave me out of this. Suck my cock and fuck off.
>relying on the reactions of people irl that would never tell a jeet that they're not passing as a bong
Nobody has ever called me a jeet to my face. Ergo, I am not a jeet.
You've made a whole lot of assumptions there
I'm not under the illusion I pass 100% of the time. Cisgender women keep finding themselves being transvestigated these days. We literally just had a shitshow in the Olympics over it.
But what I am aware of is that thismshitmis a process. Me being mad early on that I didn't instantly become a model would be like someone getting mad they don't have abs after their first workout. I am 18 months into hormones that will continue to make changes for 3-5 more years, and the other stuff I have issue with is dealt with surgically.
But for most people it goes hair, clothing, makeup. After that is shit like height, hips, etc
More to the point though is that Seen couldn't get me to fuck off with my old YouTube video posting and he put way more effort in than your bland malding
Okay training session today. Somewhat detrained on bench but it'll come back at some point, especially now that I'll be benching 6 days a week again.
i thought it was wiener length
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>You just need to ask people who can speak honestly. Why would your coworker just randomly tell you that you look like a shitskin and sour your relationship? Why would they hurt your feelings when they support immigration rights? It's such a weird argument to use. People know that you are a streetshitter and it baffles me that you didn't know; you seemed to be somewhat self-aware at least
>Cisgender women
you can just say women
>I'm not under the illusion I pass 100% of the time.
Correct if you mean 0% of the time.
>But for most people it goes hair, clothing, makeup
If that was the case people would pass with a wig and some clothes, yet 99% of crossdressers get clocked just fine. In reality those things only show the world what you identify as. Physical features such as frames and jawlines will always give it away.
I am not malding. I have a kind heart and hoped that you'd look into bullying of children with LGBT parents. Plenty of literature on the topic out there. Sadly you seem to be too egocentric to care about the wellbeing of your potential child.
Yeah, I'm not trying to insult you, so it's very matter of fact.
I went from typical 2-3x freq lift oriented programming to 1x powerbuilding yeet everything but the main lift to failure for 8+ sets and I have DOMS in my entire posterior chain from traps and rear delts down to hamstrings, feels gud
you let two trannies post and the whole general goes to shit
Who is the second?
At least the resident one posts lifts
Concern trolling is tired.
>who is the second
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>Strongman Comp Webms
What ever happened to the canuck, Renenigger?
He left because this place sucks outside of the occasional lifts posted.
Don't engage.
Simple as.
also does mma nowadays
I never work traps directly, that shit is gay
Rich coming from you.
His words, not mine. Though he's not wrong. Threads go as follows

>Tranny posts
>REEEEEs heard for the rest of the thread, even when only lifts are posted by 200lbs1year

>Reply if angry

>Yeah I deadlift 3.5x bw, no I will not post any proof of me lifting or that I'm not indian, 5'7 or 70 kg

>How red is your face?????

>You replied quickly, this is.... Le bad


>Various other baits and shitposts designed to detract from actual lifting content
figgy does it better
If you can't tell I'm not Indian from the pictures I've posted, that's your problem.
You fat
Fatty lol
lol that shut his faggot ball-less ass up
Notice how all the shitposters felt the need to reply to me after getting called out.

>[...] But call them a shitposter and see how they recoil, etc etc
tried powerlifting a decade ago but realized its not for me because i am too stupid to do it safely so no point wish i could
Hey can the tranny please post under a name/tripcode so that I can filter it and all the anons who reply to it

