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Of course life is short when your arteries are 95% clogged by age 30

>i dont buy new clothes, other people buy them for me
>pay more taxes so the world doesnt melt or something idk
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I swear she only knows one move and it's still not sexy, but what do I know I don't make this much money off porn of myself
Finally jannies are banning that spammer. About time.
what is the endgame of this albino goblin?
what is her purpose?
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/fit/ bros...our response?
Being mogged by human garbage really forces you to sit down and evaluate your life.
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OF is notorious for making numbers up to get more women to think it's a gold rush and for them to sign up. There's no way anyone is paying to see this pig naked.

If you want proof go to her twitter account and see her engagement. She gets around 20-30 likes every picture she posts. Most are just gawking and making fun of her. Barely anyone is interacting with the content for free, almost no one is going to pay for it.
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she has a nice face though
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Female equivalent of a roidtranny
that was so funny/humor
She's literally retarded and her millionaire parents wanted to set up some money making scheme that can't be ruined by her specific level of retardation.
What the fuck
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is that a lunch lady?
To encourage the gazans to fight Israel to the last Palestinian child.
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You're right that the way you're raised puts you at a disadvantage, but that just means we shouldn't make fun of fat children (which I've never seen anyone in these threads do). Despite the bad habits my obese family instilled in me, I started losing weight when I was 15. I was fucking huge and lost about 70 lbs by the time I was 16. 34 now and never got fat again. Now I have eternal loose skin which is really epic, but at least I'm not a fatty.
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that looks way more like MDMA/Ecstasy than cocaine. you can tell because of the bruxism (she is clenching her jaws). bruxing like that isn't really a cocaine thing
They'll never be scary because I can easily outrun all of them till their legs crumble under their own weight
Aren't you afraid of being associated with them in any way? It might be embarrassing.
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goblinx general
>face of a 20 year old
>body of a bedbound 65 year old woman
What a fucking waste. Does this bitch not own a mirror?
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She has been accused of being a catfish.
>body positivity shoot
>not one handicapped person in sight

Glad, the whales took the term for themselves
Greta?? What happened????
Please tell me I'm not the only one that read that as "improve the projection of her diarrhea"
Safe bet it all goes to shit without the flattering outfit but still would son
from the neck up she looks like an anthropomorphic pig person. someone should get her a role as a piglin in the minecraft movie
>I don't buy new things
Because that's what daddy does
>luv pies
>'ate global warming
>simple as
Impressive that she can boof that much coke in one sitting, with the skill that implies she does this often, and still somehow be that large.
2 is hot but needs to lose 40lbs, 3 is only a bit overweight compared to the rest of the zoo

