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/fit/ - Fitness

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>bro just shave your head
>bro just take a shower
>bro just grow a beard
>bro just go outside and get some sun
>bro just stop giving a fuck, be confident, be tough, the pussy will come crawling to you

Yikes. It looks like Chad's advice was bullshit. I guess not everyone has a chance. Some guys are just screwed. Why do we keep lying to ugly people and telling them they have a chance?
>it's another doomer guy makes 10 threads a day again
You know the guy on the right only looks weird because his bf% is too low for the shape of his head. He would look way better if he gained like 10-20 pounds
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hands off me lucky charms fgt
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paint him blue and call him gym-smurf
You have to try what fits you.
Guarantee he would look better as a bulked up powerlifter on roids instead of lean.
He’s called kekkypow
He has like 4-5 bait threads up rn
Kys kekke
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If you're an ugly manlet you shouldn't try to become a midget bodybuilder gymcel, that's a rookie mistake.
Instead, embrace the DwarfPill. Maximize your fat, muscle, and hairiness attributes. Eat, drink and train like an alcoholic strongman, ingest minoxidil, and never cut or trim your scalp/facial/body hair. Even if you're balding, just grow out a skullet. Let your nose hair merge with your moustache. Allow your bushy eyebrows to combine into one unit. Watch as the cheekline of your beard grows up to your eyeballs, and your neckline connects to your chest hair. You should look like you have tarantulas under your armpits and a rug on your back. Become a pugnacious wrecking ball of a man, solid as an oak stump. Proudly stink of pipe tobacco, ale, sweat, dirt, and musk. Acquire a Glaswegian accent. Go spelunking and collect rocks, minerals, and precious/semiprecious gemstones & metals. Grab an axe, chop down some trees, and build your workshop. Forge your own tools and craft your own jewelry. Get into Armored Combat Sports and MMA. Become skilled with the war hammer and the battle axe. Unlock the Powerbelly, feast, fight, live in a cave, and be happy.

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