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I honestly don’t get the pleasure of eating junk food like I use to. after I’ve been eating clean on a weekly basis obviously you get less addicted to it but still, junk food is suppose to be insanely delicious. Yet 15 mins after I eat it there’s still a void. I’m better off making this shit at home rather than buying it. Just spent $50 on a new Chinese place I decided to try and the food wasn’t even good. I’m only going to eat frozen pizza and brownies when it comes to buying junk food the rest is bullshit not even worth it.
just eat an egg faggot
Frozen pizza and brownies have even worse ingredients than chinese food, so you're actually making a worse move.
Here's a thought: treat your body with exclusively good food then save the maltreatment for when you do drugs and can properly enjoy yourself
I feel you bro, there’s like a switch point for lifting where you don’t care about the slop anymore and just want to eat healthy food
When you learn how to cook nutritious and healthy food and get unused to junk, then go back to it, you realize how disgusting and bad it tastes. Only reason to eat it is if you're in the run short of time, if you're hungover or drunk or something and you just need some slop to get by or if you're an absolute fatass that has been addicted to it since childhood and never learnt to cook nor did his parents.
>even worse
Imagine using that cat like an onahole
You sure disproved him
It isn't just you adapting to better food. Food quality itself has been compromised. Years ago, your local place would prepare their own vegetables. Now, everything you eat is bought from a wholesaler, and a lot of what was previously fresh is was instead bought frozen. On top of this every processed food supplied by that wholesaler has been cut with additives to extend their supply and the product's shelf life.

It is becoming really hard to find takeout that is actually worth buying because this all makes for extremely bland food. Even jamming everything full of salt and sugar can't mask the lack of taste that comes from food that's come from this sort of supply chain.
>spending $50 on a place you've never tried
its modern day goyslop thats shit. indians making my mcdonalds always fuck it up

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