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Is there any definitive proof that vegetables are required? I haven't had any since I was like 8 and my parents stopped forcing me.
the only human dietary requirements are meat and fat. everything else is optional
If you'd like to avoid colon cancer, then they're ideal to eat since having enough fiber daily will reduce your chances of getting it in your 30s or 40s by almost half.
Or, don't eat them and accept the higher risk. That's about it.
>I haven't had any since I was like 8 and my parents stopped forcing me.
You could theoretically live off actual swine slop since it's digestible and contains all macro nutrients.
Vegetables are just a scam. Have you ever looked at their nutrition information?
>0 protein
>0 fat
>near 0 calories
You might as well soak cardboard in water and eat it if you are going to eat vegetables.
Vegetables were only necessary before we figured out mass-scale husbandry. Peasants had to eat vegetables because meat was a luxury. Now humans invent reasons to retain these peasant values and tastes.
I will eat my veggies , I will enjoy my crunchy fresh taste and thats it basically -,-
disproven by clinical trials
Disproven by being a fat ketolard
theyre yummy anon
I don't feel like wasting 2.50 on a bag of veggies every month only for me to let it get freezer burnt. No more I say.
Vegetables taste like you're eating plants anon
Bell peppers are good for you, objectively. Tons of vitamin C and shit.
Just take a supplement.
Eat them raw on their own if theyre so yummy
How can they know that? We've only known about cancer cells for 100 years, and haven't had studies longer than 2 generations to prove a trend. Seems like bad science
>then they're ideal to eat since having enough fiber daily will reduce your chances of getting it in your 30s or 40s by almost half.
From a 0.001% chance to 0.0005%, if we use absolute risk, of course.
No. Shit like >>75133778 is completely retarded but there's nothing in vegetables that you can't get from fruit, which is much better for you. You do need to eat some plants but fruit is actually intended to be eaten whereas vegetables are filled with all sorts of nasty chemicals to prevent them from being eaten.

A fruit is grown with the express intent that you eat it as a means of seed dispersal. A leaf of spinach is not.

Peppers are fruits.
>You do need to eat some plants
The exact requirement is, of course, 0 plants.
Yeah, this is the kind of retarded shit I was referring to. Any time you see someone say something this stupid, you can safely ignore anything else they have to say.

