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No source talk

Read the R*ddit wiki

No SARMS zoomers
His name is Vince Urbank.
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What supplements do I take to increase HDL?
I'll try some fish oil and niacin, anything else?

It's at 30~ rn so not too bad but I stopped Anavar 5 weeks ago so it must have been a lot worse back then probably 10-20 lol.
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I still can't believe some literal bothered to photoshop hair on his chest.
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More rest days on a test blast seems to allow me to make gains more
I went from 6 days a week to 4 days a week (PPL for both) and it only seems to help. Am I just coping because I have to work out less or have others experienced this when blasting?
Reminder that he did gay porn
Rest is what makes you grow.
If you feel you need it then just rest lol.
As long as you are progressing that's all that matters.
When I was my strongest and lifting the hardest in the gym I worked out 4 days a week. There's a reason the WSBB guys only lift 4 days a week.

Now if you're just going to the gym and fucking around and being lazy, yeah do 6 days a week.
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>decide to run tren again
>have opened vial of tren
>label says it was manufactured in 2021
>oil is clear
>doesn't smell rancid
>draw it in syringe
>"i'll pin my vg instead of delt in case the oil went bad"
>use alcohol swab
>better use another one just in case
>paranoia starts to kick in (it actually kicked in after reading the label)
>use third alcohol swab just in case
>"acohol swabs are cheap, i'll beter use another one just in case"
>push the needle in the muscle
>"it sits pretty deep, maybe pinning delts with slin pin is a better choice?"
>start sweating as fuck
>start pushing on the plunger
>pull out the needle and throw away the syringe with tren
In case you are wondering, it's gets even worse while i'm on tren.
Right now my HR is above 100 and i can't calm down because my plan was to start tren today and it didn't happen. I am considering popping a fresh vial.
What the fuck does alcohol swabbing your pin site 3 times do to prevent your possibly bad tren oil from doing? I thought pinning gear filtered most retards
Whats wrong with sarms
This gif accurately depicts the jews ultimate plan for the universe, mind if I save it?
It does nothing and that's the point. I am just paranoid but you are brain dead retarded.
the stronger you are the more taxing your workouts are on you the more you need to rest
I unironically went to the gym 7 days a week for 8 months straight and when I got sick for 2 weeks and came back to the gym I ended up being STRONGER after being sick instead of weaker because my body finally got some rest lol
nothing but most of the people that take them are broccoli headed underage tiktok zoomers who are scared of needles and we dont like their kind here
How does tren effect your dick and balls? hair?

Experiences with tren? I want to use tren.
Reminder he would fuck your ass just as hard and still mog the fuck out of you in every facet of life while you talk shit on 4chan lol
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whats his stack
I no longer have any desire to do a bodybuilding competition.
I think I’m gonna just do 400 test blasts and 100 test cruises
400 test makes me aroused by my own body more and more. i also want to fuck the ever loving shit out of annoying women.
cold press decaf and EDM
its called ocd
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about to start a end of the year cut
test, masteron, salbutamol
hgh and deca too but those are all the time things
relaxed, focused, flourishing etc.
Ok so I will give my plan for a long cycle, I will explain my reasoning and then you can roast me:

Start 10 week anavar only*
3iu HGH pre-bed
Some clen
hcg 300 iu 2x week

* Once I feel suppressed at any point during oral cycle I start to pin:

180 test propionate titrated up to 300mg Test prop. At the first pin a 4 month cycle of testosterone starts.

1. I play sports so I am not sure if 500mg test would be best so I plan on 300mg at most.

2. Why start oral only? Basically it is less suppressive than test and I won't be completely shutdown (supposedly) after 8+ weeks, once I feel like shit I just start pinning. if that takes 2 weeks to feel shit and start pinning then so be it.

3. It is an experiment to see if anavar cutting cycles work and for how long, and to see if anavar itself has fucky side effects.

4. I am only looking for anticatabolic effect when cutting at the start of this experiment, not build muscle.

5. Testosterone is extremely suppressive so I would stay on long which is why I want to do 4 or even 5 months and not 3.
Reminder test primo and anavar are all you need
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and Cardarine
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>orals only
fucking zoomers and their youtubes, so sick of this shit bros
just need some sarms and a super low dose trt cycle to gain 190lbs of pure anabolic muscle because he's a hyper responder to complete the bingo
fucking hell, the utter stupidity and it's constantly repeated here over and over
fuck you nigger and your fucking completely idiotic "cycle"
I mean how can you leave out horse semen?
don’t do this…super retarded
Varcels trying to reinvent the wheel
there's already plenty of research about anavar
Just rope varcel. anavar is a shitty oral for women and I bet my left nut you won't even going to take the regular 50mg but some low dose shit
>180 test
top kek
This is the worst and most retarded cycle I’ve ever seen and your rationale actually makes it worse.
it's really bad anon
Can you take aromasin and raloxifene at the same time?
does listening to muscle hypno increase gains?
blood of a virgin
If anything the jews have proven you can rape the child before drinking its blood and get the same benefits
I want to date a chick that looks like a fashion model
How do i do it Where do i find girls like that?
They live in big cities. Try going to night clubs while being rich.
Did any of you become hairier after test?
[spoiler]Body or facial hair, not on the scalp obviously lul[/spoiler]
wife commented my back hair was more substantial
maybe just getting old though
Is it possible bloodwork could be wrong?
I was on 200 test only and my total test was 1600 ng/ml, SHBG was 11 nmol/l

