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be honest is there a limit to how ugly you can be where physique stops mattering no matter how nice
It’s fucking over for you. Not gonna sugarcoat it, just not a good looking guy.
hes honestly a pretty decent looking guy, except for the lip thing but its not that bad and somehow kinda works with his face and makes him look kinda tough lol. no homo btw
you got a shite face but it doesnt meant you cant look "good". never gonna be sexy, but you can at least look slightly "cool" if you get a good physique and dress right. personally, i would find a much cooler dude to roll with and emulate him like a big brother. never forget u ugly tho
You have nice eyes, big jaw and what appears to be a decent head of hair, have you tried growing a beard to bury the cleft?
He is actually not as bad off as you think, the cleft chin makes him 5/10 at minimum. As long as he is of average height (6’0) he is fine.
You seen cobra Kai?
Just get a crazy haircut and don’t focus too much on the mip
Ignore >>75130689
you got this hawk.
If you’re not a manlet it’s not over
Women literally go insane for cleft chins. No chin can be made worse with a cleft.
i think he meant the cleft lip not chin
im 5'6.5
yes but its just patch oddly growing facial hair that never fills in. it looks absolutely wretched desu
you genuinely aren’t even ugly don’t listen to the bait
>the cleft chin makes him 5/10 at minimum
true, chad chin and hair for sure. id say hes better looking than like 60% of dudes out there desu
People like this rewlly think they’re dunking on the blackpillers then give them most retarded takes like this

It’s okay to be honest, yeah he’s not as ugly as first poster said but saying he’s “better than 60% of guys”. Have some self awareness
He's talking about the hare lip.
give it another try. never trim just brush. wait a year thats how long it took mine to fill out fully, and that shit look noice. even if you are short and lanky it will be a plus for a lot of chicks if thats your concern. also age matters greatly. some people cant grow a full one till 40. give it a good college try and after a year still sucks, see if you can salvage any of it. like a goatee for ex
of course there is. it's not just physique, it's also your aura/energy which is also genetic
You are probably the type of guy that thought elliot roger was average or better just because he was clear skinned and symmetrical
why lie. be morivational and uplifting, but dont lie. is he not a man? he can take the truth.
I don’t pull my punches I am the blackest of black pillersOP face is literally fine
Imagine telling me to have self awareness and give better advice when other posters say he’s so ugly that his life is over

maybe its as if blackpill 4channers are delusion, bitter, evil, and retarded
Maybe just rock the mustache like Stacy Keach
OP has a face that can make him more attractive than the average man to some women in some contexts.
Say he plays in a band with three average guys and one hot guy. All of them (including OP) have a good sense of style and are charismatic. Some women will rate hot guy > OP > average guys because his face is interesting and his masculine chin lampshades the unattractive traits.
your lower third is a sign of being inbred. habsburg jaw
You look like Jack Della Maddalena
look kinda like michael shannon crossed with james gandolfini, that's a pretty solid pull
yeah of course
8/10 woman
>ugh gross, elbows too pointy, wouldn’t bang
3/10 man
>whoa you’ve got this king! Just lift and get the right clothes and you’ll be drowning in pussy!

This place is funny
Being ugly and jacked is always going to be better than being ugly and fat. You’ve obviously got a hard upper limit, but that doesn’t mean you should settle for being a 0/10.
Have you let it grow out? Mine looks patchy at first, but after 2-3 weeks of growth it fills in. I just have to trim it to keep it consistent.
If you’re ugly, at least try to be masculine in other avenues, shavkat definitely could pull women without being rich because he is a sadistic animal who wants to and could beat up every kafir in his sight, and the guy in OP pic has the same deformity
People have preferences. There are guys who aren't attracted to your idea of an 8/10 woman and there are women who are attracted to your idea of a 3/10 man. Stop being weird, k?
Hideous Kleff lip freak, never reproduce you will only make dysgenic down syndrome offspring. The mentally ill and disabled should at least be neutered at birth or straight up euthanised
this isnt uggly you look rugged. you will never be pretty boy pretty but you have a good hairline and cool eyes. your nose and mouth are not pretty but as a whole you really have no reason to complain. there are ALOT worse cards dealt out there.

i would trade your hairline for my mouth haha.
You mean Khamzat right? He's half a Kafir himself and I don't think he hates White people
how to ruggedmaxx?
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those same anons will then make fun of women for complimenting ugly women
beauty is mostly objective
>sub anstrum facially
>below 5'7 or bad proportons
idk both look pretty good desu. this is where u start being objectively good looking
dude is handsome wtf are u on about. hes no alain delon but tell me what flaws u can find on his face. good looks is more about no flaws than having good features
Beauty and attraction aren't synonymous. You're on a board comprised primarily of straight men (inb4 hurr durr >/fit/ >le straight) so obviously pics of women are going to be held to be scrutinized based on preference and not objectivity.
Without the clown tier makeup they're literally looksmatched, roastie
true finally some1 gets it. there is objectively handsome and then there is attractive out of objectively good looking people.
And also find me a post with a picture of a woman on this board that doesn't have horny replies. You can't.
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are you outta your mind?
that guy in OPs pic looks okay as fuck

yeah the lip thing like some other anon mentioned, but apart from that handsome AF

don't listen to these niggers OP
Yeah how about not diving into all that pill-stuff at all? You sound cringe as fuck homie
>I love gaslighting people

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