>lifes too shore

it will be for you, you fat fuck
They never make these posts wearing real bikinis, it's always those copekinis that ride up over their gunt and cover half their torso.
Obesity during puberty is just about the worst thing parents could do to a boy.
Suppressed test and smaller dick is fucking criminal
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this is very close to how i lost weight and it's actually easy. it's at least easier than looking in the mirror every morning and seeing an abomination that estranges you from your own existence "for literally every day of the rest of your life"
When fatty steals your pingers and thinks they're sweets
You're saying my cock could have been even bigger than it is? Hard to believe, but if so I'm pissed.
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>Penis length and testosterone are strongly related in children during puberty. Penile length growth is significantly decreased (by about 10%) in obese boys when compared to normal-weight boys, with concomitantly reduced testosterone levels, across puberal phases.
What's the point in putting in small lines if you're just going to sniff it all anyway
>makes $18k off of onlyfans over 4 years and 2 months
So what, 18 feeders who don’t mind that she looks like utter shit and 2 people who subscribed for a laugh
This shit is hilarious, but I have never been so concerned about the mental health of women as I became after tiktok got popular. Millions upon millions of girls that look like they're having seizures, and they record it to show others like it's something to be proud of. At best, it looks like a solo cheerleading routine, and there's a reason those are made for groups.
>children of the corn syrup
Word used on internet to describe men acting like women to get close to them. Somehow turns into meaning "lying". Same as "gaslighting" - now means "lying". The general public can not be trusted with words.
What always gets me is that "nobody ever invites me out"-part. Bitch, you don't get fat from getting invited to restaurants unless you do that every single evening. If you eat out once a week, you can have all the slop you want and can still make up for it by not stuffing your face for the rest of the week.
I lost weight through cutting out foods alone, I mostly just eat meat. I don’t even go to the gym. Fixed my chronic acid reflux and chronic back and joint pain too. It’s weird, if I cheat on the diet both come back like I flipped a switch.
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>halloween shoot
>in a random field during the day
>lazy costumes are just a couple crappy masks
looks more like a skeet shoot with fat ugly friends
>get the hottest woman there to hold up the fabric mirror thing
>take pictures of the disgusting fat hogs
clown world
Oh she's backing it up and dumping it the fuck off
why do you hate us, we are just trying to live?
GoblinX General
Reads like an incel rant but with food instead of women and Chad
Transwomen are so gross
nah they are beautiful when chubby, only them square jaw gigachad trans with 5 oclock shadow are gross in this day and age
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Based. That's why i'm 100% pro Palestine. Let's fucking go brothers! Mashallah, keep fighting, keep equipping teens and children, keep standing up to Israel.
No way the jews exterminate you completely teehee keep up the fight never stop
#2 needs the burger as well
>why lines if snort whole pile?
I’ve wondered this myself too after seeing this webm. The only thing I can think of is that she needs to slow down the rate of cocaine consumption. Like if she snorted a coke pile it would be too high of a blow to air ratio and cause her to cough/sneeze and waste it or something. But the lines allow her to snort it all with a lower nose candy to air ratio, making sure she can snort all of the snow.
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it's from the 1st of July 2020 to the 5th of October 2020... it's over 3 months period.
>shouldn’t make fun of fat children
Human children make fun of fat children and that let’s the fat know that they are wrong and lesser and that they need to fix themselves though. This whole anti-bullying shtick has just made everyone extremely gay, useless, and entitled. They need to be wrapped in bubble wrap or else they’ll collapse into a sobbing puddle whenever they need to be an adult.
Chucky looks pretty good. How did she make it in?
I feel like that webm is how movie producers look and exist except the room around them would be more expensive
Lets not forget that literally literally means not literally now. This one is even more of a shame because literally literally has no synonyms.
Why do they massacre salad like this? Why does no one use a nice salsa or a touch of sweet chili if there's meat on there too? Why always the gallon of cream and oil
>no y-axis label or scale
>x axis covers three months, has three points, and thinks it needs to include the time down to the minute for some reason
what the fuck is this graph?
Decided to look up DiggyB
>lived with her parents despite being in her early 30s
>disappeared ~1 year ago and reposts old videos
>her bf was potentially groomed. showed a pic of him at 21 saying they were dating for 4 years
>bf possibly ended things
>made $20k over 3 months 4 years ago. unknown income now
>only poor poorfags are active on social media in any way. i knew it was bad but didn't know it would be this bad.
lying is normalized, hence popularity of these words that break through the noise to describe particularly bad subsets of lying
i think you understand that gaslighting means something along the lines of 'subversively insisting that something in the common sense to not be true'
"literally" is fine as long as it stays colloquial
Kek I never made that connection, but she really has the body of my late grandma at ~85yo.
What a lost to corn syrup, even weighting close to a ton she has a decent face.

She could have looked gorgeous instead of being chased by whalefishers.
Everyone uses the word "gaslighting" to describe someone lying. True gaslighting is trying to make someone else disbelieve reality despite plain evidence to the contrary in front of them. It's not about lying, or even try to make them believe a simple lie. It's about mindfucking them into thinking they're crazy.

And catfishing is a lot more obvious. The words in the term itself make no sense in any other context than the original definition. It's why they call it "catfishing" instead of "bass fishing." It's using being female as bait.

