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It’s more socially acceptable to be an alcoholic or do drugs than to not eat out.
If you don't eat out at all, it implies that you aren't good at time management (you spend an inordinate amount of time cooking), or you're poor and can't afford it, or you're a cheapskate. It shows you're just not a fun person. If the reason you never eat out is for "health" reasons, it shows you're stupid too, since there's food options eating out that are relatively healthy.
None of those are a good quality in a person, thus not socially acceptable. I'd argue being an alcoholic or drug users is very socially unacceptable, so that's a weird observation OP.
It’s more so seen as a status thing

My parents didn’t invest money at all during their working decades and now are in their late 60s and cannot afford to eat out

Meanwhile their friends who did invest have multi-million dollar portfolios and are able to go out 1-2 times a week eating at expensive restaurants paying $300-500 per person
>more socially acceptable
Who cares?
maybe thats how it is in your amerimutt culture
here in eastern eu no one eats out unless its a special occasion
Dinner time who's gonna be a big boy?
>you are
So let’s say you are going out with friends to eat at a restaurant. While they may have “healthy” options, you really have no idea what they are doing to your food. How much msg they use. The quality of the ingredients. How much oil they use. And no matter what you are trusting strangers to give you a clean meal.
If you aren't eating out everyday like a fat fuck, a little extra sodium is negligible.
Also, your other point applies to any food you don't grow or raise yourself. When you buy groceries, you also need to trust that the food was processed and prepared in a clean way. I found a whole ass fly pressed into a block of cheese once.
The degree to the amount of trust required when it comes to buying groceries and ordering at a restaurant is pretty wide. Anyway, why feel the need to limit doing something gross like eating out when it would be better to simply stop completely?
I wish I could eat out every night.
Unless you live in a third world country, I guarantee you that the standard of cleanliness in a restaurant kitchen is much higher than your own standard of cleanliness in your own kitchen.
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>tomorrow's my weekly maccas day
feels good man
To me this sounds pretty delusional. And it ignores the concept of what they are putting in the food like msg and the oil.
A curryhouse blowout every night would cost £280 a week where I live. Just cut back on shopping, clothes, music, etc, and you can do it at least 3-4 times a week.
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are the new haitian restaurants as bad as they say?

Restaurants have a financial incentive to maintain cleanliness in food prep. On top of that, they don't want the health department up their ass giving them fines. Unless you live in a third world country, or you're eating at a Burger King in the hood at 2 AM, worrying about how clean the food is is kind of dumb.
>And it ignores the concept of what they are putting in the food like msg and the oil.
If you're not eating out every day, this is negligible.
Food kind of tastes better when you don't cook it because of snell blindness.
Why don’t you eat out? Do you not have friends?
>inordinate amount of time cooking
Cooking takes like 15 minutes once or twice a day bro but otherwise I agree with your points, not eating out just screams broke/autism
Fuck off back to India
I just sit there and drink water if friends ask me to go out.
They may have the incentive but they are still not as clean as your own kitchen. Also the people making the food are strangers. Just like how hair can get in food so can excess skin particles.

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