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How come asians are usually thin and tend to age better?
this is my girlfriend now
that's a drawing
They don't eat as much or get as much sun.
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>and tend to age better
>his example is an anime picture
I hate you weeaboo tranime trannoids so fucking much
a drawing of my girlfriend.
picrel is white thoughever
mostly diet related, but also environment in general
>high carb, low fat (higher ATP production, better for metabolism)
>white rice is much more easily digestable than bread, pasta and even potatoes (digestion is super important for longevity), second only to table sugar
>fish and seafood as primary protein source also means plenty of trace minerals like selenium, zinc, copper which most westerners lack
>if they do eat söypoison it's often as a condiment so not a large dose
>good climate, lots of sun
>walking based culture
>eats less calories and tans less
Wonder why
that depends on which asian are you talking about

I'm assuming Japanese?

Everything is at a walking distance and transportation is way advanced compared to other countries.

Food ingredients is overall better and portion downsized compared to US

There's also the part where they scrooge every last bit of money for retirement or emergancies so they starve themselves.
That's a fucking CHILD you sick freak. Anime is for PEDOS and all PEDO SCUM belong in a fucking camp.
>public transportation is widely used, people generally expend more calories than the US from walking everywhere
>socially intolerant of obesity
>more regulations on food, higher quality proteins and veggies
>asian cultures typically have less sweet desserts
>people don't like getting tan due to different beauty standards, so they spend less time in the sun and age better
>>high carb, low fat (higher ATP production, better for metabolism)
and higher diabetes rates than in fatass countries like the USA
It's a likewise, just as the intelligible species known by the intellect by way of phantasms is a likeliness (eidos, image). See Artistotle and Saint Thomas Aquinas.

As Saint Augustine points out, knowledge of intelligible form comes via the internal verbum by which we, through that finite word, are connected to the infinite Word, Logos from which all intelligibility is given (Saint Maximus the Confessor's logoi).

But forms known are forms of particulars, see the Byzantine masters like Italos, or Proclus, Saint John of Damascus, etc. Hence, in the realm of Nous the anime waifu is far more than mere drawing, but indeed is rather pure particular form, without the degenerate instabilities of form reliant on matter for actuality.

Such a waifu, as pure act, is superior for the man of wisdom and intellect, who, at any rate, has already dispensed with the needs and temptations of the flesh and the need for material companionship through his long time spent in ascetic disciplines, fasts, vigils, and contemplation. It is the hylic who craves a woman from among the 3D. The psychic holds on to the images of waifus, slowly progressing to 2D, wherefor upon the attainment of gnosis and illumination he will abandon all images and love the pure intelligibility of woman as the form by which all women are women, and indeed from there to the Good, Beautiful, and True itself.
Actually, she's my girlfriend now.
the yellow penis
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>>if they do eat söypoison it's often as a condiment so not a large dose
>>white rice is much more easily digestable than bread, pasta and even potatoes (digestion is super important for longevity)
Extremely underrated point here. The longest lived communities in the world are all linked by their consumption of the whitest grains possible. Whole grain brown rice bullshit is death.
Hello I like Jimikos
*our girlfriend
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>How come asians are usually thin
Their diets are better, their cities are more walkable, and they have more cultural pressure to look thin.
>and tend to age better?
Their skin naturally has denser collagen than white peoples', and they take much better care of it.
Love me some slender girls
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Less oikophobia
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its all in the diet but its changing to be more western so more fatties are being fed
I'm pretty sure it's a drawing and not a child.
>time exists
Did you have a point or
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> white, black, etc chubbies: dick soft
> Asian chubbies: dick explodes
wtf is with that
they have about 10% thicker skin which means more resistance against wrinkles.
>how come I keep cherrypicking the plastic surgery idols and ignore the billions of deformed gooks
> Thin
Better food supply, intense fat shaming in their culture
> Age better
Pale is the beauty standard so they wear sunscreen everyday
Severe inferiority complexes. Most asians are completely dependent on other peoples' approval and will do anything for it. Whether that's chemcally bleaching their skin (which is a massive business in southern japan, where people naturally have brownish skin - bleaching parlors are everywhere there, and half the womn look like micheal jackson), using excessive "makeup" (including messed up stuff like using doube-sided tape to pull their eyelids back to look less slit-eyed) or starving themselves with one diet after another.
When you go into the poorer places in Japan or China (which I wouldn't recommend - they aren't exactly safe in either ofthose ountries), people there can't afford cosmetic treatments and have to eat enough to be able to work physcally, and they tend to be no thinner than in the west.
>How come asians are usually thin and tend to age better?
Better grooming and high carb/low fat diet.

In the US, you count as gay if you wash yourself regularly. Americans also never take baths for some reason.
>How come asians are usually thin and tend to age better?
And Euros and Arabs and Africans and LITERALLY EVERYONE EXCEPT AMERICANS.
Good joke.
Damn, I tried to reply to this with a comment about Europeans getting fatter when they're not getting s t a b b e d b y M u h a m m a d and it got filtered. Lol 4chan is no better than reddit now
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>and tend to age better
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There's probably lots of little factors that build up, but the biggest one is probably sun exposure which is know as the biggest cause of aging. They avoid it, whereas as everywhere you go in summer you see every white woman over 40 in tank tops and their skin a ll looks like particle board.
This woman is 38, and you can see how sun damaged her chest is.
Really? So the brown rice is more healthy thing because of low glycemic and fiber is bullshit then? White rice is the superior choice?
Walking is better than running. All the longest living people have the habit of walking.
Don’t forget plastic surgery in Korea
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This girls is 39 btw
Why does she look and act like a literal retard?
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It's how Asian girls say they want anal sex
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I'd like to damage that chest with my 'sons' if you know what I'm saying.
>world goes mad in 2020
>suddenly there is a targeted hate campaign against 4chan culture
really makes you think
Found the pedophile.
Same. White skin can be bbw.
Gulf Arabs are fat as hell. They got a lot of money for food and cars.
Also britbongs, and aussie cunts are fat as shit too. Europoors are getting fat too.
>lots of sun
This is the opposite of aging well, the sun related reason is the opposite in that they all obsessively wear sunblock if they're going outside even in winter
Asians skin also has higher collagen levels and they have bigger bone structure so their skin doesn't wrinkle or droop as much
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Asians are just superior to white women. Genetics and also diets are just better. Most also value looks a lot and are not brain rotted by feminism, and its focus on "everything" being beautiful.
Koreans are fatter than Americans and age like shit starting at 25

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