Neither of those should be oversimplified into lying.
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Bring back the real goblina
Fat fucks do this all the time. They create this strawman about how you need to torture/ starve yourself to be a healthy weight
>put half my meal away EVEN IF ITS LE SALAD
No reason you cant eat a full meal if its within your calories/ salad is a good way to eat volume with very little calories
>I work out 6 days a week even if im busy, sick, etc
Literally no one has ever recommended this
>just do this for literally ever day of your life
Or you know, for the next couple months til youre not morbidly obese then you can be a bit more flexible
Its hilarious how misguided they are
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Thank you for your service
It's just hyperbole. Completely in bounds.
Well irregardless I couldn't care less
some webms are so insane I need to save them and post them in threads to get (yous)
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>did you just call my wife 'wide ride?!'
I’ve never heard this original meaning of catfishing and I guess I don’t know enough about catfish to make it make sense. Are male catfish rapey male feminists or something?
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No, it’s literally in the dictionary now. Literally literally means “not literally” per Merriam Webster.
this, she's wearing enough fabric to make bikinis for half a dozen normal women
>No reason you cant eat a full meal if its within your calories/ salad is a good way to eat volume with very little calories
restaurant salads can sometimes be more caloric than a plate of pasta, and they are the ones that fatties gravitate towards (or maybe it's the salad that gravitates towards them) when they want to cope and say that they are making healthy choices but still eat something tasty
Easier than that, just CICO. You don’t need to workout to lose weight if that’s the goal.
Fuck off ESL
Anthony Jr lookin rough.
You're (eating) too (many) sweet(s)
described perfectly
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Hal is based.
im fucking some soon to be diabetes girl, shes 20, and she cries to sleep because she hates her body but wont drop the fork or exercise, of course she throats my dick to the bottom, her best skill is to eat
im fucking glad youre lime this, ill use your holes as my pleasure until i get some actual skinny pretty girl and drop you, youll die alone or with some equally pathetic man, and youll dream every night of how you used to fuck me and how you loved how athletic and strong i was
lazy pig, youre disgusting
The same nigger.
Still the same nigger.
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If you would hook up with her, then you're a better man than me. You're a better man than me, anon. I like chubby / thick girls sometimes, but that's because I like seeing as extra jiggle on a big ass or larger breasts on a woman. However, she's gone a bit overboard even for me. Plus, she seems self-absorbed, narcisstic, and pretentious. I'm better off dating a conventional skinny girl if I want a girl with a better personality than her.
Lmao, I thought at first it was dog food.
Funny how she was everywhere when she was talking about climate issues in a "safe" way, but since critisizing israel you rarely see her anywhere
She got some massive milkers now though.
Jeez she turned out real ugly
I really need context
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In that episode, his wife is trying to lose weight and he is sabotaging her efforts by making her food more fattening and hiding the real calories per serving because he is an architect. He wants his wife to be fat. He likes her that way.
Would hard
What a story.
Imagine being "groomed" by that though. And she's in her 30's? She acts like a child.
lmao I love that clip. Hal- my man o7
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this person must be a lazy sack of shit if she thinks these are somehow herculean tasks that nobody can do. Like what the fuck? If she thinks doing rote repetitive tasks like that I bet she doesn't cook or clean, just lives in filth and eats takeout.
>I bet she doesn't cook or clean, just lives in filth and eats takeout.
100% Plus 6+ hours a day of netflix or other inane shit like scrolling tiktok.
I love this!
that must be so awkward for the nail salon people and the customer. how do you just plop in your airpods and blast music or podcast without feeling like an asshole or at least slightly embarassed.
PCOSing so hard
This chick looks just like a fat guy I went to college with. She has hairier arms and a hairier chest though.
I don't think the people doing nails 8 hours a day are happy about keeping inane conversations for hours just so the customer doesn't get too bored.
Never thought I'd say this but I'm siding with the fat fuck on this one.
Oh Jesus, I just noticed the chest and belly hair. I thought it was just shitty splotchy fatty skin. That’s revolting.
I doubt they’re tired of keeping up 8 hours of conversation a day, not many customers speak Vietnamese.
This, I'm in a similar boat and the mental gymnastics she does to make these things seem impossible is crazy.

Going to the gym 6 days a week isnt hard, even fucking Sam Sulek who does that only spends 45 minutes a day on his workouts. Somebody who isnt a literal bodybuilder could do even less time with less intensity.
Tracking calories is not hard. Just buy a food scale and it adds like 10 minutes to your day.
The eating out thing is a cope and that wouldnt be a problem unless youre doing it multiple times a week (which she no doubt does). If im eating out once or twice a week i dont have to track it because its nust not frequent enough to put me off my goals.
Zoomers think it's awkward if you aren't listening to headphones or playing on your phone during a family dinner and trying to have a conversation. Welcome to the new world anon. Politely saying hello or excuse me in public is the equivalent of what going up to a stranger and giving them a big bear hug used to be.
She literally has more hair on her chest and arms than I did as a 20 year old lad. Wtf is wrong with this person?
>even a guy blasting extreme amounts of gear doesn't work out that hard
Epic example
Being fat causing extreme hormone disruption. Women get hairy and manly, men get small testicles and female-type fat deposits in the stomach.
spoken like a true shut-in
are people still pretending this isn't a boy?
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She never really had a chance.
ifunny? How is my old beloved?
Don’t ask me why but I wanna throat fuck this chick until her mascara is running down her face and cum all over her tits and make her lick it off so bad
I am both disturbed and intrigued by how big and hairy this bitch is
If she hopped on roids she'd look like a mutant
Enjoy getting your dick sucked by Frank Caliendo.
It's probably because you liked her performances in Arrested Development and Scott Pilgrim
I had to google who that was, but as soon as the results popped up I fuckin lol'd
F-slur N-slur R-slur
She's almost as hairy as me. What the fuck. Do you think she has hair on her back?
I almost felt sad but this is funny cuz u don't got the balls to say that to her face and you probably worship her (still in denial). You know you would cry if she ever ghosted you. Don't be ashamed its okay
Rubenesque, even.
Not sure if trolling or not but you still have to work out just as hard if not harder on gear. Obviously you get better results with less work but not Sam Sulek results.
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Sorry if wrong thread
>be me, skinnyfat and hate exercise
>reading in bed last night
>the author I hold in the highest esteem insults my body
Now I feel highly motivated to change my sloth ways
I really needed this kick in the ass, I can't keep being lazy and fat
Arigatō Mishima-san...
chubby chaser
What do you mean by get (yous)?
Why did it take an author to get you there? Where were your friends and family? Rhetorical question. Ponder it carefully.
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>The eating out thing is a cope and that wouldnt be a problem unless youre doing it multiple times a week
yea, in the start when I was being extremely strict I'd just cut off a reasonable amount of calories on top of my deficit for a few days after eating out to compensate and get the same daily average for the week. You just have to start managing your calorie budget like how you manage other resources as well (time, money, attention). It's not that far-out of a concept when you think about it.
This and the last fph have been complete dog shit
what causes HATE toward fat ppl

