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/fit/ - Fitness

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what's your favorite fruit slop, /fit/?
guava is my weakness
chicken, rice, broccoli. I'm a fat fuck, I know.
I like apples
Green apple and blood oranges cos pectin and shiet
I would do unspeakable things for a good mango
>tfw considering traveling to Colombia solely to eat delicious fruit
Locally grown organic strawberries peak season are heaven. Watermelon is great, too, if you can get a good one. Clementines and other orange varieties are perfect winter fruit.
Honorable mention for pineapple.
Green figs are gods food
I get happy just holding one
Mango is the goat. Sad that watermelon season is over. Fruit in general is so luxurious. I love it.
cherries, citruses and quince being biggest fav. love berries too
Stone fruit are the best.
Right now, since they're in season, it's the humble peach.
I would do unspeakable things to a mango
blood oranges with peanutbutter and oatcakes
Guava is shit.
Sand and sugar.
that sounds just like going to thailand for the beautiful landscapes and rich history
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a good watermelon or seeded dates, dates are consistent af and good ones taste like fudge. frozen blueberries, strawberries, mango are all pretty underrated aswell.
Cherries are just the best fruit and people who say others are their favorite are having a laugh.
I wish I were rich enough to eat rainier cherries more
Passionfruit, guava, cherries, peaches, nectarines
good old 'nana
Watermelon and oranges
ayo cuh im alabaowt dat wattamelowm nigga sheet strayt cray bruh gonna sukky dat yummy feel me niggaz shit yee
Those are poisonous anon
Guava candy and juice are like nectar
There are figs that are green when ripe
Grapefruit and watermelon
Kiwis and Japanese pears for $4
Step aside kuffar.
bacon-wrapped dates are incredibly good
Peaches pretty good but where are they in season now? I have a big peach tree, but they were done by like mid summer or slightly before.
Depends on the variety, I love those little yellow cream guavas, they're more fl;oral than sweet, love how they stink up my whole kitchen with their aroma. And they're creamy not at all sandy. The crispy guavas I don't care for though.
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Love dates, but for real under rated palm fruit, the humble pindo is hard to beat.
Watermelon or pear

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