No human society in the entirety of recorded history has ever chosen to eat no plants at all. At absolute minimum, people have always eaten fruit. It's not until the modern day that you see reddit manchildren looking for justification for being absurdly picky eaters that you start to see this sort of retarded take pop up.
Okay, we can ignore what you're saying. There is exactly 0 requirement for any plant material in the diet.
There is nothing in plants that you cant get from meat/eggs. There are nutrients in meat/eggs that you cant find in plants.
Ergo, you dont need to eat plants. Not 1 gram.
yeah man, totally optional. Enjoy your scurvy you idiot
You are extremely ignorant on nutrition and should be quiet
>Is there any definitive proof that vegetables are required?
If I scarf down a can of peas I shit like crazy later.
Yes goyim do the meme diet
Lol. I'm not keto,I drink milk and eat fruit.
I just am knowledgeable enough to know that every micro and macro nutrient can be found in meat and animal fat. All of it.
Fiber increases lifespan, reduces ASCVD
Vitamin C, E, K, B9
Potassium, magnesium, molybdenum are also more available in plants
Makes you feel fuller, also they taste good and gives interesting textures and aromas to food.
The other things are better obtained in animal products. Surprise, we are omnivores.
>Fiber increases lifespan
explain how beyond epidemiological studies which are not science
>Vitamin C, E, K, B9
the plant versions which are not bioavailable to humans
>Potassium, magnesium, molybdenum are also more available in plants
just utterly incorrect
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Just eat fruit and meat, if it's good enough for monke it's good enough for me
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you eat raw meat?
Yeah I do if it's from good quality sources. Tartar and sushi are also pretty popular, anon
keto lard keto lard keto lard
>explain how beyond epidemiological studies which are not science
Epidemiological studies are a branch of medical science.
Call him names like a child but hes still correct
He's right to call you names because meat itself is optional.
Sure if you want to take artificial supplements just to live
>Epidemiological studies are a branch of medical science.
and theyre utterly meaningless and anti-science by nature.
meat is not optional if you care about your health.
The fact you straight up lied about it being a branch of science shows you don't know what you're talking about so no one should ever take you seriously.
>The fact you straight up lied about it being a branch of science shows you don't know what you're talking about so no one should ever take you seriously.
just because academia calls something a "science" doesnt actually make it a science. they consider sociology a "science" too.
You're retarded and don't understand the basic premise of what makes something a science. Nutrition is clearly outside your understanding.
Like you would be doing if you didn't eat fruits and vegetables
Fuck ketos, fuck vegans, I'm just gonna....eat everything that I want! Hahhahahahahaha! I'm just gonna do that! Hahahahahahaha I'm gonna eat lamb with cucumbers and tomatoes and yogurt and pita bread and onions and feta cheese hahahahaha you can't do anything about it but seethe
Science invariably involves two stages
1) creating a hypothesis about why/if something is occuring
2) You then test your hypothesis via an experiment to see if youre heading the correct direction
nutrition epidemiology only involves itself with the first step. it isnt science at all and its almost entirely useless on its own
vast majority of epidemiology hypotheses that are actually put to clinical trials turn out to be utterly incorrect.
youre a fucking midwit who appeals to authority because youre bereft of autonomy
They aren't required, but they are still a good way of getting certain nutrients. If you are getting enough your nutrients from somewhere else then you are fine.
>Like you would be doing if you didn't eat fruits and vegetables
what do you need to supplement anon
i can give you over 10+ micronutrients that cannot be found outside of animal foods
How do you poop?
>No human society in the entirety of recorded history has ever chosen to eat no plants at all.
There is now starting with me.
I'm not a fan of keto. I eat lots of carbs. Just no vegetables.
I've always had normal poops. Great shape and consistency unless I'm sick. Overall there's nothing different between me and any vegetable eater that I know of. My blood work is all really good and I've never had any health complications in my 30 years. But I don't restrict anything in particular from my diet other than vegetables. Fruit is more tolerable but the cellulose texture is disgusting to me. Thinking about that crunch makes me cringe.
(You) aren't a society, nor are any of the other schizos.
You produce nothing, have no cohesion, no land and no control over anything.
longest living populations & best aging people eat them
>is completely retarded but there's nothing in vegetables that you can't get from fruit, which is much better for you. You do need to eat some plants but fruit is actually intended to be eaten whereas vegetables are filled with all sorts of nasty chemicals to prevent them from being eaten.
blah blah blah blah repeating dumb carni grifter shit you heard, yet studies actually prove the opposite vegetables improving health.
>yet studies actually prove the opposite vegetables improving health.
nutritional epidemiology proves nothing
bro you prove nothing you just repeat shit because you don't have a brain.
>Hecking vegetables don't want to be eaten, they can't be eaten,
yet deers and cows don't GIVE A FUCK
animals don't want to be eaten
>muh heckin ancestrol diet with fat and protein and butter
wildgame is lean
These people also drink wine which is literally poisonâ„¢
this is peak strawmanning. just pulling random shit from thin air to argue against.
>I don't know what to repeat to this I'll wait for my favorite carni grifter to speak
you think deer don't have built-in measures to avoid being eaten? are you a legit retard?
>yet deers and cows don't GIVE A FUCK
you do know deers and cows are completely different species to humans and have completely different dietary requirements and completely different digestive systems? e.g. cows are ruminants and ferment the grass with the bacteria in their rumen to convert it into proteins. humans cannot do this
surely you arent this dumb man
>wildgame is lean
elephants, mammoths, bison, etc.
If you don't have a healthy gut your pancreas is going to work in overdrive
>you do know deers and cows are completely different species to humans and have completely different dietary requirements and completely different digestive systems? e.g. cows are ruminants and ferment the grass with the bacteria in their rumen to convert it into proteins. humans cannot do this

