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I left the gym a bit ago. As I was walking out a young woman perhaps around 18-20 was coming in. I held the door open for an extra second or two for her as is a standard polite thing to do. She completely ignored me and didn't say a word. I reflected on it and realized this has happened to me a couple times before. It caused a great deal of rage in me, and not any kind of "incel" rage. I'm getting wed to a much more attractive woman who is dying to have my babies very soon. It was more of a primal rage at the lack of decency. It seems as though young women think it's perfectly acceptable to be incredibly rude and dismissive of strangers who are acting basically cordial with them. If this is how I can expect them to behave, I think the next time I see a young woman walking into the gym at the same time as me I'm going to make sure the door is fully shut before she is able to enter, without acknowledging her once.

Anyone else have a similar experience? What causes this incredible lack of decorum? It's not like she was just black and had hoodrat tendencies either.
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zoomer kids have no social skills. they cant look people in the eyes when talking so she's probably just tarded
you can usually pick up at a glance who's a bitch and who's another human being, just treat them accordingly. with women it's incredibly easy because you can use your superior size and physicality to just cut in front of them at will. with men, well the vast majority of men intuitively grasp basic human interaction & cooperation so it's very rarely an issue
>you can usually pick up at a glance who's a bitch
How can you tell
Educate a brokie like me
Brother, it's a door. Don't be so insecure that you need validation for such a microscopic "nice" gesture as holding a door open. If you can't contain your sperg rage, just stop holding them open.
>it's a respect thing
It's a (You) thing, this is your wakeup call. Go in peace.
Didn't want you get any ideas, you probably look the type who uses inane pleasantries to try rope someone into a conversation they don't want to have.
I hate small talk. But basic human decency and politeness is a basic expectation of anyone with basic mental faculties. It is unacceptable to actively ignore those who perform basic niceties for you in society regardless of how small. If someone holds a door open for you, you say "thanks" or even just smile and nod. This has never been a problem with any man to my memory or even most women except for young ones. If you cannot act acceptably in society you should be treated like shit, unironically. Maybe I just had an overly traditional family for the nuzoomer mindset.
When I hold doors open or interact in any way with women, they generally smile and say thank you. I'm pretty sure it's just because I'm tall. Women are basic animals.
Too bad peespots. It's not compulsory and it wouldn't be "nice" if it was.
you just know when you look at their faces and eyes, is there a radiance there? or is she radiating misery?
for starters, if someone refuses to make eye contact at all. it's not an ego thing that you have to give me attention or whatever, making eye contact is how you non-verbally communicate with other people in situations where two strangers have to coordinate on something. it puts both of you on the same page. if they don't play, you don't owe to them any accommodation whatsoever as you have no information to go off.
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Women lower their head and make way when I walk by. Sometimes they will say


in a very quiet voice, almost unhearable. Being huge and ugly has its advantages.
>you will never defend the last white outpost against a thousand slavoids with her
hoeflation bro.
on the other hand, maybe she’s very awkward/shy/autistic and just didnt know how to act. i sometimes inadvertently do the same and being rude is the last thing i wanna do. first thing i wanna do is kms
We live in a gynocentric society, so any man is either ted bundy or homer simpson.
>I reflected on it and realized this has happened to me a couple times before. It caused a great deal of rage in me, and not any kind of "incel" rage.
It happens. If you don't hold the door for someone you're the asshole, if they don't acknowledge it they are: Prisoner's Dilemma.

There's a limit though, if someone has to speed up it's too far to hold it.
That shit happens to me all the time it really pisses me off.. i think some people are just dicks
They think its you trying to engineer an "in" to start talking to them and chatting them up.
>needs a headpat for holding a fucking door
Do you want to be called a good boy for not cutting in line? Do you get a sticker when you shit in the toilet instead of your pants?
I've noticed it's a problem with younger people in general. I regularly go for a walk in a forest park near where I live, and this entire summer I've noticed that almost everyone my age and above would say a "good morning" or whatever, but only a few young white men and zero young women or non-white men would return a greeting. I know I am a hideous old manlet, but that's no excuse for not extending general courtesy. Little things like this can just make the world a nicer or shitter place to live. Sad.
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For me, its Lisa Vittozzi
There's a tight staircase leading to the second floor of my gym. It's interesting seeing who waits for people coming up vs who tries to just push past. I usually wait, but today I had 3 people coming up I was waiting for- some couple (both ignored me) then a guy who came a second after them who was really friendly and said thanks.
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>but only a few young white men and zero young women or non-white men would return a greeting.
Pretty funny how you think you're the socially well adjusted one between you and OP but you're a blatant autismo lmfao. Like a closet faggot trying to prove how much he loves women.
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Imagine caring about worthless platitudes so much that you turn into a seething cuck when someone doesn't play your social game, to the point that you unironically have to vent about it anonymously.
She thought you were hitting on her
You had the primitive "muh respect" reaction because men are super sensitive to respect