Now I'm on 250 test and 150 primo. It says total test is 570 and SHBG is 5? How is that possible? The only thing I changed is going from test-c to test-e.
Let's assume my test vial is bunk would it still be 570 in this case? When I first started out natty I had 200 test.
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test/shbg ratio of 0.36 at age 25. kms y/n?
On second look maybe the SHBG is the problem being that low. I hadn't injected in almost 3 days when I did the test.
I should probably inject daily if my SHBG is 5 lol...
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just pin, faggot
that's why you are here
I like SARMs and I redline well to them. Will never use needles.
I had my SHBG drop really low upon starting a test blast and now im 22 weeks in and it's back up. Apparently not uncommon for that to happen as your body adapts to the test coming exogenously. Obviously that's backwards to what you're experiencing in some ways, but the other way to look at it could be your body adapting to the bigger dose.
facial hair a bit and I've always been extremely baby faced, I'm 29
>just pin
i'd rather TRT but my asshole doc won't even consider referring me to an endocrinologist
The "problem" is I wanted to up it even more to maybe 400-500 test and 300 primo for 4-5 months but I'm not sure what would happen if I did that now...
The 570 total test reading simply confuses me.

I'm still getting stronger at the gym, I'm still horny and jerk 2x daily, I'm still very hungry so I feel pretty high test.

I doubt going from test-c to test-e caused the change because it's the same lab and oil carrier (one of the most popular labs in the UK).

So it's either the very low SHBG causing the body to excrete it very quickly (maybe I should up the injection frequently) or the bloodwork results are simply wrong.

I think I will up it regardless and follow the plan, wait a few weeks and retest my bloodwork in another place.
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saw this pic on diff boards lately. what did this retard do to get so wrecked so fast?
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you sound miserable to deal with. Glad you're an anon.
hair growth, but not alot. Dick works on overdrive if you keep your e2 in check.

Just run 300-500mg of Ace, 300 you'll get a taste, you'll love it or hate it.
var and primocels get the rope
just get UGL retard
>good downlighting
>front forward pose
That's the best he looked with all the insta tricks
>what did this retard do to get so wrecked so fast
He came off completely, didn't workout at all and became skinny; what's the question here?
This but dbol instead of anavar
Water balloon mode for a month but it makes going to the gym so fun and after you piss out all the water your arms/delts are bigger
people assume you magically walk like IG pics irl lmao
its all fraud angle, good lighting, a huge pump after hours of training and potentially even editing the photo
This is why strength chads mog, they're always strong
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I’m currently running 500 DHB 420 test and 300 mast. I just finished week 16 of my blast and can’t decide whether to push to 20 weeks or go ahead and call it now. I’m thinking of just dropping the DHB and running 300 test, 300 mast for four weeks or so and then dropping to a cruise. Basically, I’m at my goal weight and under the bf% I was shooting for and feeling a little run down from lifting hard plus 12 hours of cardio a week. I really don’t want to fain anymore more weight because it’s affecting my cardio quite a bit at this point. The lower dose would just be to maintain and recover some before cruising. On the other hand, I’m still hitting PRs every week in the gym and I look fucking great. What do you guys think?
Cope fattie
Does cardarine work or is it a meme
imo mast is pointless outside of cosmetic hardness when < 10% bodyfat
Works, take it if you arent a pussy
>keeps your nips safe 24/7
>keeps veins popping
>added horny
Honestly, its comfy to run at 10-12%. Lets you aesthetic asf while not having to dip into single digit bodyfat and constantly fight hunger
Tbh, I got some as a promo and I just threw it in to try it out. I’m around 12% and feel like I can see some visual difference but I do think it’s given me strength gains as well. Could be placebo I guess
luv me mast, but it does nothing for size or strength lol
When I take anavar my workout is always better. But when I take dbol I don't feel any difference. I thought dbol was supposed to be stronger?
Either way I’m liking it so far
Masteron is the most useless steroid out there, only useful for bodybuilding shows. Just inject horse semen EQ or Primo
k primocel
Everyone has a slightly different reaction to drugs. Might even try a different source if You want to stick with it.
how much did you take? 50mg is fucking powerful asf.
Yeah, I literally got 3 vials of mast p for free so I’m going to use it you stupid fuck. I said that already.
50mg. I think it's legit. But with var I can always squeeze out one more rep on my first set of each exercise. DBOL feels the same to me. Maybe I'm taking it too early. I usually take it 2 or 3 hours before I lift.
>only useful for bodybuilding shows
this honestly, the way mast looks at sub 10% body fat is only popular with bodybuilding judges, not normal people
There's a reason it was free, nigger
I never liked prop imo, bit too strong.
are you getting extra water? Or are you already bloated lol.
I upped my Aromasin when I started taking dbol. I do get a little better pump. Nothing crazy but it's noticeable.
>bloat lord who's also scared of 19 nors
>mast is a 19nor
Holy kek
i fucking love how i look cruising on 400mg test. I look like the fake natties I used to worship. Big, thick, full muscles, but at the same time veins, muscle separation, defined abs/serratus

do i just need to accept im going to die younger? Can I look like this on like 200 or 250 if I put in the work?
you faggots are only mentioning primo, eq piss and orals, while shitting on mast.
just do 200 test and 150 primo bro
Primo + NPP is the best mix, mastnigger
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This is my favorite on hand stock. Primo can be used bulk or cut. It's not as powerful at any one thing but it's more versatile and any gains are mostly lean.