that has nothing to do with plant defense chemicals, nor are humans affected by plant defense chemicals, we don't have health issues from eating vegetables unless you have a genetic stomach disorder
>elephants, mammoths, bison,
all those animals are lean, have you ever had bison it's fucking leaner than beef? like wtf retard
>nor are humans affected by plant defense chemicals
oh I get it you're pretending to be retarded for attention
ok bro you're a joke thinking elephants,mammoths & bison are fat like just lmao you fucking retarded
>ok bro you're a joke thinking elephants,mammoths & bison are fat
they have fat you utter faggot. you think there is basically no fat on a 4000kg elephant ? dumby dumb dumb cant think.
the amount of fat you'd eat per year only eating elephant would be equivelent to the amount you'd eat to eating another wild game, which is very little unlike eggs, butter, fatty farm meat, why are you this stupid?
why are you even making the argument about fat? yes, our ancestors ate a decent amount of animal fat from eggs, bone marrow,fat around the organs and the fat on the outside of the animals they hunted. and yes, modern domesticated farm animals a lot fatter than wild animals.
im not really getting your point here
>thinks vegetables are unnatural and shouldn't be eaten, can't post a study to save his life, all studies on vegetables are unanimously positive, doesn't realize high saturated fat is unnatural and most of the food we eat in nature is lean tough chewy protein, thinks elephants and bison were fatty meats, doesn't realize wild eggs are rare not something you can eat 6+ of a day from your fridge, can't respond because he can only repeat his carnivore grifter not think for himself
Meat is bad for the environment and growing veggies is fub
Dietary fibers removes metabolic by-products (toxins), arsenic, cadmium, chromium, lead, and mercury by binding it to your stool.

At the same time it increases gut health which has direct effect on variety of signal (hormone) systems.
>There are nutrients in meat/eggs that you cant find in plants.
I feel like I'm repeating myself here but this kind of shit is why you should never listen to anything people here tell you, especially when it comes to nutrition. What animal is giving you vitamin K? C? You can get some magnesium, manganese, and potassium from meat but you're going to struggle to get enough.

Please, if I'm wrong then show us a cronometer of your average daily diet and we'll see whether or not you're getting everything you need. This would be an easy way to prove me wrong but something tells me you won't do it.

I don't say this in a mean way but the people here are too autistic, literally autistic, to have a full and nuanced opinion of complex topics. They can only understand things by reducing them to black and white simplicity which is why you see guys like this who have rejected all common sense in favor of shit like
I'm surprised that no one has called me a vegan yet because that's the only way these retards can engage with the world: either you're 100% on their side or you're 100% on the opposite side.

You're just another generic fatty on a fad diet. Once you've been on it for a while and realize that you're still fat, you'll move on to the next fad. If it really were such an optimal diet then surely at least ONE society somewhere in the world during the past 6,000 years of recorded history would have figured it out.

You really think that it wasn't until the modern day when some youtube grifter started shilling this diet that humanity finally realized what the optimal diet was? Come on. I know that zoomers are retarded but this is too much even for you.
I'm literally telling people to eat fruit and plants and your response is to call me a "carnivore grifter"? I'm sorry, do carnivores eat fruit? Are you retarded? It's bad enough that I have to deal with carnivore retards left and right without whatever kind of midwit "balanced diet" retard you are coming at me too.

>muh studies
No one asked you about studies you fucking idiot. Tell me ONE micronutrient found in vegetables that can't be found in fruit. Just one, that's all I ask. If you respond to me without including this then I'll consider you to have conceded.
>nor are humans affected by plant defense chemicals
You fucked up now, you scumbag shill. I consider the following to be an educational post in public service:

>Phytic acid has a strong binding affinity to minerals such as calcium, magnesium, iron, copper, and zinc. This results in precipitation, making the minerals unavailable for absorption in the intestines.

>Oxalic acid and oxalates are present in many plants and in significant amounts particularly in rhubarb, tea, spinach, parsley, and purslane. Oxalates bind to calcium, magnesium and iron, preventing their absorption in the human body.
>Oxalate is known to cause mitochondrial dysfunction.
>Most kidney stones, 76%, are composed of calcium oxalate.