In the end, you don't realize you are just ugly guy. If you were more handsome she wouldnt have an issue flirting with you

I suggest you focus on your wife and family and start ignoring other women, dont seek out their validation or respect, you dont need it
You should open doors for people because that’s the kind of man you are not so you can offset your self esteem to others. Calm down cry baby
Seething. Women are really keen on spotting people who try to manipulate with social niceties because they do it themselves every day.
I was hiking in rural Norway male or female everybody was very friendly greeted me back, it’s like „I am not dangerous I know we are in the middle of nowhere“. Being back home even when I see a group of hikers (not that rural) normally I only greet dudes or older folks, woman either get lots of shit or are just plain rude.

It’s like playing hardcore wow, when you are in a dangerous situation suddenly everybody gladly helps and communitcates with you.
Based ogre-sama
Rape correction needed.
More women have a big ugly bastard fetish than you would think.
Found the bitchy woman. Society created these small polite gestures for a reason. That is because around 10-20% of the population are completely unhinged and barely keeping a lid on their violent tendencies. People in bum-fuck no where tend to be very polite as getting away with murder in a town of 3000 is easy so you better try to keep on everyone's good side. City-folk tend to not understand this.
>It seems as though young women think it's perfectly acceptable to be incredibly rude and dismissive of strangers who are acting basically cordial with them
This problem is not unique to women. People in general are becoming less civil and more narcissistic.
>It's not like she was just black and had hoodrat tendencies either.
Plenty of white people have hoodrat tendencies these days. Not long ago there was a white kid iny gym who smelled strongly of weed and was blasting rap music on his phone in the locker room. It's the kind of shit that a person with basic common courtesy would never dream of doing.
Uncivilized retard detected. It takes almost zero effort to be courteous with other people on public, but if everyone does it, society improves by an entire magnitude. Your attitude is the same attitude of people who don't put their shopping carts away.
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I hold doors open for women all the time, and 95% of them say thank you, some of them even give me a smile too.
I'm tall and good looking though so maybe that helps.
>You had the primitive "muh respect" reaction because men are super sensitive to respect
And? Not him, but the lack of respect that women show men nowadays is an actual problem. It's a downstream effect of feminism and it causes a huge rift between men and women, even in the context of a committed relationship.
>Women are social geniuses
Delusional. The real reason women do this is because:
1. Women don't respect men nowadays. Say what you want about that, but it's an observable fact.
2. Women are scared of their own shadows because they go out in public half-naked without a male relative to protect them and then they get unwanted male attention (surprise, surprise).
What feminists describe as "rape culture" is in large part the result of women flaunting themselves constantly and putting themselves into dangerous situations like drinking alone in a bar. There is no social cohesion anymore, so dropping your guard around strangers is insanely retarded.
>People in bum-fuck no where tend to be very polite as getting away with murder in a town of 3000 is easy so you better try to keep on everyone's good side.
Kek, wouldn't it be the opposite? Since there are fewer people, there's less baseline anonymity.
Honestly when I'm walking around I just imagine other people don't exist, I shoulder check people on the bus and never keep the doors open for anyone except the old ladies.
You don't have to be smart to manipulate people or even have to be consciously aware you're doing it. Most it is just learned behavior and conditioning.
OP is obviously not trying to get into these girls' pants since he already has a woman, so your theory doesn't make sense. Even if they're masters at reading social cues, there was no intention behind the door-holding for them to pick up on in the first place. Unless you think the entire OP story is fabricated (certainly possible).
You would think that until you get into the niitty gritty of law enforcement work and the legal processes. It isn't a murder case if there is no body or physical signs of murder. Just a missing person case for a year and by the time they are declared dead it is a cold case that will never be investigated. Everyone in town knows who probably did it, but if there isn't evidence well the law can't do anything. There is also a max of 10-20 officers in town and no dedicated forensic team or investigators. The local bureau of investigation won't be down for at least a week. I have literally been poisoned, gone to the hospital with poison in me, they tested my blood and found the poison, and then I told them who did it and the law still did nothing about it. Law enforcement is garbage out in the sticks. You just gotta handle stuff yourself.
Lol subsonic .22
