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/fit/ - Fitness

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You are not an athlete, stop training like one, stop comparing yourself to professional athletes.

Running 5k in under 30 minutes? Congrats on being one of the fittest people in the office.
Benching 2 plates? Woah guys we got ourselves a hulk here!

Are toy a pro athletes? Does bodybuilding make you money? No? Then stop endangering your health doing 1rm that yoy can barely lift. Stop ruining your weekend by running to the point of exhaustion to improve your parkrun time be 1.8 seconds.

You're a school teacher, a janitor, an accountant, a level two helpless service technician, a service cashier etc. Let fitness enhance your life without taking it over.
Also, as a not professional athlete, you are allowed to use steroids. So it's not all bad nees
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>Also, as a not professional athlete, you are allowed to use steroids. So it's not all bad nees
Roidtrannies are getting sneakier
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>Are toy a pro athletes?
i want a 20 minute 5k so i can get home and jerk off faster. bodybuilding gives me hooker discounts and good cardio is absolutely necessary for a girl to go bareback round 2
i sadly have a large cock so most girls are out of the count midway through round 1
>Also, as a not professional athlete, you are allowed to use steroids. So it's not all bad nees

So the same as all professional athletes?
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Imagine living to not even once see what amazing things your body is capable of

I don't believe an actual man could have made this thread

Shut up, George!
I just want to be thinner and stronger than 90% of the world is that so wrong!
>Are toy a pro athletes? Does bodybuilding make you money?
Arthur is from King of Queens
I like feeling athletic. Sprinting fast, lifting heavy things. I get juiced up doing these things, I am in my body, I want to feel what it can do. Sounds like you lift for vanity and the world. That's feminine.
based Konata poster
Based Konata poaster
I bench 3 plates, just wanted to let you all know I'm better than you, especially you OP.
reddit: the post
The opposite
>Running 5k in under 30 minutes? Congrats on being one of the fittest people in the office.
Sub-30 minute 5k basically means that you probably aren't morbidly obese or dying of lung cancer lol.
>are toy a pro athelete

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>So it's not all bad nees
Speak for yourself
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LMAO go back to where you came from
Some faggot who hopes you won't make it made this thread to demoralize you. To make you give up, to keep you obsessed with your genetics, height, dick, hair, some other irrelevant thing you can't control. To make you sad, afraid, doubtful, anxious or otherwise emotionally compromised. They made this thread to trick you into not bettering yourself or succeeding in life.

Today, train while thinking of how much you want to beat the shit out of OP for DARING to stand in your fucking way.
I'm an athlete training for many different sports against minorities
You sound mentally ill bro.
You do, actually. I agree with him. OP IS A FAG.
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Get fucked

90%+ of adults have done no exercise since highschool
based its good fuel
Don't care, didn't read
I lift to kill niggers
Eh its not that bad, 30 min is pretty much the minimum for someone to jog a 5k without having to rest or walk. Its a good benchmark to tell if someone has good cardio, but not "athletic."
I can't imagine getting mogged so hard in the office that you had to go on fit to complain. Go workout and quit making excuses for your own weakness and failures.
Even athletes aren't even that big are they not on steroids or something?
This is 4chan. If you don't like pictures of cute anime girls get the fuck out. You are not welcome here.
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Based and correct take. 80% of this board has never played an organized sport in their lives.
I just want to bench 3pl8 and do it natty. Why don't you want me to make it?
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Athletics encompassed competitions of stamina, fitness and skill. Thus all fitness culture is athletics and all practitioners athletes. How seriously you choose to take it determines only your rank in that competition, not the nature of the competition itself.
kek i hit 5:14 for a mile @ age 30
>the actual newfag is so new he doesnt realize this is an anime website that grew to contain other interests as well
Time for neck hangs till failure pal
Congrats on your god hood
There's nowhere to go. Somehow the best forum for a man to talk about lifting right now is the one where faggy men post pictures of anime girls.
It is what it is.
thanks brah
Then use lube, dumbass.
Duh. I have never pretended to be an athlete, or even in particularly good shape. I'm not competing with anyone. My numbers are shit, my body is unremarkable. I do the best I can, but my best is pathetic. Such is life.

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