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>bends down in front of your bench to adjust the cable machine
>shows up in each new room you're in 3 minutes after you get there
>keeps trying to catch you in the wall mirror
I'll take this over the skunk BO roider, but damn, I need some separation. I want to workout without my anxiety kicking in about getting called out for an unintentional neuron activation.
>but damn, I need some separation
tell your wife she can use the home gym when you're done with it
i just stare
>not a legal teenager
Don't care
>Don't wear anykind of headphones at the gym
>leave phone in car/locker
>shave all your bodyhair besides your hair and pretend your gay
Hope this helps your anxiety
I already do two of these three things.
same. I'm at the point I just don't care anymore. If I become the gym creep I'm going to stare you down and oogle at the asschecks you had a hard time shoving into those booty shorts.
you aren't lifting heavy enough. If you where benching heavy, or deadlifting heavy, or squatting heavy. that scares the bitches away because your attention is on your life threatening lift and she can't siphon your energy.

Real Gs know what I'm talking about. SIMPS won't read this message.
>chudcels cant feed off the energy provided by hot women in their gym
Wait what? Where was this mentioned?
Dude these women are the only reason I still have a gym membership. When they stop making hot women in shapewear i'll fully commit to the home gym.
the gym is weird like that. on one side i want to focus on my workout. but there are hot women near me and if i talk to them my monkey brain loses focus for the lifts.
jej is this why the 1pl8 girl bencher always leaves once I get into my heavy bench?
how did you make a post with anything written on it?
y'all ugly or insecure all stare all the time and women almost never comment on it, when they "catch" me staring they smile and take it as a complement I guess.
I just ignore women in general since the chance they are virgins is super low, so I'm not interested.
>broccoli-kid starts to remove numerous little plates after finishing his sub-1lmaopl8 bench
>I start warming up my deadlifts by doing RDLs next to him with my shorts tucked between my ass cheeks
>he runs away
nothing personnel, kid
>further inflating whore's ego
they don't deserve it
I went home to jerk off specifically to latina teens
Yes. It's the reason why the hoes that do fucking hipthrusts all fucking day get scared away when I slam down my 185lb OHP. Or when I put the chain around my waist and slap on a 45 for 5. People that are actually lifting, scares the hoes. I don't have time for you bitch, I'm going to die if I don't fucking focus.

I get attention when I'm jump roping or doing some split squats because it's not as intense. They are like cats.
i shamelessly and relentlessly eyefuck them they usually feel uncomfortable
not my problem tho
>all of this but they're 17 years old
it's too much honestly. I can't throw my loving gf away for idiot teen puss but the devil tests me every day
He means he doesnt care if it isnt a teenager.
>has queer baby by accident
>now your kid with half your brain is a slackjawed inbred exhibitionist spawn
>your wife thinks it's great
>she thinks it's smart
I would jump off a bridge, there's no way I'm not aborting that baby with a mike tyson to the stomach.
Get the fuck somewhere else if you were like this in high-school you'd be embarrassed to act like that in public fuckin b rate dressed up inbred peasant.

Hey anon I heard there was a field of grain over there dont you just want to farm it?
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Bros when will hoeflation finally collapse. This is insane. I got turned down by an ugly coal burning 31 year old goblina with tattoos because I was "too boring"
When women think they have a better man or something I realize I'm much higher iq and could easily beat the shit out of any man she has lain or spoken with but burdening myself for a wheatpickers gay wife is questionable.