i've always been very skinny and obsessed with my weight and even as kid i hated fat ppl (not on an individual level, i came along fine with fat ppl and didn't dislike any of them individually, but still just really HATED the idea of fat ppl in general)
I don't know why but she reminded me of a PS1/old WoW era videogame NPC where they stand still until you walk up to them and when you ask them for a quest they autistically emote. She's like a fat ogre quest-giver
The only fat people I hated were the young ones. Seeing people, usually males in their 50s/60s with an old man gut wasn’t bad because they always commanded a lot of respect and grew up in a pretty hard time so they were never fat when they were young
idc I'd still fuck that spoiled little goblin
You do not have to work as hard when you're pumping your body with artificial growth signalers.

It's a big part of why Mike Isratel recommends not taking advice from roiders because they're often completely unknowledgeable about training because all they need is a minimal stimulus to grow and the rest is all diet and sleep.
To acquire sheep
They've been increasingly infested with non-whites who love obese women
cos doll isn’t posting enough. feed us doll!!
Sorry lads I got the autumn movie and haven't been up to posting
i know what you are
It's extreme laziness. It's one of those things where people wear their vice outwardly at all times. Imagine if heroin junkies walked around with a tourniquet on and a needle sticking out of their arm at all times. That's basically what being fat looks like.

You see this person and instantly know they're a waste of life. If you host a dinner they're going to eat 3x as much as everyone else. If you want to go hiking or kayaking you know they're either going to protest or slow the group down so badly that your 3 hour hike is a 12 hour hike and now it's just not feasible (if they can finish at all). If you want to go on a trip to NYC you know they're going to bitch about the walking and demand the group pay for Ubers to go everywhere, etc.

It's a big outward expression of laziness and hassle dealing with them.
>Yes it farts
Kek. Something absurdly hilarious about this whole situation of people being interested in whether her ass farts and her having to explain that it does
Damn. That is one sad looking individual. Those dead eyes. Is the same bint who filmed herself preparing her child's "breakfast" and it's just doughnuts and juice?
Someone looking at fat liberation content and fat anorexic content? Yes. Yes I am.
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>I used to be pretty underweight
She's a spoiled rich kid, weird how that never gets brought up.
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This I stumbled on and... I'm honestly not sure how to interpret what I'm reading. This is a fat fetishiest, saying that they absolutely have a fetish for stuffing their partner as morbidly obese as they possibly can, and that they don't like that fat liberationists try and cut them out of discussions because it's too morbid for most people.
But doesn't feeder/feedee go against everything that fat liberation tries to stand for anyway? The idea that you don't just get fat because you can't stop eating? The idea that it's not about health?
Picture of her and her husband inbound, take bets
How fucking tight are your clothes that eating a large meal makes them unwearable?

