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/fit/ - Fitness

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It's the start of the week again, take a deep breath in, hold it and exhale

Were you thinking of giving up today? No you weren't. You made it through last week, you'll make it through this one as well

What are your goals for this week? What do you plan to achieve? List it all down.

Take a deep breath, hold it and exhale, move at your own pace

We're ALL gonna make it

The motivation thread is open
I won't fap this week, I promise anons.
Almost gave up, decided not to. WAGMI
Got bad sleep, but wont let it impact me. Ill still go and gym. I used to post so much depressing shit in these threads before and now im feeling so much better. Stopped drinking and smoking. Started taking care of myself, started achieving some goals. Feels nice. Thanks guys
Felt really bad. Took a few steps back. But Its a new week. I'm not going to watch porn, not going to masturbate. Not eating fast food. I'm going to work out. I'm going to church this week. I'm going on a hike in the woods. I'm eating eggs and beef.

I will win
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Making good progress on everything, I might not hit 405 before the end of the year however, it might be closer to the beginning of January but we’ll see. Also the only leg extension machine is broken so rehabbing my injury has been kinda difficult as of late.

Music creation is coming slower than I want but it’s progressively getting better and I'm not giving up.

Toughest day in my entire cycle (other than test day) is today. Winter is coming. Let’s get this shit, top o’ da morning, top o’ da morning.

Admirable tenacity. Truly the indomitable spirit possesses this thread.
Worst day in a long time. Can't see the light at the end of the tunnel, not sure if i can continue. Guess i gotta try.
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come give your fren a hug, you cute little frog
Congrats on your progress man, hope your injury heals up well.
Slept poorly and my back is aching. Got some leftover work that I need to finish ASAP, but my heads a bit too dizzy today.
I started writing down what I eat and how much I smoke, helps me keep it on my mind so I don't overindulge.
Going to be a hard week since I have a weekend trip planned with friends. Need to do 2 gym days and 3 cardio days, get at least mostly through a painting, and write 2 or 3 section for my short story.
My plan is to drop 2 lb/week for the next 28 weeks.
Wish me luck bros.
Just found out my wife is pregnant with our second.
Feels good anons.
We're all gonna make it.
Congratz! Hope the baby is healthy, and you deal with extra workload well and easy.
Sunrise workout bros. Feels so good.
Congrats big dawg
Good luck!
God I love frosty English winters, so comfy
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I’m continuing to apply for jobs, hopefully I’ll get a new one soon. I’ve done two interviews for a role that I want. I want to receive a couple more offers before I make a decision. I know my resume is under consideration at one of my dream companies, so I have to pray that they’ll show interest in me. This time I’ll make it. Best of luck frens! WAGMI!
Thanks anons
I haven't stopped smiling all day
I'm looking forward to the work
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I will research grad school this week.
I will complete all my lifts.
I won't fap.
im not sure there's a better feeling than your pic
Continuing to make progress in running as try to train for a half marathon. Also somehow managed to schedule a date with a girl that I thought would be out of my league. I havent actually tried talking to a girl since high school and I am absolutely shitting my pants. Have never been on a real date like this my whole life.
>grad school
i couldn't dream of a more pointless endeavour
Just to make more money, and unfortunately my field is filled with boomers who think that having a masters means something.
>be on fit for years
>Wanted to have sex with women
>Was lazy AF, didn't go to the gym
>Get redpilled down the line on women
>Now want to have sex with men
>Actually go to the gym with regularity
>Now I'm in the process of making gains
Thanks /fit/?
Years ago I was NEET. It was fun for a few years, I can't lie, but I couldn't sustain it permanently.

I eventually got into med school, am now a doctor. If you ever feel like there are days where it's pointless, that's alright. But do what you can, even if it's something small like making yourself something to eat or going to the gym. Even completing that CGDCT anime you've wanted to watch for a while. It adds up.

Even a marathon is one step at a time
Congrats on gay
Completing small goals until it's a habit. May be the only way forward. Worth a try anyway.
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Just make sure you're doing at least one thing you enjoy. My jobs is pretty shit and unrewarding at timesat times, but I make sure I do shit I enjoy when I get back home. So even my bad days end up going okay.

Even if that one enjoyable thing is shitposting.
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I WILL continue to cut calories and relish in the feeling of hunger

I WILL keep on top of this work project and see it through

I WILL publish a website and make 3 new articles

I WILL post on social media for the website instead of getting scared

I WILL go to all of my judo and BJJ classes

I WILL reorganize my living space so there's less clutter and less shit on the floor

and I WILL be happy
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I feel disgusting, I went out on Saturday and ended up doing speed and shrooms and then spent the entirety of Sunday in bed masturbating, I also started scrolling through old text messages from my ex-girlfriend and made myself upset
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You should NOT bother lifting
It will NOT make you attractive
Face and status ARE everything
It IS over
You will NOT make it

Why are you bothering?
You made some mistakes, everyone does. You’re on the right track now. Move forward so you don’t regret today. WAGMI!
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>Life is fucking boring
>went to the gym and did some sparring with guys
>Life is fun again for a while
>One of my fondest childhood memory was rough housing with my friends
>went back to my utterly boring daily grind with co-workers that get a little bit un-easy with a playful jab
If only construction fucking pay well in my country.
Sad but true. Boomers who never got masters degrees will nonetheless refuse to pay you enough money to live a decent life unless you get a masters degree. I wish i had known this many moons ago. Would have just gone straight from undergrad to grad.
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Loner shut in virgin 23 year old sad boy checking in again here.

I lift consistently because it was never that hard for me. Progress wasn’t linear but I’m closing in on my goal body. And I’m in school for a second bachelor’s that I’m easily keeping up with. Passively looking for work. And I’m drawing every day to improve. I still don’t see the point or the hope but I drag my feet and continue every day.

Here’s one fresh off the press:

If you are fat, life is much harder.
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I've walked 25 miles this month so far
Is your company paying for it at least in part?
Any scholarships?
Trying being a GA as many universities (at least where I live) will pay for a decent part of your tuition or whole thing if you do that
a moment of weakness does not undo the progress you've made
relaxing on a weekend does not undo the work done during the week
take the way you feel now and use it to fuel next week's progress, and to say no to the speed next time
Difficult when so many things become unenjoyable, but i get what you mean.
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>Just make sure you're doing at least one thing you enjoy.
That's the hardest part. The thing I used to enjoy are now not as fun as before. I am even fucking bored of old video game at this point
qt gf I've fallen in love with is having doubts bros, its gonna end, have a lump in my throat and a pit in my stomach

not sure the highs were worth this
I'm so sorry anon, I went through this earlier this summer so I know the feeling
they took away one of the power racks at the gym. now theres only 1. god damnit.
i decided to quit nicotine and threw my vape away but i still just want to dig it out for a coupla puffs.
make sure you complain, they might think nobody cares that it's gone.
you can be sure if a stairmaster disappeared there would be a dozen girls complaining and it'd come back.
ill be asking about it for sure, they may have just moved it for all i know. and in my experience complaining doesn't get you as far as comparing to a competitor though; and theres another gym literally right up the street.
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snorlax here
was on vacation last week, had fun, actually felt my gains because i was tossing my nephew around all week and fighting the ocean

fiancee is sick with rona but i either don't have it or it's not bothering me at all. spent the weekend taking care of her

pajeeta at work called me out on stupid bullshit she was wrong about. between that and a re-org being announced this week i've decided it's time to gtfo, we've been overran by indians and it's never going to get better.

writing my best man speech this week for a wedding next week

also gonna be cardiofagging it up for a halfmarathon in november.
I work for the gov't and they'll forgive my loans if I make enough payments. I've been making payments for years on my undergrad while being a civil servant, so my loans will be forgiven at the end of the day.
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>I, 32, got to fuck a 49 year old with a perfect body all weekend because I have a nice body and made her laugh
>absolute freak in the bed, best sex I've ever had even though I've slept with 20 women between the ages of 19-35

2 years ago this would've never happened. I've crossed pretty much everything on my sexual bucket list in the span of 18 months.

