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>170 lbs

We are all gonna make it.
In fact, some of us already have…
Hello Viking man
169cm 68kg
>no body hair

>mentions something you cannot control, your height, first
You haven't made it and you're actively reducing the chance other people make it like a gay little traitor. Drop the lookism shit
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Top 1% in cardio on my fitness app. Degrade me /fit/.

Paintable physique.

Your abs would probably benefit from better lighting but lovely nonetheless.
Sorry second comment was for >>75130847.

I guess the dubs were too powerful.
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5'10 68kg. I hate eating now.
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Fight club mode
Brown mode
Auschwitz mode
Manlet mode


Repostin. 1y between pics. 245 in left pic and about 230 on right pics. Switching from a slow recomp to a nose dive cut to 190.
Learning how to eat again after my 6 month cut. According to the scales I have 12-15lb more muscle compared to last year. Feel like I've been stuffing my face recently but my weight gain has only been 0.5lb pw thus far.

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I feel like dyel compared to you guys
Started lifiting 4 months ago
Doing mostly push ups, pull ups
Everyone looks dyel after only 4 months it's fine. Most itt have been lifting for years.
>finally got a nice full body shot where my calves don't look like dogshit
>dick and balls plainly visible through my undies
Ride me, twinky treat
I am gonna flood your colon
Might as well post it, we're all imagining your dong now anyway
Being under 6 feet tall isn't manlet height, most white males are under that height.
You mean pajeets pretending to be white on 4chan
delicious looking tummy
love that little beauty spot on there :3
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6'1 98kg , trying to get down to 6% on this aggressive cut
JD Vance lookin huge
>still larping this guy
Yeah, that bathroom pic was at the tail end of 6 months of OMAD and 1500kcals a day. I restarted training about 22 months ago, after a 7 year hiatus.
does your dick still work
From the calorie deficit? Or my old age lmao, yeah it works fine as always.
>I look good
>Must be larp
Pick one, brah
>Auschwitz mode
Hitler level creativity.

Mew ;-;

Most based tip you'll ever receive on this site: Chicks dig battle scars, man.
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No one can tell you lift with a shirt on.
My last pic is me in a shirt I think people can tell kek. Maybe you replied the wrong person.
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5'10 185
have a good week /fit/
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Does anyone think there's a limit to how sweaty you should be while on a treadmill? On my non lifting days I try to shoot for an hour walking at an Incline.

I try to tell myself it's normal to sweat at the gym, but I don't want my reputation to be a gross motherfucker.
I hope the schizophrenic guy from yesterday starts posting again
You're in a gym, who cares as long as you wipe up your sweat
why does no one of this board seem to have the ability to grow body hair
for women sure, but men should have body hair.
>Hygiene is gender exclusive.

Are bidets women-exclusive too?
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unless youre some mindless chink, just use wet toilet paper like a normal man instead of shooting water at your g-spot like a homo.
also shaving your body hair consistently to the point of almost always having none is in fact a woman thing statistically.
>Hygiene is gay, apparently.

Damn, clowns are getting desperate these days. I guess standards are exclusive to the very select few.
the way you go about hygiene can be gay yes, why would a man whos heterosexual feel the need to shave his body? genuine question.
To put it in inbred terms:

C L E A N .
you can be clean whilst still having body hair. you do know this right?
Also bringing sexuality into hygiene:

I N S E C U R I T Y .
I've experienced both; no body hair is top tier.

Then again a man can be "clean" wiping his ass as opposed to water and soap, ig.
what makes it top tier in comparison to having hair?
>not scrubbing peanut butter out of a shag carpet

Thanks for proving muh point.
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damn this is awesome progress man. I’m similar to bottom left currently. What program are you running and what are your lifts at? How long have you been lifting?
It's been 2 years, and if I'd genuinely put more effort in diet than things could have been far far better, so I'm not one to taking advice from. But imo the best kind of regime for most lifts is to do 8x3, then when successful 9x3 to 10x3 and so on until you can do 12x3 then up the weight and repeat. But at the core I stuck to 5x5 or at least 5x3 for 'core' lifts like bench and OHP.
Gonna have to ve more descriptive than that, that explains 5-6 members here
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If only I didnt had a shitty posture
Thanks office job...

