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/fit/ - Fitness

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It is always there no matter how much ab workout I do or how lean I get
Bad posture, weak abs.
Or you're not as lean as you think
You're not as lean as you think you are
If you are indeed lean, your only option is surgery. Chances are you are not as lean as you think you are.
thats anterior pelvic tilt, if she stood straight her belly would be flat
this. if i go one week without hitting my lower abs they begin to protrude like OP. regular exercise keeps the whole abdominal slab tight
stop sticking your ass out to make it look bigger and stand up straight.

also i would insert my Bneis into her Baginer if you know what i am referring to.
I like how this is literally what her ass would look like naked, just in black.
Is she even wearing panties under that? Might as well be completely bottomless but have on body paint.
hysterectomy. That’s your uterus.
lose weight
You could lose a little weight. Those tight pants are not fooling anyone.
that is most definitely not what her ass looks naked at all, shapewear is doing a lot of work here, for example pushing fat towards a feminine belly pouch
Damn i love that thing. Second to mons obviously but still an asset
you got a turd locked and loaded in there
Fuck off gunt faggot
>he doesn't get it
A statue means nothing to some modern carb golem's gunt stuffed into shapewear.
I don't care
Good ass

Make it bigger, get married and impregnated
Stop thrusting out your ass like a whore and your organs won't stick out like that either. And put on real fucking pants when you go out in public like an adult
thats a baby house i think. why would you want to make it flat as if you were a man.
i wanna practice making babies with her
thats genetic and it's hot as fuck
>Or you're not as lean as you think
I thought I was lean as hell until I got a CT scan.
neither of the statues have a gunt thougheverbeit
>Has to cover fupa
Lmao if you were lean you wouldn't have a pouch
What's it like?
t. Mexican
The less aesthetic(if you being fat doesn't look like trailer trash as much) your fat distro is the more likely its caused by hormonal imbalances.

This is basically a hormonal thing on top of shit in the intestine probably mostly shit.
That is the sexiest part of a woman. Don't get rid of it.
That's her uterus you fucking virgins

Good lord
You probably eat a lot of shit that bloats you. Eat more like a man and your stomach will be flat.
Its not her uterus dumbass, its bad posture, the uterus doesnt stuck out unless she is pregnant
a completely flat stomach would look like a man
>flat stomach
I prefer abs myself, unfortauntely those are rare enough on men that finding a woman with them is nearly impossible in the wild.
What type of leggings are these? Why do some look sexier than others ?
Hum I love that
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>spend your years constantly trying to stick your ass up
>wtf I have a pelvic tilt now
Serves you right honestly
basic biology is too much for /fit
Bro she looks 10
Not quite, thats a subcutaneous fat pad, every woman has them , there are also some on girls back above the ass (four to be exact), read anatomy for sculptors on libgen it’ll tell you all about it
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>completely flat stomach
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That’s the best part
That’s where your organs are you goofball

This shit is the single sexiest thing on women... nothing screams ready to get fucked pregnant more than this.
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true and based. one day i may feel the touch of a woman, i hope to get married and have kids with her. the thought of getting my wife pregnant and making love to her while pregnant keeps me going.
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I always grab the belly when i have sex
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my favourite part on a woman

i've seen this image before... is it tifa?
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reminds me of my fucking ex, why did i give her the next day pill bros? Why im i such a cuck? she had bpd but i could handle her she is a woman after all and she told me she wanted my babies
get pregnant like nature intended you retard
by putting it in my mouth
here's an exercise list:
fork putdowns until failure
3x10 plate push aways
2x10 snack put aways
fridge door closes til failure
3x5 food scrapes into trash
4x10 bite pauses
Stand up straight.
Hard lessons learned. You'll do better next time.
You don't want to mess with BPD whores, trust me. Especially not procreate with one.
Please have a penis
thats hot why get rid of it?
show tits or gtfo you fucking whore
No it’s not idiot

Op ur pelvis is moving out of line plus ur not lean.
you think the perfect body on the left is a man? Yikes
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>no matter how much ab workout I do