Thanks for being my therapist and mentor, /fit/
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Good Morning /MIS/ bros, Lets get it.

Goals for the week:
>get sleep back in order
>Eat well
>watch movies with the boys
>Abs every gym day
>Write as much as possible

Anyone have advice re career swaps? I am nearing my wits end with my current job and am kind of lost as to what the right direction to go in is. All of my true goals seem nebulous and out of reach for a couple years, but Im feeling like I need to switch out of the useless wfh shit Im doing before it removes my ability to feel empathy. Its really a golden handcuffs type situation where the job is basically better than anything I could hope to get without going back to school, but also killing me slowly.

Hell yeah, good luck CFAnon

nice good luck on the half marathon, thats a good goal.


Post good pics boys WAGMI
Lost two lbs last week and I’m gonna lose three this week. Cut is gonna be life changing. I’ve alternated between skinny aide of skinny fat to outright fat but I have never once seen my own abs. I’m finally going to make it happen this time.
Cuddling with a girl you love feels so good bros.

I can't believe I was so touch staved for over three decades. She licked my neck over and over again and I started shaking like a bitch. It's heaven and hope you all can experience it someday.
I don't think I'm gonna make it, bros. I fulfilled all my goals and in the end there's nothing. At this point I just wanna be left alone so I can drink myself to death in peace.
Happy for (you)
you ARE going to make it :)
what sorts of doubts?
One step back is ok, just get back into it. Also delete all of your old ex gf texts, the past is dead, make peace with it and focus on the present and future. Godspeed anon.
Praying for you anon. I'm not gonna jack it either this week! and im gonna keep following my diet! WAGMI!!!
If she is having doubts then you don't wanna be with her anyways. It will set you free to find one who does. You will feel better in time if it ends. Just continue to go to the gym, you lift right?
I swear to god if by the time I get home my gf hasn't done the dishes I'm gonna beat her ass up. Idgaf if I ruin my fucking life for it I'm way out of patience.
Don’t throw your life away over something as stupid as washing dishes. If she hasn’t done the task, explain to her why you’re upset
I've done enough explaining. Wife beating should be legal. Words don't work on lazy cunts.
If she did them I'm gonna break up anyways. Fuck women.
i don't have any particular advice but i wanted to say good luck and take care anon.
im feeling great the sun really helps
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NTA but you have an anger problem, you chose to be with her. Beating someone weaker than you is pathetic.

Imagine ending a relationship because of some dishes, what the fuck man.
It's not just some dishes. You clearly have never lived with someone. It's not doing shit and expecting your partner to do everything and never contributing for months. It's me doing everything all the time like I'm some nigger slave. I'm done with this shit.
I chose to be with her and sure I regret it but it's on her for fraud. We made agreements she completely disregarded eventually, and that means I wasted 3 years of my life in a relationship with someone who at one point decided to no longer give a fuck. I don't have an anger problem, she deserves to be made a message of. Women need to learn respect and this is how men have taught them since the beginning of time until like what 50 years ago? And in the west only. This is wrong. Beating women is right.
On day 8 of no booze now. Went to a bar with a friend last night, we always go on sundays, and got a sprite. Didnt feel weird or even tempted.
May have gotten overzealous with lifting though, the left outside of my left elbow hurts when I do a curling motion, without a weight. Hoping it goes away in a few days. It's at its worst when I first wake up, only day 2 of it tho
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Making my own probiotic yoghurt while doing a sleep study at the hospital.
Making Lactobassilus Reuteri, but I'll also make L Gassirus, Casei Shirota, and B Coagulans later.

If this doesn't fix me I might just quit.
I mean it genuinely. GI and sleepissues have ruined my life.
If you’re that angry, kick her out by the end of the month
I started training again, even if it's only in my college room without any weights.
Body still looks good, but I've lost muscle mass and I can see it, and I'm weak as fuck.
I really hope I can access the campus gym asap, I want to get back to my previous numbers.
I also want to apply for a judo class, I did it as a child and the itch to get back was getting stronger the last couple of years.
There are also a lot of things going on in my life right now, not bad things, but things nonetheless, I hope I'll be able to do everything I want to do without too much hassle.
Wish me luck bros
Good luck buddy
Fuck the end of the month I might kill her before that this shit ends now
>out of the useless wfh shit Im doing before it removes my ability to feel empathy
i know these feels. I'm working product management right now and 80% of the company is offshore Indians. I would literally murder all of them if given the opportunity.
re: career swaps...find someone who you worked with at current company and moved on, try to catch on with them.
Yes I've lived with a lot of different people and I actually talk to people or just leave if things do work like an adult.
>Beating women is right.
No it's not, just leave her if she doesn't respect you it's that simple. Do no put all the blame on her, just because you're frustrated. If you want respect earn it like a man, beating someone will not make them respect you only fear you.

Just end the relationship, set yourself free.
I want to go to the gym for every workout this week
Keep going.
You can do it
36 weeks until my friends get married. My goal is 175lbs and 12%bf by the time the wedding comes around.

