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/fit/ - Fitness

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Why havent you bought an oxygen concentrator yet /fit/?

>improves mood
>improves brain function
>oxygenates muscles before workout
>speeds up recovery
>helps your immune system
>helps with speeding up wound/joint healing
>better sleep

Literally just a one time buy and I have a cheatcode for 10% better quality of life and gym
>he didn't his train muscles to respirate anaerobically
>all he does is train anaerobically
Nighty night muscles, good evening muscle necrosis
niggas really be claiming natty after having a good night sleep with this machine.
niggas really be claiming natty after having lived in a post industrial revolution society their whole life
Please tell me what brand this is
Cheap aliexpress gook shit, but it works and I feel amazing just from 2 hours of sniffing these chink farts

Wiggas claiming natty status after drinking salamander blood to increase testosterone
nigh every single organism on this planet is in a constant state of decay because of oxygen and you want MORE of it?
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>eggs bad
>sun bad
>meat bad
>exercise bad
Now oxygen is bad too?
air filter?
>oxygen concentrator
amateur shit
I've got an orgone accumulator
ayo this nigga bought air
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nigga have you heard of what houseplants do
it is an oxidising agent
Eggs, sun, meat, and exercise are good. High oxygen pressure displaces too much CO2 which is crucial for getting oxygen into cells (Bohr-Haldane dissociation)
Brother, you are a white boy using word "nigga" online while I take a sniff of oxygen your houseplants produce in a day every second

Check yourself before you wreck yourself
>High oxygen pressure displaces too much CO2 which is crucial for getting oxygen into cells
This is just missunderstanding of Bohrs effect. Bohrs effect only talks about BLOOD affinity for oxygen at high concentrations.

While it is true that Halden and Bohrs effect work as teeter totter of increasing/decreasing affinity of oxygen to bind with hemoglobin, it does not imply these high O2 blood concentrations will be harmful to the body or will make it unavailable for cells. In fact, it just means that O2 will be replaced by Co2 at need be and at certain parts of the body. As Co2 is expelled from cells so does relative ph of the blood in that area change and O2 takes its place. High O2 levels just implies blood is oxygenated and ready to bind Co2 on itself.
nigga thinks adding glue will improve his pizza
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Imagine blood as a japanese food conveyer belt. If its SATURATED with food there is no more food plates that can fit on it. But conversely the individual people (cells) can easily get a grab of plate.

Bohr Halden effect talks about bloods affinity to oxygen, not cells
Wigga thinks his muscles dont use oxygen
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Correct. Anaerobic exercise.
>my muscles don't use oxygen
>paying for oxygen
based, where did you get yours?
Anaerobic exervise just uses immediate oxygen in the blood, you replenish it between sets
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There's no oxygen being used here bro
>he doesn't know he is faculative anaerobic organism
You do lactic fermentation AND cellular respiration at the same time bro, your NAD+ regenerates through oxygen

You are not a single cell organism bro, stop kt
It's probably aging you
seems super interesting bro, how do you use it? just before bed or something? or during sleep?
Before bed and before going to the gym
I just do like an hour of it

Probably the benzene and other carcinogenes in the city are agings me faster than oxygen
Humans are obligate aerobes what the fuck are you talking about retard. During anaerobic exercise you are not "just using immediate oxygen" I literally gave you the process that ATP is being made by without oxygen
>ATP is being made by without oxygen
Is being used*
ATP cant be made without oxygen, go back to school
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where's the oxygen
Fuck off manchild
Reposting images of lactic fermentazion wont get you anywhere
here. the same website.
>ATP is also formed from the process of cellular respiration in the mitochondria of a cell. This can be through aerobic respiration, which requires oxygen, or anaerobic respiration, which does not.
Yes, so you need oxygen
As humans are obligate aerobes (not facultative anaerobes like you said) we do need oxygen.
Anaerobic respiration however, does not use oxygen.
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because this thread is dumb, training with an oxygen supplier literally makes you weaker as it's the same as training at a very low altitude (promotes inefficient respiration compared to training at high altitudes)
>he's not injesting sulfur-reducing thermal vent bacteria so that even his own farts are recycled into gains.
I will heavily consider buying this tool but not one made in China, thanks.

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