This is like saying "make sure to get a good pump while trying on clothes at JC Penney so that when you wear them you don't accidentally flex a muscle and rip them.
Must be a Jeff Nippard alt
Lmao. They think that people making fun of them online actually give a shit about the ins and outs of their faggot subculture
Yeah, I don't think I've ever once eaten enough to make any piece of my clothing feel tight, not even at the beltline. These people are really living another existence entirely to the rest of us.
They also need extra buttons
What is this lovecraftian phenotype
Part of the reason old people get fat is because they eat the same way they did when they were younger and highly active, except now they're retired and don't do as much anymore. It's still not good for them at all and I'll do my best to avoid it myself, but I can live with that. They also usually don't make weird excuses for it in my experience
Wrong. She started with a nice perky physique and got that way over the course of twenty years, not five eating mayonnaise stuffed rotisserie chickens boiled in gatorate. I bet she fills out her curves nice under those clothes. A little excessive but the boob ratio and non elephant legs make up for it. She doesnt look like the mongoloid circles with piercings hiding their faces
It's true they either get fat or rake thin. You get a few who are just tanks until they get to their mid 80s or 90s though. I don't care about being shredded when I'm an auld fella, but I definitely still want to be strong and broad
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This one goes on for a very very long rant including 25 paragraphs of "sources"
A stunning 12/10 latina dumped me after losing weight(I did it for her). And it turned out she was into fat guys. She was fucking gorgeous I'll never find another like her. Had all the indigenous features and the body....damn... WHY DID YOU CURSE ME GOD I REJECT YOUR DESIGN
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Fat is also something that tends to cause damage over time. It's never great to be obese, but being obese for the last 10 years of your life probably won't have enough time to cause you the same level of hardships as it will for someone who is fat in their 40s or 50s.
I contribute a lot and I've been busy the past couple days. I don't have the time to go looking for delusional fatties. Looks like Doll has been gone as well.
They just love to bitch without contributing.
Unless she is hiding a roll in those overalls she isn’t fat, dude.
The fucking arrogance of these cunts.
"Fill your feed with a normal body"
That is not, in any way, normal. It's a disgusting abomination.
Pinch an inch bud.
>muh weight loss surgery
that shit is getting phased out because it's expensive, high risk, and the success rate is around 5%, which is basically placebo level. The future is medication for weight loss, sooner or later the medical industry is going to start treating obesity like high blood pressure, as in if you go into a doctor's office while fat they'll recommend you take ozempic or something. I'm honestly surprised they aren't already doing that.
>no they should just lose the weight through willpower!
never gonna happen, drugs are the future, but at least there will be less fat people.
>12/10 latina
>indigenous features
why they never bring up the market cap of the goyslop industry
They're a strange folk. They're very heavy into doctor shopping
Most women who are into fat guys either have issues or they're into "big guys", not fat guys sepcifically. They want a huge guy so they can feel small and weak, and their ideal would probably be something closer to a strongman physique than a flab sack, but they'll be very put off by outright small thin men.
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Sorry for that last uncropped it slipped the filter. 30k fatties agree tho. I like this "I need 1800 calories TO SURVIIIIVE" like she's 6'5"
the comfyfattravels woman is supposed to be getting a top surgery in California next month, I'm guessing the anesthesiologist will take one look at her 600lb ass and say "nope." Why would you give a shit about getting your tits lopped at that size anyways? Fat men and fat women have the same general body shape, tits and all.
Every First Lady ever is a man. They just hide it better now.
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This woman is notorious for her hack jobs and she has no BMI limit. She'll cut the breasts off a 13 year old or a 600 pounder, she will not say no to anything. What's crazy is that she doesn't have any malpractice insurance and is allowed to operate without it.
That's fucking crazy. Well, nothing of value lost.
What a story. I also love to turn random mental disorders on and off at will
>she actually thinks she's attractive in the first pic
This is what letting your daughters grow up around blacks causes
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>i saw what my disgusting body looks like and now my confidence is in the gutter
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>it’s natural to be bigger at different times of the day
It’s weird how people need to be told this. That’s why it’s important to weigh yourself at a set time. I always woke up, micturated, then weighed myself. If you missed your weighing time then skip the day and weigh yourself tomorrow because you will be comparing apples and oranges. That’s also why you should weigh yourself every day at the same time, then you can see the trend of your progress because you will bounce around an average value based on things like hydration. This applies to humans though, when obeasts lose weight they should easily see a couple pounds a week. Fat loss in humans is slower so if a human loses fat over the previous day/week the amount lost could be hidden by weight “gained” from a small drink.
>drink a liter of water
>oh no, I gained 2.2 pounds!
>get dehydrated
>wow! I lost two pounds today!
>have a really late dinner the day before and weigh yourself as soon as you wake up
>oh no, I gained 2 pounds yesterday
>eat a lot of fiber, it traps water in your intestines making you drink more to have the same level of hydration
>also eat seed oils, which causes inflammation, concentrating fluids in that area and making you thirstier too
>how did I gain three pounds yesterday, I had a salad!?
>eat saltier food one day, retain more fluid and “gain” weight
>eat glucose after depleting your glycogen stores, when your body converts the glucose to glycogen and stores the glycogen three times the weight of the glycogen in water is stored with it (this is the water weight gained/lost when switching in and out of keto and would be about three pounds seeing as your body can store 2000kcal of glycogen)

>bearded lady avatar
Horrid beast. You know she’s using these facts to ignore the number on the scale despite being 400 pounds
>wah, your bodyweight fluctuates throughout the day so even though my BMI is higher than my ideal weight in kilos I don’t weigh myself
This is 100% serious btw
>malpractice insurance
What a lot of people don't realize is that there isn't an industry standard for any kind of gender surgery, every single doctor is basically using a home brew method they come up with on their own, this makes malpractice pretty impossible to prove, where are you going to find an expert to testify what is "normal" for these surgeries? There isn't one.