No but the thing is when I was not as big but still more masculine its just they're mentally ill.
>ugly woman big boobs you're like that or something
I will absolutely pulverize your bf and I don't want to fuck you because I'm not 16 wheatpicker peasant blood homo.
Why aren't you boring? How do you spend your time? Do you have irl friends that enjoy your company? Could just be that your interests don't align so you ended up boring her.
if you approached this goblin at the gym, not surprising. Gym girls have high standards, I didn't get shit for attention from girls at the gym until I started roiding. They expect a jacked dude just because they hit the gym 3 times a week kek.
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raped bitch
>Still scared of his boners like a 14 year old.
Women like to see hard dicks. I don't even try to hide mine anymore. They like seeing that mushroom stamp in your gym shorts. That is why they dress slutty and shove their ass in your face at the gym. It doesn't even matter if you are fat and ugly. They like seeing hard cocks.
Women are children. Treat them like a 10 year old you are trying to keep entertained and they will always love you. That is the secret.
he posts anime reaction images unironically in 2024, what do you think
>it's just for you
I prefer my women to be displayed like a fine seafood buffet, makes me even fucking Horner. Fucking christ.
>hitting on such a creature
You deserve it
I would actually prefer if my wife did shit like this
Fuck that guy
You go girlfriend, that dudes a fucking dick.
works if you look good. Not even being a blackpilled faggot, just reality.
Oh sick

"Eeeeuuuuuuughhhhhaaaaaaaahhhhh buhbuhbuhbuh deedleleeeeeleeeeeeeloooooooolulululu!"
-the son at 20y/o
No only retard women do this shit if it was my daughter or sister I'm sending that hooker through a wall and beating up her bf and making sure she knows it doesn't take a sucker punch.
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what are you saying schizo lol
Works on all of them even if you're ugly. Never talk about anything complicated with them. Just talk to them about TV shows, their day, their friends, and other mundane shit. No politics. No work. No philosophy.
how to say you are a dyel browncel without saying you are a dyel browncel
who fucking cares, i just like looking at tits/cheeks.
>Coal burner

You have no idea how lucky you are. Even black guys who have to date coal burners live life on nightmare mode. They're legit insane and often cheat.
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I hate the fact that this works. I'm not every super red pill or the whole 'superior to women,' shit but watch clips of these things and now understand women more than before.

I don't know what it is, but if you give a woman a choice they WILL reject most of your choices or you outright, but if you just tell them to do something they will most of the time agree. I don't know if it's that they're intimidated by men or scared or worried or heck maybe even like you but I've gotten so much more success telling a girl to do something instead of giving them a choice.
>hey wanna work out together
In the past 2 years this has worked twice
>let's workout together, come on
In the past 2 months this has worked 6 times with 5 different girls, 4 of them I've gotten their contact info, 2 of them I've already been in their bedrooms.

Redpill might be right that most guys are pussies nowadays so being super forward and brash is a welcome change of pace for these girls.
Enjoy getting friendzoned lmao
Yep, being ‘fuckboi’ direct seems the best option.
>defending women in 2024
>I want to workout without my anxiety kicking in about getting called out for an unintentional neuron activation.
that just means you're a DYEL
You're using the medium whores use and assuming they're all that bad there's no way I'd rather be childless.
its fucking true
>ask gf where she wants to go eat, even try narrowing it down to 2 choices
>tell her we are going to place
>immediately on board
>don’t deserve it
How do I get over this mindset? I hate women so much that I can’t even enjoy their beauty anymore, there are some hotties in my gym and I purposefully ignore them like they don’t even exist, I mean it’s like the are invincible that’s how hard I trained my mind to ignore them and they know but I just wanna enjoy some pussy and I’m good looking aswell, yesterday a bitch was staring me down and I just looked at the floor.
This fantasy lives rent free in ops mind to explain why he can't lift
Unironically it should be literally illegal. There is NO functional reason why they can't just wear baggy jogging bottoms like every man at the gym. The visual pollution caused by unnecessary self-exposure should be a criminal offence.
It's pretty tough to have this mindset which I guess stems from seeing sex is all about power or not having power, the fun component gets buried or becomes non-existent, so all is left is power games.
You could probably argue it's sexual harassment to show off cameltoe and asshole in public but there aren't many cases off it I guess unless the woman specifically goes to kindergarten or school, but not in gyms because women make easily 50% of people bringing money in if not more so they won't ban it. I'm glad I was able to change to a gym which was otherwise better suited for me but also there's often zero females or couples training there or other people for that matter. No music by default either tho I don't get disturbed if someone puts it on.
Me too, not sure what the fuck these other gays are on about
Yesterday I was in a mostly empty gym except for two white women who both over 6ft, blonde, incredible smooth tanned legs wearing shapewear and it fueled my lifts and made my entire afternoon
never thought about this problem I also have this way, but you may be right.
How do I get the fun component again?
Why are incels scared of pussy, bros?
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>hungry after workout
>nearby restaurant completely empty
>everyone's ordering takeout these days
>kitchen staff hard at work
>dining area lit up especially for me
>sit in farthest corner anyway
>random woman enters restaurant
>sits down at exactly neighboring table facing me
>pulls out her phone
>my food-stuffed face when

