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/fit/ - Fitness

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Do Judo.
how effective is this without the uniform providing easy and sturdy places to grab?
Incredibly effective. Assume basic wrestling grips. Judo teaches the fundamentals of leveraging yourself against another regardless of size.
Normally, people wear cloth like a tshirt, a pullover or a jacket.
Why is /fit/ filled with fags
I am doing judo. I passed my yellow belt test.
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>Being scared of a naked man
Americans are such prudes.
Werks fine. Slightly different grip. If you feel mean, eye sockets and ears are good leverage
Why do judo when wrestling, BJJ, Krav Maga, and boxing are all better
no they aren't, judo mogs all of that
>Krav Maga
*wait no no you’re supposed to let me throw you YOURE SUPPOSED TO LET ME THR ACKKKK
are you the same faggot from /xs/ who got btfo'd or am i going crazy
No I don’t go on that board but I’m not surprised others agree
you're lying
I'm dying to do Judo but all the Judo schools around here are for children.
Dw bro you'll kick the shit out of them
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I mean a sweep is a sweep.
Hard to find past highschool in most countries
Lots of places start from the fucking knees.
>inb4 thats ok
No its not and even the gracies shit on it.
>krav majew
If you got a good gym its fine. Brain damage might be a concern.
My Dad is nearly 80, he did judo for decades. He now has dementia and sometimes when I try to walk him to the retirement home dinner hall when he’s not hungry he will footsweep me effortlessly while staring glazed eyes into the distance. I am a grown man.

It definitely works, lol.
The second my hand is free in not gonna learn to play your gay ass oil check tight singlet sport gaylord.
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our bjj place starts on the feet if the mat has space for throws otherwise other guy pull guard or does a slow and controlled takedown
>start from guard
Thats even worse.
>slow and controlled takedown
What does that even mean?
>slow and controlled
you agree which one is going down and do a throw just like when you're learning judo throws
costs a thousand dollars a year, i would if it didn't
>krav maga
completely useless once you get taken down
good but every gym is a competition gym outside of brazil so they are not applicable in the real world
mogs everything. find a local russian or other slav/central asian and he will most likely point you to a wrestling gym
>wrestling, bjj
Get in a fight, go to the ground, get stomped by their homie
>Krav maga
Oh, you are just shitposting
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>"you can only do ONE thing!"
As opposed to
>you are supposed to let me choke you!
The fuck? Any gym charging more than $40 a month is either a ripoff or something for pros.
Looks fun but no gyms near me
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lold @ filename, good one anon
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OP is a famous spammer, humerously dubbed "the judo pedophile" for spamming on /fit/ and /xs/, don't engage with his posts
I'm engaging
Not funny. That nigga died
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based and dementiapilled

>After Japan's defeat and occupation in World War II, MacArthur banned military education and martial arts in Japan. Judo and kendo were banned specifically, considered by MacArthur to be overtly militant.

why is his cock so small
Holy shit pretty clean,, especially for MMA. What was that, a koshi guruma? I'm very rusty on my judo after 13 years of not doing it.
Are your takedowns closer to real speed if you have room?

Why try to wrestle if your opponent is so much better at it than you?
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They're fast for my skill level but i like to focus on training partner safety over speed. So pretty much i don't rip anything if it's not there. Few months back one guy broke his shin bone going full blast and that shit sounded horrible.
Judo is goated.
But judo with (JKS) karate is above everything, it makes you a killing machine
judo != jew jitsu
[spoiler]I actually like bjj, its more fun than judo, although less practical.[/spoiler]

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