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Is there a soap meta? what do you guys use. are bars better than liquid?
Bars get scummy and gross. Liquid plus one of those shower coosh things is the best. And it makes it last forever. I have to replace the coosh thing before I replace the soap.
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Most of /fit/ does not use soap.
I ordered a bunch of olive oil and lye to try to make my own soap because apparently it's some kind of cosmic law that nobody anywhere makes and sells plain castile soap.
Dr. Bronner, my dude. They sell it everywhere, and it comes with schizo writings on every bottle.
There's a brand I see in stores called Kirk's that sells unscented coconut oil castile soap bars with very few ingredients. If you're dead set on olive oil you can find nabulsi soap made with traditional methods on amazog
Im thinking about buying all my soaps and stuff off etsy
I do that too, except i make a shitton of dirt cheap laundry detergent. It's just soap, borax and washing powder with water to soften.
It's criminal just how much they charge for detergent.
For any anons curious, soap making is trivial and will save you a lot of money. It's easy to do in bulk so you can spend an afternoon once/twice a year and save hundreds.
I use dr bronners 18 in 1.

Gonna switch to African black soap soon.

Soap is simple enough to figure out for something natural without all the chemicals that fuck you up. It’s shampoo I need help with. I like the dr bronners but it stopped helping my psoriasis.
unironically oat soap which is ironic because im keto
Castile only. Alcohol free witch hazel for face.
Etsy, soap loaf ends. Cheapest option for natural soap. Don't listen to the Dr. Kikers shills, it is overpriced nonsense.
do you dip your own candles too? what a waste of time.
I just bought a 132 oz. bottle of Tide for $19.99
this will do 132 loads of laundry at 1 oz./load. nearly a years worth doing three loads a week. you are maybe saving $5 making your own not hundreds you retard
For those of us who aren't cripplingly lonely we have lots of laundry to wash. Maybe if you didn't smell so bad you too could have this problem.
Try going to a head shop.
No I'm not joking, and no I don't know why they all sell castile soap.
Dude olive oil soap takes like a year to cure. You can easily buy it, it's just called other stuff than castilke soap. There's a famous soap from Palestine called nablus soap that's just high grade olive oil soap.
I dont use soap :)
dr. bronner mogs every other soap into oblivion

either that or african black but bronner's is cheaper and smells better and can be used for more things
I buy 100% Nablus olive oil soap. My skin has never been better. It's like $4 a bar. Just use a good scrubber to get a good lather and you're good to go.
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I literally use anti-bacterial hand soap as if it were a body wash. I then use tea tree oil body wash occasionally on the groin and behind the ears to kill off the potential for things like jock itch or that funky smell behind the ears.
What the hell is that?
Noticed when using shower gel instead of bar soap the shower never gets scummy.
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It's cheese
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I've used Kirk's before. I liked it. Feels like it rinses very clean
It takes 4-6 weeks for cold pressed to cure, hot pressed requires none. Either way it's trivial to make this stuff in bulk.
Is there some kind of big soap cartel trying to protect it's profits or something? What is with you nigger wagies getting all uppity that anons are trying to make something for themselves? That we would prefer to spend the time in our homes making nice things for cheap instead of buying into your shitty consumerism to support your shitty wageslave life is somehow offensive to you.
This the only soap you will ever need.
That's for washing clothes, you fucking Mexican.
>he doesn't know about the hidden power of ZOTE
I pity you
Try using an egg mixed with honey and a splash of apple cider vinegar. You will be the squeakiest clean you have ever felt in your life and will not have been exposed to chemicals whatsoever rather your skin will be nourished by the food. Seriously just try it this is not a troll post you can replace soap with an egg.
It requires that long to cure enough to be like, barely stable and usable, for it to a tally be of any quality it needs to cure longer to get harder. Olive oil based soaps are notorious for taking far, far longer to cure than other soaps.
Fyi I have made my own soaps and think it's a good idea for people to do, but don't make without of olive oil if you want it to be usable in any reasonable timeframe. A coconut oil and lard/palm oil blend will be usable far sooner and is very easy and high quality. Give it a shot
I use phthalate free soap, shampoo, and face wash
ivory brand on the bottom shelf at walmart is pure tallow soap and is like 20 cents a bar
Doctor bronner is the way. Also if you see their foam dance party set up make sure you go.
Take your meds
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Bars don't get scummy if you scrub them against your shower abrasive, then use the shower abrasive to clean yourself .
Use soap sparingly. Soap will kill off the good bacteria as well as the bad on your skin. Bad bacteria that grows quick will take over. Body odor is actually caused by bad bacteria. Also it leaves you vulnerable to bacterial infections like staph. Try to go 2-3 days without using soap at a time. Still shower but don't use soap. Use soap after you use a public gym though as it will take awhile for your body to have enough of the good bacteria to prevent staph. Still wash your hands with soap.
Just rub your body with olive oil and scrape it off.
The beer is literally the only thing that keeps this from being a 0/10 meal, and that's assuming it's not absolute piss water as well

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