On the fat people point, a 13 year old is highly unlikely to have her heart give out while being put under, regardless of your opinion on it or the potential long term risks, it makes sense why an anesthesiologist would be willing to take that chance. A 600lb person on the other hand is a nightmare of liability, and unlike the gender surgery anesthesia is a well documented field where a fuckup totally CAN come back to bite you.
too mentally ill for me to understand, also the word struggle has lost all meaning
So what causes this
Tying back, this is actively killing him. She's purposely feeding him to death as a fetish, which is much different from
>reee I just can't lose weight I've tried a gorillion diets I'm a person just like youuu
Food wouldn't taste as good if I knew a frumpy midget witch was staring at me smiling while I ate it. Fucking hansel and gretel had more sense
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>Hating chubby women
>Not wanting to snuggle their soft chubby bellies.
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>beautiful lady leaves you after you lost weight because she like fatties
Just promise her that you’ll gain weight and keep “failing” and making excuses.
>oh I know I shouldn’t go to the gym again, but it’s the holidays, you know?
>wait, what? I thought eggs were supposed to be bad for you?
>but honey, it’s Easter, you’re supposed to go on a sort of fast
>oh, I’m sorry, honey, I forgot to eat today. I don’t know, it just slipped my mind
>sorry, but I need to get the sparkling water instead, sweet sodas just don’t taste good to me
>Oh sorry, three hours? Jeez, I thought I had only been in the gym for twenty minutes. Time flies I guess.
>but babe, I am eating dessert every, look, I’m even eating a pear right now!
Big kek
you bitches need to get fat AFTER marriage NOT BEFORE. FUCK.
she gonna chomp your dick off with that drug-induced teeth grinding
>fat culture is being told you look 25 at 16
No no back that up jack, how about bitches just font get fat and ruin the marriage?
lmao she could've saved the money and just looked at the fuckin mirror
>morbidly obese with clothes on
>morbidly obese and showing off her huge gunt
>still worthy
neither are worthy
How does lowering your standards make you a better person?
I think they mean men with fat rolls making the area inaccessible
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>cutting off your penis and getting a festering wound gauged into your crotch that you have to prevent from healing by ripping it open for hours every day until the day you die so that you can pretend to be a woman is the same thing as getting some of your stomach volume removed TEMPORARILY to prevent you from killing yourself with food
This comic artist should be euthanized because of how profoundly stupid they are
>trannies in my /fph/ thread
Thanks for the excuse to post Kikomi
>I'll bet you can't make an uglier artstyle than corporate memphis!
>watch me!
>like she’s 6’5”
It’s a tranny, Anon. His BMR would be about 1800 kcal and he could easily need 2800 kcal per day to maintain weight because he was/is fat as fuck.
That’s an actress from Modern Family
Objective evil exists and she is the proof.
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>there isn't an industry standard for any kind of gender surgery, every single doctor is basically using a home brew method
That’s because gender reassignment is literally impossible. What the fuck would the standard procedure be? A fucking witch’s curse?
a certain poster who doesn't like seeing it's picture itt is back as a janny here
Nigger thats the fat people from Lilo and Stitch. Lilo liked collecting fat people like i like collecting pictures of birds. Also Nani couldve gotten this dicc
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>these "people" eat so much their clothes don't fit after a meal
holy fucking hell how much is that?
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No. It's a FTM jew that mostly posts about being vegan and painfully Jewish. This is a woman. She can easily survive off 1200 calories.
>Friend plays lots of vidya
>This is cool, we have the same interests, play vidya together
>Friend's life schedule is work/vidya
>Can't clean his house because that would cut into vidya time
>Can't mow his lawn because that would cut into vidya time
>Can't get a girlfriend because that would cut into vidya time
>Can't make new friends because...
>Can't ever get a decent night's sleep because...