(Context: Ex fat trying my best. Started lifting a year and half ago, but had and have a long way to go)
>Started lifting a year and half ago,
doesn’t look it
Needa bulk
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Doing good sport, keep it up
I was 109 kg. You didnt see my before
You will always be korean
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>> Doesnt look
Not everybody started from the same spot
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It's been two months since I began being more serious about exercising and gaining weight: https://desuarchive.org/fit/thread/74695192/#q74699229
This is what I've been doing most recently: https://desuarchive.org/fit/thread/75121035/#q75121174
I'm going to add bent over rows on day 1, replace upright rows with monkey rows on day 2, and rest every three days instead of every six days.
I've only gained about five pounds. It's so hard to get enough calories each day. I struggle just to exceed 2000. It's not even that I get too full. I just don't pay enough attention, and then it ends up being the end of the day and I haven't eaten enough.
What's your cardio routine?
weight loss yeah but no muscle change
I mostly just /roon/ now
Missed you guys <3
>file name
Real one or stalker?
Is that considered a four pack or a six pack?
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The picture on the right was taken this past weekend.
Real one.
Post bussy or pussy idc
Welcome back
The larper is annoying but good on you, P.N., missed you too lad
Current stats and lifts? Still lifting at all?
id on shoes? those look fucking sick
Lmao I weight twice as much as you holy moley I need to lose weight
Fuck I need to get lean. You mfers are aces.

9 years in
zoomers pls post your slutty waists :3
Are you a pajeet or a slavoid?
How much test my arab friend?
>35 yrs.
Recovery is a bitch but I'll persist.
recovery from what my nigga
radiation sickness from cancer treatments most likely
Half slavoid half nordic
82kg? im 43kg and you dont look too far from me
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i am trying to twinkmax
wish i was shorter
tummy :D!!!!
nice package :3
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5'9'' 60 kg

I want to bulk out a bit.
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First time posting
Yes I know I have to lose more weight.
Given your decision to show off the glutes, you're already a perfect twink
What's that right hand doing
miring, how many years of working out?
what core exercises have you been doing?
Body goal holy fk
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40yo boomer
200 lbs

It’s all so tiresome.
Whats with all the spices in ur bathroom
>50 kilos
>using feet and inches
Please stick to metrical. And for God’s sake eat more.
I live with a woman. She has essential oils.
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>washing your ass is gay
I will not discuss the hair removal because I mostly agree, but man,….the bidet is one of the greatest creations when it comes to personal hygiene. You Murricans don’t get it.
that's 200 pounds? damn. That's about the physique I want as an 6'2" auschwitz survivor. 40 pounds of muscle to gain. shit.
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can a nigga get a body fat % estimate?
I'm cutting rn. I think 15-17% currently.
wanna make 10%
Thanks bro, that means a lot
Would fuck
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Hospital bathroom lighting
192cm 90kg
dude are you really going out on your balcony only on your underwear?
I am 6'2, 180, and I have the ~same amount of muscle as him. Either his glutes are legendary, or he added a little
I think it is ai, that's the difference
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it's his balcony. whats the big deal?
Looking good chico
Women's ideal. Mr. Daddy Beefcake
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Is that a dorm room or a barracks room
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I'll compromise with you because I'm weak after leg day. 5'10 166 as of last weekend.
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So uh haha what are your requirements for marriage? Preferably in a bulleted list and a clause about a timeline to have everything/maintenance
No trannys
Ok go on, that's one item I'm looking for the full list
>Do what you're told
>No social media
>Fit, thin, and hot
>No trannys
>Gotta be a submissive little whore who is obsessed with my cock 24/7
good luck with that
Got multiple on standby and don't have to date them to fuck them so not really in a hurry to find one that fits that exact description
Grazie my man currently on diet and continue
Hmm yeah the social media bit is hard. 4chan is social media. You didn't mention anything specific about age though or what metrics are used for "fit", notably you also didn't filter out single moms, plastic surgery, race or phenotype.
Fit, thin, and hot should filter niggers and old women generally. Hot is relative. 21 years old is the sweet spot though.
Neat to know what the 1% choose as requirements
Saying stupid shit like this is why you use bidets, people.
you can have a girl with all those things but she is going to be so crazy you will not even be sure its worth it
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sucky sucky, kissy kissy :3
please don't listen to these fat 40yr roidtrannies, you're perfect the way you are
ukraine, so he's probably gone unfortunately :(
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2yrs of lifting starting from 5’11 147 to 174 now
Big miring. Many very handsome men this thread.
hello sir
I eat like 3000 cals a day also no.
Please widen your stance when taking photos of your legs.
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160 5'10"