At least let me wipe my mouth before taking candid pictures. So rude.
I haven't got over it myself or I relapse immediately if I have setbacks or reason to distrust someone so I hardly do anything to maintain my stasis and not get triggered feeling real good or real bad. I don't obviously get triggered by talking to a girl for 5 minutes and getting rejected there or anything, it can be fun, it stops being fun and starts being about power if I develop feelings over weeks and have made some "gains" in a relationship. I don't like giving power away to others so I obviously avoid developing other than surface level feelings towards others, but this kind of way to live life can be pretty fruitless and empty.

I guess you have to learn to be a spontanous person but the problem is people don't like changing most things or almost everything about themselves because they have fantasies of just being themselves which hardly works in adult life. So a lot of people turn into legal or illegal substances. I'm not entirely purist of a person but enough of a purist that I somehow don't feel like starting roid cycles and doing cocaine even if doing so would obviously get me laid at least 52 times a year and it wouldn't even have to be on weekends because I have a lot of spare time.
I would do anything to watch that ass get fucked by a BBC
I don't understand the drugs part
Most people are not born to be spontaneous if they are not born psychopaths and you kind of need to be spontaneous to a certain degree because when you take risks here and there and talk to all kinds of people, you get laid more. If you take certain drugs like alcohol or cocaine and such, you become more spontaneous, sometimes just two cups of coffee can make you more talkative. Tho one trick is you have to actually lower your standards, you have to be willing to talk to 100 women and date/fuck/relationship (for a while) 1-2 of them and you can't be picky and have to be happy about any pussy.

If you both timid (not spontaneous) and also somewhat picky, there's almost no chance in adult life in current days. Perhaps during teen years the kind of boys who get laid is somewhat more diverse because the girls are more interested genuinely and not completely corrupt or just using sex as power like in adult world. But most boys in teen years don't know how to do anything even if a girl walks up to them and starts chatting. In the adult world this can happen (a woman approaching and literally walking up to you) too but it's more rare.
my problem is that if I open myself up to people then they will see I suck and have power over me. If I open up to a woman for example, if I get feelings, then she can leave me and I can't do anything.
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>big booty tights bitch shows up at my gym
>never seen her before, does the OP bit
>next time she comes in, chat her up a little
>"oh you used to go to that gym how was it, nice that's a good school I went to X uni myself, yeah you might see this one guy here look out for him he's hilarious haha"
>just bullshitting, lasts maybe two minutes
>ok see you around
>she never comes back

i won't apologize
You wrote exact same words I have going in my head every single day thru the day. The funny thing is I used to make advances and get laid relatively well during my young adult years despite always being somewhat of a sperg but I guess I learned to play into my strengths and it was somewhat fun. I'm into my 30s now and I feel I relapse immediately into the "these are just power games and I don't know how I can love anyone if I don't even like them" stuff as my default setting. It's not just women, it's also men/friends/associates. I'm able to have my old friends but it's hard to make new ones, not impossible but despite having tolerance for people being imperfect or fuckups, there's still a limit to it. Then I just sit alone at home.

