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/fit/ - Fitness

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It's weird to think u need to eat muscles to gain muscles
Not even a vegan opinion, I just finished a 20oz ribeye. Fucking delicious
Lay off the weed dude
If you want a stronger heart, I dont even want to tell you what you have to eat. Same goes for brains.
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>biggest and strongest animals are all getting big from plant protein.

If you need to eat muscle to grow muscle, when was first muscle
>It's weird to think u need to eat muscles to gain muscles
It's weird to think that you need to absorb all the minerals, nutrients, and proteins that make up muscle to make muscle? Animal muscle is made up of 99.9% of the same shit your muscles are made out of. If you want to make muscle you need all the stuff muscle is made out of.
Like promotes like. Want a stronger heart? Eat heart. Want to be smarter and improve your eyesight? Eat brain. Want to improve your digestion? Eat tripe and intestines. Want higher test? Eat testicles.
You eat muscles bevause You need (jaw)muscles to eat muscles to gain muscles
What is this apocalypto voodoo shaman bullshit?
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Try it. It's not a joke. It literally works. I healed my damaged gut in large part by consuming dessicated beef intestines and tripe. My vision and mind are sharper when I eat veal brain.
Ah yes, now eat the heart of the jaguar for his courage, and eat the eyes of the eagle for his vision. This will make you a powerful warrior, Squanto, and many moons will pass before you fall.
Consider this: our ancestors ate nose-to-tail up until less than 100 years ago; they didn't waste a single part of the animal. Nowadays we eat only muscle meat, and our health is suffering for it. How many /fit/izens take collagen supplements? That's only necessary because they don't eat the connective tissue, which results in massive methionine/glycine imbalance. And that's just one example. How many unidentified nutrients are there in other organs?

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