>Glucosinolates prevent the uptake of iodine, affecting the function of the thyroid and thus are considered goitrogens. They are found in plants such as broccoli, Brussels sprouts, cabbage, mustard greens, radishes, and cauliflower.
>Foods which have been demonstrated to have goitrogenic effects include onions, cassava, vegetables in the genus Brassica (such as broccoli and cabbage), and other cruciferous vegetables

>A widespread form of antinutrients, the flavonoids, are a group of polyphenolic compounds that include tannins. These compounds chelate metals such as iron and zinc and reduce the absorption of these nutrients, and they also inhibit digestive enzymes and may also precipitate proteins.
Weird how people who eat more veggies live longer then
Yeah cause kidney stones are totally associated with people eating lots of vegetables and not from gorging soda. Fucking retard.
ketoschizos should be shot
God you're all like children. Eat your veggies, you're not smarter than decades of evidence.

>Findings from this meta-analysis provide evidence that high intake of CV was inversely associated with the risk of CRC and colon cancer in humans.

>Our findings support recommendations to increase consumption of vegetables, particularly cruciferous vegetables, and fruit to promote cardiovascular health and overall longevity.

>This prospective study suggests that a higher cruciferous vegetables intake is associated with reduced risk of all-cause mortality.

>Consumption of cruciferous vegetables was associated with a reduced risk of all-cause mortality, cancers, and depression.

>Consumption of specific vegetable types by overweight Latino youth is associated with positive metabolic outcomes, including reduced visceral and liver fat and risk factors for type 2 diabetes, even when consumed in small quantities.
>Eat your veggies
No, and keep your epidemiological trash to yourself
but my favorite fad diet grifter taught me science words
Leaf eaters literally have NO evidence lol
explain it to me like I'm a brainlet
Kek, not at all, unless you enjoy retard science that ignores the actual decrease in colon cancer risk.
You are just a twat who will die young, but that's okay, we get what we deserve.
So, by that logic, exercise science that has been studied far less is all junk because, well, it hasn't been 500+ years of study. But I'm sure the keto diet that has been studied only a few decades will truly show us that no vegetables are needed ever, right?
Some of you are really clinically retarded, aren't you?
>using science words you don't understand to explain another science word
not what I've asked for
So should vegans.
Anyone who claims "you need to eat this to be fit / you don't need to eat that because my e-celeb said it's bad" is a fucking retard and should be culled from existence.

Not to say that they're "required", but there is definitely proof that eating them is good for you. But you learned that in kindergarten, didn't you?

Coping pill poppers will do ANYTHING to avoid eating a vegetal. Hilarious honestly
Now show me the study for people who eat no vegetables but tons of fruit.

>Yeah cause kidney stones are totally associated with people eating lots of vegetables
That is correct. I'm glad you understand.

>We report a case of acute oxalate nephropathy in a 65-year-old woman, temporally associated with the consumption of an oxalate-rich green smoothie juice "cleanse" prepared from juicing oxalate-rich green leafy vegetables

That's cute but I didn't ask you for chemicals found in vegetables but not in fruits; I asked for nutrients. Sulforaphane is not a nutrient. I'll accept your inability to name an actual nutrient as your concession.
>No one asked you about studies you fucking idiot. Tell me ONE micronutrient found in vegetables that can't be found in fruit. Just one, that's all I ask. If you respond to me without including this then I'll consider you to have conceded.

vegetable specific antioxidants, k1, folate, satiation, fiber, good gut bacteria, detoxification of liver, sure you can technically get most things from fruits and meat but doesn't mean vegetables aren't useful, there's literally no reason to avoid them besides some retard grifters opinion, "plant defense chemicals" we don't experience negatives only positives
>posts a fucking case study
Lmao you're the same person shitting on controlled trials with adjusted data spanning thousands of people because it's not "perfect" and then you post a fucking case study. It's just ideology and feelings with you people.
>Now show me the study for people who eat no vegetables but tons of fruit.
No thanks, I dont engage in strawman arguments
>Now show me the study for people who eat no vegetables but tons of fruit.
you can't none of them live long enough
>posting isolated compounds instead of studies whole food matrix like vegetables
> doesn't realize isolated compounds in meat will kill you in excess
>this one thing happened to this one grandma one time so you should never eat vegetables again
holy fuck the stupidity in this thread. people who eat more vegetables live long and are healthier retard. See:
>vegetable specific antioxidants

Found in many common fruits, such as blueberries.

