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/fit/ - Fitness

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>be me
>depressed and anxiety since age 12
>both severe according to doctors
>can only really take myself out of bed to work
>on a many antidepressants
>none of them really work besides make me numb
>life is okay, married, good job, most issues worked out in therapy.
>im just numb
>dont know what to do
>get diagnosed with more shit adhd
>new meds meth
>a bit better but still fucking numb
>go out to my car
>just drive
>see a trail
>a few people milling about
>walk on trail
>sun is bright, air is fresh.
>zone out and realize i walked three miles, when ive barely moved in years
>walk back into apartment
>its in its usual messy state, depression hurts cymbalta doesnt help
>get extremely motivated to clean it top to bottom all of a sudden
>what the fuck?
>next day
>walk again
>remember old hobby of writing
>fantasize while on trail
>blink look at the sign
>six miles
>the fuck?
>go home and write down an entire 10k short story, something i havent done in years.

Its been two months now, ive been going for walks almost daily. I've never felt better in my life. I'm almost tempted to stop the meds ive been on for years. Ive honest to god never felt better and its scary. Is this normal?
Yes, being sedentary too much will literally kill you. You know the monks who slaves away copying and writing manuscripts? They only did that for a few hours a day and they complained about it the entire time. Humans are meant to move. You should consider adding some light weight exercises to your routine, for men especially the release of testosterone is an extremely powerful mood stabilizer. Deadlifts in particular work well according to some study but you should really just do exercises you enjoy. Walking is great regardless of what you do and it's even better if the scenery is nice
Whether your story is true or not, daily morning walks helped get me out of my lowest place
Helps sort the mind out as well as get things moving
Still use walks, hiking for cardio and feels damn good
Things aren't perfect, but they're a million times better than they were. The daily walks were a big part of it
I might try lifting. Never have before though

Yeah like, my head has never been clearer, its wild
yep cardio and sun helps a lot, but im glad you took this step anon, really big. keep it up.

i injured my ankle a month back from trail running and got a bit down, recently started running again and my mood is back up.
Then get the fuck off the lifting board, r9k scum of the earth.
How much better is it to sit outside vs by a window?
Lifting is always advisable just for general body maintainance, but given your psychological state you shouldn't force yourself to go to a gym and lift if it isn't something you enjoy, you'd be better off trying to find some kind of sports community that does stuff you enjoy, think hiking, sports, my family used to do these hike trails with little info pamphlets on the natural flora and fauna in that area, maybe cycling, surfing, rowing, horse riding, whatever. Just shop around and don't feel too pressured to dedicate your time to anything in particular.
Your window blocks part of the sunlight but you're also missing out on your other senses like the smell and sound of nature
You da man anon!
way better to sit next to a window imo
The meds are LITERALLY making you worse. It's time to stop the jewpills.
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I’m thinking this anon is gonna make it
Lmao what a fucking turbo faggot you are, literally nothing wrong with your life and you let psycho babbling jews talk you into brain melting bullshit pills. How about you try learning a damn thing for once in your life? Start with the greeks. Stop being a dumb fucking leaf caught in a jewish wind.

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