The only thing I would add is running a small eq cycle for vascularity.

I did dbol once for the last 6 weeks of a cut. I liked the effect. It added some puffiness and filled me out. I'll stick to var though because I like the cut look more.
You can get off of test and keep 90% of your gains. Halve your dosage and start taking ashwagandha root, boron citrate, and finesteride at clinical doses. Look up the clinical studies. Do that for 1-2 months then you can drop the test. Another 1-2 months and you can drop the fineseride. 1-2 months after that you can drop everything else. The biggest things to do while getting off of roids on this program is watch your weight and jerk off twice a day. You should have known this shit before you started roiding but oh well. If you have been on roids longer than a year or 2 your balls may never come back to life. That is why people cycle the shit.
>lean gains
>keep 90% of your gains
Retarded natty posting is at an all time these days.
tren mast dbol, suck it nigga
>recipe for milking tits
> you can drop the test

But why?
>implying NPP doesn't do that
You know AI exists right boomer?
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Dunno what the point of these threads are. People treating steroids like they're sports teams
Faggots want to feel special
>I do TRT
>I only take primo and test
>muh 19 nors are scary guys
>i do oral only
>lol I do test base with sarms
They can't see compounds as tools, so they plant flag on their little stack and try and shit on everything else.
If you are worried about the health effects of roids you can get off of them and keep almost all your gains. Cycling gives you almost all of the upsides with almost no possible down sides. If you aren't trying to get freakishly big then it is perfect. You can get to the natty limit in a year or two of roiding then get off of them. It is like a cheat code to get to max level.
I think Anavar nuked my SHBG, I took 40mg for 2 months, I stopped 5 weeks ago but SHBG is still below 10.
I was kinda hoping to add it again in a few weeks for the strength gains but I guess I can't huh...
Are there any supplements that increase SHBG? Should I inject my test daily now?
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How ya doing natty faggot? Why have you wandered into this thread?
You forgot
>I do low dose of anavar for smart gains guise
>Are there any supplements that increase SHBG?
Estrogen, not even joking.

NTA, but could you take dbol for the E2 bump to raise SHBG? I'm a primocel who also takes proviron. SHBG drops to single digits during blasts.
>taking 2 dht compounds
You're just asking to crash your SHGB for nothing
Dbol is fine but HCG works better
NTA but can you really not take 2 DHT compounds together?
I was hoping on doing test + primo + anavar. Do I really have to choose between primo and var?
>he fell for the Hi Tech meme
>do i just need to accept im going to die younger? Can I look like this on like 200 or 250 if I put in the work?

Is there really that big of a risk of just cruising/TRT after a couple of test only blasts?

I'm 29, finishing my first test blast, and plan to cruise for the rest of my life besides maybe a couple more blasts of test. Outside of fertility, what really are the downsides? Having to pin occasionally?

It really seems like sticking to mostly test or mild shit like primo and anavar on blast only won't realistically affect your lifespan at all. Am I just coping? Please don't chime in if you're a permablasting retard
>Is there really that big of a risk of just cruising/TRT after a couple of test only blasts?
You're talking to a permblaster (400mg), yes he is going to die earlier.
>meanwhile 60+ year olds post perfect bloodwork on 500 test year round
Sounds like a coping (You) problem
That's based
May we see them?
I agree, very low based doses like 50mg aint bad
>youll die earlier on le scary 400mg perma blast test
You didnt prove shit, i dont have to either kek
Look up ChaseIrons, Test is harmless
The 38 year old guy who looks 50?
How ya doing natty boi
noo you don't understand I just have to look like I'm 13 year old for the rest of my life, alright?
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>natty faggots disappear as soon as they're called out
>If you have been on roids longer than a year or 2 your balls may never come back to life.
he doesn't have one kek

7th grade health class that still uses 1985 talking points
I enjoy looking like a normal human being (20s-30s) to being a baldcel with red-hued skin and deep facial wrinkles/folds.
good job anon, hows the road to 200lbs bench going
idk why you retards try to strawman any guy who doesn't want to look like dogshit (jk I know, it's because its the only way your retarded views on roids seem smart)
blast and cruise >>> permablast
natties getting mighty uppity over their no gains for the past three years of lifting
Will 100mcg t4 and 25mcg t3 make me lose any muscle?
I already take 50:12.5 t4:t3 due to hypothyroidism but my TSH is increasing again slowly and I figured I should increase the dose. TSH went from 5 to 2 when I started the meds and now its a little over 4 again, thinking about increasing the dose.

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