>Can't lose weight or exercise because...
Doesn't sound different then your average /v/tard or what they aspire to be right? But it goes further:
>Took a mortgage on his house to play a pay to win game
>Has slowly migrated kitchen appliances into his game room (which is a pigsty)
>Has been preordering deluxe editions more and more
>House looks more and more like a hoarder house
>Takes days off for mental health but just plays video games all day
>Complains about his physical health but does nothing about it, just hops on even more medication
>The only time he gets fresh air is the transition time from house to car and car to work building and vica verca
>Kitchen reeks and is buried underneath garbage so all he does is DoorDash
>I refuse to enter the bathroom
This man is going to die alone with very few friends, trapped in his own body. Why am I friends with him? Same interests in a small town and when he dies I want to scavenge his computer for parts.
Call Adult Protective Services and see if they cam fo an intervention or at least subsidize a hazmat clesn up crew for the good of the neighbors
anyone have a gif or webm of Kenshiro punching Hearts fat around before hitting the vital point?
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I work with a guy who is a lot like this except it’s food instead of vidya and he’s a 55yr old virgin yet pretends that he’s still in his 20s and will get a heckin tradcon virgin 16yr old wife one day. It’s genuinely sad to see him because he’s really nice and smart but holy shit he is pathetic and being a glutton+hoarder as well as being delusional about his age are the only things keeping him from killing himself.
You cunts not have eccy jaws in your country?
>thighs almost bigger than her torso
>flabby arms
> “b-but she’s not fat!!!”
my point stands
One of my nephews is like this except he doesn't have a job. He gets government benefits even though he's fine. He goes into a massive fit of rage if you so much as imply his ways are kinda bad. Basically zero impulse control when it comes to containing rage. He's basically where he wants to be in life, but it's because everybody else is paying for him and he goes into insane rage fits if you say anything.
What annoys me the most is, he's actually very intelligent, helpful, selfless and observant, but he's sort of self-inflicting stupidity and ignorance. He thinks he's got it all made with how things are.
She only fucks black guys
Ah, hard to tell which flavor of tranny without pictures. What kind of dumbass chick thinks she needs 2800 kcal a day? Does she actually think she’s a man?
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Anyway your fat retard nephew ain't adding up.
>actually very intelligent, helpful, selfless and observant
But also
>government benefits even though he's fine
>zero impulse control when it comes to containing rage
>everybody else is paying for him
>self-inflicting stupidity and ignorance
I don't think he is fine anon, you're describing a downy/low functioning retard to a fucking T. He was always doomed to that life and he can't be fixed.
It’s a potato quality image, you can’t see cellulite dummy, you can barely tell she is wearing fishnets
>thighs almost as big as her torso
And she has normal sized legs so she has a thin torso so you agree with me
>flabby arms
No, and there is a long sleeved shirt, and it’s still a potato quality image
Are you a retard or do you not know which character Chucky is?
I scrolled through a lot of "I LOOOVE BEING A FAT JEW DEATH TO CHRISTIANITY" and didn't see any selfies, or height/weight, but she does claim to have a full beard.
>My weight dropped all the way down to 110 pounds.
>My partner... convinced me to enter a recovery program...I ate everything I was told to eat, nothing more and nothing less...And I gained back every pound I has lost.
I'm wondering if I can reverse tdee that "2800", this is also why eating disorder recovery is evil.
I spy fat arms, a gut, a double chin, and huge thighs.
this guy gets it lmfao. she 100% belongs there .
Why do fatties love making these weird propaganda-esque posts? They'll go do something physical one singular time, post it as 'proof' they're fat and active, then never do it again. Yet somehow it's supposed to prove something.
You either don't know what indigenous features are, or your taste in women is as weird as her taste in men.
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You mean this?
AI proved that even average weight Tophia is ugly