Of course it's still different, with women it's mostly giving up emotional power, with men who I drop out of my lives it's more of them possibly dragging me into financial or law problems if I continue hanging around them, so it's not the same.
can relate a lot. These posts were useful to me
Nice to hear that. The good news is that progress is possible if you are able to get a streak of wins, mostly wins which involve trusting other people successfully. There needs to have been some progress to begin with if we are talking about feeling good/better and then relapsing back to complete distrust.
You guys are the only non simps in this thread. Keep the mindset.
I sometimes feel bad that I completely ignore women, especially the cute girls that work at the gym I see them every single day and, I sometimes imagine they might think I hate them or think they are ugly, but I don’t. I’m just so far down the contrarian rabbit hole that I know I can’t fit into polite society anymore and cannot bring myself to even make eye contact with most people for it might invite some measure of complexity into my life. I am literally the beautiful mouse in the utopia, moving about completely withdrawn from everyone else slowly losing the ability to engage with members of my own species. I don’t think this ends well, but to try and pseudo re-normie myself into a state of willful ignorance will kill me.
It’s an abstract kind of feel.
Your experience is scary similar to mine. Practically identical. I was able to be somewhat spontaneous in my young adult years but as I entered my thirties, all I can see is the games, and my detestation of them. One of the most unfortunate things I learned in my dating years was that whoever cares the least, controls the relationship. I always cared least; not on purpose just my nature and perhaps inexperience. But I can’t unlearn this now, it was always the same.
I just sit here alone as well.
They wonder if it was always like this, or are we just the strange product of a sick world, synching around the same coping strategy.
>see a scrawny dude starting his first couple workouts
>feel glad that he's taking steps to get swole and change his life
>go to change
>he has a massive fucking dick
>walk out mad as fuck
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i inhale and become visably erect. i do not wear underwear to the gym and my basketball shorts allow my shaft freedom of movement to pitch a tent.
>shave all your hair
no don't shave it, you'll end up with hair on places that should not have hair, e.g shoulders. i speak from experience
>which I guess stems from seeing sex is all about power
no. it stems from women with big egos being repulsive to me. hoeflation
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fuggin nicceee
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It'd be funny to do this to women and you dress all slutty and shit oh yeah.
pls redeem saar
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Sometimes I think the cosmos itself is biased against men. The untrained female physique is boner inducing to men, but not vice versa. Women always prioritize face over physique. I would accept this if everyone recognized it as a biological truth and all social interactions were based on it, such as wearing sexually revealing clothing was unfair and inconsiderate to men who wanted to focus in the gym, rather than condemning men for being men.
But why would you feel bad ignoring them because every one of them has a boyfriend or lie they have a boyfriend or if they date you, they will just switch to dating any of 12 other guys they have active on their phone? I guess there might be some cases where a woman genuinely just wants someone to notice them and no one does anything because men are getting increasingly cynical, so much that they make news articles where they complain that half of men don't even play the dating game anymore. That's just them complaining that they can't control the men who don't enter the game and they lose power to abuse or reject these men.

Well as a young adult the mindset is more horny and not wanting to miss out so you can try to ignore the games and stupid shit more and you get more success then too. At some point I realized after having year long relationships and some shorter ones that yes, I do get an extreme high from sex and dating, but it never made me happy or a complete person, so why bother. I'm not saying I wouldn't give it a shot ever, it's just why would I put any of my soul into it or take extra steps.
>Load heavy squat
>Use mirror in front of me
>Girl grabs dumbbell bench right in front me
>Blocks my vision with RDLs
>Fuck it her ass is hot
>Two more reps
>Hurt back
Should've gotten up and moved to next to her.
honestly you cant convince me people who let their women walk around like this arent doing it for fetish reasons
like bro she is damn near NAKED
this HAS to just be something he's into
Not how it works pradesh
nah that happens but usually you just clean it off after the hair falls on your shuolders
Everything is power games. If you let your gf out or walk with them with their ass naked, it's just power games.
anonymous, i'm going to explain something to you
everything between men and women is about sex
except sex, sex is about power
huh? is that true?
>t. 30+ roastie
you got some attachment disorder
That's the way to do it desu. Shoot the first shot early while she's in trial mode. You've been going there longer than she has, after all.
Kinda the same here, I write people off as being too vapid or too political in how they expect relationship dynamics to be, to where I figure they're not worth the effort of adjusting my behavior to be friends. This of course is a cope, and in reality I'm just too far down the loner road to leave my comfort zone and be sociable.
I'm ready to skip some fun because it guarantees I won't be abused directly or indirectly even tho I can be reasonably confident in whatever situations because I have some physical and mental perks. But that's just surface, anyone can endure people he doesn't know or relate to for minutes or hours or even days if there's no further expectations.

