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/fit/ - Fitness

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Why are so millenial men nowadays so fat and gross looking?
I blame the jews.
There generation was born into the postmodern nihilistic world, but without the internet and mass information they were never challenged on most issues, so they became indolent and lazy as they clung to subjectivism:
>Who cares if I work out or eat healthy, Im Going to die anyways
>Its my life, I can decide what to do with it
>Being "Healthy" is just a matter of opinion
All millenials are like this, except my Dad, he is ultra fit and can best up your dad.
when you hate yourself you start to target other groups instead of focusing on individual characteristics

there are good people and bad people of all generations
Nerd culture and infantilizing society.
>without the internet and mass information they were never challenged on most issues
You are dumb and your dad is a bitch.
eat too much and no exercise
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I forgot to mention glyphosate and atrazine somehow, but yeah. The answer was the same when you retards asked this 10 years ago, it's the same when you're asking it today. You are weak NPCs and chemicall castrated so knowing the answer does nothing.
Graphic t-shirts over 30, just wear a collared shirt and you instantly look respectable over that age.
Graphic T-shirts are obscene at any age. They get this started with 5 eyar olds that want their favorite dinosaur or whatever on their body, for tribal purposes.
I wouldnt be as astoundingly anti-semetic as I am now if it wasn't for the internet. Jews created there own kryptonite.
too much cartoons and videogames rot your brain
What a coincidence.
Social media normalized that. That includes early platforms like tumblr or reddit.
Every generation is like this in 2024. Have you seen gen-x and boomers lately?
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My manager is a typical millennial, not far off from your pic. What's horrendous is he realized his mistake too late. He's confided in some of his coworkers and myself that he realized he let himself go and now he regrets it. Keeping focused in your 20s makes or breaks the rest of your functional life.
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>tfw glorious generation Y winner who started very early EXPLICITLY because i saw a bunch of fat faggot gen X cucks who looked way too much like fat fuck on the left


>Its my life, I can decide what to do with it
The way one interprets this is the only thing that matters.
imagine the smell.
Statistics show we’ve been on a sharp decline.
>why even bother?
Söy, fluoride, round up, proccessed shit, gallons of oil, estrogen in drinking water, tea tree oil, lavender, and many more substances.
Some are bad enough alone (söy and fluoride) and some do damage together by piling up.
>proccessed shit
(You) are so close...
>schizo stuff from mundane to made up
>unironically believing memes and then projecting everything bad onto them despite the original meaning
and yet infinitely far from making it.
>What's horrendous is he realized his mistake too late. He's confided in some of his coworkers and myself that he realized he let himself go and now he regrets it.
What are his issues, besides I assume, being fat?
> There generation
stopped reading
speak for yourself not all of us are soi ridden fat slobs
Im bigger than these guys
>All millenials are like this, except my Dad
You need to be 18 to post here
It's not just Millennials, every generation has its fats and uggos.
Wait what’s wrong with tea tree oil
nah. it is getting worse. the gene pool is full of throwbacks and medicine is keeping the untermentsch, which would have previously died and/ or not bred, alive and kicking.
I don't know anyone like this. Might be an American thing. Gym culture only started to really become what it is when I was a young lad, which is "millennial" though I hate these gay generational distinctions as they mean fuck all really. There was definitely a more grounded approach and view of lifting back in the late 2000s/early 2010s as it hadn't been turned into a meme and you didn't have every faggot trying to make it their career or personality.
0/10 b8
You need to have a father to reply to me. Nigger
Bro you hit it exactly. I hate that people make their whole personality around lifting
Jesus, picrel just made me sick

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