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/fit/ - Fitness

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How do you get motivated to go to the gym if you have zero motivation to begin with?
force yourself to go
Learn Ego Death and then conquer your flab
I watch videos of street fights
Especially ones where it's one guy who's done literally nothing wrong being randomly assaulted, really puts it into perspective that that could be me despite how cordial I am and that once it happens it will be too late to prepare.
You learn that motivation is a bad way to go rhough with things in life and learn discipline
The entire point is to molest yourself in the mirror. If you don't enjoy that, you simply aren't narcissistic enough to lift.
watch blood and guts by dorian yates. never fails to get me hyped to pound some iron

but, unironically, try talking to chatgpt or some other genai model about why you feel unmotivated. literally like free therapy. you can be as autistic as you want and it will understand completely.
I have zero motivation and I'm at the /homegym/ rn my nigga
>look in the mirror
>damn I look thick and yoocy, I better keep going to get even thicker and yoocier
>go to the gym
It's that simple
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>a jew worked out today, so i must as well
Her hips are great. Too bad about the rest.
I think of dying without a fight, I think of the death of my race, the death of my heritage and culture, I think of a world where evil has prevailed and history is rewritten on a daily basis, a world full of slaves that know not who they are or where they come from.
If it is my fate to die, I want to know I gave it my all every day that I was alive, so that my enemies will have to live with the shame of their actions knowing they could never conquer my spirit.
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I also think of women with a nice ass*
Shalom rabbi. And nice biceps too.
Mid face, but her body and hair make me wanna breed her
i say fuck it im not going to work out, then for some reason i just walk out the door and go, i did this today then hit a pr in deadlift
That's not how motivation works, you don't magically have motivation one day. You force yourself to do things and learn "motivation", or you just rot and wait for the day you are motivated.
I like it and its in my routine.
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I lift for very different reasons than the average anon. I like to dress up my GF in Sword and Sorcery power fantasy costumes and then overpower her. Usually we start wrestling playfully until she tries to use her strength on me, then I lift her over my head and throw her onto the bed. Then the fun begins. I usually end by pinning her ass up face down and finishing inside of her.

I really want to get wealthy enough or smart enough to convince my GF to let another woman into the bedroom so I can dress them both up and pretend to be a horny barbarian who's trying to impregnate them and chase them around the room. I already have a lot of fun toys like a sex swing, ball gag, and outfits I can dress my GF up in.
>you've lived to see antisemitism become common again
it's so beautiful
Agreed friend, its a beautiful thing to see.
self hatred
Where is her penis?
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you sir, are BASED
You don't, what kind of retarded question is that? Zero motivation implies you don't care. Why would you do things you don't care about to begin with?
>be on fit for years
>Wanted to have sex with women
>Was lazy AF, didn't go to the gym
>Get redpilled down the line on women
>Now want to have sex with femboys/twinks
>Actually go to the gym with regularity
>Now I'm in the process of making gains
There's my motivation.
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cuz it's just right there haha! i guess i just have to do it lol! hahaha i didnt want to but it's just.. its just a guilty pleasure of mine! sooooo don't mind if i do!
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salsa? she cute
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Billions must try. Every day.
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I work out to look cute in female clothes

It's over for you

Bro I don't even think about motivation. It's just automatic. I have to go cause I'm a weak faggot if I don't. I get itchy if I don't go, cause the weakness builds up inside.

Are you a weak faggot?
Nice. How’s that going so far?
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just started to lose fat. have nice legs and butt but want to get a slim waist. doing upper lower spilt and cardio when I feel like it. would post pic but I purged everything :((
good question
i don't really know
i think i just built a habit now it feels weird if i don't, so it's not a question of 'motivation'
How much weight you trying to lose?
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>Always motivated to go to the gym
>Go there almost everyday
>Even when I'm tired and pressed for time
>Make steady progress and sees results

>Completely unmotivated in every other area of life
that's a man
around 40 lbs. I'm a bit chubby, but want to be skinny.
How to get this body as female?
Home gym. By no motivation you really mean no motivation to go outside in public right? Because that’s the only kind I can relate to.
Why is it always some ridiculous fat ass thirst trapping
I thought lifting had no correlation with fighting
Dont listen to them anon. You can do it. Also post your ass, respectfully
i did this for years and it took me that long to actually start enjoying lifting, and even then i have sessions i hate
You guys are motivated?
I tell myself, "the hardest part is going there," and that's kind of what works for me these days. When I'm doing cardio and want to tap out, I just say "I already did the hard part," and for some reason it works.