Starting Weight: 155 lbs, 16.8%bf
Current Weight: 155 lbs, 17.4%bf

Week 3. The long DOMs which plagued me in the first 2 weeks are definitely starting to subdue. I managed 2 workouts in a week for the first time, and I'm starting to work out which times of the day/week work best for my routine. I'm having to travel a bit more for work this week, however I've made sure to book myself into hotels which have access to a health suite. I'm waiting for a more accurate scale to arrive as well, as the numbers coming out of the ne I currently have are a bit inaccurate
My dog is very sick and I'm waiting on the test results but the vet told me to prepare for the worst. I'm to appreciate this time I have with him but the uncertainty is killing me.
How old and what breed. Im sorry anon.
He's a vizsla and he turned 7 last week.
I’m sorry that his time is limited. Please cherish whatever time you have left with him. Remind yourself that he loves you and thinks you are amazing :)
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Been out of the gym since August 31st and have changed my routine to 5/3/1 BBB. After my work out I went on my run and it felt like absolute shit. I've been eating junk, getting terrible sleep and taking poor care of myself. Even though I felt like shit it felt amazing to get my body moving again.
One must.
Sorry to hear that, man.
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Holy fuck guys it’s so over, I was pumping gas today and there was this mediocre Latina milf on the pump next to me, so I had the brilliant thought of catcalling her as I drove away for a cheap thrill but when I did it I could barely raise my voice above a whisper as I stammered out “n-nice ass” and I barely even heard myself. No wonder I wound up a friendless Hikkikomori incel at my age
>picrel is me trying to do anything that requires standing up to someone else
>What are your goals for this week? What do you plan to achieve? List it all down.
Feeling better than expected after a lifting contest over the weekend. Planning to hit a normal training week for the first time in a long time, between contest prep and travel. Need to stay feeling good in order to squat/bend down and draw for several hours at my town's annual street art festival Saturday.
Job anon updating again:
Less sore. It’s only been my 4th shift, and had the 3 day weekend to recover. But I am already getting sore. I’m sure this will wane. Had a good day, didn’t have to go to the shitty store.
Met my teammate finally. Old man who’s wife has been in hospice. He made me feel like a bitch, the ease he had doing some of this shit all the ending and crouching and standing up then back down then up again, spending hours in a crouched position or kneeling. Made me want to work harder. I realize he’s been doing this for decades while I’ve been a NEET foot 2 years and out of shape a little longer. It’ll come to me.

One store fuck bros the women there… the chicks working the store hot as hell, half are college aged. The women in management are around 30, thick as hell.
The customers for some reason there’s a ton of latinas, I guess because the store has a large South American section larger than normal stores have. But they’re so hot I almost can’t stand it, idk how inappropriate it would be but I was thinking when I’ve lost the weight and begin looking good again I may try to meet some women at some of my stores, workers and customers. Only because I don’t work for the stores I’m part of a separate company so there’s no real risk as long as I don’t be a dick or a creep. I’ve never approached a woman either but it’s a perfect way to ease into it just greeting them and gradually building up more convo until I can just go for it. I’ve only ever gotten laid and GFs by waiting around for one to chase me which has happened a handful of times. Worst case, I don’t pursue but I practice talking to these women to gain the comfort so in my personal life I can approach. It’s a win win that way.
Side note, I don’t want to get old bros. This old man’s wife passed away the other day which is why he was finally in. He said he wanted to take his mind off it. I can’t believe how well he’s holding it together. Idk how older people can do that, I guess they’ve experienced loss of a loved one and friends many times by the time it’s their significant other. It’s got me fearing my parents aging again. They aren’t a whole lot younger than him. I just don’t know how I’ll be able to handle losing either of them. It doesn’t help that I’m the youngest. Also the only male so this branch of our surname (last in the country) would die with me.

Shit like this makes me want to get it together so I can have kids before my parents pass. I want them to be proud. That’s all I want other than being happy, I want them to pass proud of me knowing I did it. Got my shit together, fixed myself, continued our family name, became happy. If I can do all of that in the next 10-15 years I think I can accept it much better when they do pass. Right now, I would be a total wreck. I would cry for days, I don’t think I would be able to make through a full day of work without balling multiple times, eat, or even sleep.
My goal for this week is to make it through this week.
>making improvements
>still mad about ex who I broke up with back in January dogging me out/ most likely cheating on me
Fuck bros. I don’t even care yet it’s on my mind ever day. Like I have pulled myself aside and had full blown conversations with myself like a crazy person about her and I always realize I don’t care about HER anymore my ego is just pissy about how it ended. It’s annoying to have this on my mind daily. It seems I’ve hit that point where I need to date again to fully move on. Find new love and build new bonds. This sucks. I’m no where near ready to date again, I still have another 6-12 months of work to do on myself. Unless I wasted to settle which I’m not doing because that’s the equivalent to a chick fucking 30 dudes immediately after a breakup.
This is how it was for my ex before that ex. 5 years I thought of her daily, well past where I cared about her. Met a new girl and immediately forgot about her didn’t feel anything at all when I would think of her. Even now, if I think of the first one I feel nothing. I hate being like this, will this ever stop? Will I always have to date new women to fully get over one who it didn’t work out with? I know it’s my minds last reference for affection and that is the problem too. It’s that and a pissy ego which will only be satisfied by improving mauled and reaching new heights and then meeting new women.
I don’t get it, how do you guys even crawl out of bed or not want to kys if your life is shit? I managaed to do my workout today but that’s it, sometimes I think about quitting since being in shape has done nothing for me in practical terms, I’m still miserable and hopeless. I wish ill on everyone who was handed a silver spoon unlike me
I don’t fucking know dude. Not long ago I felt how you do. I don’t fucking know how I roughed it out and pushed. I’m still not out of the hole. I’ve hit the point where I’ve started climbing and I’m off the ground now. A year ago I finally stood up in that hole after having laid in it for years.
I wish I did because if I fully understood why I couldn’t just accept it maybe it would help me work harder. Maybe I was vindictive, angry, idk. The whole fight club “when you feel like shit everyone who hates you wins” line rang in my head a lot. Maybe I just wanted to be happy. Maybe I simply wanted to cope by getting my own place and having bitches and actually looking good so that I hated life a little less. I really don’t know what the driving force has been that prevents me from giving up. But there is something.
>wish ill
I try to just ngaf. And I fucking abhor silver spoon faggots. In my experience those are the most useless people. Sometimes I wish I had no fucks to give because then I would just rob people like that. Not even joking, if I didn’t care about going to prison and losing years of my life I would just rob them. I’ve known a handful very closely and they were nearly asking for me for me to rob them at times the way they’d bitch and moan and then say I, the guy in the friend group who grew up in nigtown because his mom only made $30k a year, had everything handed to him. The people who’s houses and apartments were paid for by their mommy and daddy claimed I had life on easy mode. Same bitches are grown men pushing 30 having bday parties for themself still while I haven’t had one since I was 10.
Trust me dude I get it. BUT I don’t want to allow such a weak creature to cause me to feel negative things. The insecurity people like that feel when they see someone actually work for something is almost comical. They’ll bitch, deny it, try to claim responsibility for your success, say you cheated
thats it , no more dua lipa posting , I need to get myself together , gonna propose this weekend...
lets go...
My life is probably one of the worst on here, I’m in my 30s and have zero to my life. No friends, no relationships, no career, no goals, nothing. I have no idea how I crawl out of bed every day. I’m so miserable I can’t even think straight. I think I’m just the definition of being on autopilot. Do the exact same thing every day, day after day, for years. The only reason I still live is because I’m too afraid to kill myself. There’s literally nothing to live for.
Got checked out at the gym earlier today, have a gf but still it felt nice
2 years ago I was lost, a DYEL, suicidal, had some stuff going for me but hated myself.

I'll never stop shilling Orion Taraban.

Just sit there and listen to every video this man puts out, skip ones that don't relate to you if you must.


Dude hasn't missed the mark one time.
At least you aren't ill or injured right? At least you can get up and do things. Try to keep that in mind, be grateful for it even if it's difficult.
I managed when my life was shit precisely because of that: figured if I got my shit fixed, my life would be good and I'd feel ok.
The problem comes afterwards when you got the hot body and gf and good job. After a lot of shit changed in the outside and you feel exactly the same, that's where true despair lies.
Push day went very good today. Barely had to wait. In and out in an hour and a half, including my post-lifting walk.