bench 155
ohp 135
squat 205
dead 315
skull crushers 45 dumbells

once or twice (random, depending on how I feel, but always at least once) per month, I will add weight to my lifts and switch to a 5x6 routine.
40 is gen x
>2 years
incredible.. inspiring...
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that is a delicious looking tummy :3
You need some meat
no he doesn't, fuck off
He's a cardio bunny for sure and if that's what he wants cool, but he's also very low body fat and low muscle. He's thinspo, and that's not exactly preferred by most here. Nothing wrong with someone giving an opinion like he asked for.
Why does it matter? You’re fat. Why do you fags thinking conceptualizing body fat %s is going to do anything? Genuinely such a weird goalpost to set rather than just going by the visual

Fuck you. And your mom. Anyways good luck with the fat loss
Anywhere between 18 and 25.

I’ve lifted four times since August 1. Couldn’t even tell you my current lifts. Gonna go find out today.

Norda 001
Personally I see 18-20%
The tan line makes it better somehow
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Hey all
I'm a 34 yr old single dad to a 10 yr old son
It was always a goal of mine to stay fit enough to keep playing with him as he grew up. I've been slacking off lately and it's time to get back into it.

Here's my dad bod, I hope it has made him proud to call me dad
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179cm 80kg morning weight
You've got a great frame wide ride, you're a good man and a good father. Get jacked for the boy, teach him someday.
show unblurred
You're not allowed to show it unblurred on here.
Tfw this guy shows up to a comp and somehow deadlifts his way from 10th place to 1st place
Damn, no silver? :c
yes u can, some other faggot already did it in this very thread
I just know this guy is in stem lol, I have the same build as the left
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6'1", 80kg, 33yo.

Working on the deck of a boat has given me decent definition and carpal tunnel syndrome in both hands. AMA.
Hiiii there cbt
I'm 6'2 lol

So, it's finally time to wear the big joggers to gym !
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Here is all that matters for the perfect body. Anything else is cope.
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Post training pic. Still have less than 7 lbs to lose.
Kinda proud of my abs insertions.
i am not very big at all, but i AM very Tan..and that, is something
>face censored after being told ge needs a nap
cmon vain gay man be more resiliant
Bretty fucked frame..
Recomp or lean bulk?
5’11 139 lb (recovering from anorexo)
If you're going that far just do Hepburn's routine
they'd be retarded it OP's biceps did not instantly tell them that he lifts
it's my rest day but just looking at your picture convinced me to squeeze in a light session anyway
thats a good thing
How many snow bunnies want your bbc.i have seen this porn on uflash where black dude was showing his dick in Walmart to women
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I'm thirty two I can't keep doing this.
Mirin. How long did it take you to achieve that look? How often do you train? Is it hard to keep lean?
Thanks! I dunno I'm super stop-and-start with the gym, but I've been cutting for 4 months or so. Just get your heart broken and be willing to starve yourself and it's easy.
Oh and I train full-body on odd days and run 10k on even days
I'm not gay, although it's understandable that you could think that given how lean I currently am
I only do calisthenics. Because I am about to max out gains on pistol squats, I will add a backpack with ammo inside of it for weight.
Cardio is my love language; you'd be surprised how dense sleepers can be.
And the whole living on a ship thing
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Do I bulk or cut?? How much could I stand to lose?I feel fat as shit but I'll kill myself if my arms get any smaller. Sucking in a beer gut in this photo
Cut and stop drinking beer fatass
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What gear are you on?

Nice flat chest man. Not even a boomer yet.


I gym on my porch in my underwear. Seethe.
You need to cut but since we're heading towards winter I say maingain and lift heavy, cut hard come spring.
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You look great, but it looks like you have gyno.
58 kg

