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My god
stop salivating over black men, rajesh
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Maybe girls like dad bods because it’s way more fun to have a bae you can enjoy pizza and beer with than a guy who eats salad and counts his macronutrients
>did steroids for 3 years for this
Jon has done them for much longer than three years.
Left looks like skinny blackcel dork, right looks like a based chad with bbc
Well yeah dad bod (the stocky muscly kind) beats six pack. Heavyweight jon murks 6 pack Jon
It’s hard. And I’m American
This is him in 2023 tho when he still had some tone. My pic is him now Kek
he never had a 6 pack
he took 3 years off to gain weight
How are his calves the exact same size lmfao
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he's black
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Stupid nigger look at his light heavyweight photos
that's a 4 at best.
high calf insertions.

That's another reason why black people are more athletic on average, higher calf insertion = longer achilles tendon = faster speed/higher jump.

True but the "roided for this" doesn't really apply to athletes because the roids they use aren't for muscle growth, they're for recovery and cardio mostly.
That’s a flaming homo btw
mmaguru exposed it
His evidence was very flimsy.
You’re a 4
Yeah it’s just crazy he can’t gain any weight there, like it’d make more sense if a black guy gains weight and his calves do too but are still proportionally small. He’s just even more out of proportion
What do you think "I'm obsessed with LA guys" means
You’re in lala land or you didn’t watch it
Jones is zesty?
I have the same body but white. Big core and head and long skinny limbs
Kek and that text he sent >>75129236
have you done combat sports? jones is considered to have the perfect physique for fighting.
>30% black muttoid that probably larps as an aryan on pol
>Jon "I'm obsessed with West Coast guys" jones
He's literally called out by the stand up for groping the dude next to him, says "I'm obsessed with West Coast guys", says he'd fuck the stand up and agrees that he'd let the stand up fuck him
i trained for a couple years when i was a teenager but my dad never let me do hard sparring or compete he said it’s dumb to do permanent damage for no money. He took me shooting a lot so at least I learned some self defense. And yeah people underestimate my strength when grappling for fun, they can’t break my grip easily. Tho the difference between me and jones is my kicks are extremely weak but I can punch very hard, I dented a car door once Kek. I think it’s bone and ligament strength. Not muscle cuz I barely have any
I don’t go to pol
>dented a car door once
>nobody tell him
The frame part with metal behind it not the middle, and when I trained ppl said I hit hard too
>it’s dumb to do permanent damage for no money.
he was wrong. the only way to actually get good at fighting is live sparring. and you absolutely need to know how to fight as a man.
Wars aren’t fought with mma. Grow up
who said anything about wars retard. imagine not being able to defend yourself and your loved ones lol.
Yeah I do that with my extended 10mm tui mag. It’ll take out 20 of you. It’s current year You’re gonna get shot trying your dumbass mma
>gets into his cute mma stance to defend his family against pack of niggers like a real alpha
>gets shot or stabbed
Like I said, grow up
I feel bad for your loved ones knowing they’re defenseless. Your wife with a gun is 100x more alpha than her pathetic husbands mma. How can she even be attracted to you knowing you can’t stop a pack of armed niggers from raping her?
if you’re having wife problems i feel bad for you son
>you can't carry a gun and train mma
kek based geniuses. so tell me what happens when your gun malfunctions or is otherwise rendered unusable? you give up bend over and let the black criminal have a go at your bussy hole? why are you making up excuses to be mediocre? what about a situation that should be defused without lethal force? are you going to blow your drunk uncle's brain's out at the family christmas party when he gets a bit rowdy and uncontrollable?
I know it's a long shot but I hope Stipe wins because it would screw up Jones' plans for retirement.
Imagine 42 year old Stipe pulls off a Randy or Glover Teixiera and finishes Jon Jones. I'd be laughing with joy so hard I wouldn't be able to stand up
I always thought it's ridiculous how they're easily allowed to move up in weight classes, even when they're 10 or 20 pounds above.
The back Jones is back shows how much of a joke UFC is.
>trained under retards who only got anywhere thanks to juice
Athletes also have to quit for testing and crash their shit honestly naturals can bench 400+lbs no matter genetics I'd rather be natty than constantly lose gains only to have to worry about having steroids in my piss.
At least it'll be interesting because hws are supposed to have heavier hands.
Jon Jones is the best MMA fighter ever.
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Most over rated fighter ever.
7 foot reach fighting 6 footers. Losses when he fights guys his own size. Lost to gustaffson in the first fight and lost to reyes.
>lost to Gus
>lost to Reyes
>spends 4 years dodging the actual he champ
Some best fighter ever
That would be Hollowway, but nice try
I hate his eyes, nose, and ears
> Jon Jones is
> the best MMA fighter [Islam]
girls like dadbods because they're less likely to cheat

Mighty Mouse, Islam and Volkanovski in my opinion are the top 3 best fighters P4P of all time.