I start classes next week. Looking forward to it. Only about 10 months til I have my masters.

Will be moving cross-country in the next year and a half. I've been attending services online at a temple in the city I'm moving to.
stop shilling your channel faggot
i think im in the "talking" stage but idk anything about dating

also how do you spend 1-2 hours at the gym? is it just long rest breaks or something?
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I see. I just spent like 15 minutes crying under the sheets and thrashing around in my bed and lying here, defeated, then aimlessly browsing 4chan in like a catatonic state. I’m in that surreal state you get to after breaking down and crying where nothing seems real and you’re all numb. I spent the day wanting to kms but now I just feel empty and a little confused.

I think I need to move out somehow? That’s what came to mind just now, as many of my problems are downstream from my poor home life. Unfortunately, the economy is so shit and I’m so poor it’s not easily viable. Even here the other day, I saw a post to some other guy saying to stay with his parents in his 30s because it’s too expensive to afford survival on his own.

I’ve never been able to stand up to my parents but they also can’t really be reasoned with.

Currently I’m looking at finding some part time wagie work to save up money if I can. I threw all my savings into crypto hoping it can turn into something. I made a small YouTube channel to share my thoughts and stuff as well as my artistic journey. If nothing else looks to change by like next spring, a guy here recommended I go through with joining the Air Force just to have an out.
Full body workout with cardio. Even easier if some of your gym friends show up at the same time
Sounds like the two of you could be on the way to depression, if not depressed already. If you can't find any enjoyment, just know doing the absolute basics is a victory and more than you would have done otherwise. Even if you don't feel like it is. Taking 100 steps backwards is find so long as you've made 101 steps forward.
I'm physically injured and can't lift at the moment, some other problems too, and it's easy to get down about it. But i know i have to make those few steps of progress when i can. Thanks for the encouragement. And i'd say to anyone else struggling, keep going and do what you can especially if your body is healthy. Make the most of it.
I got rejected by this girl last week, but it was the first time I've ever made a move on a girl in my entire life, so I'm happy about that
Bro what red pill me on yogurt making what are you even doing this for?
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Whenever you feel like quitting, imagine the regret you’ll feel on your death bed. YOU HAVE TO TRY
You're right, better to try and fail rather than get through all the years and just feel regret.
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What's your great and impossible, /mis/ anons?
>Checked. Going to run a 5k 4 times this week, sleep at least 7 hours, talk to a stranger a day to work on social skills, and research for my job search
I promised my dad I wouldn't kys after he found my shotty.
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>Meet qt.314 at College
>Get her number on the first day
>Start seeing each other whenever we feasibly can
>Learn that shes very conservative
>Long black hair
>Beautiful eyes
>Enthralled by how perfect she is
>Fast forward to day
>Conversation leads to the idea of a relationship between us two
>Ask if she has a boyfriend
>She does
>An hour passes and we say our goodbyes for the day
>Cry a little on the inside
>Immediately head home and go for a 13km self-hate jog
I'll be having breakfast with her tomorrow, so hopefully the waiter is a dyel manlet that I can mog into oblivion.
>girl goes out to eat with other dudes while she has a BF

You don't even actually want her, you'd be a jealous insecure mess the entire time. You just think she's beautiful and its blinding you.
>woman gives out number/practically goes on dates while in a relationship
Huge red flag. If she'd cheat on him she'd cheat on you. Get out of there.
We're not even together, but I've let her hurt me too much, I'm now letting go cause this shit's not healthy for me (or her but fuck that)

I'm going to lift today, sad thoughts or not
That guy may have been me if he was saying he wanted to go navy or coast guard. At this rate I may go AF if I find a job I want that I can qualify for with color vision problems.

Moving out will not fix everything, but it will help immensely. This is all from stuff people who have done it have told me, but there’s a new air of confidence when you do. There’s like a level of freedom and independence unlocked. Living at home, if with parents who give freedom but especially with parents who treat us like kids still, make us mentally feel trapped and like we’re not really our actual age. Like we’re still not our own person.
The navy idea gave me a whole new purpose I’ve been lacking, even if it’s just one step in my plan. I’ve tackled the first step, gotten a wagie job. Now I need to lose weight and train to run/do the calisthenics while I work it. About 10 months then I can join, then I just keep my head down and save and lift until I’m out. Hopefully I’ve built a good physique by the time I get out. Maybe I take 2-3 weeks to do some traveling after out, then I either get a job with the skills I gained while finding a place to live or I go back to school find a place to live make the military pay for it. Start dating again. Either fuck sluts or find a wife. Finish school, VA home loan for house or a quadplex, pay off & rent out. Rinse & repeat and grow it until I’m making real money off real estate/rental property. Quit my 9-5, focus on the rental property thing build it up further maybe do some freelance work on the side for fun.
And other than that it’s up to me to find joy and fulfillment in personal fun like hobbies.
Look into the GI bill it can pay enough for a 2 bedroom. It depends on zipcode of where you go to school. I suggest writing out a full 5 year plan, really looking into each step. The plan itself and clear structured outline has helped me a lot. It’s a sense of direction, it’s a way out
>edged for 14 hours today
might be a new record. also a good time to reevaluate my life
What you saving up for there, son
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4chan's metrics are declining in general, why do you think they got rid of IP counters? Most of the threads and posts nowadays are schizos spamming the same thing over and over. 4chan has no relevance any more, in large part because of the election tourists who've destroyed the site's culture over the past decade. We have no influence, no creativity, no humor. We are destined to rot away until the server costs finally outweigh the generated ad revenue and hiro pulls the plug.
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2 years ago I was hit with H.Pylori overgrowth. This bacteria is natural, but overgrowth causes painful inflammation and potential ulcers.
I lost ~15kg in 2 weeks, dropping to 50kg.
I was given a round of antibiotics and PPIs.

Antibiotics nuked my gut, and PPIs reduced the acidity of my stomach.
This lead to harmful bacteria lower down the GI tract proliferating upwards and infesting my small intestine.
I was then diagnosed with SIBO and given more antibiotics to fight it, and an expensive course of probiotics after.

Symptoms never actually went away and 2 years later I'm still living with it.
In that time I've had a gastroscopy, and colonscopy, spent thousands on charlatan doctors.

The "yoghurts" you see here are fermented using capsules of lactobassilius strains with proven efficacy in fighting SIBO.
While the pills themselves are effective, the dosage per pill, and price, is prohibitive.
By culturing them in dairy you multiply the CFUs in the liquid significantly, allowing you to match the dosages prescribed in the clinical studies.