How is this fair
Well apparently the mirror shows something drastically different than non-selfie cameras because I see these fatties having realizations about their size from candid photos taken by others and security camera footage all the time. Self protective delusions

>my body is fine the way it is i dont need to lose weight
>i need to get my tits chopped off because my body is not who i am

Damn thats retarded
Stav has really fallen off

>muh weight lots industry

Wtf just eat chicken rice and green veggies.
not even Andre the giant
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>Go to a million doctors until you get what you want.
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Not exactly fat but I thought you guys might get a chuckle out of this by catch
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Now google her networth, properties and cars.
>my dad has a huge dick
>mom fattened me up like a christmas ham since I was a kid
>my dick is below average
>couldn't satisfy only gf I ever had and she complained about sex positions we couldn't do because of the length of my dick that her previous bigger dicked partners could
Thanks mom.
Why do you know about your dad's penis
That's what happens when families live together.
It's really not. I have never seen my dad nude or in underwear.
Utah bro? How many layers of magic underwear do you wear at night? At what age do you have to start wearing them?
Fatties actually believe people think them getting weight loss surgery is okay? Go on a diet you weak willed pig.
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Lol I did this except I did 5 days a week and yeah it worked I went from 205 to 163 in like 4 months
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I'm not a fucking mormon I'm just not a child molester, nor have I been molested. A child should never see a naked adult. My children have never seen me naked. I've never seen either of my parents naked.
This is a carbon copy reply from serial child rapist memoirs. You have been mkultra brainwashed. I can 100% guarantee you grew up in a fatherless home. You'll deny it but we all know it's true.
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I saw my step dad's dick once or twice just by running into his room after he exited the shower as a little kid. He covered up of course but I feel like it's inevitable at some point you don't have to be molested to see your parents naked by accident lol.
I knew a 400lb meth addict named Porky who had a binge eating disorder, fat drug addicts do exist
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Every single one of these cows talks about how they have this correct nagging feeling they are a gross piece of shit. Instead of addressing it they think the solution is to delude themselves.
How does this one even work? Are the buttons on the inside and you sew extra loops on the shirt so that you have two button lines?
Even that doesn't make sense.
*Laughs in finnish*
>Life's too short. Wear the damn bikini
>Wears a bikini that covers half her body
>I did everything right to lose weight
>except to stop eating
How do these fat fucks always have the money to feed their pig lifestyles?
Accidental is different from getting a good look or walking around naked
That's why it's mostly Americans. High incomes and low living costs.
I lost 100 pounds in 6 months doing the first step.
Its just that easy.
>this post was reserved for doll
Jesus, she really wanted a divorce.
This is correct. You want to cover as much surface area as possible without caking it in or it doesn't hit right. Or you swallow a bunch at a bad moment and it all goes to hell from there.
And none of those points defended the position that they aren't lazy and can't follow a healthy lifestyle
Nice. Thanks
Still looks better. That family is a trainwreck in slowmotion and im only speaking from watching just jewtube compilations about her shit. I dont even dare to install tiktok even in a burner phone
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More bycatch
I've seen your mom naked a few times. If you're curious: a landing strip
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Shame, I prefer the mini bush, a tiny inverted triangle left untrimmed
Actual demonic possession caught on film
I make a face similar to that when I'm relaxed and in a good mood. On a related note I'm 90% I have an undiagnosed neurological problem.
I don't get why so many men are single you've got so many good options right in front of you!
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those are not angles on a body, even obese, she's stuffing something under her clothes for engagement
Wow. 100% chance the boyfriend has no idea about any of this.
What a cunt. She can't afford to move out and she is only looking for a new paypig.
Women are pure evil.
Damn, she lucked out
Wrong. She was pregnant and he was trying to exacerbate her pregnancy weight gain because he liked it the last 3 times. The actress who played her was 47 at the time and it was her third pregnancy, I can't find any information on whether or not it was accidental but that's pretty fucking old to be getting pregnant naturally, most women are menopausal by then.
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Boofing is putting in your ass, anon. She snorted or sniffed.
>not using intestinal spams to create a vacuum to inhale cocaine from your arse
Damn, I can't wait till all of those fatties are finally on semaglutide/ozempic.

Yeah, it's a total capitulation in the face of gluttony. I'll always be thankful that I lost the weight (I was "only" 120 kg/265 lbs at 190 cm/6'3'', which is a BMI of 33, so I was fat, but not morbidly obese, mind you; I don't even have lose skin nowadays) before those drugs became available, so nobody will think I used them.

But at least the Semaglutide hype means I won't have to look at hideous creatures like this one in the foreseeable future. And honestly, it also makes sense from an economic perspective. Clearly, low IQ people with no impulse control are incapable (or, more precisely, unwilling) to withstand the temptations of a world filled with goyslop. Considering that banning goyslop is unrealistic and so is forcefully putting fatties in reeducation camps, and also considering that we spend at least a third of our total medical resources on obesity-related illnesses, just putting them all on semaglutide is obviously way cheaper.
>having realizations about their size from candid photos taken by others and security camera footage
tfw the same but with gains
Lmao, he ate himself into end stage type 2 diabetes, about to transition to type 1.
Why does this woman being a complete loon make all women evil?
Also, who gives a fuck about some fat whale looking to get harpooned? Anyone who porks that creature in the first place needs a wake up call
>I was "only" 120 kg/265 lbs at 190 cm/6'3'', which is a BMI of 33, so I was fat, but not morbidly obese
in reality you were probably just overweight
BMI with its division by height^2 doesn't model people (who last time I checked were 3 dimensional beings) very well and shows short people thinner than they really are and tall people like you fatter than they really are
Yeah who even cares.

Slightly off topic.but would you personally plap that if you were about the same level of attractiveness?
I despise everything about this.
The arrogant pretend playfulness while eating.
The obfuscation of exactly how much is being eaten.
I hate biggers.
Fits the big one better. What's the point of the hole in the middle if there's no tits to show through?
That's being generous, they usually don't have that kind of flexibility
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Don't die yet
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