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>Program Design
Why would you want to limit yourself to only a kettlebell?
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I'd rather listen to Dan John

Geoff neupert has some programs too, and both of them like olympic lifts in addition to kettlebells.

Space and convenience. It's fun. No reason to, though I can knock out a kettlebell lift in 30 minutes where I prefer an hour+warmup to get a good barbell lift in.
>I'd rather listen to Dan John
Fair. He's got that oldschool lifting sense I like

>Geoff neupert
good thread
this garbage board doesn't deserve it though
less than 1% of /fit/ lifts
What's your body fat?
Was goofing around trying these kettlebell pronations the other day. Tapped out at 40kg
Is pavel legit?
hell yeah comrade
I'm still very new to lifting, but I watched a few kettlebell videos and it seems too dangerous to abide by.
Movements where you swing around and hold a heavy weight, without even a textured grip, **above your head** look liable to cause some permanent injuries when murphy's law inevitably strikes and your hand slips a fraction of an inch.
What am I not seeing, here? I don't get it.
this screenshot is bad. usually it's grip by handle only.
when the kettlebell is at shoulder height or above head at rest, the kettlebell handle is usually deep in your hand, with the ball resting on your forearm. the only way for it to slip then is if you bring the whole weight forward, or you bust your hand.
i have seen kettlebells come out of people's hands when attempting to get it up to shoulder or above head, in the clean or the snatch, and it usually is lost forwards or behind the person lifting it.
the handles usually get sticky from sweat and the skin it takes from your hands.
Watch Pavel's "Enter the Kettlebell" video on youtube. He teaches you properly so that you don't get hurt. I juggle kettlebells and Ive never hurt myself.
Beware bullshit videos. That chick doesn't know what she's doing.
The video that screenshot is from has 4.5 million views. It's one of the most-watched kettlebell workouts anywhere on youtube. And there are a LOT of top-of-the-algorithm videos featuring similarly questionable exercises.
It doesn't bode well for kettlebells as a fitness practice if this, according to the data, is what most people are doing with them.
So how would i implement this on the side of a gym program? I am mainly interested in push ups and pull ups

>Pushup variations
Every smarty knows this
There was a webm of a lady picking up a kettlebell with her cooter that I can't find, can someone post it pls?
Normies want a mini-calory counter bottom right as they follow routines with an 8kg kettlebell.
I sent someone irl to pavel's video, she said he talks too much. Instructions about body tension, breathing methods and how to protect your back are not what they want.
imagine training with a kettlebell and not comrademaxxing. unbelievable.
>The video that screenshot is from has 4.5 million views
>"I'm incapable of doing my own research so I must follow the herd."
I think the problem he was presenting is that, if someone searches for a kettlebell workout, they get trash instead of good coaching and useful programs.
Based wildman appreciator.
I seriously hope my reading comprehension is just bad and you're not trying to imply kettlebell halos are questionable
There's no way you can be that stupid, please just stay away from kettlebells if that's the case
good evening comrades
today, i have been doing hourly swings and thrusters/TGUs. very energizing.
>own 3 kettlebells
>can't press overhead without aggravating pain in right arm
Can't even jerk either, fine on the up but murder bringing them down again
Been an issue for years now, pretty sure I got it arm wrestling a mate, maybe I fucking fractured my arm and didn't notice
Where is your arm position? Internally or externally rotated?
rip in peace comrade
There are a few wrist exercises the Russian guys do.
I swear dealing with western clients is what ruined Pavel
Reps x Sets scheme? TUT? Sounds like a grease-the-groove protocol. GL.
GTG are great when you are pairing antagonistic movements. Like clean and ohp done superset with pullups
10 swings per hand paired with either 5 squat+presses per hand or a tgu

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