Not the greatest, simply the best, I'm not taking resume into consideration just pure fighting ability.
flyweight is the least stacked division
Stipe is 42 and will probably not get out of the 1st
this. ive been with women who try to fatten me up because they think it’s less likely ill leave them. they get pissed when I don’t want to get desert or have pizza every fucking night. Women turn into fat gluttons in a relationship
He would lose to Pereira but nah those two did not beat him
> Volk
lol no
opinion discarded
>grows hair
>becomes better looking
Shaved and baldcels seething.
they should just have not tested the athletes. Imagine a FULLY ROIDED Jon Jones
>higher calf insertion = longer achilles tendon = faster speed/higher jump.
Does high biceps insertion come with any benefits like this?
Yes. Look at every boxer/fighter well known for hooks who has longer arms
longer drumstick means there's more torque swinging from the hips but if your shoulders/chest insertions are not proportionally as wide then it is gonna be harder to bench. More sheer torque going against the shoulders the longer the drumstick but again negated if proportionally beefier shoulder joints and resilient cartilidge.
insertlets we are so back
We got to see that.
high insertion IS what gives the biceps peak so you either double win or double lose
Overrated as fuck. He's Adesanya/Usman tier. Khabib is better than Islam and I don't even really like Khabib.
But why does everyone want low bicep insertion?
>what if what if what if these unlikely scenarios when the most likely scenario is that I get into stance like an immature child and get jumped stabbed or shot
Yeah nigger my guns not gonna malfunction and gun jams are fixable in seconds. I have a big ass knife as backup anyway and even nick diaz said he tried to use bjj in the street and cried uncle bc he got stabbed with a pen. Just look at pro mma guys trying to fight a guy with a marker, how many times they get marked. Also i don’t hang around drunks you degenerate and said uncle would get tasered. Your mma is just a bump in the road for a pack of niggers before they kill you, even if they’re bare handed you’re not beating them bare handed
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>what about a situation that should be defused without lethal force?
It’s possible, it depends if Jon’s pec tear is worse than stipes old age. Jon looks like he aged 10 years after that, he has grey hairs now. Stipe just has cte and Jon has no ko power

He has gayface, and voice, but he also has 4 kids from 2 women. My guess is down low.
They don’t have to quit they just have to detox or take shit that isn’t tested for. Sports are all about who has the slickest chemist these days
Jon can out wrestle stipe, look how Daniel picked him up. Stipe will have to ko Jon or do a Sean Strickland Izzy decision. Thats his only chance
Why’s it have to be an argument of gay or straight? He’s bi
This is very simple there is no such thing as bi. If you fuck a dude- you're gay. You can theoretically go back straight (maybe) but there has to be some atonement for it. I've never seen it happen though... anyways just because some gay guy is still messing around with a woman here or there doesn't mean he magically stops being gay.
Stipe has much heavier hands than Jones does but Jones has a longer reach
Stipe doesn't have CTE, he always talks mumbled and jumbled since he got into the UFC. If Stipe can get inside Jones' reach and dirty box, he's got a good chance.
>source: my ass
There’s plenty of people who enjoy their time being sober and getting drunk, going to church and sinning. Chocolate and vanilla they even mix them aka a threesome with guy and girl
He got KOd from ngannpu 2nd fight where 1st fight the same punches just snapped his head back and he took ngannou down right away
Healthy food and junk food. You might even mix them. Meat and veg with cheesecake right after
What kind of donut thinks there needs to be (or even can be) a "source" for these sorts of self evident social classifications? This is a mid wit disease where you think the whole world is going to have a study or "expert" to back them up. Even social phenomena. Kek bozo.

Anyways, if you fuck a dude- you're gay. Simple as. Why? Because I said so. But let me get this straight, in your tiny mind you can somehow be fucking dudes and stuff and NOT be gay?? Explain how that works please humor me.
>Source: bc I said so
Kek cringe wannabe alpha
It’s self evident that dudes like both, bc they seek out both, bc they get boners from both
>somehow be fucking dudes and stuff and NOT be gay
Bc they also fuck girls, which makes them bi
Source doesn’t always mean study, like my source is that if guys are fucking both sexes, they have to be erect to fuck them, which means both make them horny, which means they’re bi. Gay would mean only guys turn them on which is clearly right in front of your face not the face
*right in front of your face, not the case
Nobody does
Everyone does. High insertions are considered bad netics. Must be newfag to have not noticed that
I'm telling you that fucking dudes = gay. That's a hard rule m8 and you can't just undo it by messing around with a woman occassionally.

When you ask for a "source" for this type of claim what the fuck do you expect? An academic article from Doctor Levi Bagelwicz Gender Studies PhD "setting the record straight" on the intricacies of when fucking a dude makes you gay or not? Get a grip. I've given you my opinion on it, and so far I've not heard anything compelling to change it.
Everybody wants a bicep peak. For that your insertion needs to be HIGHER.
I already told you the source is that the bi guy gets hard from both men and women. Retarded?
>gets hard from ... men.
That's the critical part. That alone makes it gay. Period. If he also likes women sometimes, at most that is a slightly mitigating factor, nothing more.
You assume he doesn’t fuck both equally, or women more
> he keeps arguing with an obvious schizo incel retard
Ffs just report
You’re retarded or trolling, in which case, retarded.
I know it’s just funny to trap him and he ignores himself being btfo and repeats himself
You can't suck dick and not be gay anon. That's not how the world works.
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>report him
>I know it’s just funny to trap him and he ignores himself being btfo and repeats himself
To me that's just annoying as fuck and every NPC does it
> Just tolerate bullshit lmao that shows toughness
Jannie isn't here to be your white knight bozo the clown.

