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/fit/ - Fitness

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Fat people should be banned from public gyms
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post gym fatties
Why are obese women so rude and aggressive? I saw an obese woman bullying a smaller woman at the line at burger king the other day.
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Gluttony is a sin because it leads to lust.
Look at what they did to me.
Dont be a cunt. They're trying. No I'm not fat, I just hate jews is all.
I think that image is funny
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Mad? Good fatty let the anger flow through you. Reply if angry.
jiggle monster
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That sucks bro. You're both fat and a tranny.
I would rape her like the whore she wants to be.
Wrong. Cameras should be banned but fatties are welcome.
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How is it even possible to look like THAT and still be conceited?
50 years of importing 2 million illiterate horny brown men annually
>people filming in gyms should be banned
FTFY. Don't get mad at someone trying to be better. Lil bitch.
some minimum level of emotional dysregulation is required to be a hambeast.
This fat college student is often on my train commute and she always has a scowl on her face. I made eye contact with her once and she looked like she wanted to stab me. Cute /fit/ women usually just smile back. She's not the only one these fatties all seem to be angry these days.

Maybe it's low self esteem making them angsty and bitter at the world.. idk... back when I was a kid fatties were "joyful" happy funny people. Times have changed I guess kek
God help her and everyone else, honestly. We sorely need it
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Nta but you are a faggot. Go back to where you came from
She's not even that fat, she'd be fixed if she ate well for only a couple of months.
>back when I was a kid fatties were "joyful" happy funny people. Times have changed I guess kek
A most excellent take good sir. They just don’t make fatties like they used to. while my classmates were busy listening to Miley Cyrus and Justin Bieber, I was listening to Pink Floyd and the Beatles. Imagine the look on my classmates faces when I showed up to school in a beatles shirt lol they probably didn’t even know who they were
You've got some weird issues anon.
oh wow look at these losers going to the gym it's almost as if they're trying to better themselves who does that
i laughed heartily
take your (You) brah
Caring about society is jewish, fat people should just die
The gym should be a sacred place where no noobs dare tread. You can lose weight by starvation and running laps around your block at night when nobody has to look at you. You can gain starting muscle with some dumbbells at home. The first day you enter the gym you should already basically be at natty limit.
The gym should be minimum season 2 of the anime.
The gym should be MANDATORY for fat people. If you do not live to set an example and help other people you are weak. OP is 100% a FAGGOT
hardcore defense mechanism due to extreme insecurities
Fats should be banned from all spaces used by humans. Until they can climb out of the fatty pit they don't get to eat.

As an experiment, I started hitting
on fat ugly chicks just to see
if they were still fat and insecure.
Turns out now. When you get pretend
"rejected" by a fat gluttonous piece of shit
fat lazy whore of a pathetic excuse for a
female on this earth, it literally warps
your thinking forever.

I've never had a bbw
cook for me, clean for me,
swallow, etc.
Women in general should be banned from gyms.
>blogpost warning
Yesterday i was smashing cardio on two scoops of pre and i have heavy bruxism and i sometimes laugh like a maniac when the happiness hormones kick in after a while of heavy cardio. Some fucking whore with half an ass out of her skin colored shorts took the EXACT machine in front of me and started walking at crippled pace and taking pictures of herself nonstop. It fucked up my happy momment of the day because she looked like the stereotypical bitch who plays the victim if you even look in her general direction. I just wanted to stare at my stupid fucking face on the glass, as i always do.
Your writing style reminds me of a faggot I know
Constant high blood sugar probably fucks up their brains.
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Ugly people always have shitty attitudes
>2x20kg kettlebells
I bet she did "powerlifting" deadlifts 5x5 with them and then rewarded herself with a couple of donuts and chocolate salted caramel cappuccino with heavy cream to fuel herself. Yas queen, you slay (your kidneys and heart).
there are no socially acceptable ways to control female behavior in current year. good looking women naturally control themselves because it helps them secure chad and resources. women who have nothing to lose and have attention to gain (a precious resource to foids) just nuke social spaces for attentionbux
imagine bullying people for just trying to be better. get out of that high school mindset you bunch of faggots it never was cool and it isn't cool now
Ugly outside, ugly inside.
Fat people should go to gyms, cameras and tight clothing should be banned from gyms.
I also think boomers hating their wives has something to do with it. My poor grandmother has dementia and my grandfather has will hit on waitresses one quarter his age in public in front of her. A more cultural example is the boomer obsession with hawk tuah, they thought that shit was like the greatest thing to ever happen.
2011 rage comic throwback
You’re new.
They should be banned from life.
Well, if you know me, give me a call so you can suck my dick
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>How is it even possible to look like THAT and still be conceited?
>idk... back when I was a kid fatties were "joyful" happy funny people. Times have changed I guess kek