The idea is to reseed your gut with large quantities of bacteria that COLONIZES the GI tract, and specifically the small intestine, in order to fight the harmful bacteria that's taken hold of my system.
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best of luck with the interviews CFA anon! you have the skills, expertise, and value these organisations want. they are lucky to have a person who shows grit and determination no matter how difficult things become.

former trainee anon. steadily become more knowledgeable and practising the required skills for my career switch. there's a lot of information to comprehend and it feels like information overload... but i must remember no one can learn the material overnight. to gain that level of expertise takes year in the field and i need to be kinder to myself. i must have grit. i must struggle. i must feel challenged. i must put in the work. i must put in the time. the concepts will eventually click.

on a side note. i have a first date coming up and unsure on how to 'sell' that i don't have a full-time gig. it's probably not attractive to the woman. but i'll be open and honest, be positive about my career switch. have self-confidence in my decision about resigning from my previous role. keep it brief and try not to sperg out about it, kek.

everyone will make it, no matter how small the achievement is. that's still making it. don't compare yourself to others. compare yourself to who you were yesterday, 0.0001% better is still better. i am beginning to finally see the beauty in struggle and effort. heaven will be revealed once i walk through hell.
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Yeah, 4chan's decline in recent years is crazy. Back in the 00s and 10s, it arguably pulled all the Internet culture strings, along with a few other places like the misc. Some of that still reverberates today. And there are still some things that make it through, like /brit/pol's whole NORF FC, but otherwise a lot of the influence has long died out.

It's more telling that a lot of the old memes that have modern influence are still from that era. Wojaks, red/black pill culture, etc, and in terms of new memes, you're more likely to see somebody say skibidi here than use whatever modern memes there are, elsewhere.
Only a few days away from three months of sobriety. I completely replaced it with cardio, and I've never been more motivated.
I also lost 34lbs in the process.
If you change, the world changes with you.
Hell yeah!
Hey fags.
Just got a job offer pending a medical. It's all online and they are asking about medical stuff. Do you ever disclose you're autistic? No right. It's none of their business.
>Do you ever disclose you're autistic
No, if you are ever going to tell them wait until you're officially employed
Bros I did the date and it went really well and wasnt awkward at other than maybe the first 30 sec. Feel extremely happy right now, we are all gonna fucking make it.
I have a similar issue but it's because I drank bacteria infested water for 9 months, got a hard time eating anything that contains carbs/sugar/fiber without getting bloated. Will take some antibiotics in 2 weeks.

I had good success with carnivore/keto diet to reduce symptoms. It's annoying and restrictive but at least it doesn't hurt anymore.

You should try it if you haven't.
I eat mostly meat/cheese/cream/milk these days.
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>got praise from a professor for kicking ass on an assignment and discovered he's a cool dude
>had a good advisor meeting
>had a really nice date
>went on a nice long walk around campus and just read by a shady tree
>plus had a kick-ass workout

Had a great Monday this week. WAGMI.

Started off Tuesday with a 10k. I'm more sweat than man. I love it. Next comes a workout. Godspeed dudes.
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Keto/Carn reduces symptoms generally by eliminating things bacteria can digest (fibers and carbs), thereby sending them into a less active state
This can lead into unfavorable outcomes in the long-run though, as harmful bacteria can and will out-survive the good bacteria in a critical state and further some previous-beneficial bacteria can become harmful as they turn their energy source from the carbs/fibers to the less bioavailable but abundant mucus gut lining which can lead to dysbiosis.

The yoghurt will be ready in 6 hours, I'll see how it tastes then.
>life is basically just lifting at the gym, going for runs/walks and swimming
>the rest is working from home and then playing video games in the evening
>wish i had friends to do stuff with
>wish i had a girlfriend or even just getting laid without having to pay for it
>can't even go beyond basic small talk with people and feel like they'd just think that i'm an idiot and waiting for me to shut up so they can talk to other, better socially adjusted folks
Was at the gym today and spent probably 30 minutes lifting weights while listening to a bunch of dudes nearby chatting about random shit from playing football on the weekend to talking about new video games coming out to talking about girls in between sets. It feels so fucking alien to me like I might as well be watching a bunch of wizards with no hope of understanding or replicating how it's done.
Happy for you, anon. Just try to enjoy yourself whatever happens and don't overthink it, that's my advice
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>broke up with gf in January
>took me the whole summer to get over her
>finally doing well
>had a 17-hour beer and drugs bender the other day
>the comedown re-opened all the old wounds about her and now i'm back to where I was emotionally the week after the breakup happened
it was my own stupid fault desu
why did you break up with her?
we agreed that we shouldn't be together because we are from different countries and marriage/having kids would have been a logistical nightmare
how different are the countries? I know in the good ol usa if you get married you can make your wife a citizen no matter what
I am English she is a Finn
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Thanks for the words of encouragement, trainee anon. I’m getting a lot of rejections, but at least I’m not getting ghosted. I just need one of these companies to hire me.

Remember that life is a marathon, not a sprint. Some days will go better than others, but what truly matters is gradual improvement. Don’t feel discouraged over a period of disappointment, this too shall pass. You can only imagine how much better you’ll be in a year.

Best of luck fren! WAGMI!
Stay strong anons!
Taking notes has helped me out a ton in terms of truly understanding how much I eat. What's your short story about?
I didn't bought the piece of cake and instead grabbed the chicken breast.

Every small step counts, right?
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Sobriety day 89/90

All in all this has been a very successful endeavor for me, and I wanted to say thanks to this thread for the encouragement.

In the past 90 days I've gotten 2 jobs, 3 certs, and I'm planning to move to a new apartment soon.
The past month I've been learning the ropes, and things have been going well.
I also took the month off from studying because I was pretty burned out from the interview/cert process, but getting back into the swing of things now.
Week 6 of C25k going well.

All in all the future is bright. WAGMI brehs
>refreshing and scrolling 4chan
how do i stop bros? my vision for the future doesn't have these in it. there isn't enough time in our lives for time wasting. how do I stop monkey braining?
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Thank you for the positivity, I really needed it yesterday. I had a great day at the gym but soon after my cat had to be put down which I wasn’t completely prepared for.
True, I love the comfiness of winter.
Yes, unironically. Good job.
It takes many steps to run a marathon. Nice job bro!
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it's my third week with eating like only 1200-1500 calories, i don't wanna starve any longer fuckkk
What do you eat daily to not exceed 1500 calories? In any case, stay strong
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thanks a lot bro :E
a lot of vegetables (bananas, apples, paprika etc.), fried egg with rice and i almost exclusively cook whole wheat pasta stuff. to treat myself on saturdays i either don't eat anything at all until evening or go for a 1 hour run to burn the extra calories in advance.
Thanks for the advice. I'm cutting hard the second I graduate
At least you had the time with your cat that you did. Stay positive and look forward to comfy winter.
Gj bud.
instead of sleeping and playing vidya I studied :)
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After spending yesterday in despair and crying, I’m sick today. Spent an hour just sleeping and in the half awake moments, I had all these memories pop up from my life. They make me think I was never happy, always just holding it together. Idk if I can keep going like this..,
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I lift for this brehs
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I've always trained so that when I have children I could demonstrate to them the importance of staying healthy, determined, and physically capable. To demonstrate how discipline and perseverance is a necessary component of confidence, independence, and a strong sense of self worth.

