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>already lost 60% of hair
>wrinkles are now deeper and evident even in favorable lightning
>permanent bags under eyes
>can feel my cardio going to shit
>can feel my strength going away

Its ogre. Im too old now and will never make it
It be like that
I am bald 23 year old, go fuck yourself
36-40 is the worst. Age finally catches up to you.
TRT and near toxic levels of Vitamin A. Thank me later.
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>best shape of my life
>one year since I've started growing out my hair (not norwooding)
>hovering at 13% bodyfat

Shoulda started lifting at 20
Why are you posting here gramps, shouldn't you be playing with the great grandkids?
I'm 39 and not fully at 2 yet. my dad's not bald though.
23 and somewhere between 1 and 2

I’m curious when to jump on min/fin
right fucking now nigger wtf
3-5 must be absolute suffering I can't even imagine
Just started lifting in my late 30s. after a few weeks i noticed my posture has improved. is building muscle really that much harder at this age? Is there actually a physical limitation besides injury?
Happens to everyone bud, keep at it.
Your test levels are a little lower and I've heard it's more difficult to put on muscle. Maybe your joints are not really what they used to be.
But really it doesn't matter, you just need more warm up and maybe more time for recovery, inless you are going to compete professionallly your going to get 80% or more of the way there. Most people's problem is weak will and anything better than what you have currently is an improvement
It'll be slower and it's easier to get fat, and your joints might be a bit more fussy about stuff. For example, if you can't bench the bar to your chest, don't do it with weights. If you do deep dips, you'll hurt your shoulder. Technique becomes more important. But otherwise in a 1 or 2 years from now you'll look way better, so don't worry about your progress compared to some 20 year old faggot.
thanks lads I have not had any joint pain or doms at all, maybe because I'm getting enough protein or because I'm still at low weights. I am lifting my maximum 5 rep compounds. I think having kids builds quite a bit of functional muscle.
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>still have a full, thick, head of hair
>not one (1) white hair
>lifts going up every week or two, when i am consistent
>no wrinkles, everybody says i must be 27, and are shocked to know i am over 30
>getting my second degree


>a year ago i lost my gf that i had for 10 years, supposedly she was to be my wife.
>have had other girls
>still cant compare, they are selfish, and just plain ugly
>cant sleep well
>dick doesn't stay hard unless constantly stimulated

anon you gotta play with the cards you are dealt.
I only get doms if I haven't trained a muscle for like 3 weeks. I train 5x per week and I never get doms day to day. I got doms in my calves after a 5 hour hike though.
my turn

>one or two grays
>lifts going up, 60kg ohp for reps, 100kg bench for reps
>no wrinkles, good skin (always wear sunscreen)
> qt gf, bang her multiple times per week
>good job, good income, low stress


>no degree, poor education
>only banged 5 other girls
>poor social skills
>habitual coomer
>secretly resent that I'm not rich and famous and have 19 year olds begging for my cock

>cares about having hair

Imagine being this Beta, it sound more like you should get your T levels checked.
The guy in your picture would be an incel mass shooter if he lived in 2024
how long did it take you to reach 60kg ohp from 30kg?
Hmm maybe a year. I started at 28 and I was really inconsistent until I hit 30. I did plenty of stupid stuff like just not adding weight for weeks. I think you could do it in under a year. Do strict presses and then go beyond failure by doing push presses where you bend your knees a bit to assist, and slowly lower the weight for about 3 seconds.
>Im too old now and will never make it
Sad but true. At least you admit it unlike all the other millennials.

>hairlets coping this harder

Women love bald chads, get over it. Would you rather look like a man or a boy? Fucking cuck
Norwood bros, what's the easiest way to obtain an oral minoxidil prescription?
>Women love bald chads
Maybe when you were growing up back in 1950, grandpa
I'm 41 and yeah it started going to shit from about 38. Up until that point I felt like a constantly improving version of myself at 28 still. Now I'm like what the fuck is happening to my facial structure? Why am I so grey? Why do I get a bad back from driving for too long? Also, until recently I'd have never wanted to relive my youth. I viewed it as a more difficult time where as now I felt fully in control of my world and was known for skills, knowledge, ability. The world finally felt like my oyster. Now nostalgia makes me tear up. I'd love to go back to experience that intense naivety once more.
What's with all the "I'm 30/in my 30s its so over" posts lately. Its a huge influx.
bluepilled millennial hitting reality face-first
90s babies cohort all hitting 30 and once.
Fix your bot
If you’re 39, why you even worried about norwooding? Worry about yo wife and kids nigga, or worry about a life insurance policy or sumn
Do you have a file of "cool bald guys" to make you feel better about not having hair
>age 39
>hairline, weight, cardio, and lifts the same as they were at age 19

Nothing ever happens.
They got bored of height so now it’s age
Doesn't answer the question
not my problem
You all have it good

>look a lot younger than my age
>reasonably in good cardio somehow
>perfect health
>zero money issues, good career, have everything I need


>been balding for many years, shaving my head since the first signs appeared but I'm like nw2
>fiance/ltr dumped me and I have literally zero clue on how to navigate the dating scene
>had other relationship after her but it was very short lived, I wasn't really feeling it
>eternal wheel spinner in the gym, I finally mustered the courage to gain weight and I'm making progress but it's been slow
>not on test of some kind
>Still have my hair
>avoided sun light and plenty of sleep
>can do more now than ever
>getting stronger
>getting 4 times the women than my 20's
>disposable income and close friend group

Its just starting boys, I've made it and it can only get better.
>I've been at 2 for 20 years

Am I out of the woods yet?
Where do you even meet women nowadays? The gym is a nono for approaching and I feel in general cold approach is dead in 2024. I’m on a dryspell since early July but broke up with gf and getting kinda desperate because I don’t see any good women around. No I don’t go outside besides the gym and occasional grocery shopping or walks with a friend . Also I can’t go on dating apps
just yolo that shit. There's this cute cashier at the gas station near my gym and im gonna ask if i can give her my number next time i see her. Probably get rejected but fuck it.

Dating apps are fucking worse than dog shit.
i look like 3 but ive always been this way even as a baby
it never even began
>im gonna ask if i can give her my number next time i see her
Definitely NOT the way to do it
Shrek is ugly as sin, and he made it
Guy looks worse than my nutsack and is also balding.

I love all of you guys and wish you the absolute best on your journeys. My turn.

>all my hair
>good job
>somewhere between ottermode and athletic
>5k in 19:23

>Only got out of an 11 year relationship 8 months ago that I felt trapped in like a complete pussy
>20s completely wasted not asserting myself
>had my heart broken by a fwb this week and haven't been able to fucking eat
>Dating apps full of women who want to settle down and all I want is something casual and room to breathe.
>Time isn't waiting for me

I do consider just ending it. I'm so desperately sad anons.

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