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It prevents me from being attracted to them.
Can fitness fix this problem?
Irritable bowel syndrome?
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Vaccines and a desire for artificiality. Goth is death imitation and hence synthetic. So they're prone to using all kinds of products and eating bad food.
Doest that big titty italian girl have it
I prefer very catholic trad virgins
Yes, I am having a hard time finding them but I will not give up
Most women have gut issues, either from awful diets or self inflicted hormone issues, or both. Usually both.
Never met a healthy girl in my life, even the ones that eat healthy and are fit, they all have some weird health issue I never heard of in my life
Women are just weak.
I would gladly be a receptacle for the products of her IBS
Horrible diets and drugs
I have noticed that my female coworkers take a lot more sick days than their male counterparts
Too much anal sex with chad and nogrone
>the sex who shed their uterine lining monthly take off more
The skinny ones are on drugs (either recreational or prescription "mental health" drugs.)
The fat ones (majority) due to diet.
Neither subset of goth girl eats right or takes care of their body. They're the female equivalent to soi bois when it comes to lifestyle, who also overwhelmingly have IBS.
Next question.
Have you watched or asked a girl what she eats? Most have dog shit diets:
>low protein
>low water
>lots of sugar
And goths, at least when I was a teenager, commonly:
>drank coffee
>smoked ciggies
>did drugs
Women are more susceptible to harmful environmental sources than men are, not sure why, though hearing goths have sensitive intestines does not surprise me. A woman's period also wastes lots of macro- and micro-nutrients from blood and tissue loss and hormonal fluctuations. The "modern" diet will never adequately recover these lost nutrients, so organ system malfunction should be expected.
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I want a chubby goth gf bros...
what's wrong with you man
no one is even talking about sex
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Mental health and gut health are directly tied. If a girl says she has IBS she also has something like anxiety/depression or some other mental problem. A girl who willingly dyes her hair black, covers herself in white and black make up, and dresses up like that probably has issues.
There are two types of women: IBS women and bipolar women
your transition begins now
no shit goth girls have stomach problems. their diet is LITERALLY hot chip
Trans rights.
Goth girls live on cans of Monster and McDonalds fries. They produce foul, wet pebble turds and often shit their knickers.
This is so unbelievably true. I can tell this is from lived experience, anon.
There are no goth girls after the early 2000's.
When my goth ex moved in with me, her health improved dramatically because I cooked all our meals and made her go outside. Her typical diet before living with me

>Bong hit


>Dab pen
>Chipotle (if she was feeling fancy)
Huh. That's very weirdly accurate OP
ibs induces gothliness
the browns are hidden by dark shades
They are just gullible and will 100% believe all the fables that dr.Berg tells them.
>they all have some weird health issue I never heard of in my life
Gut parasites
longer average lifespan than men
>p za is cheaper th n
What is p za cheaper th n?

There are health issues that are conducive to long lives. Can’t remember what it is called but there is one where you grow ridiculous tumors the size of your whole body that you have to lug around but it also boosts your immune system like crazy so you never die early.
fucked up chemicals in their excessive makeup + being wrapped in clothing made of cheap plastics
How have I not realized this before? Holy shit kek
>Goth girls have IBS
Who cares, just don't fuck them in the ass
>don't fuck them in the ass
I thought that was the whole premise behind hot topic alt emo vamp goth girls
I WISH i had an IBS gf. i want ibs braps on my face
Because these cunts are protected, catered to and entitled by society every day of their whore slut lives.
I got diagnosed with IBS at 14 and had horrible bloating and stomach pain and a messed up cycle until I graduated highschool. Once I got out of school and was actually able to sleep enough and was no longer insanely stressed out from school and after schools sports/part time job my cycle became normal and IBS and all symptoms went away. I don’t think the female body is able to handle stress in the same way a man’s body can. The routine of waking up and going to school or a job is too much on a woman’s body. I don’t think we are meant for it physically or mentally. I’ve never been on birth control either and didn’t get the vax so it’s not caused by that. My body is just shit at handling stress.
My doctors actually tried putting me on birth control and anxiety medication to help my IBS, which was absolutely insane to me. Every time I go to the doctor they are trying to get me on birth control for one reason or another. It’s literally their “solution” to everything when you are a girl. There’s obviously some weird incentive that’s making doctors do this.
To the men that are making fun of women for being weak and having ibs u sound absolutely retarded. would u rather women be able to handle holding down a job like a man can and having a masculine spirit? Feminine women can’t handle stress. If u want a woman that can handle stress then ur asking for a man kek
Yasss slay queen!
>goth girls eat ass
>gets IBS
>doesn't eat collagen (doesn't eat much of anything)
>has stomach problems because stomach is 99% collagen