I'm glad I had the foresight. Your children are really worth everything you can do for them my friends, starting now. Do not fail them.
Nice dude. Im on day 9. Finally eating 3 times a day. Realized the smarmy skinny alcoholic look was not endearing to anyone, especially myself.
Tired of feeling like shit, tired of being weak. Im 29 and need to take control
>have house to self for a couple days
>in past would have gotten high, even though I haven’t enjoyed weed since I was a teen
>have job now and know if I take that shit I won’t wake up on time and will feel high even tomorrow so can’t
What is it? The nostalgia? Why do I feel like I’m missing out on something when I know it’s clearly a waste of time, pointless, and unenjoyable? I’m not even sure I want to touch that shut if it was Friday and I had 2 days off. Yet I have this almost urge like feeling.
Its called responsibility , happy for you that you "organized your shelves" if you know what I mean....
Altho we all get loose some times...
>I want to post her so bad >;(
I thought so. My wife said be honest but I think they wouls just say hey we don't think your suitable for this position.
This is an important aspect of fitness that not many talk about. Well said anon.
Is 210 5’11 too fat to start dating? I’m good looking, have a good job otherwise, and do a lot of stuff outside of work. Been putting off the dating scene for a while trying to lose weight.
hell no. get out there anon

just know itll get even better when you lose more fat and gain more muscle
I’ve been lifting for years and have gotten with hot gym hoe bitches. Had a serious injury and lost a lot of gains. Still pretty muscular, but kind of chubby and lost a lot of confidence.

Was at 1.5/3/4.5/6 before snapping my shit up.
>gotten with hot gym hoe bitches
Still dont get how this happens. Everyone at the gym is in their own world, and most of the hot girls are either with a guy or a flock of other hens
Same age here, same problem except I got really, really fat. Down 15lbs now. You got this shit bro, just remember why you started.
I know it's still early for me and there will be ups and downs, like always, but my prevailing inner voice that was always
>anon you idiot
>goddammit of course that would happen to me
>god I wish I was dead
are already far less prevalent. Kind of bummed I was nerfing myself for so long.
>Kind of bummed I was nerfing myself for so long
I still think this a lot, but it's kind of in a funny way. Just keep rolling that ball up the hill bro
Gym girls are, after all, still girls
What’s that supposed to mean?
Life sucks but it's finding joy in little things that helps us live
I worked at the gym during college and was one of the strongest people there. Matched with a ton of girls I recognized from the gym on dating apps and banged a few of them
It’s impossible to put into words how miserable I am. I don’t remember a single time in my life when I had an “indomitable spirit” to do anything.
Well, this is the problem. Find what makes you happy and do it. Shit man. Get out of the fucking house first off. Go to the river, the lake, the bar, the park, the bowling alley. Go to Toastmasters and talk. Learn an instrument and be a fool at an Open Mic. Do something asshole.
Tell my best friend I have feelings for her.
I need to get rejected so I can max out my pr.
saw a new girl at the gym today. she looked like a younger version of my ex gf, just like when we met. i couldnt help but keep glancing out her just because she looked so similar. and she had a glimmer in her eyes, like she was excited and ready to take on the world. that was something my ex used to have and i watched it fade away as the years when on. i spent my whole workout feeling like shit because i saw this beautiful young girl and couldnt stop thinking about how life takes women like that and either lifts them up or destroys them. i eventually saw what i think is her boyfriend and i could tell from the way he was acting/interacting with other anons in the gym that he was probably not going to be a good husband, someone who is gonna force the glimmer out of that girls eyes. i know because i did the same to my ex. the weight of the guilt and responsibility i now feel for how poorly my ex spent her life, as opposed to what it could of been, because she spent it with me, its unbearable. thanks for reading my faggy blog post
You ruined your chance at happiness because you didn't want to go through some temporary rigamarole?
Here i thought it was between Haitian and Dominician
I'm a europoor so maybe it's different here, but as an engineer, there is a very large gap in ability between those who have a master and those who settled for a bachelor (or whatever it is called). What kind of field are you in?
A lot of anons know that feeling. You gotta keep going though, you have to find a way to move forward.
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Just found out my soon to be wife is pregnant
Yesterday I failed my 3rd rep of my 235 bench press. Rather than feel angry, I’m even more determined to grow stronger by the end of the year
Getting fit isn’t easy, but it’s actually super simple. Just do it. It’s like that old Shia LaBoeuf meme or whatever. Just do the work. You guys all know this, but I like to remind myself sometimes.
Congrats bro
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No it’s Wednesday you silly billy
>children out of wedlock
You’re doing this backwards anon….
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I-it's only a few days from our wedding, jesus, forgive me...
Eh better than most nowadays I guess. I’ve had my share of fun, but my gf is a virgin and plans to keep it that way until we get married.
>inb4 she’s not a virgin! All woman are liars!!!
Both myself and a good friend of mine have a lot of experience with women. I spent months vetting her solely to find any inconsistency, body language, or other indication that she’s a liar and found none. When he met her he was immediately convinced that she’s a virgin and he is a legit chad who is a master at reading and manipulating women. I’ve also spent years trolling fake virgins that I’d meet on dating apps and got pretty good and sniffing them out quickly
Nice :)
On the bright side, you must have friends to do speed and shrooms with. That's pretty cool. Any insight on doing speed and then lifting?
>Face and status ARE everything

Status maybe, I guess you can't have an absolute trainwreck of a face, but all the way down to a little below average is fine.

Status is true though. That is what makes you attractive and people who gain status through hard work are not people that give up at anything. That includes lifting.

Check mate demotivation poster. Go lift
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It sucks to wake up to job rejections but there’s nothing I can do but keep moving forward
I'm doing it. I'm finally going to build Plan S. I'm applying for a PewPew License in Minecraft.

My company is absolutely fucked by the end of 2025 at the latest and thereby making me fucked. I completely lucked into this position and am making fat stacks for little effort. My area is fine. Everyone else is fucked. The competency crisis is very real and very scary.

I'm wagering that when this company is dissolved/my position is no longer needed because they keep losing business I will be unable to find a replacement job in the same field in my area (Bumfuck, Nowhere) and either go into slave work like the trades or God knows what other wagie job. I'm having none of it and do not care anymore.

No friends, no family, no gf, and I can't be bothered to care anymore. So when the time comes I'll sell all my shit, sign a fat check to my apartment, and go full degenerate drunkie until I run out of money and go An Hero in the middle of the country somewhere at night.

I hate America. May is be reincarnated as anything anywhere else.
finally set my financial plans into action. everything is set up, now all I have to do is keep doing what I already do. I am glad this piece of shit is taken care of. its frightening to see how little other people around me care about this topic. also its getting colder and I already can feel the slime in my throat.
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You’re doing amazing, this time you’re gonna make it :)
Only woman I've felt an actual connection with in years lost feelings because I guess I wasn't escalating the relationship fast enough and she'd rather go fuck my friend. Whatever. Guess that's motivation to just focus on myself and get stronger than either of them ever will be in their lives.
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Sorry about your loss, bro. Give yourself some time to mourn. But you have the right idea - become the man she can only dream of having in her life
Stay strong anons :)
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This is the correct attitude anon. Chin up and keep pressing on. Once you get that gig, the taste will be all so sweeter. Good luck.
Only if it will impact your responsibilities. I have had to learn to keep my honesty in check because it ends up biting me in the arse and I fuck things up. So I withhold information unless explicitly asked to disclose. I used to sperg out and add extra unnecessary information when a question was asked of me. It's sad, but this is the way of the social world.
My fiancé isn't a virgin but has had pretty limited experience with men (at least from what she's told me kek), apparently only had sex with one other guy in her life, who was also her boyfriend at the time (we're in our 30s)
In saying that I was a fucking degenerate in my 20s so to judge her would be pretty hypocritical kek
I know. It feels like an impossible task now but I'll be so happy when I get that one single job offer
I blew a kiss at a blonde 9/10 today and idk why. Walked past each other and both held eye contact and I didn’t know what to do so I blew a kiss like a total fucking retard. Not like with my hand just the lip motion of a peck. Oh well, at least I didn’t feel the urge to look away and held the eye contact
kek wtf. Good for you I guess.
Neither Based nor Cringe. You've returned from a world where such words are meaningless.