Alternatively, step on a scale and look at yourself naked. That gets some results.
just buy a gun lol. Thinking lifting makes you better at fighting is a cope

You're going to feel embarassment doing this but sit down with yourself like you were a child and walk through the exact pros and cons of it. Very importantly, ask yourself both the pros and cons of doing it, and NOT doing it- find out what's holding you up. Is it an unhelpful belief you can let go of like "it won't matter anyway?" Too much pride? Fear of something, like being observed or discomfort. Maybe you don't think you'll succeed? Once you figure it out you attack that problem and then try again.

Once you figure out the reason you're doing something and tune out the FUD and anxiety, you won't need something as nebulous as "motivation." It will just be a habit that you do because it's what you do.

>just take party drugs and give yourself a mental illness
I’m going to need some more information on this lovely specimen
Actively playing a sport and/or dating women hotter than me are the only things that motivate me to go to the gym.

It doesn't even have to be an intense sport. Bouldering, running, surfing, etc.
if you don't enjoy it, you won't make it. I've never had to force myself to go to the gym.
I have a buddy who convinced me to join him. He lifts double my weight on damn near everything except that chicken wing shoulder raise machine. I keep him off the sauce and make him laugh, he makes me get the extra two reps out every day.

It's awesome, #blessed.
>be a fat faggot
>want a gf
>go to gym
>stop being a fatass although still dyel
>turns out you need a different type of skills if you want a gf
>keep going to the gym anyway since i get compliments for no longer being a slobbish faggot
just do it for long enough for it to be come a habit and your mind will eventually just force your ass to go to the gym on its own
Fall in love and then have your heart broken.
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>The gym was promised to him 2000 years ago
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Motivation comes in waves. Just be disciplined.
>Her making sure that her dad didn't have a boner when she got up from the chair
>Dad desperately trying to distract himself with his phone
What a tease
I want her to gag me with her socks then step and sit on my face
that would motivate me to pick up a grappling sport and carry a knife, not towards an unrelated activity
being bigger and stronger does in fact make you better at fighting
you won't find any videos of someone beating up someone twice his size or noticeably more muscular than him outside of staged shit someone is trying to advertise his mcdojo with, it just doesn't happen
and a gun really isn't as protective as you think and I don't think you even own one. I've seen plenty of videos of guys with guns or knives get the shit beat out of them. If you've got a weak ass neck and someone knocks you out in one punch when do you think you're going to shoot them? Are you going to shoot them preemptively and then go to prison?
>grappling sport
BJJfags get their heads stomped in
a completely untrained guy is less likely to die in a street fight than these retards
>i'll just go and do a little bit
>might as well do some core to warm up
>do the minimum acceptable
>might and well do that other work while i'm here
>i'll do some of that too
>fuck it, i'm warm and the machines are nearby, i'll do those too
>leave 90 minutes later.
lifting to dress up in Sword and Sorcery power fantasy costumes together with your gf and look the part, or something like that, would be very based, but you lost me at having to lift in order to easily overpower a girl and ruining the Sword and Sorcery vibes with basic sexshop crap.
I didn't even mention BJJ, you strawmaning retard, was thinking more about wrestling or judo, but yeah, a grappler pretty much always wins against a striker, BJJ too, especially on the street when concrete is involved and real life isn't like the capeshit everything you know about fighting comes from, with multiple opponents who aren't just standing there like a deer in the headlights, you're getting your head stomped in either way, especially if you don't know how to protect yourself from being taken down or to get out of a grapple and run away
yeah, that's exactly the kind of response I expected from a retard like you. you can get back to your capeshit fantasies now
I truly, truly hope your epic wrassling fantasies stay a fantasy and you do not ever have the opportunity to try to put them to the test and have your last thought be "damn, I should not have started rolling around the floor to let niggers stomp on me" as you die.
I dream of being the a strong, wise elder loved and respected by my sons. I think about my future wife cuddled next to my side, head on my chest as she strokes my muscled frame. I imagine the future self I want to be, the type of love and admiration I want to garner. That's what inspires me.
Do you have motivation to rape her and make her your sex toy?

Try to shape that into your motivation to go to the gym. I know it's hard.
the fact that you can't even follow a basic argument, i.e. thinking that you have realistic chance not getting you head stomped in fighting multiple determined opponents is braindead stupid in general, and you're still trying to strawman about muh grappling is hilarious. it's like you're too retarded to even know why you're retarded. I also love how you somehow think that striking would protect you from rolling on the ground than something with dedicated takedown defense, or that you'd be "rolling on the ground" after hitting your head on the concrete lmao.
gibs thigha me
I concur
Home gym. When I was still giving my money to the gym owner jew I was very inconsistent with my training. At some point I asked myself why It's so hard to be consistent even though I like the act of training a lot and it makes me feel great. Turns out I just hate the gym. I can't think of a more miserable way to spend my free time after a day at work than being in some smelly hall with shitty mysic and migraine causing artificial lighting, surrounded by dickheads who are just in the way. Dickheads looking at me, boomer men fucking staring at me jealously when I outlift them, dumb whores in literal porn star outfits in the god damn way doing butt workouts for 2 hours straight, groups of teenagers hogging all the benches while watching tiktoks while one of their friends benches 65kg. 35 yo dadbod dyel faggots doing resistance band workouts in the power racks.

