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How do you guys deal with stretch marks?

How do you prevent stretchmarks?
I’m not fat
me either
I have been putting eucerin and scar cream on my biceps heres hoping it does fucking anything
Don't juice or be fat
wear them like a trophy
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My friend exploded in weight after starting the gym. I remember he tried bio-oil but they never went away, just went paler and stopped hurting. It's possible it did fuck all.
This. Went from extremely skinny to decently fit and I've got stretch marks on my shoulders, just like the OP pic. Be proud of it, shows growth. Plus they're kinda like tiger stripes.
You live with them, it's only really a problem for noobgainerz(usually young) when they gain mass quickly. Also roid users have the potential to get them obviously but that's another story.

Fasting/autophagy will help with any skin condition if the damage isn't permanent.
I do microneedling, it doesnt help
dermaroller, microneedling
>how to prevent stretchmarks
don't speedrun your gains in the gym. you'll end up with these fat marks and tendons/joints that are weaker than weight you can lift with your muscles
Why deal with them? It’s a sign you’re making gains
I simply make no gains so I don't have to worry about them.
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Get it from a dermatologist. Cost 30-40 with good rx discount card. Takes many months to see results so don’t give up if you don’t see results in a couple of months. Iv been using it everyday for over 2 years and it’s don’t a lot of good but it hasn’t gotten rid of them completely yet
*it’s done a lot of good
Don't bulk.
Based me too were ngmi lmao
I’m pretty sure you can buy it from a dermatologist office without a prescription
Start tanning
says you retards, I'm pale as fuck, perfectly adapted for winter in the scottish highlands
my stretch marks are BRIGHT FUCKING PINK and it looks like ASS
there literally isn't a single product proven to work
which considering the absolute number of post pregnant women that DESPERATELY want it, should tell you something
moisturize if you want OP, hell its good for you regardless, but there isn't evidence for anything working on stretchmarks and whatever the anons recommend is basically just a wive's tale
not being fat in the first place is the only real answer, sadly
>How do you guys deal with stretch marks?
I'm natty.
>How do you prevent stretchmarks?
I'm natty.
I'm natty and have stretch marks across the pec minor, delts, and triceps

It's called working out dude, if you don't have stretch marks you either don't workout enough or you are taking the absolute slowest 40 year route to reach what took me 6 months.
I'm natty and have them on my pecs, front delts, lats, and biceps
>shows growth
It shows you took steroids
>growing fast enough to get strechmarks
Cap. Unless you did a dirty bulk and the stretchmarks are from getting fat
no anon, I was just fat in the first place
skinny fat, but all the same
do have a friend thats skinny, started rail thin, and has some mild stretch marks
I think a big cause for these is dehydration. Every time I got new ones it's when travelling and not drinking enough.
puberty hit me like a trunk when i turned 16. i got 7 inches taller in 3 months and gained 150 lbs in 6. the stretch marks on my stomach, shoulders, upper and lower back, knees and arms will never go away
When I was experimenting with fasting, they didn't go away completely but they started to disappear in a way that took me by surprise
Stretch marks hurt?
Big cope
>getting fat
Literal fat girl shit, I will not be proud of being ugly. I failed. My body failed me.
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>you are a tiger, and they are your stripes!
I'm with >>75128440 pink/purple stretch marks on pale skin do not look good... They're running from my armpits to my biceps. Will sunlight help? Surely taking a natural collagen supplement like bone/skin broth would also help?
I’ve never gotten stretch marks. Am I just not lifting hard enough? Are some people genetically resistant to them?
Collagen does help, but it's mainly time.
Stretch marks are scar tissue, like any scar tissue
1. Initial healing phase.
2. Initial modulation phase.
3. Stability phase.
4. Long term modulation phase.
Scar tissue never goes away, not completely, however stretch marks are the stability phase of scarring. If it is painful or red, it's in the modulation phase to stability phase.
If it is light pink into white, it is stability into long term modulation.
As time goes on it will continue to lighten, as the collagen replicates across the skin around it, it becomes less sharp, more smooth, It is even possible for the scar to break apart and new skin to grow between the two parts.
This is long term modulation of a system trying to be more efficient. As scarring can greatly reduce mobility.

In muscle tissue, long term scarring is rarely a concern because of how drastically we can stretch the tissue (increased modulation).
However skin, because it is very thin, and very noticeable it can be hard to continue this modulation without damaging it further.

Light massaging/mobility, healthy moisture, good diet, and time is really the only cures. Anyone telling you further is selling you a unicorn.
There are some medical procedures that promote healing of tissue by damaging the tissue lightly. Laser therapy for instance is like this. Breaking down dense fibers promotes the real skin that may grow back. You break down the fiber, wait a few weeks, repeat until fiber density is so low the scar is almost breaking apart. Which promotes the skin growth to ensure homeostasis. However case by case basis, it's not a perfect thing for everyone.
Where did the "fat people" are funny and nice meme come from?
Most fat people ive met were passive aggressive and not funny. Was in the south for a few months, currently live in the west coast.
This is coming from someone thats fat but also muscular at the same time.
Ugly on the outside ugly on the inside.
Ugly house, ugly spouse.
Cleanliness is close to godliness.
etc, etc

There is a reason most people who lack discipline or cleanliness are found to be disgusting.
>Be proud of it, shows growth.
kek. it shows you are a roidtranny aka drug addict
>Where did the "fat people" are funny and nice meme come from?
probably in times before social media people were much more social in general, and fat people had their place in a social circle, as the funny nice guy.
but with the advent of social media and general a-socialization of people, fat people's value is drastically lowered. people dont socialize as much anymore, thus making the fat guy's "role" obsolete, which then makes him bitter and hateful
I wish I wasn't fat when I was a kid. I was obese and started "losing weight" as I got taller. I have this flab of skin on my gut. No matter how much Iift/cut I look defined everywhere except there, it makes me look skinnyfat. I hate it. I don't have any stretch marks from building muscle, I did that slowly so no stretch marks, but I have some on my gut/groin area from not being fat anymore. I got some bad ones on my lower back from growth spurt but I rarely look back there so I forget I have those.
Literal faggot retard. Go step in a gym dyel.
Nta but i used to be a skeleton and when i started lifting regularly i got stretch marks around my Delts and biceps while being normal BMI
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Thank you for the effortpost anon
Your dubs and good faith will bless you with mystical gainz and knowledge

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