Also being a child sperg leave marks on a person, you learn to see anyone more socially intelligent or adapted as a threat immediately and have to use quite a bit of measures to read if people can be trusted or if they should be feared. In my case being a child sperg means that I would be socially on 9yo level when I and class was actually 11yo or more advanced even if I was otherwise bright or upper average on intelligence level. Not a genius or anything like that but upper average obviously. That was about 20 years ago on after that I soon decided I wouldn't be lifting a finger for anything unless I risk seriously suffering for example being too poor or getting indebted.
Well anon, what did you expect? This is an anime board.
>Also being a child sperg leave marks on a person, you learn to see anyone more socially intelligent or adapted as a threat immediately and have to use quite a bit of measures to read if people can be trusted or if they should be feared.
Interesting. I don't have real autism, just deeply introverted, but I honestly like spergs because they have this no-bullshit authenticity that most people lack. It's less exhausting trying to converse. However I do sometimes feel like there's a power imbalance, like their discomfort when talking to me is palpable whereas I feel like I'm completely dominating, so it makes sense that what you're describing is going on in their heads causes that.
>I prefer my women to be displayed like a fine seafood buffet
What did he mean by this?
>I would accept this if everyone recognized it as a biological truth and all social interactions were based on it, such as wearing sexually revealing clothing was unfair and inconsiderate to men who wanted to focus in the gym, rather than condemning men for being men
anon discovers conservatism
In all seriousness:
Why is dating, trying to get laid so damn hard?
Judging by everything I've seen in real life, dating apps and the web you either have to be:
>A badboy/asshole/sociopath
>A wealthy mam with nice clothes, a nice watch, a relatively nice car and house/apartment.
>A skilled musician/artist
>Be handsome and/or have a nice face and jawline.
It's like you have absolutely 0 chance, if you don't fit any of these greentexted 'bills'.
Is there anyone here who's actually been successful in dating, getting laid without fitting any of these bills?
If yes, than how did you do it?
Admittedly, I don't think so.
I don't want to be a doomer, though I've been turned down, stood up on date nights and ghosted so damn much that I don't have hope, in all honesty.
Do you go outside? I'm completely serious btw. Most people get dates just fine, specially average people, sure it's not exactly easy, but it's not this Herculean feat you guys like to pretend it is
literally just dont be a loser
it isnt that hard
stop being a sperg and talk to some bitches man
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>Do you go outside? I'm completely serious btw. Most people get dates just fine, specially average people, sure it's not exactly easy, but it's not this Herculean feat you guys like to pretend it is
Yes, of course.
Hate to admit this, though I'm an old college sophomore.
My bodyfat is around 10.8% (this was actually taken on 8/9/24 and not 29/08/24) with high muscle mass and very low visceral fat; I'm also just decent at guitar
I'm pretty much always on the go: be it attending all lectures/classes, go to the gym, go to libraries, work, take walks at various parks and nature reserves.
Admittedly, clubs and bars aren't for me.
>literally just dont be a loser
>it isnt that hard
>stop being a sperg and talk to some bitches man
I've tried A LOT of times man, no joke.
I know I'm not a loser, though it absolutely fucking sucks to still not have a girlfriend....
Like, if a woman would at the very least intiate a conversation with me then I PROMISE you that I would carry the rest:
>I'd carry the conversation, I'd stay chill and ask her questions about herself, joke around/tease her and get her number and setup a simple bowling or café date.
you do sound like a loser tho
>it's not this Herculean feat you guys like to pretend it is
honestly, this depends on where you're at in life
like, if you're in college, you're right and it's not that hard. but I'll be damned if it isn't a Hurculean feat by the time you get to your mid to late twenties
i am literally in my mid to late 20s
just get some hobbies dude
That was me, sorry man
Guy in this webm looks exactly like me. How the fuck do I not look this? I'm not fat but neither is the guy really, it's like his posture and his clothes maybe. He is the fattest looking not fast guy I've ever seen, just like me. What am I missing?
>late 20s is EOL for zoomers
Its over for 60+ years
>just get some hobbies dude
I have a variety of hobbies, I'd go insane without them. I'm into judo, mountain biking, shooting guns, motorcycles, and weight lifting among other things. all of these are super fulfilling but won't do jack shit to help with meeting women, though they do build comradery with other men which is better than nothing
go to local events with your friends, having solo hobbies is fine and make you interesting
>having solo hobbies is fine and make you interesting
pretty sure being "interesting" actually works against you too
there's more people into drinking and netflix shows and shit than there are people into whatever niche interests you might spend a lot of time on, so being closer to the norm likely also makes things easier. like, let's say you're really into music, a lot fewer people are going to be into your favorite post-punk revival bands than taylor swift or something
i hate doomer faggots so much bros
I don't think it's "doomer" to come to terms with reality in this way. if you really want to chase your dreams, you might just become less relatable to a lot of women, depending on what your interests are.
nothing good comes to people without sacrifice, and I know a lot of great people who struggle with this
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Easy, lift heavy. Tons of past it skanks mire me and im like an 8, idgaf I just lock in and lift even harder.

