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/fit/ - Fitness

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Why do people like this guy again? I find him insufferable.
I think he's like the Jordan Peterson of /fit/, as in he can say stuff very eloquently but is kind of full of shit at the end of the day.
Makes idiots feel smart because he cites studies, even if they are dubious, cherrypicked and often contradictory.
Dude he's literally a fucking doctor. Lower your tone zoomzoom
The YouTube algorithm favors his kind more than others, plus an army of bots to further influence his NPC viewer's minds.
yea you cant stand him which is why you make threads about him everyday
Why do I have to see this deformed roided midget on this shitty board every single day?
Any Jewish person with a degree or position of power didn't earn it and doesn't deserve it
poos get paid around $2/hour to bring their client up in a mildly negative way across hundreds of websites/twitter/etc. every day so dumbasses will check them out. The client doesn't know or want to know how they advertise his channel, just sees that they bring results from idiots who say hurr durr this guy is on 4chan/similar every day, I should check him out.
I feel bad for all you young people who watch YouTube videos. I watch Markus Ruhl Made in Germany on grainy VHS and that's all I need.
Don't worry pops, we can watch those too these days.
>because unironically it's some of the advice you can get
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>he can say stuff very eloquently
>half the time talks about lifting and nutrition, the other half lets out his absolutely insufferable ugly personality
>when talking about fitness, half the time he provides actually good advice, ideas and methods, the other half is useless bullshit or straight up wrong information
So it's like a 25% ratio of gold to shit
Just like the chans, we keep digging through shit to find our gold
mostly cause he's bigger than you
Culture of credentialism.
>He's got a heckin PHD that means he's always right
Nevermind the fact that he took grams of gear and still couldn't get his pro card. He didn't even coach any successful bodybuilders but has the audacity to claim that Ronnie Coleman or Jay Cutler would look better if they followed his training style.
God I hate indians. We should really segregate the internet, one side for human beings and one side for poos, chinks, and other subhumans

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