sent ;)
kamina is cringe
Unfortunately, very few people care about each other in this world. Hence why it is so important that one learns to love and respect oneself. Best of luck in your endeavors! You're taking the first steps towards success!
The catalog is just filled with shitty bait threads and black pill threads. Either Indians or Aussies are bored but this is one of the few decent threads still up.
How are you supposed to talk about suicidal thoughts without getting committed for 72 hours? Im at the point where i think i need to talk about it to get help but i refuse to hand over my autonomy, and i dont have 3 days to waste anyway. Does it make a difference if ive had them for the last 9 years?
Suicide hotline. It has a chat feature if you don't want to talk on the phone.
I haven't missed a daily workout since mid July.
Longest streak since 2014
Thank you for the words of kindness anon. I actually made a Hinge account after this and have a date with a qt blonde set up already. We both have conservative, catholic, and long term relationship in our profiles. We’re all gonna make it!

Hope you see this, King!
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Yogurt turned out well. Very thick, very creamy, not quite as tart as I prefer though. Makes sense since I used 15% fat dairy.
I've got the B Coagulans yoghurt fermenting, apparently it makes a better yoghurt but we'll see.

Really praying this is the cure I need.
Fuck these gut problems.
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I am in similar waters to you anon. Career switcher. Starting from scratch again. One day at a time. I believe our diligence will pay off.
Sounds like you're going through a really difficult time, but you have to believe you will recover and get better. Good luck, anon.
Nice. Good luck to you too.
Good attitude, if you don't believe in the first place then it's very unlikely anything will change. Believe in yourself, in your hard work. It will pay off.
Because the indomitable spirit persists.
Yeah, these threads are still worth reading.
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Had pool sex with an austrian this week. Hadn't fapped for 8 months so I came buckets. I've lost some gains this month (about 4 kg) due to being on holidays but I plan to try and bounce back. WAGMI
Eat shit and die.
>still here on thursday
Nice! Stay strong, anons!
>elbow pain is gone
Time to incline press again.
>one pain is gone
>another begins
Oh well.
Sorry if this comes off as combative but is that actually gonna help? My impression of the suicide hotline was some volunteer reads some shit out of a script that i dont believe
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We need to stay strong and persist. Unfortunately, I got rejected after 2 rounds today. Let’s keep applying
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As I've grown older, I've learned how hard it is to believe in myself. Why is it so difficult?
I'm hanging on :)
I'm not sure, i think it's different for different people. Maybe some think their goals are so far away that they lose the motivation to even try. Whatever the reason, i think it's good to remember that others believe in you even if you struggle to believe in yourself. Even random anons.
Good! Keep going :)
I’m still here. I get demoralized somewhat from the age threads since I’m a Khhv at 23 (soon 24), and I worry I’ll be like the guys they dunk on as I’m not sure any of my goals can be achieved in any reasonable time frame. But it’s worth a shot.
if you're still around, how long does one batch take and how much milk do you use? And do you add just one pill initially to seed the bacteria?
As long as you're alive, you still can change your life around
What are your goals? Also forget about the time frame mindset.
I feel like my difficulties are attributed to the fact that I've always tried but I've never made it. I'm worried that I'll never make it since the path to getting my life back on track is extremely difficult
I think many people fail, but some shrug it off better.
I hope so
I’d like to be financially stable so I can support myself and not be stuck at home with so much friction between me and my family. I want to get slightly more muscle then just cut and focus on training fighting. I’m working on my online presence so I can maybe market my skills to make hentai games for employment and work remotely, move to Thailand and just train all day while I live for cheap and have fun in my time on this mortal coil. If not, just try to find a wagie software dev job or join the military. We’ll see.

On another note, I’m learning Russian and it’s been fun. I’d like to be fluent enough to read the classics in it someday.
>its actually thursday
The state of /fit/
I need to become more mentally resilient. I still have mental scars from a long time ago
You can do it. Just be realistic with your expectations, if you have a set back try to see it as part of the journey. No one changes overnight after all. Good luck.
Congrats! Please give ab routine
Based af
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Just finished the B Coagulans batch 1
Froze it, didn't taste. Batch 2 should be ready come Saturday.
Temperature, pill count, and other factors depend on the bacteria you're incubating.
I recommend reading Super Gut, or at least getting the companion PDF.

Get the CORRECT STRAIN from the right sources. Most probiotics don't list strains.
Follow the recipe EXACTLY as prescribed in the book for maximum proven probiotic benefits. Ingredients csn be substituted but the probiotics, time, and temperatures should not be messed with.
I am so sorry brother... I can relate to your experience.

It sucks but you must keep pressing forward. See what you can learn from this experience to apply to the next interview. I firmly believe that this difficulty will strengthen your resolve.

Yes, let's keep applying. Looking forward to hearing your progress. It will also keep me motivated as I apply for roles also.
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Thanks, there was a question I fumbled so I’ll have to consider how to better answer it next time. From here on out, I’ll need to continue working hard and applying. There is something better for me out there that WILL hire me. Good luck to you as well. WAGMI!
>be turbo coomer neet
>start working
>social anxiety gone
>happy to be out of the house and earning money
>can’t stop staring, hard, at women
>like full blown rapey Indian tier staring just from one ass to another
>people are starting to notice
I need to fix myself. It’s hard because where I work is between the hood and normal town so women (of all races) are walking around dressed like hookers. Shit, I saw this half hispanic pregnant chick today absolute dime piece but she was pregnant and she had on this light blue skin tight body suit thing with her swollen tits hanging out and he ass hanging out of the shorts part. You can’t make this shit up. Pregnant and dressing like this FFS. It’s everywhere I turn, some black chick with a well done BBL, or a latina with huge tits no bra and see through spandex, or bitches walking around in the sort of slutty gym attire that’s posted here constantly with “how is this allowed??”. Or it’ll be the thickest but not gay white woman you’ve ever seen. Just all these breeding tier women, all dressed skimpy. I hate that this shit is the norm. It’s fucking crazy to me. Idk how guys don’t stare.
Even one of the old dudes I work with who I thought was way too old for this commented to me how he didn’t mind this older Hispanic woman, probably 40-50, being near us. She was absolutely gorgeous too. You could tell her age, but she mogged most prime women. Fit body, great tits great ass.
I see most other guys and no one looks, no one even glances. It’s just crazy to me. For me it’s like an itch or something, I reflexively look. And it’s obvious as hell.
I hate that I even feel shame for this, which I don’t exactly. It’s more so I hate that everyone else thinks of me as the weirdo. I understand I’m just a man who finds women attractive. But fuck I wish it wasn’t deemed creepy to stare or even look at them like this.
sexo con reisen
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I will never give up, but I'm tired and I barely have any hope left bros..
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There's no shame in resting or taking breaks. Sometimes you need to recover in order to regain focus. Life may seem hopeless at times but we need a tiny bit in order to truly live
>tfw thought i was going to get laid off
>think to myself 'great itll give me more time at home, with my family. ill be able to work on XYZ and get X project going and start earning on my own
>mfw it actually happened
only 2 weeks in and im just frozen, overwhelmed, indecisive, and depressed. ill try and write down things i need to do; cold calling, tweaking websites, etc, but like i said ive just been freezing up just staring at the screen. tearing myself apart between 'of course i can make this happen on my own' and 'well... i could take X course online and at least go try and get a job in this other field i also dont really care about'
i just want to vomit all these words of confusion and insecurity out and do what needs to be done with a clear head.
Procrastination is a sign of fear. You need to find the strength to commit to these activities and actually complete them. I know you can do it! :)
Depends on who you get in all honesty. I've had good conversations on their with people who've helped
I know the feeling, but there's nothing to do but continue.
How to deal with someone doing bullshit at my job?