They weren't happy but they correctly knew they'd better have SOMETHING positive going for them. But today they have social media bombarding them with how great they are, and they can legit get positive online attention from pajeets and ghetto nogs and 50 year old lowest-class whites. So even fatties don't cultivate a tolerable personality for the times when they're not interacting with online simps,
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they're spoiled for choice.
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saw this fat clown doing steps lol
checks out
uh yeah also checks out
So you got rejected by an ugly chick and you're coping by saying you were just kidding or that's the joke you were making in this post?
I fucking hate being high test sometimes bros.
Banned, no, they arguably need to be there the most.

Heavily encouraged to wear appropriate clothing however, god yes.

There should never be a time when my eyes are violently assaulted like that.
Guys are staring at her, but not for the reason that she thinks.
Being desperate and lonely doesn't mean you have high test you fucking idiot. Do you really think an attraction to those hambeasts indicates a healthy libido?
I'm too focused on hating myself to hate on fatties.
Extreme insecurity levels, theyre constantly seething with jealousy around normal size humans
Poor impulse and emotional regulation
Being fat can literally change a womans hormone composition to produce more testosterone than is normal without reducing estrogen production meaning they get the worst of both worlds aggression of a man with the emotional control of a woman
Never ever happened ever. Was always a TV stereotype. The first "funny fat guy" Curly Howard was a depressed recluse off camera and died of a stroke at a young age. Look it up.
same bro. it's cool most of the time but times like that makes it hard. iykyk, if you're low test you will never know unless you get on gear lol
In awe at the size of this lass
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I agree
>A more cultural example is the boomer obsession with hawk tuah, they thought that shit was like the greatest thing to ever happen.
what the fuck are you talm bout my nigger? Boomers think it's horrible and whorish behaviour
good take
Yeah I'm gonna need her name
>shaming people on a path of improvement.
What the fuck are you doing you fucking retard.
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i would gladly drill a fuck pig OR a muscle mommy
This. I hate seeing all these DYELs at my gym, like what the fuck are they doing there being all skinny DYELs
>hot skinny one nails the landing
>fat one rolling around on the floor
I always kek at the fat monkey's inability to fully bend her sausage fingers.
Were not supposed to take selfies at my gym anymore.
To many faggots posing in the mirror.
big boobs
>> saggy granny tits in her 20s
Why on earth did she think it's a good idea to take off her shirt?
>chocolate salted caramel cappuccino with heavy cream to fuel herself.
This sounds insane. Does this actually exist lol?
What I love is how quickly it fails once the fat one gets on. The small girl can hop on and dance and it doesn't budge, but fattys ass barely touches it and it's fucking timber
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the gym is not a place for whales to lose weight
see the latest kurzgegasgasgasagt video your utter redditor
They get cat called by niggers are the time in public and the ones that arent mudsharks do not enjoy it. Reminds them that theyre not seen as attractive to moure desirable men
You cant 1/2/3/4 at home without an investment
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I've noticed americans are unable to do a proper middle finger, the other fingers are always doing weird shit, which really reduce the impact of the middle finger and makes it look passive agressive instead of actually insulting.
Probably a toxic waste mix of consuming a busload of goyslop, jealousy and envy and fucked up hormones and feeling like shit bcuz of their diet and lack of exercise
I've noticed that Asians and Europeans somehow make flipping the bird look effeminate.
why even wear those pants wtf.
Some insane myspace angle going on in the first shot
how come suddenly everyone here knows this nigger. is this secretly a german site?
first of all, meds
second, it's a big english youtube channel. what's hard for you to comprehend? dumb nigger
>Fat people should be banned from public
yoga pants are a privilege, not a right.
>skinny girl jumps off counter mid fall and lands gracefully
>sow falls in slow motion and squirms like a beetle on it's back
I will enter you.
The original caption was about seeing manchildren ouside playing with a nintendo switch.
She's not doing a midle finger, she's holding an imaginary console.
Thats a mog
Skinny women are for eating out and carry fucking/general manhandling
Chubby women are for absolute mating press slamming choking rough brutal impregnation sex
thats just the truth
It's a YouTube channel that's been popular for several years. The world exists outside of you noticing it, dumbass
Be gentle
I made that up but I am pretty sure some fat bitch has that as her morning coffee which makes me sick.
this might be the most cope I have ever seen in a post
just fat women.
I love soft women
>The world exists outside of you noticing it
I've never been fully convinced if this though, to be honest.
To be fair, I think this is the first time I've seen a woman actually sweat in a gym photo.
The sweat was from her getting up the stairs into the gym
Not all of them are, people just don't talk about the nice ones because they feel guilty but people "love to hate" the obnoxious loud ones who think they're 10s same mentality as to why reality show villains are much more popular than the normal contestants
The one doing steps is a man, you're just gay
Gb2 reddit with your trans furry takes
In America "hawk tuah" is peak boomer humor, only boomers wear her merch
It's for rage bait/engagement farming, everyone wants to be a lolcow these days
Be rough
Be mediocre
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Absolutely fucking disgusting
Its a jewish founded site, few google searches reveal that, which makes its easy to understand how it suddenly became viral
>Lemme make sure you're getting good glute activation
>>Bury face in between her sweaty heaving cheeks
Nigga u gayyyyyy
i don't get it, is she a lesbo?
because she should cut that shit out, as well as lose some weight
You don't like big boobs or what bro?
doesn't count when her gut is bigger than them
she loses all the weight, she'd be left with C cups if she's lucky
>t. big tiddy enjoyer

