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Just got diagnosed with Klinefelters is it over for me? What do I do???
Signs and symptoms may include:
-Low sperm count or no sperm
-Small testicles and penis
-Low sex drive
-Taller than average height
-Weak bones
-Decreased facial and body hair
-Less muscular compared with other men
-Enlarged breast tissue
-Increased belly fat

Doesn't look too good. Get your T checked, probably need to hop on TRT and hope for the best. May just be fucked.
Welcome to the club,
Support groups on Wednesday.
What can you expect?
Never getting laid and a lifetime of suicidal ideation

Literally the worst thing you can be diagnosed with if you want to build muscle and have a good physique as a male. If you're gay I would just transition life will be a lot better for you
I will never understand the female public hair pattern on this pic.
Whats a female pubic hair pattern? Dont women have happy trails often?
Yeah, I mean, unless it's groomed, men and women have identical public hair as far as I've seen.
it's your sign to troon out anon
Op here

Would cutting even salvage this?
And no— won’t troon out
Go to your doctor and ask for test
this how much ur test levels? u look sknnny fat. also it's not as bad for you from that picture.. you look like regular skinnyfat, show full pic. maybe got misdiagnosed.
I want to know if I have this but all symptoms are basically just being skinny fat
Roid/GH maxx
If you got wide hips i'd be worried tbqh
I know a guy with Klinefelters and he takes an insane amount of test to basically look normal.
He's also gay, which makes you gay as well.
blast gear or troon out
>is it over for me?
It never started anon. Enjoy your female pubes.
you ever considered taking test? If I was in your situation that's what I'd do even if it shortened my lifespan significantly.
My best friend has Klinefelters, he looked exactly like pic rel (never seen him buck naked though, that's kinda gay.)
He started managing his diet, weight lifting, etc. a few years ago. Probably <15% bf now and looks like a completely normal tall male. Idk about his test situation.
I imagine Klinfelters is only really an issue if it comes with very low test, and you're overweight/obese. Both of these are solvable. Small weiner doesn't matter much, since if you get are in a situation where a woman sees your weiner, chances are, you're getting laid anyway.
What even is female type pubic hair? Like there's no vagina to match the pattern.
Why does the specimen has duck feet? Are they also included in the package?
that's not even him, that's schizo pear anon, and he actually had a cute girlfriend in the past
They're kinda wide, not anywhere >>75122164 like this but around shoulder width (I have narrow shoulders). I am going to ask my endocrinologist to see if I can get a testosterone test.
fuck i might have this, i have wide hips but i also have wide shoulders, no chest or facial hair
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Take the trap pill and start making serious cash.
Well you're probably tall at least. Unironically you're better off than a healthy 5'6" manlet. Just get on a high dose of TRT and be consistent in the gym for 2 years and you'll be a slayer brah
literally just take testosterone now you can get a prescription for it

this is a blessing in disguise op… the government will pay for your gear
I know a guy with Klinefelters too and he managed to turn things around pretty good by doing what you said. he used to play vidya, drink beer and eat garbage all day. years ago he cut out the booze, cleaned up his diet and lifts 4 days a week now and looking at him you would not guess he even has Klinefelters, genuinely looks better than the average man
Yeah I wouldn't recommend the troonpill general, but if you're a literal genetic aberration and dead end, make as well make the best of it.
that pic is female type male type is diamond shaped because you got a happy trail.
i can't tell cause of the fucked up position nigga, send a proper fucking picture
Diagnosis comes from a literal genetic karyotype from a sample of his cells showing an extra x chromosome in plain view… I’m pretty sure anon didn’t get misdiagnosed
>female pubic hair pattern
OP post bush right fucking now
How do you even get diagnosed. Any time I've talked to a doctor about klinefelters, test levels, etc they just ignore me.
Why are they ignoring you? That is important.

Also, you can reach out to an endocrinologist or possibly pay out of pocket for a genetic karyotype yourself.

Another option is to go to a fertility clinic. Men with klinefelters are usually infertile or have extremely low sperm count. If you have proof of that, you can definitely get a referral for a karyotype.
Can someone please tell me if I have it? I think I might.
>Low sperm count or no sperm
>Small testicles and penis
5cm testis and 7~ inch penis
>Low sex drive
Not really, but I'm still 19 it may just be that I'm young.
>Taller than average height
Taller than my brother and father by quite a bit
>Weak bones
Never broken anything but I'm quite injury prone in sports
>Decreased facial and body hair
I have significantly less facial hair and overall body hair than my father and brother
>Less muscular compared with other men
No, I'm more muscular than pretty much all my extended family members even ones that lift weights.
>Enlarged breast tissue
I have a slight amount of Gyno
>Increased belly fat
I store almost no belly fat.

I'd like to add that I have pretty wide hips/fatter legs, but so does my brother (to a lesser extent) so I don't know if it's genetic or not
Nobody can diagnose you for a genetic disorder on the internet you little retard. You would need a chromosomal array done. Diagnosis is not done by eye balling it. You probably don’t have it.
>Why are they ignoring you? That is important.
My doctor just sucks so I'll have to find another one. He jumped at the opportunity to give me xanax after I made some off hand comment about being nervous about a new job.

