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I've got (undiagnosed) ADHD.
I'm in college and finishing it off with a 4.25 GPA so I've been able to manage the ADHD but it's getting harder and I'm terrified for when I go to UNI.
I've heard on this board that adderall is really bad for you so what do I do?
Obviously I would prefer to avoid pills (or even going to a doctor) but "self-discipline" is starting to seem like not enough to deal with this.
>muh ADHD
>muh shitty GPA
>muh useless college
Fuck off normie. Post something on topic next time
Are you a bong? Because college in bongland is american high school

College in america means Uni in bongland

Also are you 18?
I'm 33 going to college after working in construction for all of my 20's.
Oh nvm
Just get adhd meds man
Literally just keep doing what you're doing. A 4.0 is a perfect score and you got a 4.25 bro. Your methods far exceed anything the meds can do or anything I could give you for advice
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>i have the disease that was coincidentally invented alongside its cure a few years ago at a school owned by a pharmacy company
>4.25 GPA
Lol good luck kid, that's basically a 1.0gpa I'm uni
Look, I'm an HSP on top of having ADHD, and I'll tell you this: there's no method or regimen, no self-discipline training per se, no behavioral modification, no dumbing down or numbing strategy (that's what meds will get you, physiologically). Nothing. All of that will just burn you out, as it seems it's already occurring for you. We need an adequate outlet for our frenetic mental energy output. What you do need to train is the ability to stick with a task whenever your anticipation of its development is telling you to switch for another one in hopes that it is more immediatelly satisfying. Yesterday I picked up a manual where I left it many months prior, and although I was convinced that I was interested in the subject and that I needed to read it, during the first half hour I was literally falling asleep while trying to do so. But I stuck with it for a little longer. Next thing you know, I was devouring it almost with hypoerfocus-level attention. Same thing today with doing kickboxing rounds on the bag. As soon as I put the gloves on and face the bag, I couldn't concentrate, was yawning like crazy, dozing off like crazy. But I stuck with it and got some great training out of it. So just keep at it without being too hard on yourself or getting too frustrated. Your brain needs readily available stimuli, the cheaper the better, but if you can learn to convince it you have it right in front of you, you'll hyperfocus the fuck out of anything.
Fake news, you can't get over 4.0 GPA.
I dont know where you are from but 4.33 GPA is a perfect all A+ on every class.
I've been mostly A+ in my classes with the exception of a couple of A's and an A-
great fitness question anon
Its Mental Fitness anon, something you are lacking.
Sorry I might have accidentally bumped one of the dozen gay porn threads into the archive.
Interesting, in my uni "A" is the max score with 4.0
I was diagnosed with adhd and started vaynse in my early 30s and honestly ADHD isn't even real. You just have to learn to focus.
>I've heard on this board that adderall is really bad for you so what do I do?
>I've heard on this board

> actually asking an ADHD question to a bunch of alt right schizo incel braindead retards who literally disregard science and especially psychiatry
100% NGMI award

Even if you didnt have ADHD you are too fucking dumb to ever make it

> Obviously I would prefer to avoid pills
There's nothing obvious about turning down treatment THAT FUCKING WORKS when it's confirmed that nothing else does.
Great advice.
Dyslexia, adhd, hdmi, anxiety and the other internet words are not real conditions. They are crutches for lazy, spoiled women and sissymen to lay on an explain their inability to put effort into anything.
Most of these idiots dont understand ADHD and just parrot podcast talking points from broscientists.

Stims will help, then when you learn to function without them (you will) you can jump off because being on them long term is shit.

Stims provide the stimulus for your brain to improve its dopamenergic system which is currently disordered. The idea is the brain has an opportunity cost for being interested, in a disordered brain the lack of normal levels of dopamine causes the brain to be very frugal and picky with what it gives its attention to. So in a disordered brain you're more likely to wander and look elsewhere when things exceed the opportunity cost of attention.

On stims the opportunity cost is taken out of the equation, this helps restore balance away from being frugal. Once this is performed stims are no longer needed and your new dopamenergic system (and your attention) can function closer to normal levels.

If you dont believe me then you can go ahead and look up brain imagery on ADHD vs normal brains. ADHD brains show depressed excitation in regions of the brain associated with reward/motivation/attention
ADHD doesnt exist, its chronic inflammazion of brain and body causing you to overstimulate your sensory input because your chronic inflammation anf uneasiness
Just like autists dissasociate themselves from their bodies and minds, so do adhd people overstimulate themselves. Different end results but same cause, inflammation
Most if not all symptoms of chronic inflammation can be fixed with fixing diet
Google "omega 3 adhd", "lions mane adhd", "chaga adhd", "vitamin D3 adhd", "magnesium adhd"
I could go on and on about what you need to google

Again, cause is shit food, go paleo diet and see how you become normal
Dont trust me? Try it out for a week out of spite
Btw, just to note, I cure my autism and am in process of curing my GFs ADHD
shut the fuck up, you don't have a degree on psychiatry or chemistry so shut your mouth
you don't cure autism you braindead brown piece of shit, it's not a disease
>I have a made up diagnosis for a made up condition
Checks out

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