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sorry chuds, your ancestors are stupid and Gil just BTFO both you (gay) and them (dead & gay) epic style, using SCIENCE! (it's settled, btw)
>raw milk fags seething
don't care. heat your milk, bitch

literally who
Some jew, no doubt.
Early life check? Don't need it mate.
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>primvl chvds absolutely btfo
don't care
ya seethe?
Reminder that the Rothschilds only ever chose to speak in the house of commons/lords twice and one of the times was to promote pasteurization. It didn't become the norm anywhere until that point. Also it's funny how they try to make it illegal in many areas to drink it.

We all know what's going on here. You're just brown and mad you can't drink it.
>Noooo you can't drink raw milk
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He is (((Carvalho))), fun fact; All Portuguese/Brazilian Marranos took last names that are related to plants.

Carvalho Surname Meaning
Portuguese: topographic name for someone who lived by a conspicuous oak tree carvalho or a habitational name from any of numerous places called with this word. This surname is also found in western India where it was taken by Portuguese colonists. Compare De Carvalho . Jewish (Sephardic): Portuguese surname (see 1 above) adopted at the moment of conversion to Roman Catholicism. After the return to Judaism (generations later) some descendants retained the name their families used as Catholics.
>le evil jews are trying to take away my aryan elixir
grow up
Yes, unironically. Just substitute "Jews" for elites if anti semitism is some sort of faux pas for you. It's no different than the enshitening of most foods in super markets and several other prolific practices in food processing that have lead to health issues. They want everyone dumb, fat and sick.
The holocaust?
Yeah, never happened.
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>Uh actually chuddie science says that raw milk kills even though humans have been consuming milk for millennia and pasteurization was invented in the 19th century now please feed your child aspartame and HRT concentrate as the science states
sorry but raw milk is not some super-food. btw, 80% of the population has always been retard tier slaves.
I have never drank raw milk. But when I was young my grandmother used to buy raw milk from a local farm, and then boiled it herself. Vastly superior taste than pasteurized milk from the shelf
>boiled it herself
don't you know she was playing right into the New World Order's hands?
Grandma noooo
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>pro scientist
>pro scientist
GUIs for computers truly was the beginning of the end.
>Pro Scientist
Already convinced it is gay and retarded
Raw Milk is Based. Id move to Utah to gain access to it but Im to afraid of YellowStone erupting.
Do places like Alaska, Maine, and North Carolina have raw milk?
I grew up on Raw milk, I have an abnormally strong immune system and it never upset my stomach. Fuck the Jews.
>jew promoting big pharma when their lies get exposed
Burn in hell, kike.
Good job drawing the schizos out of the woodwork. Now if only there was some way to keep them in this thread instead of letting them roam free shitting up the board
Hello my fellow /fitizen, I too dislike these conspiracy theorists and chuds.
The only difference is the slightly higher sugar content in pasteurized milk because its partially broken down/digested for you. This means raw milk might be slightly more comfortable to drink if you get gas from the pasteurized shit. But it's a very mild difference. Raw milk does taste better thoughbeit.

Obviously the risk of disease is higher but thats only an issue if the milk comes from an absolute shithole farm with 0 industrial hygiene practices. The bacteria would be e coli or salmonella which 9/10 times is mild and causes some GI symptoms in people with healthy gut biomes. If you're a fat boomer piece of shit you might get sicker but you deserve death just from being in that demographic anyway. It's literally a nothingburger. I drink the raw stuff for the taste and to support the two local farms that sell it where I'm at in Maine.

Oh and they've found some bird flu spreading in cows in the US, as well as dead viral particles in raw milk. There is a chance you could catch that and potentially contribute to it's mutation so it can learn to spread to humans faster. This might kill a bunch of boomers, which would be terrible.
Shut it down!
>worried about Yellowstone
>still considers moving to Alaska in spite of its numerous volcanos
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(((They))) want us weak and submissive
this guy is always so milquetoast
you know what his opinions are about anything without checking his channel
>le sarcasm greentext
grow up
I WWOOFed on a raw dairy operation for a month, it was rad. I got all the raw milk and pasture raised meats and eggs I wanted. Every day I made raw milk kefir, never had it better than that. Shame how expensive it is to buy ($20/gallon where I live) otherwise it'd be a staple in my diet.
facts don't care about your feelings
milk chud big mad.
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Drink raw onions goy
Lol S O Y is onions now, I guess that's a good substitution
Nerds... not even once.


I got your fact check right here~
It's called my foot in your rear~
I don't really care what you heard~
Sometimes you gotta punch a nerd~
Think you're smart but you don't know dick~
Scientists need their dumb ass kicked~
kys newfag
i drink raw milk and my immune system is so much better so i think it gives you local antibodies (and honey) + it's a good talking point
Yea longtime lurker and /fit newfag, being said I know I've fkn posted that word here b4 without the switch
usually drink low temp pastuerized milk but raw milk would be ideal. maybe raw milk was dangerous 50 years ago but nowadays its just big dairy FUD
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I can't tell whether this post is satire
>Shame how expensive it is to buy ($20/gallon where I live)
That's criminal. You might as well buy your own dairy cow at that point.
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>If only we could stop these people from committing wrongthink!
Try as you might, but the truth is unkillable, bitch boy.
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Raw milk IS a superfood, you gay homo
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(((Doctors advice))) rejected
GORAD bros
A pro scientician. Pro!
How many probiotics do you get out of raw milk that you can't get from a probiotic supplement?
>pro scientist
Meh, still going raw milk and colostrum

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