Also in a city there are cameras in just about every direction. They can track your movement anywhere.
I think some combination of they felt his gaze way before they got to the door or he sped up to get the door for them or some awkward circumstance is being omitted. Or it's in some place where social graces have disappeared so long ago (the coasts) where reintroducing them seems false, weird, unfamiliar to younger generations. Either way I wouldn't pause to think about it. People don't thank bus drivers here either and I don't see them ranting about it.
Women will fall all over themselves for flattery or percieved attention. Even attention from people they aren't interested in. Having some weirdo creep on them and then complaining about it to other people is their second favorite form of attention/flattery. They live for that shit.
or tyrone biggums
man.. i'd rather be a hung ogre than some twink
I say "thank you" and " 'preciate it" reflexively. Close friends, servers, strangers, family, even blacks. Doesn't matter. I even say it if I don't mean it. I also say ma'am and sir to basically everyone all the time except homeless and zoomies. I will never say sir to a homeless or zoomer.
as some one who lived in deep south mountain town of 2000, its not the getting caught, its that everyone has like 12 guns. very few robberies and most leave car doors unlocked. people know not to fuck around down there
As a true connoisseur of hating jeets, I don't see what about my post made you respond thusly. Explain.
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>deep south
>mountain town
>and not any kind of "incel" rage.
the fact that you needed to say that is the problem. This culture is gone.
> What causes this incredible lack of decorum?
Lack of consequences; and similarly lack of rewards. It has become acceptable to shit on strangers, and youre a sucker if youre nice. This goes far beyond holding doors open; cuntish behavior is being rewarded & good people are being culled.
I've seen people do this SARR thing to posts that have literally nothing to do with pajeets. It's either some retard who doesn't understand the meme or a broken bot.
She didn't suck you off? What a whore. Incel.
The next girl is not responsible for the actions of the first.
Dont be a meanie.
If this is a cause for distress, just stop giving it that much thought.
Its same as hating every single black dude just because some nignog stole something. Its not very smart long-term.
>even blacks
same but just because I know not saying “thanks” to an open door is enough to trigger their rage and possibly cause a chimp out
It's not incel rage, it's that women are no longer pleasant for 90% of them and think it's offensive if a man does something nice for them and they instinctively go into cunt mode.
I still hold doors open for people, but if they don't say thank you, I just say "You're welcome!" to them and make them uncomfortable even more. It's the sort of thing my dad would do, so therefore, I'll do it in hopes maybe one retard will actually appreciate a kind gesture.
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I love it when I do little things like that for random women and they smile at me and say thank you.
It makes me feel good.
I also just went for a walk and passed by a group of 3 big titty milfs all dressed up to go out and headed the opposite direction on the same path and I could see them eyeing me up.
i kneel
I suspect the jeets themselves are doing it as a way to water-down the absolutely brutal and ongoing public-image annihilation and memeing they have been facing the last few years.
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>It caused a great deal of rage in me
you autistic retard. if she was as young as she said she likely doesnt have the capacity to properly respond to these situations and felt awkward anyway. if you're doing proper deeds to people not because of doing good to someone but because you want appreciation and indebtedness know that you're the most disgusting self righteous unconscious base creature redditor who should isolate himself for the good of humanity instead of trying to socialise and spread these brainlet thoughts out there online.
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this is some crazy incel rage
Yes that worked really well for niggers and “nigga”
The correct move on the slur-front is that white people have to take the word "wigger" and start using it for blacks who act white rather than the opposite. Checkmate blacks.
For example, Darius Rucker = Wigger.
The whole nigga/nigger thing is so funny. I had a mixed roommate in college who I would watch stupid internet clips and memes with. He would constantly mock me for being white ("white guys can't dance" and shit like that) but then when I directly quoted an internet video where a guy used the word "nigga" he got all bent out of shape about it. It's like black people pathologically make it impossible for you to like them if you're white.
You have to give it to the southerners though (or whoever you want to attribute it to) for making that slur what it is today.

They basically made an actual magic spell. You speak that one magic-word and it creates an immediate visceral response. Some are palyzed by it. Some are made rabid. It is the closest thing mankind has to an actual magic spell.

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