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I'm going to start this thread for a third time. What are some fit approved sleep medications I can get on the deep web, and what are their drawbacks? Medications that I'd like to get redpilled on are GHB and ambien. I already know a lot about ambien and have some experience, but I know nothing about GHB. I really want to get redpilled on GHB. Does it harm your strength like ambien does? GABAergic drugs in general tend to make you weaker when you lift.
Watch more Sailor Moon and you'll get better sleep, nigga. You are cursed to bad sleep because you said in the other thread that you'd only watched like one episode.
Alright. I'm downloading a torrent right now. 01-46.
How about you try normal shit first like a warm glass of milk or no screens an hour before bed, instead of buying drugs off the internet you absolute junkie.
>like a warm glass of milk
I avoid drinking anything several hours before going to bed.
>no screens an hour before bed
This doesn't make any difference for me. I only have occasional issues when my anxiety is a bit too high.
>instead of buying drugs off the internet you absolute junkie.
I have plenty of experience with different substances for insomnia. I already know damn well that you cannot rely on medications everyday, and that you will simply just gain tolerance to them and develop a dependence on them if taken daily. I also want to stay really far away from benzos.
Get a grounding bed-sheet.
It freakin works man.
Also magnesium bisglycinate
>grounding bed-sheet
This is retard-tier shit. By what mechanism would this work? If you actually do answer this, it's going to be a textbook schizo explanation.
Charge flow on your skin
Electricity is just a form of chemistry and chemistry is good for you, unless it's bad
>GABAergic drugs

Fuck with them and you will open a portal to hell.
i don't eat close to bedtime.
well i try not to.
I've already gone through benzo withdrawal. It was hell. I also didn't realize how stupid they were making me during the day, even though I was only taking them at night. They completely fried my brain without me realizing. I really don't want to fuck with benzos again. Ambien can fuck with you in multiple ways. I took 10mg of dark net ambien several months ago, and I ended up sleeping for 25 hours straight. Turns out, I drank half a bottle of whiskey directly from the bottle in front of my dad, but I ended up sobering up by the time I woke up. I also remember lighting some paracord rope on fire and lighting some candles before blacking out. I also vaguely remember waking up in the middle of the night to some being on top of me. I felt pretty comfy and I wasn't scared at all, but it was weird. I thought it could've been a sleep paralysis demon, but when people see those, they usually get terrified, so it might have been something else. Scary shit. I've gotten a bit more open to trying it again, but this time, I would stick with just 5mg. Still not sure if I should try fucking with it again. I'm pretty sure that dark net ambien was the real shit, since I've taken it in the past, but I'm also aware that there do exist differences between name-brand and generic drugs. The stuff I took years ago was name-brand ambien that was prescribed to me. I never had a bad experience with it. The first time I took 10mg, after gaining a bit of tolerance from having taken 5mg for a while, I just ended up getting some comfy psychedelic visuals, like drifting, and when I went to bed, I felt super comfy and felt like comfy aliens were going to contact me. Another time, I had some comfy fun hallucinations of my computer screen and the surroundings. At some point, I started gaining tolerance, and the hallucinations largely stopped.

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