I cancelled my subscription about four months ago and got my own gym gear and I haven't missed a single workout since. I can be completely run down from working a long shift at my shitty job and it still takes basically zero willpower to work out after work. It took about two weeks of lifting at home for my brain to reprogram itself into being excited about working out. Now when I have a rest day I actually feel bummed out over not getting to work out.
>being a child is idolizing toji
>being a man is realizing nanami was right all along
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I had to realize the social situation I was in, fact is if you're a manlet with an off-putting personality you're just going to get ignored by everyone so you NEED to compensate
Being an adult is not watching (dogshit) cartoons
This question creates a paradox, because why would you care about getting motivation to go to the gym if you have 0 motivation to go to the gym...?
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You can either be the man serving fries to another hippobesasaur or you can be the deep frier.
It's an easy story.
holy shit, this 100%
i just wonder sometimes if my motivation will fade after it stops hurting, but so far it hasn’t stopped hurting
imagine having feelings lmao
>wants to fight
>go lift weights
Either many of you are total retards or go through ten levels of bullshit to avoid admitting that you lift for women and want to look good.
I lift because I enjoy looking good, being attractive and having a healthy metabolism and joints.
If you want to fight just join a fighting gym, it's simple. No matter how much you lift you will get absolutely rekt by someone who can fight (or a gun).
>Needs motivation to go gym
Do you also need motivation to be a massive faggot?
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>Listen here little baby. You're gonna get a lot of hurtful and degrading comments, but that ain't what I'm about. Let me just say, you are perfect the way you are. You hear me sugar? PERFECT. Don't ever change. You deserve anything and everything you want. Stay safe for me, baby girl
>mfw thinking of you hurting
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There's so much readily available conflicting information about everything now. It's too easy to fool yourself into dumb shit like if you don't feel 95%, you should take another rest day.

Unfortunately the best way to know better is experience, trying all the "easy ways out" and learning they don't work.
yes lol
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>I really want to get wealthy enough or smart enough to convince my GF to let another woman into the bedroom
You dont go for motivation because that comes and goes, you just go, regardless how you feel
Its like stockholm syndrome
With repetition, you form a habit. Find something that can get you excited enough to last a few weeks. After that, short term motivation is less important than long term.

For me, when I need a quick boost to the motivation, I cruise porn for absolute 11/10 beauties. It's what works for me - nothing makes me more motivated than seeing absolutely perfect females.

For the long term, I larp about health and fitness, but what I really want is to get so juicy that my wife gets horny enough at the sight of me and insecure enough at the sight of my getting mires that she lets me do anything I want to her holes. That shit keeps me going day after week after month.

Form the habit, then focus on the long term.
that twitter faggot is wrong
Just be poly.
Motivation is bullshit, I don’t know if it’s discipline or just fear but the only reason I still go to the gym is I don’t wanna lose progress, it’s much easier to continue doing something if you’re afraid of losing it.
Level up to at least some beginner tier boxing. Puts you above 99%. Its a must. Big fit shape is to intimidate a fight off even before it starts. Just 4 days ago some retard in a truck was really looking to initiate a fight at the gas station. I thought alright you asked for it buddy and as I just got out of my car towards him he looked at me head to toe and immediately throttled his voice and aggression down. Not having tards fuck up with you in the first place is the best defense anyway.
I wouldn't share my GF with any other man, that's gay / cucked. I will instead trick my GF or go on vacation in Thailand and buy a couple girls.
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thats great and all but i dont have a giant sports hall like this all to myself and also noone to play gay tag with

> mfw
>yes lol
no way!
city starts with R?
nah with S
ah that’s cool, thought i knew you
hope you get your dream body!
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I just already wanna get big. I struggle to get to the gym sometimes but by the time I’m in my car and listening to some good tunes its a done deal. Especially satisfying if you have a nasty leg day when you really didn’t want to get out of bed to with.
chinese women licking my 8 pack
thats it, the rest is nice also
What else are you going to do?? Browse fucking 4chan for 2 hours? Go to the gym faggot
It's what keeps me going.
bruh she stares RIGHT at her dads' dick for far too long, is this why hispanics have such high incest rates? Were the daughters asking for it all this time?
>turns out you need a different type of skills if you want a gf
have you figured them out?
Let me call Mr. Neeson
Be funny, I'm 6' 320lbs and have a 5'6 120lb gf. Have a good personality, don't be creepy, and most of be funny.

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