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Apparently, fat cells NEVER die after they're created... how can fatties cope with this??
By not thinking about it. You literally have to have someone remind you for it to effect you in any way
Why does it matter? this is like 1/2 vs 2/4
It's the same as any addiction, once you know what meth feels like, you know what you're missing out on. Ex fatties' bodies (myself included, though not extreme) remember what lifestyle being fat is like. The problem is relapse. If you never fill the fat cells with goyslop it doesnt matter how many there are.
Go demoralize some pornwhores instead
I thought they were deleted somehow if you're starving.
oh shit does this mean boogie will NEVER die?
easily. I’ve kept the weight off for years by just eating normal healthy food and exercising regularly. Turns out I obey the laws of thermodynamics
hey brother..gonna need you to delete that post
Same thing happens to you too mother fucker. Every bit of weight you put on creates permanent fat cells that slowly but definitively push you towards obesity.
I couldn't think of a more fitting curse.
>fat cells NEVER die after they're created...
That makes no sense. It probably just means they stay around on the timescales where weight loss can occur.
But if you just never get fat again for years they will eventually die off and be replaced by new cells which could be fewer in number.
>never die
Fake and gay.
Autophagy, you reach a caloric deficit that requires nutrition demand at the moment.
If you're walking for reference the body will cannibalize muscle, tendon, and fat cells for their base amino acids.
Furthermore your body has only a set amount of energy at any given moment.
If you're physically using muscle and therefore ATP. During and for hours after, fat cells and muscle cells will be in competition for energy.
Not every fat cell will get what it needs, cellular death occurs. Not every muscle cell will get what it needs, cellular death occurs.
The difference is you can just rebuild the muscle cell. While if you don't overeat, no new fat cells are produced, since the fat cells that already exist can expand to take the now excess energy amount.

Stop eating as much fatty, autophagy occurs naturally, during exercise, and during fasting.
However it only happens above baseline during a caloric deficit.
Muscle cells dying would be extremely bad. They live for your entire life and there's limited evidence that new ones ever get made.
No, you're confusing cellular reproduction with cellular regeneration.
Your muscle cells can degenerate, they can even die, but stimulation of the muscle stem cell can rebuild them.

Fat cells work very similarly, they have precursor cells themselves (one for each type).
However if there is no reason for a fat cell to exist, it doesn't just stay there forever.
We lose muscle mass at about 1% a month and if completely unused for years, muscle mass is permanently reduced and requires rebuilding of mass from scratch.
Fat cells work the same way.
Your body isn't going to keep building more and more fat cells if it has no use for them. Once again autophagy.
You never seen a man who has had an extreme caloric restriction for years? They have almost no fat and almost no muscle.
It's not the same amount, it's a total reduction in the number of cells.
I’ve done meth twice it’s not that big a deal
The myofibers in that blurb are what I'm talking about. Those are the contractile cells full of motor proteins that do the work when you move. The satellite cells merge with damaged fiber cells to repair and strengthen them and those satellite cells can reproduce more or less indefinitely, but the fibers are similar to neurons in that they individually live for the entire life of the animal and rarely or never increase in number. When you lose muscle mass what's decreasing is generally the size of the fiber cells, not the number.
You know more than I do about it, so if you cut to say 5% bodyfat while lifting will you lose a lot more fat cells than muscle cells?
By having them and the surrounding skin removed. Otherwise relapse is inescapable.
fasting can permanently kill them
>/fit/ didn't take biology in middleschool: the post
God bless living in an area with good schools, thank you America

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