>or how lean I get
Bullshit bitch, stop eating a daily pint of Ben&Jerry's
Terrible posture
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Diet and lifting it will disappear by itself no need to trains your abs if you dont want to
that's normal if you are an actual female.
She could lose some weight
>regrets not putting a baby in a fat woman with bpd
the fuck is wrong with you? have some fucking self respect. this is why you're a cuck
I once wanted to have my belly rubbed by a girl I was making out with.
It didn't go well. I think I have a complex about not having abs because of that since then.
You dodged a goddamn cannon shell
Child support payments for 18 years and her using contact with your kid as leverage would have been so fun
That's the stuff
saucce? pure sexo
diet of roids 3x/week
Brother, she said that because she wanted your reaction. BPD girls do that shit out of reaction seeking, ignore it. Normal women are hesitant at saying that.
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This is fine.
Pic related is not.
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>he actually touches, and I cannot stress this enough, the fupa
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How can women allow themselves to look like this? Disgusting.
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Low T men thinking that liking curvy is high T sign.
While in fact they're coping with morbidly obese hamplanet, because they're afraid they'll get canceled.
Same with white women going for BBC meme, and White men going for yellow fever.
And straight male suffering form gender dysphoria.
And worse the internet made propagating these even easier.
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me too, why would you want to get rid of the best part of a woman?

I'll tell you something anons, if a woman lets you grab her belly, she REALLY trusts you
You don't, this is a symbol of fertility
cope harder woman. it’s just fat
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Post your body.
>completely scripted
>retarded nu-male partner
>posted on her social media
>muh body positivity wagon
Seems legit.
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Here, I love titcows and slampigs
>get rid of the belly pouch
why in the ever loving fuck would anyone want that????
>get rid of
Bitch, you're crazy.
Are you me?
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Brother, I fell into the same exact situation as you, lasting 2 years.

Girls with BPD see the world in an entirely different way. Anything short of your complete devotion is considered abandonment. Anything short of an overt display of affection is considered hate. Wanting to move on from arguments is considered avoidance. Every utterance by you *will* be dissected; having to explain yourself becomes routine for even benign things.

I bent over backwards cucking myself for my ex's benefit. I feel, as should you, that life is better without those complications.
what are your ab routines?
I want this woman to sit on my face.
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>standing up
>have abs

>sitting down
>pudgy subcutaneous fat af

How do I fix this while still bulking?
its over. might as well get cozy in /plg/
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Would pat
Bitch got a big uterus and probably a clown car pussy
Bro you sound like a jealous roastie
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Anons have already said it. She could lose some weight but it’s anterior pelvic tilt. Extremely common these days from all the time people spend sitting- weak overstretched abs glutes and hamstrings (despite midwits thinking stretching the hamstrings is the solution) shortened hip flexors, quads, and lower back
They're hesitant because feminism brainwashed them. 50 years ago most women freely admitted to wanting babies
It's not cause they're afraid of getting canceled it's cause they'll take tons of abuse and cheating
>>yellow fever
That's just coping for betas who have been priced out of white women's dating market cause of uncontrolled hypergamy
It's really weird how women have fun. They're both gross but at least they're laughing.
I really hate this newspeak of obese woman hijacking the word "curvey"
How delusional are they? Rolls all over are not curves. I hate the antichrist
It's wild to watch this. It ruins everyone in the process.
Ofc they're laughing, one gets to look 100x hotter in comparison and the other gets to participate in normal girl activities
i see this all the time now since women wear high waisted everything. shorts, jeans, leggings, even business attire/pantsuits. they always have all of the top of the pants with the entire torso below their bellybutton in the pants. they sit in a chair and you just see this huge bulge of whatever pants fabric they have and it makes it seem like they have a massive mons pubis instead of it just being their stomach.

i know that im a pathetic virgin for obsessively looking at this stuff, but i cant help it. i lust after all of them.
First thing I noticed too.
That's not even exclusive to bpd bitches. every women will do this given the chance

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