Didn't realize beer gut was a real thing until I was drinking them everyday. Also didn't realize alcoholism is a real thing. Been cutting back and upping on my veggies though and my gut's been getting better. Still depressed and not lifting nearly as often as I should though
Nice of you to share your glutes with us. A solid pair you've got.
U look great btw
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i have a chimpanzee wingspan

rdls feel so good for me
physique looks surprisingly full for how light you are
to all the anons responding to this this is a pic of a girl who runs a cosplay insta called kittybitfit iirc
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wdyw i'm in da club
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Escaped skinny fat by cutting and now I am here.How should I start building muscle but minimum fat so I don't become skinnyfat again?
Stats? Can give a better answer
Also you lean pretty lean as is, did you just lift at a deficit to escape?
174 cm
Yes I just lifted at deficit with 10mins of light cardio after each session and played sports on my rest days
are skinny twinks that just started working out for a week allowed to post
Post body fatty
Focus on your upper abs, side delts, and pecs, and eat at maintenance/100-200 cal surplus.
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not fat exactly, just trying to get some muscle on my arms and shoulders
is this fucking drake
>top surgery scars
82.5 kg 175 cm
It’s pretty amusing picturing you homosexual ghouls sitting at a desktop posting on 4chan. Definitely too gay to function.
Niceee! When u cut yu gonna look like.monster
Survival Horror monster phenotype
77kg at 6ft is dangerously skinny bro, i was the same stats its a horrific place to be
get some more muscle so you can be lean at atleast 83-85kg its much more livable
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I cut down to 76 (from 84) on the left because i was sick of lifting and still looking skinnyfat. Posted here and everyone says i was dyel and skinny which i agree. Bulking now for four weeks, up to 80 this morning but i feel like i look smaller? I was a 34 inch waist before i cut, dropped down to 30 waist, and now on my bulk I'm still 30 waist even though I'm up 4kg so I'm guessing that's a good thing and going in the right direction
I'm training for Halloween. It IS right around the corner, y'know.
77 at 6ft isn't even that light. Easily could be over 20%bf at this height/weight if you don't much muscle
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6ft 98kg.
Averaging 18,000 steps a day whilst lifting 3/4x a week and trying to hit 130g+ protein daily.
you are beautiful and have a great genetic base! keep lifting! just cut out alcohol and up protein intake
I now realise everyone samefags themselves to look like they get yous. I never get replies but other people get 15 in 5 minutes. You're literally all psychopaths
Looking strong boss
Honestly man just don't even bother with that amount of protein. You should be conditioning yourself to eat way less of all macros at this point, not setting high goals. Losing that fat is the most important thing, don't get caught up with any of this muscle maintenance shit that might slow your progress, just keep lifting and having SOME protein in every meal and you'll come out looking great.
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I've had this shit since puberty and its impossible to look good with it. Some random 160lb non lifter can look aesthetically better in a t-shirt even if you can bench 3 plates.

Gonna get surgery next year. Fuck this shit
Get the surgery amigo. Don't look back.
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6'2" 200lb
Feeling small these days. Honestly, does it look like I lift? I know chest needs a lot of work, and I've got more equipment now and so I can better target pecs. Hoping to have them looking at least somewhat there by end of year. Do ignore the acne, though. I tend to break out when I go to concerts.
Also, could have sworn I posted this the other night, but I guess I fell asleep before I could, who knows.
From your arms it looks like you have gained some mass for sure. Also you have gained bodyfat as well, which indicates a surplus, so you are in the right direction. Additionally dont forget a part of the weight gain is due to water retention, muscle gain is very slow and 4 weeks isnt enough to give a very noticable change. Keep at it and you will look great in a year or so.
Considering suicide fr. Been lifting for so long and look like shit. No I won't change diet it's too hard
changing your diet is probably less hard than dying
>6'2" 200lb
>Feeling small these days.
Stop fishing for compliments you cunt, you know you aren't small.
I miss big titty gazelle pajeeta
Maybe you're right bro.
I think I'm on around 2-2.4kcal a day right now but that includes everyday cardio and regular lifting.
The fat/weight loss has been way slower this time than before. I have gotten down to as low as 82-84kg in previous years. I was ill and on medication last year which caused me to rapidly gain weight (olanzapine).

However I am stronger than I've ever been. I can deadlift 3 plate. My stamina and endurance is pretty good. I am a good cyclist and run 5k regularly. Clothes fit me better. I want to get down to around 85kg but the weight isn't budging much.

Pic related average steps 18kcal average calories burned 1350 + this doesn't count calories burnt through lifting sessions.
Literally nobody cares about that shit bro, as long as you change shirts after gym days
Might as well try steroids before you die (TRT works really well as an antidepressant in men too)
You've got some solid mass, just up the protein and drop the carbs and you'll get there quicker than you might think
6'4 255 down from 288. Really thought I was making progress till I took these. Now I just wanna aim buckshot at my brainstem
probably need to get down to 225-235 (health, longevity, maintenance) but looking good keep going
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I will have abs one day.

