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/fit/ - Fitness

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How do I reconcile trying to be /fit/ with the fact that I'm only attracted to chubby/fat women.
liking fat girls is a proven high test trait so you must be doing something right
Objectively wrong
You got memed
I'm sorry, but I trust experienced analysts more than you. They have researched this topic for dozens of hours.
I'm going the opposite way for some reason. The more aesthetic I get and the more female attention I get I am exclusively starting to go after super petite smol women.
>erm science said liking obese women is actually le wholesome masculinity!
>you believe science don’t you? Don’t tell me you’re some incel chud that denies science!!!!
This. Anyone you see saying they like fat women doesn't have high T he is just hyper insecure and is trying to gaslight you as not to be attacked for being a bitch boy
Nice disingenuous rhetoric. Now show me the evidence that outweighs several peer-reviewed studies.
fuck off genfag
Duality of man.
idk man why would those things be connected. lift for yourself and then fuck a fat bitch. dont gotta be complicated. plus fat girls probably dig having a /fit bf.
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Embrace it and find yourself a cutie with a fat ass booty.
post the studies that say liking obese slobs is le high t and le alpha based
I would fucking love fat chicks if their body composition was like this, but it's not. You don't get cute squishy tummies and big titties, you get fucking double chins and flabby chicken wings. You get nasty smells. You get cankles. You get stretch marks and folds. Animu fat chicks are sexy because they don't show the ugliness that comes with being fat.
2D fats > 3D fats
It's possible, just rare.
Just like a women finding a big muscular guy is rare.
A lot of things needs to go right, but when it does it's beautiful.
Get stronger so you can swing her around much better
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fattie lovers are der coomers in disguise
nothing to do with "high test"
This is what has happened after the majority of our fat intake shifted from saturated to unsaturated fat, you get the hypometabolic-stress fat distribution rather than the fertile-abundance type
What if I’m hyper insecure and high T
post the studies that say it isnt 0gymd
burden of proof is on you mr. erm you have a source???
If I was a girl I know I would have a crush on this guy. Guess I have complete normalfag woman taste in men because they all like him too
its nutural man are supposed to be hard and muscly and woman soft and cuddly
they go hand in hand
go and make a big bitch with low self esteem happy
>soft and cuddly
That doesn’t mean being an obese hamplanet you loser
Take it to /gif/
You spend dozens of hours staring at images of fat women?
That’s an extremely cringe post anon
Oh no no no. They fell for the being attracted to landwhales meme.

Only high T choice is tomboys.
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lol your a closet homo dont talk
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There was never a time in my life when wasn't besides pre puberty so it's easy for me
The reason you find hamplanets attractive is not because "muh im high test enough to find conventionally unattractive shit attractive", no matter how hard you try to convincr yourself, it is because you are or perceive yourself to be a low class male and thus their attainability as low class women is attractive.
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Sorry porkers, skeletons and roid trannies, but the builtfat Amazonian gets the guy.
This is objectively the only correct option and the true high t choice
incel choice. They don't exist anyway
Because chubby women love fit guys. The more fit you get, the more you'll be swimming in chubby girls. Fuck who you want dude; it'll just get easier to get them chunkers
Literally my gf
My taste in women is somewhere between Crumb's ideal and Frazetta's.
The artist who drew this image is a joke on /vp/ due to their fanmade Pokémon region.
Thank you for giving me a new source of big women
>How do I reconcile trying to be /fit/ with the fact that I'm only attracted to chubby/fat women.
becoming /fit/ will help you lift her up which will make her more attracted to you. chubby women like any guy that will give them attention and will consider you a god if you have any amount of /fit/ness because to them it's a bonus
>powershitter gf
There's nothing to reconcile.
Cycle off and you might regain a normal mind
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>ready to help me pick out my gym clothes, Anon?
What do
Who are you how did you get in my house?
Leave me be you harlot!
honestly who cares man
why do you seek the approval of others about who you decide to love?
yeah sure eww you like fatties what's wrong with you she's a glutton
reality is, it's all just vanity
is she a good person? is she feminine? does she have empathy for you? does love and support you through thick and thin? is she honest with you and can you seriously trust her?
that's what really matters bro i'm serious. getting a boner for her is just the motivating factor to talk to her and get her pregnant and that's it.
>just don't racemix.
both are fine
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Jinkies, don’t scare me like that
You might be fucked if you’re ONLY attracted to fat chicks. I have a fat fetish (as long as she isn’t shaped like a complete blob or has shit hygiene) but fortunately I also find jacked chicks and petite chicks to be attractive. I long accepted that the fat stuff with remain as a fantasy because I would never marry and have children with a fat chick for many reasons. Also I have always deeply regretted every time that I’ve fucked a fat chick and the post nut clarity hits.gf that I’m going to marry soon is ironically tiny as fuck 5’0 100lbs
>I long accepted that the fat stuff with remain as a fantasy because I would never marry and have children with a fat chick for many reasons. Also I have always deeply regretted every time that I’ve fucked a fat chick and the post nut clarity hits.gf that I’m going to marry soon is ironically tiny as fuck 5’0 100lbs
get your petite wife lifting and roiding after kids and turn her in to a lil meatball, sounds like it would scratch all your itches for size and not have the downsides of chub
She already has some freakish genes and is lean as fuck with a lot of muscle for her size and we lift together. I always make fun of fat people in front of her and very clearly state that getting fat is disrespectful to your spouse (objectively speaking), but desu I probably wouldn’t mind if she on weight after I pump several kids in her. Sadly with how lean she is I have no idea if she has good genetics for fat distribution so I’d rather her remain thin if possible and not take the risk of her turning into a blob. I actually find big bellies on women to be hot, but they need huge tits and ass to go with it and obviously not smell like shit which most do.
>She already has some freakish genes and is lean as fuck with a lot of muscle for her size and we lift together. I always make fun of fat people in front of her and very clearly state that getting fat is disrespectful to your spouse (objectively speaking), but desu I probably wouldn’t mind if she on weight after I pump several kids in her. Sadly with how lean she is I have no idea if she has good genetics for fat distribution so I’d rather her remain thin if possible and not take the risk of her turning into a blob. I actually find big bellies on women to be hot, but they need huge tits and ass to go with it and obviously not smell like shit which most do.
get her to go the geared powerlifter+strongwoman route, plenty of wonderful chub and still built as hell. at her size the proportions would be insane, talking big natural tits and traps up to her ears at the same time
had an ex built identical to her
sad i had to dump her, she just was not fit to raise kids
She has big tits but her legs are awful.
Her stomach makes them look so small.
For the curvy look to work the legs need to be wider than her belly so the eyes are drawn down.