Imagine actually arguing that having some guy going at your rear ISNT "gay" and then literally crying to Jannie when someone calls you out on it. Insane cope.
I wasn't arguing with you dumbass, you're way too retarded for me to ever engage with you seriously. That anon was right BY FUCKING DEFINITION OF THOSE WORDS and you were arguing out of your schizo shadow reality where words don't mean what they are actually accepted to mean
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Now you are just going to sperg and have a literal meltdown. Sad but not suprising.
Mighty mouse ahahaha dudes height is like 150 cm and idk if he weights more the 45 kg?!

He could never be of the best.
> ur le mad
Defeat accepted. Feel free to fuck off
Whenever someone is posting whole sentences in all caps they immediately lose kek you absolute dingus. Get a grip.
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Cope he's objectively the P4P GOAT. GSP crotchsniffed and Jones struggled against old middleweights. Nobody else had kino finishes like Mighty Mouse except perhaps Fedor.
>pound for pound

What part of this don't you understand you retarded faggot. Since your mental capacity is so limited I wouldn't mind explaining the concept of "pound for pound" if your ego allows the implication that you're too fucking retarded to understand basic terminology.
>Whenever someone is posting whole sentences in all caps they immediately lose kek you absolute dingus. Get a grip.
In your schizo retard world they do. In real life all that matters is YOUR ARGUMENTS you dumb faggot.
Beautiful sequence, didn't rush in, let his opponent lose balance, impeccable footwork.
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>In your schizo retard world they do. In real life all that matters is YOUR ARGUMENTS you dumb faggot
> le funny picture
This retard will do anything but actually say anything coherent
I didn't even post that one you clown lol.
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>This retard will do anything but actually say anything coherent
I don't know why but asians have crazy calve genetics
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This has gotta be a Corona advertisement
Yeah how sick would it be if there was someone who could act like madara and shit and just 1shot people in spectacular fashion.
welcome to mma
the whole sport is about optimizing your weight cut + reach + PED abuse
Weird he's now in ONE
He would ragdoll Alex piera. Reyes beat him, Gus didnt.
the refs really just let you telegraph an eye poke for like 10 seconds back then?
He's doing a long guard which is legit and a common tactics for taller guys. Sticking his fingers out is being a dickhead though
In modern UFC the ref will specifically tell them to tuck in the fingers
Sure. My comment was more clarifying that he wasn't "telegraphing an eye poke" he was using long guard and being a dickhead while doing so
Why don't they just use gloves that naturally curve your hands, but can still be fully extended with slight force for grappling situations?
NTA, but you're being obtuse. He's blatantly putting his spread fingers in his opponents face to fend him. He literally attempts the eyepoke and misses.

If eyepokes are going to be against the rules, the 2nd or 3rd offence should just be the victim gets to stomp the perpetrators hand on the concrete.
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I think the new gloves are meant to do that to a degree. There was another design in which the curve was more pronounced but they didn't go with that
Is this the code word zoomers use because they're afraid to say "gay"?
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just want to say I'm hammered and love WWII era naval ships so much bros
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He's retired now blud
Your crazy Piera can beat jones
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sure thing retard, the fucking kickboxer that's done mma for 3 years and has beaten zero grapplers ever is going to beat the single greatest mma wrestler of all time
Not sure how a shitty sweep that would make any nak muay cringe is proof of amazing wrestling
I'm afraid it is not
He had abs fag, Arnold had a four pack too, stop being pedantic.
because that's exactly what he would do to pereira's bum ass. pereira is a kickboxer not a thai boxer.
>so tell me what happens when your gun malfunctions or is otherwise rendered unusable?
Bowie is my secondary
This HW fight is such a farce that I'm not only not going to pay for it I'm going to actively stream it for free on several platforms
Pereira is also the same height
>That's another reason why black people are more athletic on average, higher calf insertion = longer achilles tendon = faster speed/higher jump.
American sports science.

Hint: It's really just steroids.
You conceal carry that? Lmao


“Longer Achilles tendons appear to generate more power because they stretch more,” said Hunter, a professor in the UAB Schools of Education and Health Professions. “It’s like a rubber band; the longer the stretch, the more force that can be generated to provide forward velocity while running.”
But there are ways to get around motor failure. As molecular biologists and orthopedic surgeons who study the locomotor system, we believe one key part of it has been underestimated – the tendons.

Tendons are tough tissues that connect muscle to bone. Tendons are what allow kangaroos to jump over 25 feet (7.62 meters) high and run up to 40 mph (64 kph). While their leg muscles are small, the kangaroos’ highly developed and long tendons act like powerful springs. People can also jump higher if they squat down first because their tendons store elastic energy that helps propel them upward.


Kangaroos do not take steroids, anon.

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