>why isnt chad looking maybe if i act more like a repulsive degernate he'll-ACK

Take of my glasses, crank some tunes fuck I even use earplugs sometimes and get to work. Minorities and roasties fuck around, studs lift weights. They get the message one way or another. They know, I run the show.
Holy based this post boosted my motivation
lmao the solution is NEVER more jestermaxxing. Get a grip you midnbroken gynocentrist
>just keep entertaining them bro!!
mindbroken jestering gynocentrist
i admire niggas for how pure, low inhibition and atavistic they are in the violence towards women. Actual bronze age master morality individuals
It's sucks but it really does work. Ihad this ex gf where we would fight non stop when I was just normal. Started treating her the same way I treat my 5yr old niece when I baby sit her and act super interested in every single thing she says and being super positive.
>hey uncle anon, look at this spider, "woah that's so neat'" this one time I saw a spider at school and the teacher was scared and I wasn't, "well that's because you're brave and smart aren't you?" Uhuh.
You'd think they would pick up on it and call you out for patronizing them, but they genuinely don't get what you're doing, at least my ex didn't, I literally had to tell her what I was doing and of course she flipped out but it was getting exhausting acting like that around an adult. In hindsight it was funny as hell but it's equally depressing.
good post
>you should be constrained because I am weak minded and incapable of going about my business if I see something even slightly sexually appealing
The truth is girls like men that take initiative, are brave, and plan ahead. Never used dating sites but the one single time I asked a girl out was successful because I did it directly. Girls will signal to you that they're attracted but will almost never ask you out.
name these
and don't say
>they flip their hair or look at you for two seconds
Literally anything positive or not directly dismissive. If she acts even slightly interested and doesn't walk away or go back to her phone, keep talking. If she stays after that, make a move.
It's pretty obvious.
bro called himself the beautiful mouse
>What am I missing?
He started a new thread>>75138254
circular bullshit. by (implicit, contemporary) definition a loser is any man who doesn't get sex regularly. and as it happens more men are losers each year.
>just don't be one of those men
none of those men ever intended to become one of those men, yet it keeps happening to more and more men. "just don't be..." is not a course of action. it's not a plan somebody could follow. nobody ever intends to "be a loser". the closest thing to actionable advice you gave was
>talk to some bitches
which is laughable. only around 5% of men are so desirable that if they merely show up women will aggressively flirt and create opportunities for sex. for the rest of the male population it is at this point a bunch of work to even end up in situations where they can talk to women, and when they do the women are simply not receptive.
take it or leave it honey
>drags cigarette
Genuinely wish every demoooralizer blackpill nigger goylem would be shot
The saddest part of growing up and "making it" is realizing that just because you have a woman doesn't mean you aren't alone.
Women are fairweather friends at best and can't really take any load off of you. They're a responsibility, not an asset.
Wow, it's almost as if people like it when their partners take interest in their hobbies, but how dares the ducking bitch feel like that, amirite?
there's a special place in hell for them when they eventually rope themselves
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All teenagers should be legal, AOC should be 13+ and girls should graduate school then and expected to marry by 18 (as a virgin ofc).
