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>I went down to 86kg 7-9%bf
This nigger is literally saying he cut to men's physique-tier stats, natty
Most people get a much better looking face when they cut. Why is he still ugly ?
Yeah, I believe him. He's an obsessed sperg and someone has to be the best.
You can do that natty. Staying there natty is the issue. Getting that low body fat isn't out of natty realm, but staying there and building muscle is. which he never claimed to do.
Because he is not natty. Lean looks good because it gives you a youthful face, whereas Roids ruin the youthfulness of the face
Thats Lee Priest at 17 supposedly natty as well and he's more jacked and has more definition than him lol
and here is Lee Priest at age 30, still natty
How tall is he? Cuz he looks pretty tall and idk if you've seen mens physique competitors lately but they're monsters compared to 2012. Weight limit for 6'0 is nearly 220 pounds
So the guy is either on roids, or has similar or better genetics than Lee Priest, i wonder which one is more likely lol
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I don't see the tell tale roider chudlines.
lee priest was not natty at 17 kek. lee is one of the biggest liars in the industry about what he took and when and how much
he's a manlet
ye if he's a manlet it's very unlikely he is natty. i could see this weight and bf being natty at like 6'2+ but it would be on the very upper end of achievable
>Source,: my asshole
You are simply a retarded naive nigger if you believe Lee Priest's stories about his PED use history. You probably believe Mike O'hearn and the Rock are natty too kek
He's just not that handsome is all. His wife is cute though
If there's one guy I'd trust in bodybuilding about how and when he took gear, it'd be Lee. Even when he's had huge reasons to lie to find success in the sport he didn't
His transformation is well documented from 140lb twink to 200lb grown ass chimp over the past 10 years. The only parts of his body that go full on roid tier are his arms and shoulders. The rest are seriously lacking by comparison. If you ever see his back when he poses it looks comically underwhelming compared to his shaved gorilla triceps
It's believable, he has strong arms, which put his physique out of balance and are the only thing that makes him sus
Shoulders and traps are painfully natty looking, chest are somewhat smaller, back is good for his level and legs are embarassing
If he had balanced arms nobody would accuse him of anything
If he is pinning it's either TRT dose or some chink designer chemical that makes your balls melt underwear
Who cares anyways, nigga is living in China, fuck that life
I believe him.

His ffmi is still under 25, he's been training for a decade, unlike other long time lifters he doesn't maintain a lean physique year round, he still does bulking/cutting cycles.

He purposefully takes his pictures in angles where mostly his arms are visible because they're BY FAR the best muscle group on him, every other bodypart isn't even close, look at his chest for example.
He's 6'1 I believe
>86kg 7-9%bf

This isn't unreasonable OP
Then picrel is natty
Oh wait, OP is natty because he's ugly and is married to a chink
Picrel are roided to the gills because they are handsome and successful
Jeff is 100% natty he has really good genetics.

Maybe stop making threads about other people and put in the work!
Looks way bigger than 86 kg.
lee priest is a legendary manlet and troll
isn#t he a lot taller than men's physique contestants
Is he a medi monkey?
LMAO both these pics aren't natty, body dysmorphia is eating well on this board.
>This nigger is literally saying he cut to men's physique-tier stats, natty
What are you shitposting about? Are you saying 7-9% isn't natty? I've been there numerous times in my life. I spent a year at 19 7% for an entire fucking year.

Try saying 200lbs at 3% natty and i'll be wiling to listen newfag.
to be able to tell if someone is natty or not you need a timeframe and progress images throughout the years + training programs. GVS has provided all of this on his channel.
No way this brown person is natty.
it's a joke anon. Lee Priest was not natty at 30. Maybe at 17.
people with phenomenal genetics exist

you just realised this?
Im annoyed how he organized the pictures of months
At that time Lee competed in light weight, he was like 150lbs there
What are you smoking? He looks like bloated corpse in first two pics

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