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Anybody tried donating blood to lose weight?

I read that you can burn over 600 kcal from donating blood so about 12 donations should burn about 1 kg
You are fucking retarded. Your blood cells are constantly dying and regenerating.
>Losing 1kg every 3 years.
There are benefits to the donation like fixing iron levels and the your metabolism has to work harder to produce the missing blood in the following days though.
Since blood donation is bloodletting with extra steps there seems to be a net positive effect on doing it.
They only let you donate blood once every couple months. You're not going to lose weight in any appreciable manner by doing it.
It's good for getting rid of micro plastics, but your giving the government your blood. I practice self phlebotomy at home twice a month by jabbing a needle into my forehead, and drawing about 2 to 3 cups of blood.
You can donate up to 24 times a year so 2 kg lost per year
I donate plasma twice a week to afford trips to denver to fuck a girl I knew in highschool. Am I losing gains by doing this?
it seems some countries actually pay you to donate blood
when I learned my third world shithole gives you absolutely nothing in return, I decided against it forever
Don't care, not my problem, still not giving my own blood for free
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>I practice self phlebotomy at home twice a month by jabbing a needle into my forehead, and drawing about 2 to 3 cups of blood.

I'm never leaving this board
Yeah they pay but not for regular blood donations. They pay for Plasma donations.
You're thinking about plasma donations, not blood.
>It's good for getting rid of micro plastics
source: asshole
how long you been doing this? Wouldn't you have some crazy marks on your arms n shit?
i would donate blood for ez weight loss but they won't let me because of my anemia
Where does the blood go?
Donate plasma, burns the same amount n you get paid. Can also donate twice a week
>pumps your blood out of you
>takes all the good parts
>pumps the sludge back in you
>this machine is used by 300 AIDS infested crackheads per day
AIDS patients
donating blood actually increases the rate at which your body creates new blood cells and increases total cell count when you go back to baseline.

not recommended for people who have chronic high BP or atherosclerosis (plaque)
Cost/Benefit analysis
Donating blood uses not just calories, but nutrition.
It will cost you more than just working out would to replace that nutrition.

Unless you're getting paid it isn't worth it.
>Your blood cells are constantly dying and regenerating.
Yes and the energy needed for that is included in you basal metabolic rate. If you get rid of extra blood, you need more calories to make need blood.
that nigga done lost all his bones bruh
>this machine is used by 300 AIDS infested crackheads per day
Yeah cause AIDS crack blood is so useful to the company. Fucking retard.
no, you can donate plasma up to 60 times a year.
What is his routine? How do I get this physique?
I just get a knife and carve a gash onto a random part of my body. Get rid of the blood and get some cool scars.
To me. I like to have blood orgies, but I don't actually want to hurt anyone.
>jabbing a needle into my forehead
>2 to 3 cups of blood
post pics
CBS nags me a lot because I have universal plasma
need schedule for next week so I can set up my next appointment
>your body is constantly losing and repairing muscle, yeregire dont lift

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