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That's not conservatism you fucking retard. Conservatism is just tradition held as an inherent good as a political principle.
This anon gets it. If you try to tell people they have to be modest for your sake you are tacitly admitting that you are so fucking weak that some revealing clothing is enough to corrupt your will, sense, and principles. Grow a spine and don't attribute your weakness to other people.
A few years ago everytime I went to the gym someone would let out a silent fart smelling like a rotting corpse. Everytime there would be different people but that one petite chick, that's how I knew she was the culprit.
Mirin that vascularity
100% know this feel, can name a dozen girls that have mired me at the gym that I've completely ignored and I wish all these girls well but I feel so alien compared to a normal young man that I can't even talk to them since I'm very ashamed to reveal myself. Its a very bittersweet feeling
Girls always stare at me when I'm in the middle of my lift, like I'm gonna look back at you when I'm doing heavy squats...
Just become one or multiple of those things, for (You)rself.
are you me?
Why are you ashamed to reveal yourself?
Why do you post this mentally ill tranny? You must be mentally ill as well and a faggot. Be better.
Im basically an autistic loner and possibly schizoid, I could almost write an essay on the things that hinder me and make me feel alienated.
It does feel very strange to be physically attractive and have actual hot chicks be interested in you but I have an extreme mental block towards socializing and especially anything romantic
How to build a giant ass as a guy? I do hip thrusts twice a week.
Rdl once a week
Squat once a week
Ghr twice a week
Feels bro. My thesis is that this state is a kind of immune response to a hostile environment. One can look around and plainly see the world is not only not as it should be, but it has devolved into something far worse. It cannot be a coincidence that our perceptions are so similar. Maybe that’s just a cope of mine, but if you look at history autistic schizochads were the ones who wrote the path of humanity. With this level of introspective ability coupled with high physical attractiveness, you should be leader among men.
It is no measure of health to be well adjusted to a sick society.
Method actor approach. Suck dick in the locker room
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>ignoring women
my people
It's okay anon. Go touch some grass.
2 thirds gay.

The straight stare ahead they do when you walk pass.

What's a peko?
Shrinkage? I always wear my tight underpants because it keeps my memeber warm and moist.
I would chime in on this, but last time I did it really pissed off some faggot mod who hit me with a month long ban hammer despite me technically breaking no board rules
13 is too young, I recently came across my old class photos from at that age, but the AoC is already 14-16 in Europe, which is fine, it's 16 even in the majority of the US. the AoC in my country is 15 and I think it's perfect and guarantees finished puberty, barring some issues with retarded development.
what the fuck mean power games
who is trying to show power against whom here
ayo dis bitch got a DICK
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>circular bullshit. by (implicit, contemporary) definition a loser is any man who doesn't get sex regularly. and as it happens more men are losers each year.
>sex, sex, sex, everything in life is about sex
I love reading these threads even though I already know it's the same incel song and dance repeated ad infinitum. The answer is always a choice between two paths: monk mode or chadmaxxing. And being a nonk/chad is a lot more about how you view the world and yourself than it is about anything else.
>t. monkmaxxer

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