shitposting is a banning offense newfag.
IBS is exclusively caused by either parasitic infection, allergic reaction, or lack of collagen.
I’m not a goth girl but my dr said I have IBS :(
If I could meet a cute goth girl with ibs id accept and love her and it would take away so much anxiety because I know she understands my pain
and then y’all could get two toilets and shit together while holding hands
uh nigga
>they all have some weird health issue
they are all on hormones since the age of 12, because being on the pill helped make their periods not so bad, was the reasoning my wife gave why everyone she knew was on the pill. Shes never been on pill, family is catholic. She still has low iron issues "tired" all the time. Some kind of anxiety disorder Im sure. But still way less fucked up than most, and I think the pill can explain a lot with most women.
the last paragraph is facts.
tried to kill myself ages ago and every dr in every institution immediately tried to prescribe me boatloads of antidepressants. Im talking 6-12 different daily meds per dr. and multiple of them threatened to sue, take my insurance away, or have me chaptered if i didnt comply.
I never did take any and i thank God for making it all work out. Hard to stick to your guns these days, even as a man.
top kek
YWNBAW tranny freak
A lot of goths; both males and female, are fat, greasy and don't take care of themselves or go outside.
My tomboy GF is mildly allergic to a lot of flora. Since we live in Houston where there's lots of oak tree pollen, she has to take Zyrtec everyday. I suspect heavy metals from the mountain water she drank in her home country is causing it. I tried getting her to take chelation supplements, but it made her extremely anemic.

She and her sister had some toenail fungus, but they were able to get that fixed once they could finally afford health insurance.

She use to become bed-ridden for a week with Epstein-Barr virus, whenever she gets overly stressed or wet from rain. I solved this one by figuring out that her allergies keep her from going outside as much as she used to, so she just needed to take Vitamin D supplements.
>I suspect heavy metals from the mountain water she drank
I have suspected this for myself with my constant stuffyness and PND and flaky skin
>She use to become bed-ridden for a week with Epstein-Barr virus, whenever she gets overly stressed or wet from rain
>wet from rain
are you dating a gremlin?
childhood trauma causes both inflammatory disorders like IBS and subculture membership
That's not how it works.
punchable tummy
This. Most girls are unhealthly af even if they are skinny. Which is the same as guys, but yeah.
lack of vitamin d from sunlight?
Heavy metals are stored in fat and can be released when you lose weight. When I was fasting for extreme weight loss I would get random rashes and pimples until I started taking chelating supplements.

Getting cold from water causes stress and weakens your immune system. Don't you watch Anime?
This and too many dirty cocks up the ass and down the throat.
Spina bifida
Because men actually do dangerous jobs and after 3 decades of marriage death is a welcome release.
It is exactly how it works.
Tits, or GTFO
That's one way to irritate her bowels
>Why do unhealthy women have health problems?
>It prevents me from being attracted to them.
It should.
>Can fitness fix this problem?
Yeah, but it fixes the "goth" too.
Unfortunately women don't have flavors. They're more social. The good ones all look and act like each other.
false, false, and false
Bad gut = depression = goth.
Thyne triplets of four have been remarked, friend
>Unfortunately women don't have flavors. They're more social. The good ones all look and act like each other.
People don't think it be like it is; but it do.
>The good ones all look and act like each other.
That's a good thing.
A good woman should be able to blend in while attracting attention from those that matter (ie: her friends, family, boyfriend/husband, etc). If she's drawing excess attention to herself, be careful. She may be doing it in a confused attempt to attract the right man, in which case she can be fairly easily steered onto the right path, but more often than not it's for vain glory and they should be avoided (unless you want a mess of a project to deal with).
>le le all women are whores!
Then don't date and die alone.
Simple as.

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