Can I get a bodyfat estimate before and after?
Thanks bros
Thank you
Before 30ish, now like 20
You'll never be balcony bro
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Why do I still have belly fat? I'm almost underweight now, I don't wanna keep cutting
You are 10%bf, 9% at the lowest. It is very lean, what are you trying to achieve?
cap, my lower abs aren't even visible yet
Hanging leg raises, weighted decline crunches
180cm 74kg
Recomp or roll 42s
So I'll have to get more muscle? I want to look perfectly lean. I want to be a skinny twink and get a slightly chubby girlfriend that eats more than me
alr thanks bro

ill prob lose like 5-6 more lbs and just maintain cz i dont wanna look like skeletor
u have veins under ur abs ur like 10% already

i think its just the shit lighting that makes u look less lean lmao
You want muscle - you train muscle
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What’s my bf%?
Idk why mean shave their body hair? It's pretty gay.
>hygiene is gay
Damn wonder why everyone on this site hates women so much.
>5’5 - 5’8
Holy cope, why edit the picture?
>be fat as shit with no muscle mass
>”so do I recomp or cut”
You’re not even qualified for the lifting starting line. Fix your diet first, do calisthenic shit like pushups and sit ups until you have a human looking body. From there, after you’ve learned to eat like civilized human instead of some portly, neglected farm animal, you can learn to lift weights with proper form and not fuck up your joints and/or spine.

>b-but I should just jump straight into weighted lifts with no experience!
If you can’t even do push ups correctly, what the fuck do you expect to accomplish with a barbell?
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I'm depressed and drink a lot, as well as abusing weed and cocaine.

These are not excuses to not be /fit/.

Get on my level.
those knees look fucked up, clearly a twink
are just boiled eggs with a ltitle bit of salt a good snack /fit/
Nice body and cock.
too busy swiping your bank to play retarded
Pay for some gyno surgery, A body like that shouldn't have gyno.
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320lbs to 220lbs, shooting for 200
Twunk incoming
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Been struggling to fill out my legs, any advice?
crank harder
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175cm, 83kg
beer=extra calories=gut
how do u balance keeping low bf% and alc bro?

is it really just the calories?
Im a fat dyel but I'm less fat than I was 6 months ago
more zoomer tummies please :3
less fat boomer/millennial roidtranny tummies
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cool dragon gayboi
Post your body or gtfo
You should be ashamed of yourself.
Glutes please?
Is that soft? Looks thicc.
I eat clean and exercise about 5/7 days a week. It's as simple as that, honestly. I work 4 week on/off shifts so in my off-shifts I'm drinking almost every night to some extent, but particularly heavily on the weekends (obviously).
why though?
he's cute and fit, with a delicious looking tummy :3
It's degenerate to get naked in front of others.
Probably about 30% hard here as I was sexting a girl. It is extremely thicc though, apparently top 2% if the online stats are to be believed.
6’0 200lbs (natty with no pump)

Is it over?
Where do I go from here? I used to be obese.
I really enjoyed seeing his ass.
you can just see the massive insecurity in the eyes on the right
Liar. Clearly running a gram of tren per week
What are your lifts?
Beefy back, cute face, biceps could use a tiny bit
Sorry, anon, I really didn't mean to be like that. I've just been in the deep of it this week, and pairing that with me mostly hanging around people who are taller than me, stronger than me, or both, I just don't really know what to think of myself these days. Like, a family member who I've been spending a lot of time with recently who also lifts is something like 6'4" 275, so I feel tiny next to that guy. Maybe the solution is for me to hang out with more twinks. Actually, I think that is a really good idea
Not very heckin wholesome of ya champerino. What do you suggest I improve sir 5’6 pixie sticks?
+ mast + dbol + test 800g/ml
I never max out cause Ive always done body building but when I was 16 I could rep 225 for a 10 reps (similar weight same height). My shoulder got fucked up though but I’m slowly building my bench back up to hopefully get back to that at least. Squat I could rep 315 pretty comfortably and deadlift is retarded and terrible for your back so none there.
I shave mine because it makes me looks like a pedophile
cute butt. Please come shit at my house.

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