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Why is everyone saying that time under tension doesnt matter for building muscle all of the sudden?
Because nobody wanna lift no heavy ass weights.
it doesn't
my sets take long enough without having to artifically slow myself down.
the research says it's pointless so i'm gonna use that an excuse to save 30 mins in my workout
turns out heavy weights and going to failure causes alot of tension, Mike was right
Because it's the flavour of the month. It's like how we constantly cycle between brosplit, push/pull/legs, and full body every couple of years
Because new lifters come, read the sticky and think they know everything about lifting
Slow eccentrics and loaded stretch are the new meta
it's half right, slow concentric is sub optimal but slow eccentric is the most important part of the lift
Because it's not worth it compared to any other aspect. Even rep tempo just kind of slows down as failure proximity increases. The only time tot is used in more cardio focused HIT programs for the elderly and obese because it's safer than traditional forms of cardio for them and can get their ffmi back up.
Where's my 2-0-1-0 tempo-bros at?
It's almost all about mechanical tension + doing that for enough volume, which isn't much at all when the mechanical tension is high. So what it really comes down to is the total time under tension for the entire training session for a particular muscle.
So hypothetically for the sake of simplicity, if 1 set which lasts about 30 seconds gives you a good growth stimulus, you could also do 3 slightly easier sets which only take 10 seconds & you'd get to the same place. The reason why I say slightly easier is because a set to failure which takes 10 seconds is way more than 1/3 as stimulative as a set to failure which takes 30 seconds.
for me, its push/pull and legs split across.
no I dont have a body.
Explain HOW time under tension builds muscle. If it's dependent on time under tension, why not just stand there holding heavy weight and grow everything?
Because they are retarded.
A dude who does 5x5 with 20lbs under tension (assuming rule of 3 seconds) is going to be more muscular than a dude who does 5x5 25lbs swingling wildly.
The hinge is where the majority of your power is built, negating the hinge pretty much means you didn't even do the exercise.
See kipping pullups vs one second pause pullup at full extension.
Instead of thinking in reps, think how much time does it take to tire the muscle.
10 reps or 30 seconds of tension.
wasnt it known that some of the biggest body builders use tiny baby weights and then work out at glacial speed?
for me its every muscle until everything aches, I only feel pain running through every fiber in my body and I hear my ancestors calling my name, telling me to meet them. But I ignore them so I can do it again in two days.
Because time under tension is a meme. If time was the important variable, then you would just choose a weight that you can perform sets that last for a minute. Or fuck it why not 3 minutes or 5 minutes? Its obviously not about time under tension.

What you are thinking of is maybe mechanical tension. And that hasnt gone anywhere. Mechanical tension is absolutely the one and only thing that causes muscle growth. Nothing else does. And would you know it, its the most logical and obvious phenomena. Select a weight thats heavy enough you cant do it for 100 reps but also not so heavy that you cant do more than 1 or 2 proper reps.

So you find the balance of a weight being heavy enough to do 6-30 reps depending on exercise. 30 is pushing it, but not too bad for something like rear delts. And 30 is too many for idk, bench press but 6 is not. Its almost like it makes perfect logical sense or something. Wow, crazy how that works.
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time under tentacles
Didn't you just side step the "time under tension" term with "mechanical tension"?
Doing 8 proper reps with less weight and longer time under tension would yield better results than just jerking it with improper form? Why not increase that metric for most yield?
Time of exercise or rep range aside, 8 reps of some super duper ego lifting weight and 8 reps of lower weight that isolates the muscle and targets it is better, no? Aside that I do assume time under tension maxximizing is sort of like isometrics, mike mentzer himself said that static hold is stronger than concentric and eccentric is stronger than static hold, so if you really want to go further into failure have a gymbro get you into negative rep so you can get more stimulus....

Don't know, sounds logical to me just from isolation and targeting side that TUT works.
Stretch mediated hyperthrophy is literally what you described

There are countless scientific studies showing that just holding the weight in position where muscle is most stretched yields the same results if not better than plainly moving it
top kek
>why do they all say this all of a sudden
because turns out gaining muscles and lifting itsnt really that fucking hard. you move big objects regulary -> your muscles grow. Thats all there is to it. Problem is you could wrap that information up in a single youtube video but they want money so they have to upload regulary about a subject that has pretty much stayed the same since ancient times so they have to come up with pseudo science bullshit and big headlines for troglodytes like you to click. Fitness is a business and you are the retard who thinks he needs a 40€ shaker with his 80€ whay his 120€gymshark leggings, his 80€ trickot a fucking belt, 160€ lifting shoes and dont forget the 240€ air pods because all of a sudden "you cant lift with cables". You are getting played like a fiddle.
I ego bench press but the isolated biceps curls with long and slow stretches with low weights fuck me up like nothing else.
My gut feeling alone makes me feel its right.
>Doing 8 proper reps with less weight and longer time under tension would yield better results than just jerking it with improper form?
no, u just did u shitty singles, time under tension is measured at less than second during every rep then it RESETS no such thing as total time under tension
>isolated biceps curls
only thing u isolate in bicep curls is bicep elbow tendon lol, and maybe front delt - tut on biceps is ZERO however strict u are doing them
>time under tension doesnt
u can't begin about talking about time under tension without isolating the muscle (head) in question
and u can't isolate muscle until it's muscle fibers aren't straight between atachment points

so everybody just agreed time under tension is duration of the set because meeting the required conditions would mean they need to THINK and learn some human ANATOMY god forbid lol

no u are not getting any time under tension with ur shitty set of whatever, it's just buch of shitty singles, u don't even get time under tension in the entire duration of your shit single within ur shitty set

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