>Also, you can reach out to an endocrinologist or possibly pay out of pocket for a genetic karyotype yourself.
I'll probably have to do this, but my insurance is ass.
I have something similar, same symptoms but different causes. You basically on lifetime TRT.
You forgot to mention that you have a form of mental retardation.

Also, because over 99% of men with Klinefelter’s are infertile, hypothetically you could just take a fertility test if you’re trying to rule it out. There are plenty of options of just buying one on Amazon and doing it at home. You jerk off into a cup.

If you’re not infertile you don’t have Klinefelter’s — you just have a bad body and low test.
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>gender confirmation surgery
How in the fuck do you guys know the size of your testicles
>fertility test
Good idea anon, now I can test this without bothering my doctor
>What do I do?
TRT/roid! Should be self-evident bro
i thought i had klinefelters after browsing this board over a year ago because my penis never grew and i was 18 years old, went to doc and my testosterone was 250, normal FSH and LH normal karyotype but upon taking testosterone my penis grew significantly for the first time ever. and on the phone with my mother a few weeks ago she told me my dads penis never grew either. its all a mystery to me and it still bothers me considerably
Never heard of Klinefelters until today, thanks OP
>Female-type public hair pattern
What does even mean
Cope Incel it’s me
The worst part seems like the hips desu fucking hard to be able to look anywhere decent as a man with child bearing hips
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>Check almost every single box excluding height and maybe testicular atrophy and long limbs
Bros...I wanted to be strong, I don't want to end up being a fucked up midget.
If you’re not tall you don’t have it
men have diamond shaped pubes women have upside down triangle
KEK so you just fat?
Nothing (including hrt) can really salvage your vessel.
I guess you could kys for a reroll.
I haven’t posted body, but yeah you probably are just fat buddy >>75130292
cope, he could transition
>tall asian build
>encouraging suicide
Kys troon
Fuck, chill out dude, shit.
It was just a joke.
Drink less Monster and loosen your corset; you'll feel better.
According to this board, swimming makes women look like men due to how it develops upper body musculature (especially shoulders).
If you are a half-woman wanting to look like a man, you thus have to to take the swimming pill.
Good luck anon and don’t KYS
I have diagnosed klinefelters. Found out when I was 16. It doesn't really affect me much aside from not having a lot of body hair. Last year I got my T tested by an endocrinologist. I forget all the exact numbers but I qualified for TRT and I've been on that since. Having a regular level of test is amazing, and it is now my firm belief that anyone who has a normal level of testosterone (most men) and isn't succeeding is a giant faggot. I look at my fat friends and think that their testosterone is wasted on them lol. Anyway just hop on TRT if you can and you'll be fine. Even if you can't you'll probably be OK, I still had a pretty normal life before TRT- degree, job, gf, all the normie stuff. Now I just look and feel better on top of that.
>>encouraging suicide
>Troons encourage suicide
>>Kys troon
>>troon can’t into greentext
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Am I a fat endomorph or do I have klinefelter's?
>tall height
youre just obese
I think I have this but I have normal hips
>mfw 187cm
My pubic hair looks like right (and OP). Is left actually what most guys look like or is that an exaggeration?
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>Tall and resistant to hair loss
Silver lining
just troon out anon
>5cm testis and 7~ inch penis
You don't have it.
Mentioned that in the last thread where it came up.
Everyone who has it has tiny nuts, below 35mm
not an exaggeration. my ex said i have osama bin ladens beard on my balls. when i shave my balls i have to hit my upper thighs and up to my belly button to make it look consistent.
Your face is THAT chubby? You could drink more water and do cardio or just stop eating every other day. I might actually recommend fasting to get all that extra weight off
I never considered that, thanks
you're just low test
Steroids immediately
Females look like that because they have wide frame in the shoulders. That's what allows them to be better than their peers in swimming. It's their frame.
You look skinny fat, just a little test and you will be fine.
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Okay, guys, listen to me. This is the first time I've heard of this thread - fucked up how some things match up. First of all, I'm tall, 6'6. Secondly, I have very little vegetation on my chest, just a few hairs. Third I have fairly long legs, but I wouldn't say they are disproportionate to my body. Sex drive and dick are normal. I took a testosterone test a year ago and it was 29.85 nmol/l, whatever that means.

What should I do? What to check for on this topic? The thing that scared me the most was the infertility topic. I am 23 and picril this is just for reference how my body looked 3 years ago, now I don't work out so I have a little fat, but in general everything is the same.
>shortened my lifespan significantly.
think you just have gyno bro, you don't need klinefelters to get that and it's extremely common, all it takes is a mild hormonal imbalance during puberty to get stuck with it for life.
lack of facial hair and being tall are obviously common on their own and not really useful by themselves for diagnosing klinefelters
hit the gym and if you actually have kline then roid
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not klinefelter's just skinnyfat, happy trail and also facial hair, potential gyno though
not klinefelter's just fat, you're literally covered in body hair bro
not klinefelter's just baby face (no cure, sorry)
not klinefelter's just hairless, if that's free test then that's actually above the normal range
potential klinefelter, happy trail a bit unusual though

ofc only a gene test can tell for sure but you niggas need to chill out with the health paranoia, pic rel is what an actual documented klinefelter looks like. complete lack of body/facial hair, no sign of a happy trail, easily visible gyno (not fat, gyno is hard and distinct to the touch and results in puffy dark nips), wide hips that start from the midsection downwards

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