The next time she pulls this shit, tell her to stop staring it's making you uncomfortable. If she starts barking, raise your voice and say "Why are you being so weird? You're constantly staring at me, I don't even want you looking at me." If she keeps going loudly say "I have a girlfriend" while putting both palms up towards her and then immediately put in your earphones and proceed to ignore her. Report her to the train staff after leaving, or she'll report you.
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This bitch is fucking disgusting especially that second angle.
ngl would plap
Need Oga wife.
no one asked
I don't wait for people to ask me my opinions before giving them like some low T anorexic 12 year old boy body loving pedophile like you
my friend, before you start throwing a tantrum, consider this. if you're horny for fat chicks, you might have T issues yourself.
you do understand that fat chicks are easy to bed right? no one is fighting to get her, there is no competition for fatties. they're easy lays and humiliating when caught.
high T men take on risk, and will go for conventionally hot and young women that every guy wants. no, we aren't talking about underaged girls either here.
i'm not even suggesting you're necessarily low T, but your behavior is certainly indicative of that.
preferring fatties is the equivalent of purposely losing a race because you "like" the participation ribbon better than the pristine gold trophy
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Whatever the /fit/ version of this meme is, you just made it.
Kek this. When's the last time you saw a legitimate high T Chad go for a fatty while sober?
These fatty fetishists love to get uppity, similar enough to all porn addicted cumbrains. Attacking their fetish means you are attacking their very existence, because their entire personality is revolved around gooning to obese pigs. Look how that retard lashed out at you simply because you made a meme "who asked" post.
I accept your concession, dumbass fatty lover.
High T chads create fatties from attractive thin women after sexually dominating them. You wouldn't know anything about that.

Go fuck some children you disgusting pedo
>throwing another tantrum and villainizing dissenting opinions
decidedly low T behavior bro
do better
>High T chads create fatties from attractive thin women after sexually dominating them. You wouldn't know anything about that.
>Source: my ass
NTA but why would you encourage pedophilia of all things? Is that all you think about? Sex? Lay off the porn retard.
I don't know why, but fat people oftentimes act opposite their genders, i.e. fat women are oftentimes rude and bold while fat men are more introverted while the "ideal" would be the opposite with men being bold and aggressive and women being nurturing.
Maybe this isn't cause and effect but effect and cause and the true cause is a problem / imbalance in their heads?

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