Wore a belt (that’s probably way too big for me haha, it’s my fat friend’s and it’s still too big on the smallest hole) for volume deadlifts (lmao3pl8 3x8) and today while jogging my abs were on fire for the first two miles. Coincidence or did the combo of belt + “high” rep deadlifts really work my abs?
>Wore a belt
You’re Indian. You don’t really have an argument lol. Just post wrist if you aren’t, it’s that easy.
[ ] Calm and collected
[X] Mad, fat and red in the face
is there more leniency with rules in the ipf for diversity lifters, how does this count as elbow depth, ive been looking at a lot of the lifts from the last tournaments and ive noticed that the judges seem to be much easier on enforcing bad lifts with certain demographics, lift in question should never pass elbow depth rulings https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=utEgua5TLzY
Maybe I'll try powerlifting again in my 30s despite having bad back from working and just being a dumbass I don't mind failing one more time
You sure it's not just SHW lenience due to fat impeding ROM? Squat is similar I think.
>I need an exemption from the rules, xir... I am too fat
Lmfao can't make this shit up
>The code is more what you'd call 'guidelines' than actual rules.
Holy shit lmao
>school year starts
>charmin posts become less frequent
summer is over :(
what did hiroshimoot mean by this?
Or just filter all the slurs you use and it'll just be me posting lifts and you won't see all the unrelated shit people spam
Trips are for totals, and I haven't earned one
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ok ranjeet
Lol. That kid was watching every set up to this, I think he thought I would need a spot.
Squat suit
>I can put this suit on as easily as a pair of jeans
Squat shoes
>I wear cheap ghetto walmart shoes actually
>Ya, luv me belt
>Ya, luv me wraps
Squat hat
>Ya, luv me hat
Squat headphones
>Ya, luv me headfones
24 inches
>If I go any lower my dick touches the floor :(
Monster bands
>Got me there partner
what a fucking joke. i hate this sport.
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to be honest I called you a king earlier but that's actually total clownery desu
Again, this is because of retarded subjective rules. None of this would happen with video equipment used to calculate the Force times the distance from bottom to lockout during lift. Use momentum, ROMhacking or whatever other cheat you want. Only way this gets abused is if you pay off a judge to lie about what the equipment said
I honestly think that simply requiring people the self unrack their own bench Presses will fix a lot of the comp ROM bench controversy. It does make sense, like why can a spotter help you unrack it? It just allows for crazy arches with wide grips.
bagged em
>He says while holding gigantic clown nose
Honestly trans people should get mercy killings at this point. It’s genuinely depressing seeing someone who is so hopelessly insane.
revisited rules to make PL great again
>no bench hand-offs
>squat rack is pulled away after un-rack, no spotters, stand up or die lmao
inadvertently prevents fatsits (thanks for teaching me this word xir) as you have to be more upright in order to bail
>deadlift gets rebranded deathlift, you perform the fucking lift with a shred or dignity or face the consequence of death
only one referee with a loaded gun must be present at all times to ward of s*mo shitters

white lights/red lights? nah, good lift or no lift gets decided by mob rule at the meet
snap city soon
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>good lift or no lift gets decided by mob rule at the meet
With no hand-offs are you still allowed to unrack ass-up?
>Thinks self-unracking will change anything
Reminder that I've self-unracked almost 600 lbs with a max grip and big arch using a magnum ram. Would change fuck all desu, maybe for the most egregious equipment that already requires you train with multiple people like band shirts.
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Reminder that a horse fucker is better than you
been gone for a couple of hours.
qrd on why they/them always think about Bobby?
>They're still not white though. Why would you care
It's called not being racist.
He was a nice simple boy. Hope he is kicking ass in something
This basically happened with nino at thr olympics
>why yes intermediate-san, it's time for your bi-weekly urge to program hop
I need to powersuck her titties
>trips are for totals
I thought tripcodes were for people who impressed figgy with one good lift at or above a certain weight and bodyweight ratio.
Tripcodes are for cows to signify they're ready to be milked
You just need to ask people who can speak honestly. Why would your coworker just randomly tell you that you look like a dyel and sour your relationship? Why would they hurt your feelings when they support lighter weight classes? It's such a weird argument to use. People know that you are small and it baffles me that you didn't know; you seemed to be somewhat self-aware at least
I gotta do Rips The Press today. If I understand correctly you're using your quads and abs to turn your body into flat spring that throws the bar up assisting your shoulders? I don't feel all that springy when I try it and I can't figure out how to time it. I do better when I just think about throwing it straight up without bending my legs. Thoughts and advice? I'll post a video of how it goes.
What program are you doing?
t. recovering program hopper
Now we know he weakness.
You just need to ask people who can speak honestly. Why would your coworker just randomly tell you that you look like morbidly obese and sour your relationship? Why would they hurt your feelings when they support being lean? It's such a weird argument to use. People know that you are obese and it baffles me that you didn't know; you seemed to be somewhat self-aware at least
What do people who actually lift like >>75128461 or >>75126542 or >>75126295
think about heel raised trap bar deadlift? My shoulders and elbows AND knees are fucked now so everything but zerchers or trap bar are out of the question.
The first fatty you tagged does trap bar deadlifts. Sometimes even walks with it. I do it too. But not in heels.
I do enough for ass and hams if we're talking regular trap bar, but I need some quad shit that's easy on my knees that I can just do to failure without bothering with le technique.


You are uniranically mentally ill

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