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This guy looks fucking grotesque & I'm sick of seeing him. The youtube algorithm initially assaulted me with his bullshit.
>"Doctor" Mike Israeli
After succumbing to the suggested/recommended thumbnails, I checked out two videos. I wish I hadn't.
In one video, the "doctor" literally claimed that seed oils were actually totally healthy and not bad for you because..."muh studies." Muh studies that he also conveniently forgot to cite.
In another video, this "doctor scientist" admitted that steroids make him want to literally torture—yes, unironically TORTURE—anons who troll him in the comment sections.
So, this "doctor" is a literal psychopath with the emotional fortitude of a homicidal woman with BPD.
If you are that much of a manlet, getting this big not only makes you look fucking gross—and EVEN SHORTER—it reeks of cope.
I am a man with the sensitive soul of a poet. I should be composing Sufi poetry in Nishapur or writing Buddhist treatises in Nālandā. Not peering at such grotesque images.
>short ugly manlet
>permanently seething that he can't get his IFBB procard like Greg Doucette
For the Buddha to achieve enlightenment, he first had to witness poverty, disease, and old age. Perhaps seeing the nauseating physique of Dr. Mike is what is required for you to get them mad spiritual gainz.
>>short ugly manlet
It's funny because in that second video wherein he admitted to having homicidal desires to torture shitposters, the interviewer asked him what initially motivated him to get bigger.
And this bald effeminate faggot acted like he couldn't pinpoint why.
>short ugly manlet
>short ugly manlet
>short ugly manlet
Gee, Mike. I WONDER what the catalyst was.
I saw that second video, he also claims to have an IQ well over 160. "unmeasurable" is how he described it
he looks like the meth head who lives in my neighborhood
"algorithim" promotes an ugly Jew. Once again. Sure.
>mogs you
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There is the option "Don't recommend channel" on youtube. You should try using when one of his videos pops up.
yeah he looks disgusting
I dont even judge men, but this guy is just off. He gives off bad energy
I love Dr. Mike Isratel. I literally lost 15 lbs since I started listening to him in July.
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It's rather simple even a phone poster can do it.
I saw abs for the first time within three weeks of watching his video on abs
>There is the option "Don't recommend channel" on youtube.
Are you fucking kidding me? That has been a feature this entire time? Where??
Holy shit thank you i have never noticed this!
I could kill this guy if I had to
ive did that and still see him non stop jewtube wont let you ignore a tribe member
The definition of dickless roidtranny
He litteraly looks 60 in this pic. His wife is ugly complete loser
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He was done so dirty by this side angle shot hahaha. Holy shit. Little feet danglin lookin bitch.

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