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/fit/ - Fitness

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>"Why yes, I've been working out 3 times per week for 1 hour with machines for the past 5 years. How could you tell?"
Post body
I'd ask for yours but looks like OP already posted it
the level of body dysmorphia you have to have to think this guy looks bad is crazy

get help anon
That looks pretty bad for anyone who "works out".
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>instead of fixing my joints I'll just use machines
/fit/ thinks that unless you have sub 5% bodyfat, and have lifting numbers in the top 1% of world record holders that you're a weak DYEL. And they'd still point out flaws
that guy looks great, if you look like that you mog 85% of the people
Not a very high standard considering most people dont train or are obese.
exactly. I'm a novice dyel and people keep saying I look jacked (I'm the smallest human in my gym) because if you look around the average man is either fat or skinny fat with horrible physiques after the age of 21
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I feel attacked
Mogs 99% of men tho
>implying you're not OP samefagging
>not posting body after shitting on machines when even BBs use that shit
Yeah, you look like shit.
Post body or you're admitting you look worse than op pic. Simple as.
Damn, you look healthy and normal. I'm sure you don't have any joint issue either. Keep up the good work bro !
he looks good
his body isn't peak, but he's hardly in bad shape.
he's in adequate shape.
The important think is that he's healthy.
he probably gets pussy no problem every weekend just fine.

height also matters. 6'4 is hard to gain muscle weight.

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