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According to the roman empire. A diet consistent of wine, olive oil and (wheat) bread was considered a diet for high class people

While only barbarians would eat red meat, beer and dairy.

Were they right? I mean the roman empire got a lot of stuff done...
Also according to the romans, barbarians who ate red meat, beer, and dairy towered over them and were muscular and beautiful.
>wheat high class

Maybe in Egypt, but not Rome. Also nomads/barbarians are always healthier than the average in early civilizations. Due to the horrid diets of lower classes in early civilizations.
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Yes, and look what that led them to.
You mean the Roman empire that eventually fell to those meat-eating barbarians?
The OP pic is the iron age equivalent of someone taking a tril to Europe and complaining they couldn't find macdonalds.
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you can find mcd in most of europe and guess what - obesity rates have risen concomitantly.
in france kids prefer fast food to going to cafes now - 30 percent overweight when france used to be below 10 percent just 2 decades ago
He just said they didnt have olive oil and wine, which are luxury staples
Said nothing about bread meat beer or dairy
Niggers are just morbidly fat, lazy arabs too, and both unfortunately habitate in France. I havent seen fat whites in France at all, except amarican tourist lardies
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Lol no. Roman's ate meat and fish too. Also keep in mind at the time Italy's population was higher than Iberia, Gaul, anf Germania combined and the Romans lived much longer on average. Bread and oil were produced in large quantities just to provide enough calories.

Yes and no. There were two Gothic conquests and one Lombard conquest. In all 3 cases the barbarian kings/generals were heavy Romanized, having grown up and been educated in the empire.

The Gothic invasions and subsequent end of the Western Roman Empire came at the behest of the Eastern Roman Empire. They were literally generals in the Roman army commanding Gothic legions. The Roman senate ratified them as rightful rulers.

The Lombards were slightly different. They migrated after the fall of the empire and conquered Italy. Then they instantly Romanized. Within 2 generations there wasn't a native Lombard speaker in Italty. There aren't even Lombard loan words. They literally conquered the peninsula and abandoned their old culture.
Northern barbarians were also about 5-10 cm taller on average. Just compare high dairy + meat societies like Denmark and Norway to high starch societies like Vietnam.
Roman superiority in Antiquity was a function of logistics and organization and not diet. The average Germanic tribesman was taller, stronger, and more beautiful than the average Roman, but the germanic tribes generally lacked centralized control over sufficient manpower and resources during most Antiquity to resist the Empire.

No need to confuse individual and institutional success.
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>Yfw you learn the best way to acquire money in Rome was to raise cattle
A lot like Texas. So what you're saying is Texas is like ancient Rome?
Romans might have had a slightly better diet during more prosperous periods. But it doesn't change the logistical reality of civilization at the time. Most civilizations(even now to some extent) will always have the lower classes deficient in eating meat and other non cultivated crops(fish is a real life saver though).

>Italy's population was higher than Iberia, Gaul, anf Germania combined
>Bread and oil were produced in large quantities just to provide enough calories.

Which is exactly my point, most excess population is gained through the most efficient forms of cultivation(which is always agriculture). Population and dietary quality have in inverse relationship and only close the distance in history with new technologies/methods.

>Romans lived much longer on average.
Because of security and not diet.
Because you could never have enough cattle. Their population growth already quickly exceed the adequate supply of it, which is why such a statement can even be made. Even today, this is still very much the case on a macro scale. Most of the older or first territories of the romans didn't even have vast space for pastures like the European plains, Australia or American plains.
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Wonder how that turned out for them
Being small and weak is high class, so yes.
>Greek (Roman) Senator from Asia Minor
What retard typed this?
>Comparing organic olives and red wine to McD's
You are a stupid bitch.
Kill yourself right now you absolute fucking retard.
Imagine being one of those high test german barbarians and getting your free all-you-can-fuck buffet of chubby hairy Med pussy after sacking Rome. I don't think I would ever stop, it would be rape after rape after rape.
>he doesn't know
Civilization is a Civilizing force, ponder on this.
More like the barbarians larped as romans for hundreds of years after the empire
Didn't their empire collapse because those barbarians beat the shit out of them in battle
they also drank mercury and performed post-birth abortions
A lot of roman "elite" were fat old men, they were not to be envied and lived soft and easy lives. So take that with a grain of salt.
Romans ate meat and fish though. They ate Garum like all the time.
Poor people and gladiators. Specifically are known as "barley eaters". So I doubt that.
>According to the roman empire. A diet consistent of wine, olive oil and (wheat) bread was considered a diet for high class people
That claim is factually incorrect.
would you rather be some pussy "high class" elite that needs protection or a barbarian?
politicians thousands of years ago were still politicians
no wonder they got their shit pushing in by barbarian chads later on
Seems to me the quote is talking about a member of the senate who was ethnically Greek and from Asia Minor. What's so retarded about that?
>than the average in early civilizations
Rome was certainly not an early civilization.
Early compared to the plow, most agricultural methods didn't advance significantly enough from the early period. We're talking about food here.
On the flip side, Vietnam has basically zero obesity. Astounding really.

They've also never been swallowed. France and America failed. The Mongols couldn't nor could the Chinese who occupied them for 1000 years. The Viets rejected Han modernity to live in the mud as their own people.

It's going to be truly sad when globo homo takes that impulse from them.
Migrating on mass to a high developed society and eventually destroying it and then larping as Romans is not exactly a flex.
They were the equivalent of the modern day Africans and Muslims that are evading Europe.
The plow is like 4000 years older than the roman empire.
It's a fallacy when you disregard information because of it's source but it's not a fallacy when you accept information because of its source.
Why is this?
I dunno. jews probably.
There's a reason Roman recruited those barbarians to fight for them, especially against other barbarians.

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