Found in literally everything, but also in mangoes, oranges, etc.

Satiation is a micronutrient? Seriously?

You think fruits don't have fiber? Are you retarded?

You're a joke, don't ever respond to me again.
>vast majority of epidemiology hypotheses that are actually put to clinical trials turn out to be utterly incorrect
Except this is false.
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>20% k1 in blueberries serving
>20% folate in a serving of mangoes
lmao god help your dumbass
A literal toxin kek
Look, the only reason I asked the question in the first place is because I already know the answer. There are no nutrients in vegetables that can't also be found in fruit.

The question was
>Tell me ONE micronutrient found in vegetables that can't be found in fruit.
and your response is
>ohh uh well ok MAYBE fruits do have everything that vegetables do but they have it in lower concentrations, I think???

Are you only eating two servings of fruit a day? Very few foods are going to contain your entire RDA of a given nutrient in a single serving. That's why, you know, you eat more than one serving of food a day. Crazy, right?

I see that you've been reduced to frantic googling and that's pretty sad and pathetic. Zeaxanthin and lutein are neither micronutrients nor are they exclusive to vegetables, being found in grapes, oranges, kiwi, etc. Look, how about the next time you google up some random carotenoid that makes you think
>oh wow i've got it now, this must be found only in vegetables!!!
you do just one more search to check if it's found in fruit also, ok? Spare me the effort of educating you.
Oh, so you're just arguing purely out of emotion and have no factual basis for your position? Thanks for confirming.

>retarded vegans with no rebuttal, just impotent seethe
I accept your concession. Enjoy your kidney stones and thyroid disfunction; I'll be over here eating meat and fruit and living like a god.
>Oh, so you're just arguing purely out of emotion and have no factual basis for your position? Thanks for confirming
You afdin additional premises to mussy the waters is irrelevant to the discussion. Sorry you are so upset nobody took the bait
Adding** muddy*"
backtracking this hard lmao, I didn't actually say anywhere there are no micronutrients you couldn't get from fruits but technically it would be ridiculous to try and get them all from fruits, you said there's no nutrients in vegetables which I proved there are and it's more useful to get them from vegetables. now your dumbasses realizes how unrealistic it is to eat a pound of mangoes and a pound of blueberries just for fucking folate/ k1.
My rebuttal is that case studies aren't quality evidence you fucking cretan.

>In line with our study, the UK Biobank study showed that vegetable intake was not associated with the incidence of kidney stones [5]. However, several studies have indicated that consuming vegetables may reduce the risk of developing kidney stones
Why did no one ever bother to do keto correctly? When I did the reccomendation was still to eat fruits and veggies, you just needed to keep your carb intake below a certain amount. I was eating fat salads with fruit and almost a kilo of cauliflower and celery daily. Learned a lot, was really happy that I never had to wipe because my fibre intake was perfect. Seriously, the keto flu only exists because these idiots thought they didn't have to eat fruits and veggies.
>backtracking this hard lmao
My initial position was that there's no need to eat vegetables because there's nothing in them you can't get from eating fruit. I asked you or anyone else to prove me wrong. You tried really hard for a while
and now you're trying to pretend that you didn't make a fool of yourself?

>you said there's no nutrients in vegetables which I proved there are
What is this kike shit? I said there are no nutrients in vegetables that can't also be found in fruit, you sad soulless shill.

>how unrealistic it is to eat a pound of mangoes and a pound of blueberries just for fucking folate/ k1.
To get all of your vitamin K for the day, you'd need to eat about 360 calories worth of blueberries. That's unrealistic for you?
>he wants to play the study back and forth game
lol ok whatever retard
i can do this all day

