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/fit/ - Fitness

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Haven't seen one in a while, this week I am trying a rolling 48 fast so figured I would start it up. Don't remember what was in the OP so I'll just link a few random things.
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Depending on how fat you are 20lbs in 3 weeks is going to be tough. Your best bet is to start right now with a keto diet for a couple of days. It's much easier to jump into fasting when you are already in ketosis. After that try OMAD for a few days then go into rolling 48/72 hour fasts.
Do everything you can to distract yourself and avoid food. Don't go to /ck/, don't look at youtube or anywhere else that might have food advertisements.
Biggest thing to remember is that the hunger eventually goes away, it's like a wave. Just ride it for a few hours and you'll feel better until the next one. Good luck brother.
I remember a few years ago reading about a method here. It was basically fasting based on your previous weight. So let's say I weigh myself today and I weigh 100kg. I would then fast until I reach at least 1 kg less. So the next day I weigh myself in the morning if it's 99 or less I can eat that day, otherwise I fast another day. And you basically keep this up until you get to your desired weight.
I feel like that wouldn't work very well because water weight is going to make it extremely difficult to get on any set pattern. Better imo to do rolling fasts so you know you will always be fasting X days of the week. Easier to plan around gatherings and social things as well.
Bunch of stupid assholes gonna set back their muscle tone because your body will cannabalize itself for amino acids for heart and brain functions
Stupid fucking zoomers don't know shit about consistency and perseverance and recomp

Counting calories, with high protein, extremely low to no carbs, no sugar and stay away from processed foods. You will literally be eating eggs, bacon, chicken and steak, with some veges like green beans, black beans occasionally, and corn. Supplement oranges, lemons and limes into your water to help with skin and vit c. Take a multi every morning, work out at least 3x a week and do some walking for a few hours a week and you will literally melt the fat away while you gain muscle

Fasting is a fucking glowing psyop to make you look like a fucking aushwitz barbie. Fasting WILL result in muscle loss and nutrient deficiency, hair loss/thinning and obviously weight loss.

This is NOT healthy. Recomp is best, always has been and always will be stupid fuckers.
Nooo not muh heckin musclerinos. Have you ever considered that not everyone has body dysmorphia and wants to get as big as possible?
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Thanks for the bump kind stranger :)
>Sacrificing gains to look like a bitch and also suffer the health consequences
Enjoy being victim weight lil twink
I think my body is broken, everyone says the hunger goes away after a couple days but that never happens for me. By the second day my thoughts are filled with food, it takes hours to go to sleep. Each day after that gets progressively worse and I can barely drag myself around the house. Maybe I have the betus I dunno.
That's because you are a bitch
When you fast, do you it solo or with the help of real/online friends? Maybe it's gay but I feel I'd breeze through fasts knowing others were doing them and being accountable to others who'll kick my butt if I start getting weak and craving food.
I have a real life friend who is also trying to lose weight. He can't handle fasting but we do try to motivate each other. But I mostly use /fat/ to talk to others about it. They have a "contest" so to speak where you report your weight loss every week. It really helps to stay motivated you should check it out.
I have some multivitamin effervescent tablet with aspartame. Can I take one of these each day and retain most of the benefits of fasting?
Sure, one or two calories isn't going to change anything. But it might increase your hunger cravings, you should monitor yourself closely and see if it effects you.
I started fasting for the first time, hoping to do rolling 48's until I hit my goal weight. I just got over the 24 hour hump fot my first fast. Honestly, not as hard as I thought it would be.
>Honestly, not as hard as I thought it would be.
This is the biggest mindfuck about fasting for me.
Trying lose weight by restricting calories enough to actually lose weight in a sensible time seems to get so damn hard after doing it for a bit while I can fast for days without too much grief.
I'd rather not do that. Artificial sweeteners might trigger a response.
gonna fast this entire week
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Doing a week long fast right now, on day 5. Read a bunch of science articles so Im officially in the know. Also watching Asian shows was a mistake since every other scene is them sitting around eating delicious food :/ This fast has made me interested learning to cook more stuff outside my safezone. Because deepdown I think food is kinda cool ngl

>Bunch of stupid assholes gonna set back their muscle tone because your body will cannabalize itself for amino acids for heart and brain functions

>The loss of lean mass
was almost completely reversed (−0.69 ± 0.49 kg) during the 3 days
following the end of fasting, while the loss in fat mass (−1.85 ± 0.34 kg)
was sustained (Extended Data Fig. 1).
wow science is cool huh
Good luck bro, don't forget to take some snake juice every now and then.
Bros, I'm TERRIFIED of gallstones. I have two members of my family get them after weight loss and I've read that rapid weight loss and fasting are specially bad for them.

Is having a bit of butter with my black coffee every morning enough to avoid them while maintaining most of the benefits of fasting?
>Is having a bit of butter with my black coffee every morning enough to avoid them
It's completely random, sounds like it might be genetic for you. I would consider not doing serious fasting if you have a family history. There are other options try doing things like OMAD.
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boy dinner
I've been omad for 2 years and do rolling 48's every 3 weeks or so, no real schedule, tried a couple 72's last year as well. I quit drinking after 30 years of heavy abuse and diabetes setting in, dropped 75lbs pretty fast, got to 160 which I presume is my ideal weight because I don't gain or lose more than a few pounds
Has anyone tried apple cider vinegar while fasting? How did it go?
Rolling 48s. I've lost 50lbs since August.
You lost 50lbs in a month and a half? I find that a bit dubious.
As hard as it is to believe, I've gone from 262 to 218. Not 50 on the nose, but I'm getting there.
If you legitimately stick to it, your body produces a rhythm in its metabolism that does mostnof the work.
Take it from a fatass who could barely lose 10 lbs before, perpetually stuck between 260 and 240. I don't have pics on hand to show but I would.
So you just ate one meal every other day? How many calories was that meal?
One meal every other day is what I do. Eat a big dinner Monday, then nothing Tuesday, and a big dinner on Wednesday. Repeat until you see fit.
The meals I eat are usually over 1000 cal, but not over 2000 cal. The nutrition deficits I fix using supplements; it's not the best way of doing it, but it works.
Well I just started trying rolling 48's this week. Guess I'll see how it goes.
What did you start at to lose 50lbs in such a short period?

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