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/fit/ - Fitness

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>intermittent fast daily
>dont drink alcohol
>lift 3x week, active job
>sub 12% bodyfat
>eat zero added sugar or processed food
>diet is unironically grass fed beef, raw milk, and some homegrown veggies

Can anyone explain to me what the fuck is going on? I’ve been expending great effort and expense to live healthy and my bloodwork says im going to have fucking heart failure before im 40
Track your micronutrients for a while. Also walking around at 12% bf all the time isn't healthy.
I don’t actively try to moderate body fat, this is just my “normal state” as an ectomorph
>as an ectomorph
grow up
I’m 6’4 and lanky so call it whatever you want faggot
>Track your micronutrients for a while.
What do micros have to do with cholesterol?
did you fast for 16 hours before getting tested? if you eat before, the results get giga skewed
Start eating more fruit and stop fasting. You're fucking up your thyroid. Eat some fruit and cheese or something every 3 hours or so. Get enough sleep.
My doctor put me on cholesterol medication and i don't eat red meat and exercise 6 days a week with cardio. Sometimes you just draw the short straw
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*unblocks your path*
You're on gear... The high LDL and low HDL is a give away.
explain how eating more sugar and not fasting is going to fix it?

my TSH is fine
>he fell for the high fat meme
>he fell for the raw milk meme
>he fell for the grass fed beef meme
>he feel for the proccesed food bad meme
lel, i wish

the only things i take are vit D, K2, vit C, and Zinc
no one knows how cholesterol works anyway
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maybe i should slop-maxx for 6 months and see what it does
>lift 3x week, active job
>intermittent fast daily
>eats zero carbs
I think I might know...
>I have a diet high in saturated fat, why is my LDL and cholesterol so high?
Gee I wonder why. Also lmao at you for falling for /fit/ memes, raw milk? lol seriously?
I started eating fish twice a week and like half a pound of rice every day and it made me feel significantly better and I lost a little weight, might be easy enough for you to try. I never got blood tested though.
i dont eat "zero" carbs

the milk has carbs, often i'll make homemade burgers and have 1-2 buns with them

not strictly zero carb, but very low
it's delicious and anyone who says otherwise is some reddit tier gigafaggot
Do you have the number on hand? They keep increasing the range. High cholesterol tends to indicate poor steroid conversion. Thyroid isn't necessarily the issue.
dude, it's not rocket science, just eat fish, olive oil, and a mediterranean diet in general.
Same logic fatties use, enjoy your heart attack.
TSH: 0.745 uIU/ml
>unironically grass fed beef
>double the normal range of LDL cholesterol
>Am I going to die?
good riddance yes
thats only for brown people
ack kwab
If you primarily eat beef that's your issue, it's high in fats. Eat leaner meat like chicken, pork, and fish.
It isn't A or B. Raw milk is a meme. Processed food=bad is an overgeneralization, but is a handy tool for certain things.
You're fine.
Oh and here, I ran your numbers through the big risk assessments, see pic (from https://cholesterolcode.com/_report/). You're lean and healthy, all this data says is that you're burning a lot of fat for energy. If you switched to a high carb low fat diet your numbers would be in normal range within a few weeks because yous watched to sugar burning mode. If you want concrete information on the state of your arterial health go get a coronary calcium scan.
Sorry for the late response I was werking out. That's a good number. How's your sleep? Your biliary system could be backed up. Do you have any trouble digesting large amounts of fat? Do you eat much soluble fiber? If this is the problem you could try taking ox bile or taurine (or both, GoodApple Nutritionals makes a combination product called Bile Salts Booster), both of which have been shown to lower LDL in studies by stimulating bile acid synthesis and bile flow.
That being said, have you had your cholesterol tested in the past? You may just have a naturally somewhat elevated cholesterol level, which isn't a necessarily bad thing and can be associated with longevity. My father's family tend to have higher cholesterol and there have been a fair few centenarians.
>raw milk as a selling point of a “healthy diet”
lmao, I fucking hate raw milk schizos
Time to embrace western medicine (low saturated fat, high fiber) and reject internet contrarianism unless you want a heart attack soon
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thank you kindly for the effort post

i take a few tablespoons of whole psyllium husks every night. i dont find myself having any digestion issue with fats, i did notice when i was eating a lot of lactic acid (yogurt, sour cream, sauerkraut, etc) i was having tons of gas and congestion. once i stopped eating those foods no more issues.

i took TUDCA for about a month out of curiosity, cant say i really noticed anything

>Time to embrace western medicine
no and i will also piss on the talmud

is weed bad for cholesterol or something?
Cholesterol isnt bad nimrod
cholesterol doesn't cause heart failure, it causes heart attacks
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>contrarian disinfo
ignore me chuds I'm just watching you kys
Enjoy your Oreos
Jewish post
Slightly high LDL just means your calcium transport chain works and you have high T. If you're really paranoid get an actual full lipid panel and have them check for LDL oxidation levels. 99.9% chance you're fine. Modern cardiologists only know how to stent their dying boomer patients that slurp canola slop on the regular, they barely understand shit about interpreting a blood test.
>destroys your liver
>tanks t levels
>gives you a stroke
(((cardiologist))) moment
LDL over 200 sure as fuck indicates cardiac risk, though.

Dunno op, could be your ketard diet with tons and tons of saturated fat.

Just eat, get this, less fat.
You don't know what LDL is or what it does, you are a mouthbreathing retard parroting what you've been told. You are about as useless as chatgpt
The online RW body builders told me to sun my balls and eat as much saturated fat as possible, to facilitate test production.
you forgot about the dementia heart failure and muscle damage
Fasting has some evidence showing is raises LDL, and if you’re eating only grass fed beef there might be another problem. You can try to up your HDL intake sources, like a fish oil supplement or throw some salmon or something into the rotation. t. Previous high LDLtard
>unlike me who gargles on corny youtube baldcel contrarian slop

unironically looks fine, so long as the VLDL isn't high. what matters is fasting insulin and the ratio of triglycerides to HDL. the lower the better. my fasting insulin was 4.4uIU/mL, which is quite sensitive and indicative of health.


Hey OP,

I also had high cholesterol and my doctor recommended I take red yeast rice(supp) and fiber. I think they've both helped me dramatically already. I was feeling tightness in my chest before and now it's gone. It'll be interesting to see my levels when I'm tested again.
>>diet is unironically grass fed beef, raw milk, and some homegrown veggies
Yeah you are high sensitivity to saturated fat and it's clogging your arteries

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