>Reduced intake of high-oxalate-containing foods and normal intake of dietary calcium may be a practical method for attenuating CaOx supersaturation and, thus, may limit stone risk in kidney stone-forming individuals.
Vegetables are a good source of vitamins, minerals, and fiber. Technically your body doesn't need any food, just a bunch of macro nutrients. How you get them is up to you.
not a study you baboon, a study requires people. Not mechanistic speculation.
Try again
Yes I think eating 4 cups of blueberries is unrealistic and unbalanced
>eat a fifth of your daily calories of one food
Yes that's eating disorder behavior
How embarrassing for you to have been reduced to this. And you're lying about it too, damn. Couldn't be me. 360 calories of blueberries is 3 cups, not 4. That's one smoothie if you're one of those autists who can't eat food like a normal person.

lmao are you really this stupid

Yeah I'm sure your super serious study from rural Iran (lmao) is much more legit. Your lack of essential nutrients has rotten your brain, my retarded vegan friend.
Then why do so few people eat organ meats?
There are lots of fruits that contain vitamin K, you autistic retard. We're using blueberries as an example for the sake of argument because it's simpler to say
>3 cups of blueberries
rather than saying
>3 cups of assorted kiwi, blackberries, blueberries, figs, and pomegranates
The point is that it's very easy to get all the vitamin K you need entirely from fruit.

When you have to resort to this sort of sad semantic cope, it's a sign that you've lost. Since you don't seem capable of understanding this, I'll be the bigger man and accept your concession.
You can get vitamin C from beef liver. You can also get vitamin C from brain.
K2, the best kind of vitamin K, comes from fermented food. Fermented dairy is a great fermented food source for the squeamish. Fermented meat and fish are great for the adventurous.
You can also eat liver for vitamin K.
>t. more animal based than average but still an omnivore
You can always known when to disregard people because they are the onle ones using anger, mocking and pejoratives in their posts.
But kiwis and oranges cure it and theyre fruits
That's cute. You know that just because some carnivore grifter on youtube told you something, that doesn't make it true, right?

If you ate 2,000 calories of beef liver (good luck with that) then you would get around 20% of your daily vitamin C needs and 30% of your vitamin K needs. You'd also be well on your way to vitamin A toxicity but, unfortunately for you, you'd need to eat another 8,000 calories of liver to reach your vitamin C needs for that day.

Brains are slightly better, in that it would only take you around 1,500 calories of beef brain to hit 100% of your vitamin C needs for the day. Unfortunately, they also contain absolutely no vitamin K and let's see, uhhhhh, 31g of cholesterol along with 5g of trans fat, lmao. Good luck with that one.

Alternatively, you could drink one(1) small glass of orange juice, around 100 calories worth, and get 100% of your vitamin C for the day.
If you present an actual argument then I'll treat you seriously. If you use disingenuous jewish debate tricks then I will absolutely mock and insult you as you deserve. If you want to be treated like a human then the first step is acting like one.

>h-he said a mean word so that means he's automatically wrong and i don't have to actual respond to any of his points
Not how it works, child.
I'm not on keto you unhinged retard. Read the OP. I just hate vegetables.
>"was not"
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>Yeah I'm sure your super serious study from rural Iran (lmao) is much more legit. Your lack of essential nutrients has rotten your brain, my retarded vegan friend.
Yes human outcome data is much more important than what you posted which is literally just speculating on what *might* happen. You could easily shut me up by posting any study spanning a few hundred people who eat more vegetables and had higher rates of kidney stones but we both know that data does not exist because vegetables are good for you.
And you're still 8 on a spiritual level because of it.
Picky eater rationalizer
>That's one smoothie if you're one of those autists who can't eat food like a normal person.
I like blueberries but Im not going to eat a punnet and a half of berries when i can just get the same vitamins from eating another food. That's stupid and entirely unreasonable.
Completely agree, your post has big pp energy
alliums (garlic, onion, shallot, etc) contains unique flavonoids and organosulfuric compounds which are associated to their cardio protective properties. they are also the most anabolic plants, reference the guys bloodwork who did the onion protocol a few years back. keep coping fructose boy
Lmao enjoy salmonella retard
ive eaten a lot of raw meat from my local butchers and never, ever gotten food poisoning
maybe because i dont live in a demonic shithole like america lol
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Carrots are good raw and alone
So are peppers
I also like broccoli raw
Cucumbers are very good
I will also eat tomatoes like apples and grapes
Basically any vegetable you would put in a salad is good raw

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