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How old were you when you finally realized all other routine programs are memes, and this is what you actually needed all this time?
I'm not a homosexual
That seems like a shit ton of legs
I'll stick with the brosplit
>he added an extra L day
Are we women now all of a sudden? Why do you need a juicy ass bro? For me to squeeze it at night while I cuddle your faggot self? Is that what you want? You're crazy bro
>how to make zero gains
too much lower body volume you moronic fucking imbecile
kek gay take L
For me it's ULarULarR
UL is obvious
ar means active recovery, aka swimming/elliptical/rowing machine only, maybe some light kettlebell work
R is the sacred Rest day
that's 2 days of upper body, 2 days of lower body, 2 days of liss conditioning and a full rest day
can't get any more redpilled than that
For me, it's PPLPPLR, with cardio in the morning on the first push and second pull.
>He follows a routine
>He doesn't just exercise until he can't anymore
Explain yourselves, no different than a 3 day a week full body
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>no different than a 3 day a week full body
>3 legs day = 3 deadlifts days
>3 full body day = 3 deadlift days
Are you retarded or just pretending
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fb for powertards
ppl/brosplits for roidtrannies
upper/lower for normal guys looking for a balanced routine
i thought this have been the norm for decades already
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>upper/lower for normal guys
>going to the gym three days a week just to do legs
>most optimal
fucking idiot
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>the cringe 3 day upper 2 day lower faggot
>the cringe 2 day upper 3 day lower faggot
>the BASED 3 day upper 3 day lower CHAD
This could be anything from a brand new beginners ABABABx to an advanced lifters ABCDEFx. In any case, yeah it can work.
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>This is the ideal make body
>You may not like it, but this is what peak performance looks like
Mine looks like this LowerUpperArmsxFullBodyUpper
I mean I'll do em once a week maybe if I'm trying to do them at all.
I literally start every session with military press or bench.
kek extremely based and underrated edit
Holy zased
how the fuck is your lower body going to recover in just one day THREE TIMES A WEEK???
Nigga do you sleep like 2 hours a day or something?
Unless you are a powertard, a nice 8 hours of sleep every night is enough for recovery
Unless you’re a powertard there’s no reason to train legs more than once a week max
This is the objectively correct routine if you're not a roidtranny, powershart, or young student/NEET with tons of free time to do PPL.
Frank Zane actually dropped that for ULxULxx. You can get away with ULULULx as a beginner. And then you have to use heavier weight to actually keep growing and it doesn't work.
ALx PPxx is better. Lets face it, arms get their own day and everything else will get more than enough once a week. You need at least 3 rest days per week for max results.
you've never lifted before
I like to split men too
I prefer high frequency, low daily workout volume splits.


Then repeat with variants on the movements and a hypertrophy/pump day on final arm day as a reward
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>>Not going for the most optimized ULULUAx split, with A as dedicated arms day
Shoulders & arms*
>50% of time allocated to lower body
yeah thanks but i'll pass. i want to look aestethic, i want slim waist and athletic legs and a v-taper. i want to look like a dorito, not like a fridge. i dont want to be built like a deck of cards like dale. its literally that simple.

kinobody / jeff said have the perfect proportions. training legs is bait.

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