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He never misses
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what does this face convey?
i don't get it, therefore it isn't funny
It's in the first image in the needle. /thread
trannys have a high suicide rate
trannys take estrogen
therefore estrogen is less safe
wrong lmao how can you miss the joke that much
Dammit i always forget to look
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What percentage of /fit/ roiders are crypto-troons?

Two sides of the same coin huh
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Isn't estrogen technically a steroid? I think I remember hearing that somewhere but I don't know much about the subject.
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tilt your head
nah that's what it is
initially i was thinking "well that's true but why would you take estrogen anyway? that's not funny"
but if it's a tranny reference that makes sense
This shit is getting esoteric
Haha its so funny when I make a joke and then break the fourth wall and stare at the camera. Just like my favorite wholesome chungus show the Office!!!
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>wholesome chungus
I thought it was a reference to women taking estrogen birth-control
It's well known to cause cardiovascular issues
are you actually fucking retarded
haha that's so quirk chungus of you
you're so quirky using that term but like "ironically" LOL
It's a bad comic because it's objectively impossible to tell if he means that he's goih to take something no matter what and test is safer for a cis man than estrogen, or if he means that women are encouraged to take estrogen as birth control, so why shouldn't men take their analogue? The lack of clarity is a function of the artist's failing as a storyteller.
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>faggot trannoid says "you missed the point
>proceeds to explicitly not explain the apparent and correct point
>might have actually permanently disappeared from the thread for some reason





To be fair, you have to have a very high IQ to understand Stonetoss
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Brevity is the soul of wit. Stone toss doesn't generally make narratives.
There are many interpretations, all are valid.
To claim its good or bad is functionally subjective and subversive.
Claiming that the meaning is lost in ambiguity is a failure of the reader.
As well, claiming an artist needs a clear explanation to what they create is a failure of the society.
When we criticize with prejudice we only elevate that under scrutiny to a higher level.
I believe that you may have a negative opinion of Stonetoss, and in my advice if you feel that he is failing as an artist then criticism is only encouragement.
I don't get it
lol retard
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Bcz ur sus
Idk why people are criticizing you. The point is that it’s the same thing. The face he is conveying is that of blissful ignorance from the roider. Roidtranny if you will.
coming late to the thread, but Ill add my 2 cents

I work at a "mental health facility" for sex offenders that is "not" a prison
anyway, we have quite a few trannies, 40+
this 1 gets estrogen shots on Saturdays and, more times than not, gets aggressive that night and has to be put in isolation.
"She" is only 120 lbs, hairy, and so narcissistic and bitchy, no one wants to deal with "her" shit!

in conclusion, I cant wait to show my co-workers this cartoon!
why are so many trannies sex offenders?
I call my troongf and her libtard friends the 'quirk chungi'.
Just one more panel and this could be Loss
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>taking the bait this hard
zoomer newfags dont understand 4chan intentional irony
i pray everyday for someone to invent a new site or something that appeals to zoomers like reddit is for midwits so they fuck off and leave this place forever
Because it's a fetish in adults and indoctrination/grooming in kids
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>all are valid
There is no interpretive discussion unless one aesthetic lense is more valid towards a truth value.

arguing meaning (a self-inherent creative force)
I like the taste of strawberries, and you like the taste of apples
Does this unfunny fag still exist?
a lot of the men that are "committed to life" were abused themselves as little, little kids so they have no boundaries with things like incest

others are just psychotic assholes that wake up one day and think that estrogen will make them happy
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This is what I thought he was saying, but it's not actually funny. So I was comfused and thought maybe I was missing something. Turns out it's just an unfunny comic.
that's so wholesome chungus
lol retard
To view the criticism that art has a lack of clear meaning is the fault of the viewer, disregards the artist's responsibility to convey coherently.
If I as an artist draw a plain circle and mean it to be a portrayal of my love for My Little Pony, it is my fault that people do not understand what I meant.
While artistic beauty comes from the individual interpretation, there is an ideal amount of clarity that an artist should account for when wanting to make art. Stone toss here clearly meant for this joke to say something, but the confusion many people have over the comic is an indictment of his inability to make that message clear
Yeah, low iq chimps replying to that guy thought stonetoss made some kind of hidden "I hate trannies message"
But it is actually a message to both trannies and roidtrannies
I think you're right, he's saying why value troonery but not getting huge
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omg lol LOSSED
>no second person in the 3rd panel
Literally just google the word steroid, retard.
>There are many interpretations, all are valid.
There isn't, dumbass.
>objectively impossible to tell
Only if you're an absolute moron.
Isn't Pebblethrow a fat fuck IRL? Why does he try to larp as a gymbro?
Gender affirming care results in less suicidality
>Why does he try to larp as a gymbro?
he doesnt. he's just dunking on trannies.
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I thought it was the first one. We're all on hormones anyway, from animal meats, BC in the water, plastics disrupting your shit, and hormone therapy is becoming more acknowledged/normalised so might as well pin. Or some shit like that. Stonetoss isn't exactly known for his high IQ takes.
Might be overthinking it a little there pal
Maybe it's just a shitty comic drawn by a fat /pol/tard to bait xitter trannies into having a meltdown
hans is a fat pathetic ugly nazi loser
you actually cant type his full name in here, because the nazi loser mods close ranks on other nazi losers
you think you are insulting someone with this?
You like being a loser lol?
youre free to idolise and follow a nutless gunsucking junkie loser if you like
be loud and proud, brother
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>Gender affirming care
Call it what it is: it's a sex-change operation
>it results in less suicidality
No, it doesn't. That's just a plain lie. No reputable study has proven any decreased suicide risk or even long-term improvements in mental health, for that matter. Plenty of people regret irreversibly altering their bodies to try to fix a hormonal or psychological problem.
TRT trannies laughing at HRT trannies. Begun, the Troon Wars have
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Roid Trannies die by drug, HRT trannies ACK themselves. How do you not understand
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>Tranny Sister Wars
imagine if all the roiders went homicidal on all the trannies
Third Wall break he looks at the audiencia
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>i was only PRETENDING to be a retard

yep, just like you're only PRETENDING to be a woman.
>trannies and roidtrannies.
fixed that for you
>Fourth Wall
>roidtranny walking in like he's hot shit
>gets brutally heightmogged the instant he stands next to an actual man
Holy kwab
i can smell the curry from this post
The issue is that, without a clear point, it's easy to say that he has none, and that the "message" is simple pretense. Both are valid interpretations, but he also doesn't give an indication that it's purposely vague. One can only come to the conclusion that he meant to be clear, one way or the other, and failed. Skill issue.
Write better, ST.
Stonetoss is a fat Mexican and almost certainly a virgin.
>reinforcing retarded lookism horseshit
just hatch already
And you're a liberal tranny faggot of some kind or other.
>the Troon Wars have
Wonder who'd win that? Musclemonsters vs suicidal sissies?
He looks fat lol is that really him
Buy and AD fagget

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