Started job as a merchandiser at various stores. All stores great even the black ones they’re friendly they’ll help me with big aisles sometimes, but only one store the workers are assholes. Ghetto nig nonsense. At this store there’s a stock clerk lead who will take my company’s planograms and do all the smaller ones. She doesn’t do this for the other merchandiser companies just mine. What this means is me and maybe if I’m lucky and have a coworker for the day one other guy will have to do a 15-20 foot section which normally is a 4-6 person job if you wanna get it done within 8 hours. So we’ve been spending multiple 10 hour shifts doing one huge section/aisle.
That’s fine, it’s our job. But the issue lies in that doing this day in & day out is bullshit. It’s supposed to be maybe once a week we tackle a huge section like that then we do our smaller sections.
The other massive level of bullshit is that this cunt will come over randomly to check on us as if she’s our boss or like we’re even employed by the same people, neither of which are true, she’ll make us re do shit or bitch about absurd shit which is either her job to do, or her own fault for printing the planogram wrong, then after giving us this attitude she just stomps off to go fuck off again without helping. Our other stores when shit like that occurs on such a big section, someone will take 20 minutes to help us out.
It’s literally their job, our company is there to aid the stores. It’s not merchandiser like a Pepsi guy it’s we show up and stock their shelves with their back stock and reset the shelves even though they have a dozen stock clerks of their own, if that makes sense. This one store seems to be trying to take advantage of us and make us do the more difficult and larger aisles.
In the time we did a difficult 20’ section (20 hours) this fat bitch did two of our 5’ sections this week. She takes her time and texts/ takes personal calls. This fucks us up because we have other stores to go to. We also don’t get paid past 40 hours and this can at times hold us past our leave time if we’re mid shelf
Oh, and she and her bosses will come over to us and randomly bitch that we have to hurry up and that we need to get other sections done. Even though everyone else, even customers, have mentioned this is supposed to be a 5 person job. They’re literally supposed to be helping us on big sections like this. The job isn’t hard aside from sore back and knees from kneeling and instantly standing and bending over. it just takes time to get it done. Like an easy 5 foot section takes 1 person 3 hours. Easy = not much has to change. Hard = everything changes on that section and it’s a 10 shelf section + have to adjust the shelves, can have thousands of items to go through and reorganize.

The management at that store is also late often up to an hour or more which means we will start late. It’s like they fuck up and get mad at us because of how their own fuck ups impact us. It’s one thing to be a lazy faggot and not want to do work, but this is crazy. They make all these mistakes, bitch at us for it, and then on top of it keep trying to hand off their other work to us.

I think they’re doing all this because past employees from other companies didn’t show up for 2 weeks. I just started, this store is also one our company just started partnering with a week ago. That has nothing to do with me or my company.

The only true upside I see is the company owner told me off record he dgaf if we actually do good as long as we just show up because it makes him money.

Sorry this is such a long post I didn’t know how to be concise about it. Idk how to deal with this
How do I get over wanting to be loved by a woman?
By loving yourself first.

My problem is idk what I want and idk how much of that confusion is due to nihilism and anger and how much is due to selfishness. On one hand, yeah I want a woman who loves me.
On the other I don’t believe women truly love men the way we love women.

Doesn’t help that the first relationship I had at 20 years old was this BPD chick who love bombed me with crazy amounts of affection so if I meet a more normal chick who doesn’t do that shit, doesn’t literally cling onto my arm and jump into my arms hugging me and refuse to let me go I feel like she’s not interested. There’s a lot of confusion there.

So, I focus on loving myself and you should do the same.
Stay strong anons!
thank you for the encouragement anon.
got a message for the first time in while from a fren.
That put me back on wagmi.
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Thanks. I’ve had a rough week and dealt with rejection but better times will be here soon
>Gorgeous woman asks if I'm done with the squat rack
>tell her yes I just gotta wipe the bar down
I'm not a fucking savage, clean up after yourselves
>She mishears me and goes for the rack
>Ask if she wants me to wipe the bar down first
>She flashes me the most beautiful smile I've seen in a long time and and shakes her head

It's the little things, anons
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#lets go
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>Brooks actually at his concert seeing me videos....
>Crabs can go that way lmao.....
I tried playing some smash bros today and I couldn’t do it. I haven’t played in years. I used my old main, took a couple games to kinda get the feel for it again, and then I won my 3rd. The adrenaline was too much for me. I entered the hyper focus state again and had to go lay down immediately, my heart was pumping so hard I could see my chest shaking. I could feel it in my eyeballs. It was high enough I knew if I checked what it was it would have gotten 10x worse and sent me into a panic.

I hate this. It’s probably the only game I enjoy and this is why I had to quit it to begin with. My anxiety in general has dropped to almost none over the years, I went from daily panic attacks could leave the house dropped out of college stopped working no hobbies to having a job and getting my life back in order able to actually do shit again.
I play this game trying to have something for leisure with no purpose just to turn my brain off for an hour and I couldn’t even play it for 10 minutes. I can’t just relax while I play idk what happens. I tried, I catch myself entering that hyper focus flow state again clenching my whole body and all. Even relaxing as much as possible letting myself lose and being conscious of how much I’m tensing my heart rate is still higher than I like.

Do I just accept it is what it is and I’m better off no video games? I mean that’s the obvious answer, but it blows to think the only game I truly enjoy I can’t play. I don’t really play any others. Maybe I’ll get into reading…
The fact you are still around and posting to me suggests that you are stronger than you think you are. You are willing to get up and try again despite the difficulty of your past. This shows mental fortitude, resilience, and perserverance to me.
Holy shit you guys are cringle when you are wholesome. I almost rather be called a nigger or pajeet or fag
Based on what you've shared, you've made incredible progress over the past few years. Don't get discouraged that you can't play video games, focus on what you can do now. Maybe you need a new hobby to reflect your growth

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