She comes off to me as someone who;d be better skinnier.
Not everyone has the genetics to pull off the thick look.
Both women and men.
bea york
such a cute piggie
Wasn’t Crumb a jew?
He was but because of his based taste in women I can look past it
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>Wasn’t Crumb a jew?
Yes. And he's basically depicting what is a Neanderthal Jewess.
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redpilled as fuck
portly women subsisting on a diet of grassfed butter, cream and tallow look like literal fertility statues
Meanwhile the mcdonald's and burger king fatty looks like a plastic garbage bag thats filled with half cinderblocks, half feathers. Disgusting
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It's pretty based.
>Find 10/10 fat distribution heavy hottie
>Fuck her and fill her with babies
>She spits out 4 kids, gets even fatter
>Heart attack and dies at 50
>Your fit ass gets to date 22 year old arm candy cuties for the next 20 years.
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will you abandon your 4 children?
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Youre based.
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No, they'll be adults or just about by this point. They will just have to accept being the same age as (and eventually older than) Daddy's lady friends. And possibly getting written out of the will.
>no bro I’ll just be SWIMMING in pussy when I’m in my 50s bro
>/fit9k/ tells me girls love old wrinkles guys that are balding and out of shape!
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>he’s not into both
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Fat girls are low-hanging fruit, because most men do not find them attractive. You like fat girls? Fine, and you'll have an easier time getting laid, but don't pretend you are high test for picking up girls other men pass over.

My gf is unironically like this pokemon chick and the op pic (chubby, but not disgustingly fat + naturally fat boobs). She's the first girl i've ever been with and i will marry her and have 3-4 kids. I love her and her body so much it's unreal.
Liking fat women is like eating trash off of the sidewalk. Nobody wants it so it's easy and there's no competition. It's the lowest T thing imaginable.
I'm a bit of a fat festishist myself (tit's have to be 3x bigger than her gut though) but that's all it is: a fetish. I like very exaggerated so called signs if fertility, doesn't make me better than guys that like small assets.
At the end of the day, we're all cumbrains with our own vices.
The high T choice is pretty much the idealized woman of the 80's: double Ds, skinny, long blonde hair. The sterotype stacey. She has the widest appeal across all walks of life and is the most likely to be categorized as "hot" of any other phenotype.
She is the one all men would compete for, and a high T man only takes on the toughest challenges. It tracks that this phenotype is the high T choice.
It doesn't necessitate that choosing something else is low T because preferences/fetishes obscure that. But seeking out a woman for the explicit reason of "she's an easy lay" or "she's attainable" is decidedly low T behavior.
Not only that, but he’s wishing for a matriarchal society, which is pretty much standard in jewish culture.
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fat women are disgusting.
Go jack off to attractive women for like a week and you'll fix it.
>le jerk off xD
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By finding the hot ones.

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