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I started taking Aniracetam about 3 days ago and I am hooked. Off the bat I noticed that almost all of my depressive and intrusive thoughts became a lot easier to manage and I started being able to reformulate and focus on positive goals in my life (lifting, school, work, etc). I took my first dose right as I was dealing with the significant aftershock of a breakup and within 4 doses I was able to manage and easily remove those thoughts (this is normally impossible for me, it can take me months, even years to get over that shit).

I also seemingly was suffering from a small case of anhedonia, as both music and games have become significantly more enjoyable and relaxing. School and work have also become more interesting and I am finding it easier to do more work in less time. I have also heard that it can directly effect workout performance as it lowers stress resulting in a better recovery and allows more mental effort to be put into the gym.

There seems to be one catch: After just 5 doses, I have started craving this shit like mad. During the last 3 hours of work today I constantly was thinking about getting my next dose. For reference I am taking ~1g twice a day (I should probably switch to 500mg 4x a day) and after about 30-45 minutes the effects are apparent. It is one of the weirdest highs I have ever experienced. Towards the end of my shift and on my ride home a lot of the memories and intrusive thoughts that I was able to easily brush away seemed to have decided to come back, as it seems as if after around ~12 hours the effects exponentially decline.

Is this normal? Should I be worried about this? Or is this just what no/low anxiety feels like? I also have diagnosed but unmedicated ADHD, and it has seemingly helped with those symptoms immediately. I am also starting on several other nootropics (PRL-8-53 and Noopept) and I am wondering if they have similar seemingly addictive effects. Is this the chemical just doing its job?
>Is this the chemical just doing its job?
just stick with food buddy
learn to meditate
I already eat extremely clean, I doubt its my diet.
Seems like it's anxiolytic and working on the GABAergic or glutamatergic systems. Of course the downside to chronic use is that discontinuation makes anxiety worse than it ever was. You probably should save it for days when it would be especially useful and not turn yourself into a junkie.
I plan on only taking it during the school/work week and not taking it on the weekends. I am also taking 2/3rds of what is considered a "high" dose, so I have quite a bit of wiggle room atm. I dont plan on taking it when school is out of session.
"""nootropics""" do nothing beyond a placebo.
has anyone tried glycine? is it good
No, they quite clearly do something, some people are just not strong responders like myself.

Nitro does sound good right about now.
The two racetams I've tried, I didn't get anything from them at all. Nowadays I limit myself to occasional armodafinil use, and very seldomly some phenibut. Phenibut certainly has some horrible withdrawals, even from 3 consecutive days usage. The only withdrawal from modafinil use seems to be a tiny increase in drowsiness on the first day off.
>strong responders like myself.
It works because you believe it works, consider trying homeopathy?
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Fuck off and commit picrel drug shill
no, there are clear chemical pathways for these nootropics, and i experience vastly different effects from different nootropics. I can easily tell the difference between prl-8-53, racetams, mk-677, caffeine, and the verity of other substances that have nootropic effects. Please actually read up on this shit.
I just take wellbutrin and valium. 20 years of anxiety, anhedonia, and depression gone within a month.

I dont care if they are 'jew pills'. They changed my life and I also don't live in muttland, so get them for free

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