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What are some science-based /fit/ youtubers that focus on strength training as opposed to hypertrophy/bodybuilding?
I don't really care what I look like, I just want to get stronger but don't know what to do.
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>What are some science based youtubers
>science based youtubers
>science based
Science is based
Do you not trust the scientific method? I can't see a better alternative for determining whether something is true or not, or to what extent, than with the scientific method. And since there's (comparatively) not really much money in fitness science, it's not as pozzed as the pharmaceutical or nutritional fields.
>science based youtubers
>posts pictures of steroid abusing drug addicts with body dysmorphia and father issues
Which is why I'm asking for suggestions.
Can the scientific method be used to verify if the scientific method is itself trustworthy? Checkmate, PUSSY.
Candito training
Hope you like RPE programming
Just lift weights with proper form so that you don’t injure yourself and you’ll gain strength and lift more and more over time. Only watch videos that show you form. Don’t buy their stupid useless programs full of bullshit and don’t listen to what steroid abusing drug addicts have to say about nutrition because their body works differently due to the drugs. And don’t do stupid meme exercises like crossfit that just injure yourself. Want stronger arms? Lift weights that use arm muscles, simple as.
Strength training is better documented, there isn't as much need for science-based youtubers because there isn't as much dissent.
I can’t take the reddit-tier cringe anymore.
>muh studies
>exercise SCIENTIST
>I asked 100 gymgoers if SCIENCE was good
You have to go back
Give me a better alternative.
I can't remember the guy on the lefts name, but I always thought he and Mike Isratel were manlet cope. To be fair though, I've got some decent advice on lofting from their youtube shorts.

and by that I mean: full range of motion is more important for strength and growth than ego lifting.
kill yourself, autist
the do compounds twice a week and rest or go for runs the other days, there's no science behind it. you gotta hit failure twice per week for a movement to improve. and if you do a heavy bench press session trust me you won't want to do it again in the same week and you should do overhead pressing instead
do something like
mondays: squat, bench, row, leg raises
fridays: squat, overhead press, deadlift, bicep curl, lateral raises.
run on rest days if you want
Checked and keked.
>muh scientific method
Kek shut up faggot. You have 3 booster shots, lower your tone when talking to me.
Left is Jeff Nippard.
>I ANALYZED these guys workouts using SCIENCE
I like Mike because he admits to using gear but still gives good advice. Jeff might have factually accurate advice, but he comes off like a cringe edge lord full of estrogen and ovaries and also anyone who still talks about "SCIENCE" after covid deserves to be ridiculed.
sika strength, they're i believe a weightlifter and rugby lad and generally fun to listen to
>you gotta hit failure twice per week for a movement to improve.
This just simply isn't true
kek. I remember there was one clip I watched of his where he created a "system" to show where you're weight-to-lift ratio showed where you are out if 5. For science.

he prefaced it with "taller people can't loft as much so this is skewed". I respect that, but then he went to show how he, in his system, was in the top 90th percentile.

if you're like 5ft 4in and lifting double your bodyweight as a lifter for 10 years, fair play. but taller guys will always be stronger and look more kino
Rather than listen to some egghead scientist, listen to the jacked meatheads. Those motherfuckers obviously know what kind of stuff you need to do to get big, because they have done it themselves.
>le ad hominem fais
>Kek shut up faggot. You have 3 booster shots, lower your tone when talking to me.
I have 0 booster shots, and I already mentioned this field is not as fucked as pharmaceuticals. Can you not read?
>not AS fucked
But it's still fucked and full of phonies who claim natty status despite being 250 lean, where every single person is trying to sell you something. No, the fitness industry is not AS fucked up as the pharmaceutical, but its still fucked up and no one in it should be respected because all they're after is your money.
nigga on the right is the prime example that you can eat and train like dog shit, that if you are on gear, you will make all kinds of gains
It's to where people think it's impossible to bench over 400 natural.
This brother here.
Why does anyone need to make it so complicated ?
You eat nice home cooked meals with lots of meat. You lift regularly. You do some cardio
And that’s it that’s all.
If you need to loose weight eat less
If you wanna gain eat more

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